435 lines
14 KiB
435 lines
14 KiB
package TmplTokenizer;
use strict;
use TmplTokenType;
use TmplToken;
use VerboseWarnings qw( pedantic_p error_normal warn_normal warn_pedantic );
require Exporter;
=head1 NAME
TmplTokenizer.pm - Simple-minded tokenizer class for HTML::Template .tmpl files
Because .tmpl files contains HTML::Template directives
that tend to confuse real parsers (e.g., HTML::Parse),
it might be better to create a customized scanner
to scan the template files for tokens.
This module is a simple-minded attempt at such a scanner.
=head1 HISTORY
This tokenizer is mostly based
on Ambrose's hideous Perl script known as subst.pl.
$VERSION = 0.02;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
use vars qw( $pedantic_attribute_error_in_nonpedantic_mode_p );
use vars qw( $pedantic_tmpl_var_use_in_nonpedantic_mode_p );
# Hideous stuff
use vars qw( $re_directive $re_tmpl_var $re_tmpl_var_escaped $re_tmpl_include );
use vars qw( $re_directive_control $re_tmpl_endif_endloop );
# $re_directive must not do any backreferences
$re_directive = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?\/?TMPL_(?:VAR|LOOP|INCLUDE|IF|ELSE|UNLESS)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
$re_tmpl_var = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?TMPL_(?:VAR)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
$re_tmpl_include = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?TMPL_(?:INCLUDE)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
$re_tmpl_var_escaped = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?TMPL_(?:VAR|INCLUDE)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))\s+ESCAPE=(?:1|HTML|URL)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
# Any control flow directive
$re_directive_control = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?\/?TMPL_(?:LOOP|IF|ELSE|UNLESS)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
# /LOOP or /IF or /UNLESS
$re_tmpl_endif_endloop = q{<(?:(?i)(?:!--\s*)?\/TMPL_(?:LOOP|IF|UNLESS)(?:\s+(?:[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*=)?(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^\s<>]+))*\s*(?:--)?)>};
# Hideous stuff from subst.pl, slightly modified to use the above hideous stuff
# Note: The $re_tag's set $1 (<tag), $2 (>), and $3 (rest of string)
use vars qw( $re_comment $re_entity_name $re_end_entity $re_etag );
use vars qw( $re_tag_strict $re_tag_compat @re_tag );
sub re_tag ($) {
my($compat) = @_;
my $etag = $compat? '>': '<>\/';
# This is no longer similar to the original regexp in subst.pl :-(
# Note that we don't want <> in compat mode; Mozilla knows about <
q{(<\/?(?:|(?:"(?:} . $re_directive . q{|[^"])*"|'(?:} . $re_directive . q{|[^'])*'|--(?:[^-]|-[^-])*--|(?:}
. $re_directive
. q{|(?!--)[^"'<>} . $etag . q{]))+))([} . $etag . q{]|(?=<))(.*)};
$re_comment = '(?:--(?:[^-]|-[^-])*--)';
$re_entity_name = '(?:[^&%#;<>\s]+)'; # NOTE: not really correct SGML
$re_end_entity = '(?:;|$|(?=\s))'; # semicolon or before-whitespace
$re_etag = q{(?:<\/?(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^"'>\/])*[>\/])}; # end-tag
@re_tag = ($re_tag_strict, $re_tag_compat) = (re_tag(0), re_tag(1));
# End of the hideous stuff
use vars qw( $serial );
sub FATAL_P () {'fatal-p'}
sub SYNTAXERROR_P () {'syntaxerror-p'}
sub FILENAME () {'input'}
sub HANDLE () {'handle'}
sub READAHEAD () {'readahead'}
sub LINENUM_START () {'lc_0'}
sub LINENUM () {'lc'}
sub CDATA_MODE_P () {'cdata-mode-p'}
sub CDATA_CLOSE () {'cdata-close'}
sub new {
my $this = shift;
my($input) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
my $handle = sprintf('TMPLTOKENIZER%d', $serial);
$serial += 1;
no strict;
open($handle, "<$input") || die "$input: $!\n";
use strict;
$self->{+FILENAME} = $input;
$self->{+HANDLE} = $handle;
$self->{+READAHEAD} = [];
return $self;
# Simple getters
sub filename {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+FILENAME};
sub _handle {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+HANDLE};
sub fatal_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+FATAL_P};
sub syntaxerror_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+SYNTAXERROR_P};
sub has_readahead_p {
my $this = shift;
return @{$this->{+READAHEAD}};
sub _peek_readahead {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+READAHEAD}->[$#{$this->{+READAHEAD}}];
sub line_number_start {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+LINENUM_START};
sub line_number {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+LINENUM};
sub cdata_mode_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+CDATA_MODE_P};
sub cdata_close {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+CDATA_CLOSE};
# Simple setters
sub _set_fatal {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+FATAL_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _set_syntaxerror {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+SYNTAXERROR_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _push_readahead {
my $this = shift;
push @{$this->{+READAHEAD}}, $_[0];
return $this;
sub _pop_readahead {
my $this = shift;
return pop @{$this->{+READAHEAD}};
sub _append_readahead {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+READAHEAD}->[$#{$this->{+READAHEAD}}] .= $_[0];
return $this;
sub _set_readahead {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+READAHEAD}->[$#{$this->{+READAHEAD}}] = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _increment_line_number {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+LINENUM} += 1;
return $this;
sub _set_line_number_start {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+LINENUM_START} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _set_cdata_mode {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+CDATA_MODE_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _set_cdata_close {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+CDATA_CLOSE} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _extract_attributes ($;$) {
my $this = shift;
my($s, $lc) = @_;
my %attr;
$s = $1 if $s =~ /^<\S+(.*)\/\S$/s # XML-style self-closing tags
|| $s =~ /^<\S+(.*)\S$/s; # SGML-style tags
for (my $i = 0; $s =~ /^(?:$re_directive_control)?\s+(?:$re_directive_control)?(?:([a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*=\s*)?('((?:$re_directive|[^'])*)'|"((?:$re_directive|[^"])*)"|((?:$re_directive|[^\s<>])+))/os;) {
my($key, $val, $val_orig, $rest)
= ($1, (defined $3? $3: defined $4? $4: $5), $2, $');
$i += 1;
$attr{+lc($key)} = [$key, $val, $val_orig, $i];
$s = $rest;
if ($val =~ /$re_tmpl_include/os) {
warn_normal "TMPL_INCLUDE in attribute: $val_orig\n", $lc;
} elsif ($val =~ /$re_tmpl_var/os && $val !~ /$re_tmpl_var_escaped/os) {
# XXX: we probably should not warn if key is "onclick" etc
# XXX: there's just no reasonable thing to suggest
my $suggest = ($key =~ /^(?:action|archive|background|cite|classid|codebase|data|datasrc|for|href|longdesc|profile|src|usemap)$/i? 'URL': 'HTML');
undef $suggest if $key =~ /^(?:onblur|onchange|onclick|ondblclick|onfocus|onkeydown|onkeypress|onkeyup|onload|onmousedown|onmousemove|onmouseout|onmouseover|onmouseup|onreset|onselect|onsubmit|onunload)$/i;
"Suggest ESCAPE=$suggest for TMPL_VAR in attribute \"$key\""
. ": $val_orig",
$lc, \$pedantic_tmpl_var_use_in_nonpedantic_mode_p
if defined $suggest && (pedantic_p || !$pedantic_tmpl_var_use_in_nonpedantic_mode_p);
} elsif ($val_orig !~ /^['"]/) {
my $t = $val; $t =~ s/$re_directive_control//os;
"Unquoted attribute contains character(s) that should be quoted"
. ": $val_orig",
$lc, \$pedantic_attribute_error_in_nonpedantic_mode_p
if $t =~ /[^-\.A-Za-z0-9]/s;
my $s2 = $s; $s2 =~ s/$re_tmpl_endif_endloop//g; # for the next check
if ($s2 =~ /\S/s) { # should never happen
if ($s =~ /^([^\n]*)\n/s) { # this is even worse
error_normal("Completely confused while extracting attributes: $1", $lc);
error_normal((scalar(split(/\n/, $s)) - 1) . " more line(s) not shown.", undef);
$this->_set_fatal( 1 );
} else {
warn_normal "Strange attribute syntax: $s\n", $lc;
return \%attr;
sub _next_token_internal {
my $this = shift;
my($h) = @_;
my($it, $kind);
my $eof_p = 0;
$this->_pop_readahead if $this->has_readahead_p
&& !ref $this->_peek_readahead
&& !length $this->_peek_readahead;
if (!$this->has_readahead_p) {
my $next = scalar <$h>;
$eof_p = !defined $next;
if (!$eof_p) {
$this->_push_readahead( $next );
$this->_set_line_number_start( $this->line_number ); # remember 1st line num
if ($this->has_readahead_p && ref $this->_peek_readahead) { # TmplToken obj.
($it, $kind) = ($this->_pop_readahead, undef);
} elsif ($eof_p && !$this->has_readahead_p) { # nothing left to do
} elsif ($this->_peek_readahead =~ /^\s+/s) { # whitespace
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::TEXT, $&);
$this->_set_readahead( $' );
# FIXME the following (the [<\s] part) is an unreliable HACK :-(
} elsif ($this->_peek_readahead =~ /^(?:[^<]|<[<\s])+/s) { # non-space normal text
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::TEXT, $&);
$this->_set_readahead( $' );
warn_normal "Unescaped < in $it\n", $this->line_number_start
if !$this->cdata_mode_p && $it =~ /</s;
} else { # tag/declaration/processing instruction
my $ok_p = 0;
for (my $cdata_close = $this->cdata_close;;) {
if ($this->cdata_mode_p) {
if ($this->_peek_readahead =~ /^$cdata_close/) {
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::TAG, $&);
$this->_set_readahead( $' );
$ok_p = 1;
} else {
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::TEXT, $this->_pop_readahead);
$ok_p = 1;
} elsif ($this->_peek_readahead =~ /^$re_tag_compat/os) {
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::TAG, "$1>");
$this->_set_readahead( $3 );
$ok_p = 1;
warn_normal "SGML \"closed start tag\" notation: $1<\n", $this->line_number_start if $2 eq '';
} elsif ($this->_peek_readahead =~ /^<!--(?:(?!-->).)*-->/s) {
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::COMMENT, $&);
$this->_set_readahead( $' );
$ok_p = 1;
warn_normal "Syntax error in comment: $&\n", $this->line_number_start;
$this->_set_syntaxerror( 1 );
last if $ok_p;
my $next = scalar <$h>;
$eof_p = !defined $next;
last if $eof_p;
$this->_append_readahead( $next );
if ($kind ne TmplTokenType::TAG) {
} elsif ($it =~ /^<!/) {
$kind = TmplTokenType::DECL;
$kind = TmplTokenType::COMMENT if $it =~ /^<!--(?:(?!-->).)*-->/;
} elsif ($it =~ /^<\?/) {
$kind = TmplTokenType::PI;
if ($it =~ /^$re_directive/ios && !$this->cdata_mode_p) {
$kind = TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE;
if (!$ok_p && $eof_p) {
($kind, $it) = (TmplTokenType::UNKNOWN, $this->_peek_readahead);
$this->_set_readahead, undef;
$this->_set_syntaxerror( 1 );
warn_normal "Unrecognizable token found: $it\n", $this->line_number_start
if $kind eq TmplTokenType::UNKNOWN;
return defined $it? (ref $it? $it: TmplToken->new($it, $kind, $this->line_number, $this->filename)): undef;
sub next_token {
my $this = shift;
my $h = $this->_handle;
my $it;
if (!$this->cdata_mode_p) {
$it = $this->_next_token_internal($h);
if (defined $it && $it->type eq TmplTokenType::TAG) {
if ($it->string =~ /^<(script|style|textarea)\b/i) {
$this->_set_cdata_mode( 1 );
$this->_set_cdata_close( "</$1\\s*>" );
$it->set_attributes( $this->_extract_attributes($it->string, $it->line_number) );
} else {
for ($it = '', my $cdata_close = $this->cdata_close;;) {
my $next = $this->_next_token_internal($h);
last if !defined $next;
if (defined $next && $next->string =~ /$cdata_close/i) {
$this->_push_readahead( $next ); # push entire TmplToken object
$this->_set_cdata_mode( 0 );
last unless $this->cdata_mode_p;
$it .= $next->string;
$it = TmplToken->new( $it, TmplTokenType::CDATA, $this->line_number );
$this->_set_cdata_close, undef;
return $it;
# Other easy functions
sub blank_p ($) {
my($s) = @_;
return $s =~ /^(?:\s|\ $re_end_entity|$re_tmpl_var)*$/os;
sub trim ($) {
my($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/^(?:\s|\ $re_end_entity)+//os;
$s =~ s/(?:\s|\ $re_end_entity)+$//os;
return $s;
Code could be written to detect template variables and
construct gettext-c-format-string-like meta-strings (e.g., "Results %s
through %s of %s records" that will be more likely to be translatable
to languages where word order is very unlike English word order.
This will be relatively major rework, requiring corresponding
rework in tmpl_process.pl
Gettext-style line number references would also be very helpful in
disambiguating the strings. Ultimately, we should generate and work
with gettext-style po files, so that translators are able to use
tools designed for gettext.
An example of a string untranslatable to Chinese is "Accounts for";
"Accounts for %s", however, would be translatable. Short words like
"in" would also be untranslatable, not only to Chinese, but also to
languages requiring declension of nouns.