Galen Charlton 4d4e96d667 bug 2505: enable warnings for labels/label-print-pdf.pl
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2009-01-05 16:34:19 -06:00

259 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use C4::Labels; # GetActiveLabelTemplate get_label_options GetAssociatedProfile
# GetPatronCardItems GetLabelItems GetUnitsValue...
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Branch;
use HTML::Template::Pro;
use PDF::Reuse;
use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
use POSIX; # ceil
use Data::Dumper;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $DEBUG_LPT = 0;
my $cgi = new CGI;
#### Tons of Initialization ####
# get the printing settings
my $template = GetActiveLabelTemplate();
my $conf_data = get_label_options() or die "get_label_options failed";
my $profile = GetAssociatedProfile($template->{'tmpl_id'});
my $batch_id = $cgi->param('batch_id');
my @resultsloop;
my $batch_type = $conf_data->{'type'};
my $barcodetype = $conf_data->{'barcodetype'};
my $printingtype = $conf_data->{'printingtype'} or die "No printingtype in conf_data";
my $guidebox = $conf_data->{'guidebox'};
my $start_label = $conf_data->{'startlabel'};
if ($cgi->param('startlabel')) {
$start_label = $cgi->param('startlabel'); # A bit of a hack to allow setting the starting label from the address bar... -fbcit
warn "Starting on label #$start_label" if $DEBUG;
my $units = $template->{'units'};
if ($printingtype eq 'PATCRD') {
@resultsloop = GetPatronCardItems($batch_id);
} else {
@resultsloop = GetLabelItems($batch_id);
#warn "UNITS $units";
#warn "fontsize = $fontsize";
#warn Dumper $template;
my $unitvalue = GetUnitsValue($units);
my $prof_unitvalue = GetUnitsValue($profile->{'unit'});
warn "Template units: $units which converts to $unitvalue PostScript Points" if $DEBUG;
warn "Profile units: $profile->{'unit'} which converts to $prof_unitvalue PostScript Points" if $DEBUG;
my $tmpl_code = $template->{'tmpl_code'};
my $tmpl_desc = $template->{'tmpl_desc'};
my $page_height = ( $template->{'page_height'} * $unitvalue );
my $page_width = ( $template->{'page_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $label_height = ( $template->{'label_height'} * $unitvalue );
my $label_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $spine_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $circ_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $top_margin = ( $template->{'topmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $left_margin = ( $template->{'leftmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $colspace = ( $template->{'colgap'} * $unitvalue );
my $rowspace = ( $template->{'rowgap'} * $unitvalue );
warn "Converted dimensions are:" if $DEBUG;
warn "pghth=$page_height, pgwth=$page_width, lblhth=$label_height, lblwth=$label_width, spinwth=$spine_width, circwth=$circ_width, tpmar=$top_margin, lmar=$left_margin, colsp=$colspace, rowsp=$rowspace" if $DEBUG;
my $label_cols = $template->{'cols'};
my $label_rows = $template->{'rows'};
my $margin = $top_margin;
my $left_text_margin = 3; # FIXME: This value should not be hardcoded
my $str;
# Some peritent notes from PDF::Reuse regarding prFont()...
# If a font wasn't found, Helvetica will be set.
# These names are always recognized: Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, Courier, Courier-Bold,
# Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique
# They can be abbreviated: TR, TB, TI, TBI, C, CB, CO, CBO, H, HB, HO, HBO
my $fontsize = $template->{'fontsize'};
my $fontname = $template->{'font'};
my $text_wrap_cols = GetTextWrapCols( $fontname, $fontsize, $label_width, $left_text_margin );
#warn $label_cols, $label_rows;
# set the paper size
my $lowerLeftX = 0;
my $lowerLeftY = 0;
my $upperRightX = $page_width;
my $upperRightY = $page_height;
my $codetype; # = 'Code39';
warn "Active profile: " . ($profile->{prof_id} || "None") if $DEBUG;
print $cgi->header( -type => 'application/pdf', -attachment => 'barcode.pdf' );
# Don't print header until very last possible moment
# That way if error or die occurs, fatals_to_browser will still work.
# After we print this header, there is no way back to HTML. All we can do is deliver PDF.
$| = 1;
prFile(); # No args means to STDOUT
prMbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY );
# drawbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY ); #do page border
# draw margin box for alignment page
drawbox($left_margin, $top_margin, $page_width-(2*$left_margin), $page_height-(2*$top_margin)) if $DEBUG_LPT;
# Adjustments for image position and creep -fbcit
# NOTE: *All* of these factor in to image position and creep. Keep this in mind when makeing adjustments.
# Suggested proceedure: Adjust margins until both top and left margins are correct. Then adjust the label
# height and width to correct label creep across and down page. Units are PostScript Points (72 per inch).
sub debug_drop {
my $title = @_ || "";
warn "-------------------------$title-----------------------------\n"
. " top margin = $top_margin points\n"
. " left margin = $left_margin points\n"
. "label height = $label_height points\n"
. "label width = $label_width points\n";
debug_drop('INITIAL VALUES') if ($DEBUG);
if ( $profile->{'prof_id'} ) {
$top_margin += ($profile->{'offset_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical offset
$label_height += ($profile->{'creep_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical creep
$left_margin += ($profile->{'offset_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal offset
$label_width += ($profile->{'creep_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal creep
if ($DEBUG) {
if ($profile->{'prof_id'}) {
debug_drop('ADJUSTED VALUES');
} else {
warn "No profile associated so no adjustment applied.";
#warn " $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY";
#warn "$label_rows, $label_cols\n";
#warn "$label_height, $label_width\n";
#warn "$page_height, $page_width\n";
my ($rowcount, $colcount, $x_pos, $y_pos, $rowtemp, $coltemp);
if ( $start_label and $start_label == 1 ) {
$rowcount = 1;
$colcount = 1;
$x_pos = $left_margin;
$y_pos = ( $page_height - $top_margin - $label_height );
} else {
$rowcount = ceil( $start_label / $label_cols );
$colcount = ( $start_label - ( ( $rowcount - 1 ) * $label_cols ) );
$x_pos = $left_margin + ( $label_width * ( $colcount - 1 ) ) +
( $colspace * ( $colcount - 1 ) );
$y_pos = $page_height - $top_margin - ( $label_height * $rowcount ) -
( $rowspace * ( $rowcount - 1 ) );
$DEBUG and warn "Start label: $start_label. Beginning in row $rowcount, column $colcount\n"
. "(X,Y) positions = ($x_pos,$y_pos)\n"
. "Rowspace = $rowspace, Label height = $label_height";
#### main foreach loop ####
foreach my $item (@resultsloop) {
warn "Label parameters: xpos=$x_pos, ypos=$y_pos, lblwid=$label_width, lblhig=$label_height" if $DEBUG;
drawbox($x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height) if $guidebox; # regardless of printingtype
if ( $printingtype eq 'BAR' ) {
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BARBIB' ) {
# reposoitioning barcode up the top of label
my $barcode_height = ($label_height / 1.5 ); ## scaling voodoo
my $text_height = $label_height / 2;
my $barcode_y = $y_pos + ( $label_height / 2.5 ); ## scaling voodoo
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $barcode_y, $barcode_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
} # correct
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BIBBAR' ) {
my $barcode_height = $label_height / 2;
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'ALT' ) {
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BIB' ) {
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'PATCRD' ) {
my $patron_data = $item;
#FIXME: This needs to be paramatized and passed in from the user...
#Each element of this hash is a separate line on the patron card. Keys are the text to print and the associated data is the point size.
my $text = {
$patron_data->{'description'} => $fontsize,
$patron_data->{'branchname'} => ($fontsize + 3),
$DEBUG and warn "Generating patron card for cardnumber $patron_data->{'cardnumber'}";
my $barcode_height = $label_height / 2.75; #FIXME: Scaling barcode height; this needs to be a user parameter.
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $patron_data->{'cardnumber'}, $barcodetype );
DrawPatronCardText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, $text, $printingtype );
else {
die "CANNOT PRINT: Unknown printingtype '$printingtype'";
CalcNextLabelPos(); # regardless of printingtype
} # end for item loop
sub CalcNextLabelPos {
if ($colcount < $label_cols) {
# warn "new col";
$x_pos = ( $x_pos + $label_width + $colspace );
} else {
$x_pos = $left_margin;
if ($rowcount == $label_rows) {
# warn "new page";
$y_pos = ( $page_height - $top_margin - $label_height );
$rowcount = 1;
} else {
# warn "new row";
$y_pos = ( $y_pos - $rowspace - $label_height );
$colcount = 1;