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Installation Guide for Configuring a Koha Server to Use a Gmail Account as its SMTP Server
Copyright (C) 2010 Foundations Bible College (
Author: Chris Nighswonger (cnighswonger AT foundations DOT edu
Feedback/bug reports: Koha Developer's List:
This document last modified: 13 February 2010
Configuration Instructions
To use your gmail account as an SMTP server you will need to execute the following from a shell prompt.
(These steps are taken from
sudo apt-get install openssl xinetd
sudo tee /usr/bin/gmail-smtp <<EOF >/dev/null
# Thanks to for this install guide
/usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect -quiet 2>/dev/null
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gmail-smtp
sudo tee /etc/xinetd.d/gmail-smtp <<EOF >/dev/null
# default: on
# description: Gmail SMTP wrapper for clients without SSL support
# Thanks to for this install guide
service gmail-smtp
disable = no
bind = localhost
port = 10025
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/bin/gmail-smtp
type = unlisted
sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd reload
Edit Mail/ and set the port to 10025. (Note: This file will be located where ever your Perl libraries are.)
Script Setup Instructions
After successfully executing the above steps, you will need to run the script with the
following syntax:
perl -u librarian@foo.tld -p supersecret -m LOGIN
This, of course, assumes that you have all other scripts in place and functional to generate notices.
Misc Helpful Notes
NOTE: In order to debug problems, you can set the debug level in Mail/ to 11 which will give plenty of
commentary to STDOUT.