Galen Charlton 547ebaece0 Bug 11619: (follow-up) fix QueryParser.t
The previous patch did not account for the change
in the number of indexes, and thus caused one
of the tests to fail.

To test:

[1] Verify that prove -v t/QueryParser.t passes.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2014-02-04 18:44:07 +00:00

94 lines
4.7 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
use_ok( 'Koha::QueryParser::Driver::PQF' );
my $QParser = Koha::QueryParser::Driver::PQF->new();
ok(defined $QParser, 'Successfully created empty QP object');
ok($QParser->load_config('./etc/searchengine/queryparser.yaml'), 'Loaded QP config');
is($QParser->search_class_count, 4, 'Initialized 4 search classes');
is (scalar(@{$QParser->search_fields()->{'keyword'}}), 108, "Correct number of search fields for 'keyword' class");
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'smith'), '@or @or @attr 1=1016 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 9=20 @attr 2=102 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 9=34 @attr 2=102 @attr 4=6 "smith"', 'super simple keyword query');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith'), '@attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith"', 'simple author query');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'keyword|publisher:smith'), '@attr 1=1018 @attr 4=6 "smith"', 'fielded publisher query');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'ti:"little engine that could"'), '@attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 "little engine that could"', 'phrase query');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'keyword|titlekw:smith'), '@attr 1=4 @attr 9=20 @attr 2=102 @attr 4=6 "smith"', 'relevance-bumped query');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith && johnson'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "johnson"', 'query with boolean &&');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith && ti:johnson'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 1=4 @attr 4=6 "johnson"', 'query with boolean &&');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith pubdate(-2008)'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 4=4 @attr 1=pubdate @attr 2=2 "2008"', 'keyword search with pubdate limited to -2008');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith pubdate(2008-)'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 4=4 @attr 1=pubdate @attr 2=4 "2008"', 'keyword search with pubdate limited to 2008-');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith pubdate(2008)'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @attr 4=4 @attr 1=pubdate "2008"', 'keyword search with pubdate limited to 2008');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith pubdate(1980,2008)'), '@and @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith" @or @attr 4=4 @attr 1=pubdate "1980" @attr 4=4 @attr 1=pubdate "2008"', 'keyword search with pubdate limited to 1980, 2008');
is($QParser->target_syntax('biblioserver', 'au:smith #acqdate_dsc'), '@or @attr 1=32 @attr 7=1 0 @attr 1=1003 @attr 4=6 "smith"', 'keyword search sorted by acqdate descending');
is($QParser->bib1_mapping_by_attr('field', 'biblioserver', {'1' => '1004'})->{'field'}, 'personal', 'retrieve field by attr');
is($QParser->bib1_mapping_by_attr_string('field', 'biblioserver', '@attr 1=1004')->{'field'}, 'personal', 'retrieve field by attrstring');
is ($QParser->clear_all_mappings, $QParser, 'clear all mappings returns self');
is ($QParser->clear_all_configuration, $QParser, 'clear all configuration returns self');
is (scalar(keys(%{$QParser->search_fields})), 0, "All mapping erased");
$QParser->add_bib1_field_map('author' => 'personal' => 'biblioserver' => { '1' => '1004' } );
$QParser->add_bib1_modifier_map('relevance' => 'biblioserver' => { '2' => '102' } );
my $desired_config = {
'field_mappings' => {
'author' => {
'personal' => {
'aliases' => [ ],
'bib1_mapping' => {
'biblioserver' => {
'1' => '1004'
'enabled' => '1',
'index' => 'personal',
'label' => 'Personal'
'filter_mappings' => {},
'modifier_mappings' => {
'relevance' => {
'bib1_mapping' => {
'biblioserver' => {
'2' => '102'
'enabled' => 1,
'label' => 'Relevance'
'relevance_bumps' => {}
my $got_config;
skip 'YAML is unavailable', 2 unless can_load('modules' => { 'YAML::Any' => undef });
$got_config = YAML::Any::Load($QParser->serialize_mappings());
ok(ref $got_config, 'serialized YAML valid');
is_deeply($got_config, $desired_config, 'Mappings serialized correctly to YAML');
skip 'JSON is unavailable', 2 unless can_load('modules' => { 'JSON' => undef });
undef $got_config;
eval {
$got_config = JSON::from_json($QParser->serialize_mappings('json'));
is($@, '', 'serialized JSON valid');
is_deeply($got_config, $desired_config, 'Mappings serialized correctly to JSON');
is($QParser->TEST_SETUP, $QParser, 'TEST_SETUP returns self');
is($QParser->search_class_count, 4, 'Initialized 4 search classes in test setup');