Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
3.4 KiB

package Koha::SearchEngine::Solr::Index;
use Moose::Role;
with 'Koha::SearchEngine::IndexRole';
use Data::SearchEngine::Solr;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Koha::SearchEngine::Solr;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
use C4::Biblio;
use Koha::RecordProcessor;
has searchengine => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Koha::SearchEngine::Solr',
default => sub { Koha::SearchEngine::Solr->new },
lazy => 1
sub optimize {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->searchengine->_solr->optimize;
sub index_record {
my ($self, $recordtype, $recordids) = @_;
my $indexes = $self->searchengine->config->indexes;
my @records;
my $recordids_str = ref($recordids) eq 'ARRAY'
? join " ", @$recordids
: $recordids;
warn "IndexRecord called with $recordtype $recordids_str";
for my $id ( @$recordids ) {
my $record;
$record = GetAuthority( $id ) if $recordtype eq "authority";
$record = GetMarcBiblio( $id ) if $recordtype eq "biblio";
if ($recordtype eq 'biblio' && C4::Context->preference('IncludeSeeFromInSearches')) {
my $normalizer = Koha::RecordProcessor->new( { filters => 'EmbedSeeFromHeadings' } );
$record = $normalizer->process($record);
next unless ( $record );
my $index_values = {
recordid => $id,
recordtype => $recordtype,
warn "Indexing $recordtype $id";
for my $index ( @$indexes ) {
next if $index->{ressource_type} ne $recordtype;
my @values;
eval {
my $mappings = $index->{mappings};
for my $tag_subf_code ( sort @$mappings ) {
my ( $f, $sf ) = split /\$/, $tag_subf_code;
for my $field ( $record->field( $f ) ) {
if ( $field->is_control_field ) {
push @values, $field->data;
} else {
my @sfvals = $sf eq '*'
? map { $_->[1] } $field->subfields
: map { $_ } $field->subfield( $sf );
for ( @sfvals ) {
$_ = NormalizeDate( $_ ) if $index->{type} eq 'date';
push @values, $_ if $_;
@values = uniq (@values); #Removes duplicates
$index_values->{$index->{type}."_".$index->{code}} = \@values;
if ( $index->{sortable} ){
$index_values->{"srt_" . $index->{type} . "_".$index->{code}} = $values[0];
# Add index str for facets if it's not exist
if ( $index->{facetable} and @values > 0 and $index->{type} ne 'str' ) {
$index_values->{"str_" . $index->{code}} = $values[0];
if ( $@ ) {
chomp $@;
warn "Error during indexation : recordid $id, index $index->{code} ( $@ )";
my $solrrecord = Data::SearchEngine::Item->new(
id => "${recordtype}_$id",
score => 1,
values => $index_values,
push @records, $solrrecord;
$self->searchengine->add( \@records );