Joe Atzberger (siptest 72583589ca Allow SIP checkout to pre-empt unfilled holds.
This affects transactions on items that may be covered by
a title or item-level hold, but have not yet been retrieved
from the stacks (i.e. "confirmed") by the librarian. This does
not affect waiting holds (found="W"), so they will still block
transaction unless they belong to the operating patron.

Also I cleanup any hold the patron has on a biblio/item when
they are allowed to checkout the item.
Here we are filling the hold because the checkout is allowed, regardless
of of the queue position.  This is different from AddIssue's CancelReserve, that
only fills the hold if it is next in line, but in the future AddIssue should
adopt a similar logic.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2008-11-04 14:40:38 -06:00

282 lines
7.4 KiB

# ILS::Item.pm
# A Class for hiding the ILS's concept of the item from the OpenSIP
# system
package ILS::Item;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
use ILS::Transaction;
use C4::Debug;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Reserves;
$VERSION = 2.10;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
=head2 EXAMPLE
our %item_db = (
'1565921879' => {
title => "Perl 5 desktop reference",
id => '1565921879',
sip_media_type => '001',
magnetic_media => 0,
hold_queue => [],
'0440242746' => {
title => "The deep blue alibi",
id => '0440242746',
sip_media_type => '001',
magnetic_media => 0,
hold_queue => [
itemnumber => '823',
priority => '1',
reservenotes => undef,
constrainttype => 'a',
reservedate => '2008-10-09',
found => undef,
rtimestamp => '2008-10-09 11:15:06',
biblionumber => '406',
borrowernumber => '756',
branchcode => 'CPL'
'660' => {
title => "Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego",
id => '660',
sip_media_type => '001',
magnetic_media => 0,
hold_queue => [],
sub priority_sort {
defined $a->{priority} or return -1;
defined $b->{priority} or return 1;
return $a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority};
sub new {
my ($class, $item_id) = @_;
my $type = ref($class) || $class;
my $self;
my $itemnumber = GetItemnumberFromBarcode($item_id);
my $item = GetBiblioFromItemNumber($itemnumber);
if (! $item) {
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "new ILS::Item('%s'): not found", $item_id);
warn "new ILS::Item($item_id) : No item '$item_id'.";
return undef;
$item->{itemnumber} = $itemnumber;
$item->{'id'} = $item->{'barcode'};
# check if its on issue and if so get the borrower
my $issue = GetItemIssue($item->{'itemnumber'});
my $borrower = GetMember($issue->{'borrowernumber'},'borrowernumber');
$item->{patron} = $borrower->{'cardnumber'};
my @reserves = (@{ GetReservesFromBiblionumber($item->{biblionumber}) });
$item->{hold_queue} = [ sort priority_sort @reserves ];
$item->{hold_shelf} = [( grep { defined $_->{found} and $_->{found} eq 'W' } @{$item->{hold_queue}} )];
$item->{pending_queue} = [( grep {(! defined $_->{found}) or ($_->{found} ne 'W')} @{$item->{hold_queue}} )];
$self = $item;
bless $self, $type;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "new ILS::Item('%s'): found with title '%s'",
$item_id, $self->{title});
return $self;
sub magnetic {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{magnetic_media};
sub sip_media_type {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{sip_media_type};
sub sip_item_properties {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{sip_item_properties};
sub status_update { # FIXME: this looks unimplemented
my ($self, $props) = @_;
my $status = new ILS::Transaction;
$self->{sip_item_properties} = $props;
$status->{ok} = 1;
return $status;
sub id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{id};
sub title_id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{title};
sub permanent_location {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{permanent_location} || '';
sub current_location {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{current_location} || '';
sub sip_circulation_status {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{patron}) {
return '04'; # charged
} elsif (scalar @{$self->{hold_queue}}) {
return '08'; # waiting on hold shelf
} else {
return '03'; # available
} # FIXME: 01-13 enumerated in spec.
sub sip_security_marker {
return '02'; # FIXME? 00-other; 01-None; 02-Tattle-Tape Security Strip (3M); 03-Whisper Tape (3M)
sub sip_fee_type {
return '01'; # FIXME? 01-09 enumerated in spec. We just use O1-other/unknown.
sub fee {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{fee} || 0;
sub fee_currency {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{currency} || 'USD';
sub owner {
my $self = shift;
return 'CPL'; # FIXME: UWOLS was hardcoded
sub hold_queue {
my $self = shift;
(defined $self->{hold_queue}) or return [];
return $self->{hold_queue};
sub pending_queue {
my $self = shift;
(defined $self->{pending_queue}) or return [];
return $self->{pending_queue};
sub hold_shelf {
my $self = shift;
(defined $self->{hold_shelf}) or return [];
return $self->{hold_shelf};
sub hold_queue_position {
my ($self, $patron_id) = @_;
($self->{hold_queue}) or return 0;
my $i = 0;
foreach (@{$self->{hold_queue}}) {
$_->{patron_id} or next;
if ($self->barcode_is_borrowernumber($patron_id, $_->{borrowernumber})) {
return $i; # maybe should return $_->{priority}
return 0;
sub due_date {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{due_date} || 0;
sub recall_date {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{recall_date} || 0;
sub hold_pickup_date {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{hold_pickup_date} || 0;
sub screen_msg {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{screen_msg} || '';
sub print_line {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{print_line} || '';
# This is a partial check of "availability". It is not supposed to check everything here.
# An item is available for a patron if it is:
# 1) checked out to the same patron
# AND no pending (i.e. non-W) hold queue
# OR
# 2) not checked out
# AND (not on hold_shelf OR is on hold_shelf for patron)
# What this means is we are consciously allowing the patron to checkout (but not renew) an item that DOES
# have non-W holds on it, but has not been "picked" from the stacks. That is to say, the
# patron has retrieved the item before the librarian.
# We don't check if the patron is at the front of the pending queue in the first case, because
# they should not be able to place a hold on an item they already have.
sub available {
my ($self, $for_patron) = @_;
my $count = (defined $self->{pending_queue}) ? scalar @{$self->{pending_queue}} : 0;
my $count2 = (defined $self->{hold_shelf} ) ? scalar @{$self->{hold_shelf} } : 0;
$debug and print STDERR "availability check: pending_queue size $count, hold_shelf size $count2\n";
if (defined($self->{patron_id})) {
($self->{patron_id} eq $for_patron) or return 0;
return ($count ? 0 : 1);
} else { # not checked out
($count2) and return $self->barcode_is_borrowernumber($for_patron, $self->{hold_shelf}[0]->{borrowernumber});
return 0;
sub _barcode_to_borrowernumber ($) {
my $known = shift;
(defined($known)) or return undef;
my $member = GetMember($known,'cardnumber') or return undef;
return $member->{borrowernumber};
sub barcode_is_borrowernumber ($$$) { # because hold_queue only has borrowernumber...
my $self = shift; # not really used
my $barcode = shift;
my $number = shift or return undef; # can't be zero
(defined($barcode)) or return undef; # might be 0 or 000 or 000000
my $converted = _barcode_to_borrowernumber($barcode) or return undef;
return ($number eq $converted); # even though both *should* be numbers, eq is safer.
sub fill_reserve ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $hold = shift or return undef;
foreach (qw(biblionumber borrowernumber reservedate)) {
$hold->{$_} or return undef;
return ModReserveFill($hold);