Mark Tompsett b140c4b2fd Bug 14144: Silence warnings t/db_dependent/Auth_with_ldap.t
Revisiting this bug, I noticed that C4::Context->config() was mocked
poorly. I expanded the mock function a little and have quieted the
test which seemed to be working in a broken manner before.

1) prove t/db_dependend/Auth_with_ldap.t
   -- shibboleth noise
2) apply this patch
3) prove t/db_dependend/Auth_with_ldap.t
   -- no noise
4) run koha qa test tools

Signed-off-by: Hector Castro <hector.hecaxmmx@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
2016-04-29 12:40:16 +00:00

436 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::MockObject;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Test::Warn;
use C4::Context;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Start transaction
$dbh->{ AutoCommit } = 0;
$dbh->{ RaiseError } = 1;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
# Variables controlling LDAP server config
my $update = 0;
my $replicate = 0;
my $auth_by_bind = 1;
my $anonymous_bind = 1;
# Variables controlling LDAP behaviour
my $desired_authentication_result = 'success';
my $desired_connection_result = 'error';
my $desired_bind_result = 'error';
my $desired_compare_result = 'error';
my $desired_search_result = 'error';
my $desired_count_result = 1;
my $non_anonymous_bind_result = 'error';
my $ret;
# Mock the context module
my $context = new Test::MockModule( 'C4::Context' );
$context->mock( 'config', \&mockedC4Config );
# Mock the Net::LDAP module
my $ldap = new Test::MockModule( 'Net::LDAP' );
$ldap->mock( 'new', sub {
if ( $desired_connection_result eq 'error' ) {
# We were asked to fail the LDAP conexion
} else {
# Return a mocked Net::LDAP object (Test::MockObject)
return mock_net_ldap();
my $categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category' })->{ categorycode };
my $branchcode = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{ branchcode };
my $attrType = $builder->build({
source => 'BorrowerAttributeType',
value => {
category_code => $categorycode
my $borrower = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
userid => 'hola',
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => $categorycode
source => 'BorrowerAttribute',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borrower->{borrowernumber},
code => $attrType->{code},
attribute => 'FOO'
# C4::Auth_with_ldap needs several stuff set first ^^^
use_ok( 'C4::Auth_with_ldap' );
can_ok( 'C4::Auth_with_ldap', qw/
search_method /);
subtest "checkpw_ldap tests" => sub {
plan tests => 4;
## Connection fail tests
$desired_connection_result = 'error';
warning_is { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap( $dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
"LDAP connexion failed",
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP conexion fails";
is( $ret, 0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 if LDAP conexion fails");
## Connection success tests
$desired_connection_result = 'success';
subtest "auth_by_bind = 1 tests" => sub {
plan tests => 8;
$auth_by_bind = 1;
$desired_authentication_result = 'success';
$anonymous_bind = 1;
$desired_bind_result = 'error';
$desired_search_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/Anonymous LDAP bind failed: LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP anonymous bind fails";
is( $ret, 0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 if LDAP anonymous bind fails");
$desired_authentication_result = 'success';
$anonymous_bind = 1;
$desired_bind_result = 'success';
$desired_search_result = 'success';
$desired_count_result = 1;
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'success';
$update = 1;
my $auth = new Test::MockModule('C4::Auth_with_ldap');
$auth->mock( 'update_local', sub {
return $borrower->{cardnumber};
C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap( $dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey');
ok(@{ C4::Members::Attributes::GetBorrowerAttributes($borrower->{borrowernumber}) }, 'Extended attributes are not deleted');
$update = 0;
$desired_count_result = 0; # user auth problem
is ( C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap( $dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ),
0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 if user lookup returns 0");
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP bind failed as kohauser hola: LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, -1, "checkpw_ldap returns -1 LDAP bind fails for user (Bug 8148)");
# regression tests for bug 12831
$desired_authentication_result = 'error';
$anonymous_bind = 0;
$desired_bind_result = 'error';
$desired_search_result = 'success';
$desired_count_result = 0; # user auth problem
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP bind failed as kohauser hola: LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, 0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 LDAP bind fails for user (Bug 12831)");
subtest "auth_by_bind = 0 tests" => sub {
plan tests => 8;
$auth_by_bind = 0;
# Anonymous bind
$anonymous_bind = 1;
$desired_bind_result = 'error';
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP bind failed as ldapuser cn=Manager,dc=metavore,dc=com: LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, 0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 if bind fails");
$anonymous_bind = 1;
$desired_bind_result = 'success';
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'success';
$desired_compare_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP Auth rejected : invalid password for user 'hola'. LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, -1, "checkpw_ldap returns -1 if bind fails (Bug 8148)");
# Non-anonymous bind
$anonymous_bind = 0;
$desired_bind_result = 'success';
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'error';
$desired_compare_result = 'dont care';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP bind failed as ldapuser cn=Manager,dc=metavore,dc=com: LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, 0, "checkpw_ldap returns 0 if bind fails");
$anonymous_bind = 0;
$desired_bind_result = 'success';
$non_anonymous_bind_result = 'success';
$desired_compare_result = 'error';
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::checkpw_ldap(
$dbh, 'hola', password => 'hey' ) }
qr/LDAP Auth rejected : invalid password for user 'hola'. LDAP error #1: error_name/,
"checkpw_ldap prints correct warning if LDAP bind fails";
is ( $ret, -1, "checkpw_ldap returns -1 if bind fails (Bug 8148)");
subtest "search_method tests" => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $ldap = mock_net_ldap();
# Null params tests
is( C4::Auth_with_ldap::search_method( $ldap, undef), undef,
"search_method returns undef on undefined userid");
is( C4::Auth_with_ldap::search_method( undef, "undef"), undef,
"search_method returns undef on undefined ldap object");
# search ->code and !->code
$desired_search_result = 'error';
eval { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::search_method( $ldap, "undef"); };
like( $@, qr/LDAP search failed to return object : 1/,
"search_method prints correct warning when db->search returns error code");
$desired_search_result = 'success';
$desired_count_result = 2;
warning_like { $ret = C4::Auth_with_ldap::search_method( $ldap, '123') }
qr/^LDAP Auth rejected \: \(uid\=123\) gets 2 hits/,
"search_method prints correct warning when hits count is not 1";
is( $ret, 0, "search_method returns 0 when hits count is not 1" );
# Function that mocks the call to C4::Context->config(param)
sub mockedC4Config {
my $class = shift;
my $param = shift;
if ($param eq 'useshibboleth') {
return 0;
elsif ($param eq 'ldapserver') {
my %ldap_mapping = (
firstname => { is => 'givenname' },
surname => { is => 'sn' },
address => { is => 'postaladdress' },
city => { is => 'l' },
zipcode => { is => 'postalcode' },
branchcode => { is => 'branch' },
userid => { is => 'uid' },
password => { is => 'userpassword' },
email => { is => 'mail' },
categorycode => { is => 'employeetype' },
phone => { is => 'telephonenumber' }
my %ldap_config = (
anonymous_bind => $anonymous_bind,
auth_by_bind => $auth_by_bind,
base => 'dc=metavore,dc=com',
hostname => 'localhost',
mapping => \%ldap_mapping,
pass => 'metavore',
principal_name => '%s@my_domain.com',
replicate => $replicate,
update => $update,
user => 'cn=Manager,dc=metavore,dc=com'
return \%ldap_config;
elsif ($param =~ /(intranetdir|opachtdocs|intrahtdocs)/ ) {
return '';
elsif (ref $class eq 'HASH') {
return $class->{$param};
else {
# Function that mocks the call to Net::LDAP
sub mock_net_ldap {
my $mocked_ldap = Test::MockObject->new();
$mocked_ldap->mock( 'bind', sub {
my @args = @_;
my $mocked_message;
if ( $#args > 1 ) {
# Args passed => non-anonymous bind
if ( $non_anonymous_bind_result eq 'error' ) {
return mock_net_ldap_message(1,1,'error_name','error_text');
} else {
return mock_net_ldap_message(0,0,'','');
} else {
$mocked_message = mock_net_ldap_message(
($desired_bind_result eq 'error' ) ? 1 : 0, # code
($desired_bind_result eq 'error' ) ? 1 : 0, # error
($desired_bind_result eq 'error' ) ? 'error_name' : 0, # error_name
($desired_bind_result eq 'error' ) ? 'error_text' : 0 # error_text
return $mocked_message;
$mocked_ldap->mock( 'compare', sub {
my $mocked_message;
if ( $desired_compare_result eq 'error' ) {
$mocked_message = mock_net_ldap_message(1,1,'error_name','error_text');
} else {
# we expect return code 6 for success
$mocked_message = mock_net_ldap_message(6,0,'','');
return $mocked_message;
$mocked_ldap->mock( 'search', sub {
return mock_net_ldap_search(
( $desired_count_result ) # count
? $desired_count_result
: 1, # default to 1
( $desired_search_result eq 'error' ) # code
? 1
: 0, # 0 == success
( $desired_search_result eq 'error' ) # error
? 1
: 0,
( $desired_search_result eq 'error' ) # error_text
? 'error_text'
: undef,
( $desired_search_result eq 'error' ) # error_name
? 'error_name'
: undef,
mock_net_ldap_entry( 'sampledn', 1 ) # shift_entry
return $mocked_ldap;
sub mock_net_ldap_search {
my ( $count, $code, $error, $error_text,
$error_name, $shift_entry ) = @_;
my $mocked_search = Test::MockObject->new();
$mocked_search->mock( 'count', sub { return $count; } );
$mocked_search->mock( 'code', sub { return $code; } );
$mocked_search->mock( 'error', sub { return $error; } );
$mocked_search->mock( 'error_name', sub { return $error_name; } );
$mocked_search->mock( 'error_text', sub { return $error_text; } );
$mocked_search->mock( 'shift_entry', sub { return $shift_entry; } );
return $mocked_search;
sub mock_net_ldap_message {
my ( $code, $error, $error_name, $error_text ) = @_;
my $mocked_message = Test::MockObject->new();
$mocked_message->mock( 'code', sub { $code } );
$mocked_message->mock( 'error', sub { $error } );
$mocked_message->mock( 'error_name', sub { $error_name } );
$mocked_message->mock( 'error_text', sub { $error_text } );
return $mocked_message;
sub mock_net_ldap_entry {
my ( $dn, $exists ) = @_;
my $mocked_entry = Test::MockObject->new();
$mocked_entry->mock( 'dn', sub { return $dn; } );
$mocked_entry->mock( 'exists', sub { return $exists } );
return $mocked_entry;
# TODO: Once we remove the global variables in C4::Auth_with_ldap
# we shouldn't need this...
# ... Horrible hack
sub reload_ldap_module {
delete $INC{'C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm'};
require C4::Auth_with_ldap;