Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

298 lines
14 KiB

/* global __ dataTablesDefaults borrowernumber SuspendHoldsIntranet */
$(document).ready(function() {
var holdsTable;
// Don't load holds table unless it is clicked on
$("#holds-tab").on( "click", function(){ load_holds_table() } );
// If the holds tab is preselected on load, we need to load the table
if ( $("#holds-tab").parent().hasClass('ui-state-active') ) { load_holds_table() }
function load_holds_table() {
var holds = new Array();
if ( ! holdsTable ) {
var title;
holdsTable = $("#holds-table").dataTable($.extend(true, {}, dataTablesDefaults, {
"bAutoWidth": false,
"sDom": "rt",
"columns": [
"data": { _: "reservedate_formatted", "sort": "reservedate" }
"mDataProp": function ( oObj ) {
title = "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/"
+ oObj.biblionumber
+ "'>"
+ oObj.title.escapeHtml();
$.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) {
title += " " + value.escapeHtml();
title += " " + oObj.part_number + " " + oObj.part_name;
if ( oObj.enumchron ) {
title += " (" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")";
title += "</a>";
if ( ) {
title += " " + __("by _AUTHOR_").replace("_AUTHOR_",;
if ( oObj.itemnotes ) {
var span_class = "";
if ( $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(oObj.issuedate) ) == ymd ) {
span_class = "circ-hlt";
title += " - <span class='" + span_class + "'>" + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + "</span>"
return title;
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
return oObj.itemcallnumber && oObj.itemcallnumber.escapeHtml() || "";
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
var data = "";
if ( oObj.barcode ) {
data += " <a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/"
+ oObj.biblionumber
+ "&itemnumber="
+ oObj.itemnumber
+ "#item"
+ oObj.itemnumber
+ "'>"
+ oObj.barcode.escapeHtml()
+ "</a>";
return data;
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
if( oObj.branches.length > 1 && oObj.found !== 'W' && oObj.found !== 'T' ){
var branchSelect='<select priority='+oObj.priority+' class="hold_location_select" reserve_id="'+oObj.reserve_id+'" name="pick-location">';
for ( var i=0; i < oObj.branches.length; i++ ){
var selectedbranch;
var setbranch;
if( oObj.branches[i].selected ){
selectedbranch = " selected='selected' ";
setbranch = __(" (current) ");
} else if ( oObj.branches[i].pickup_location == 0 ) {
} else{
selectedbranch = '';
setbranch = '';
branchSelect += '<option value="'+ oObj.branches[i].branchcode.escapeHtml() +'"'+selectedbranch+'>'+oObj.branches[i].branchname.escapeHtml()+setbranch+'</option>';
branchSelect +='</select>';
return branchSelect;
else { return oObj.branchcode.escapeHtml() || ""; }
{ "data": { _: "expirationdate_formatted", "sort": "expirationdate" } },
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
if ( oObj.priority && parseInt( oObj.priority ) && parseInt( oObj.priority ) > 0 ) {
return oObj.priority;
} else {
return "";
"bSortable": false,
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
return "<select name='rank-request'>"
+"<option value='n'>" + __("No") + "</option>"
+"<option value='del'>" + __("Yes") + "</option>"
+ "</select>"
+ "<input type='hidden' name='biblionumber' value='" + oObj.biblionumber + "'>"
+ "<input type='hidden' name='borrowernumber' value='" + borrowernumber + "'>"
+ "<input type='hidden' name='reserve_id' value='" + oObj.reserve_id + "'>";
"bSortable": false,
"visible": SuspendHoldsIntranet,
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
holds[oObj.reserve_id] = oObj; //Store holds for later use
if ( oObj.found ) {
return "";
} else if ( oObj.suspend == 1 ) {
return "<a class='hold-resume btn btn-default btn-xs' id='resume" + oObj.reserve_id + "'>"
+"<i class='fa fa-play'></i> " + __("Resume") + "</a>";
} else {
return "<a class='hold-suspend btn btn-default btn-xs' id='suspend" + oObj.reserve_id + "'>"
+"<i class='fa fa-pause'></i> " + __("Suspend") + "</a>";
"mDataProp": function( oObj ) {
var data = "";
if ( oObj.suspend == 1 ) {
data += "<p>" + __("Hold is <strong>suspended</strong>");
if ( oObj.suspend_until ) {
data += " " + __("until %s").format(oObj.suspend_until_formatted);
data += "</p>";
if ( oObj.itemtype_limit ) {
data += __("Next available %s item").format(oObj.itemtype_limit);
if ( oObj.barcode ) {
data += "<em>";
if ( oObj.found == "W" ) {
if ( oObj.waiting_here ) {
data += __("Item is <strong>waiting here</strong>");
} else {
data += __("Item is <strong>waiting</strong>");
data += " " + __("at %s").format(oObj.waiting_at);
} else if ( oObj.transferred ) {
data += __("Item is <strong>in transit</strong> from %s since %s").format(oObj.from_branch, oObj.date_sent);
} else if ( oObj.not_transferred ) {
data += __("Item hasn't been transferred yet from %s").format(oObj.not_transferred_by);
data += "</em>";
return data;
"bPaginate": false,
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": false,
"ajax": {
"url": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/holds',
"data": function ( d ) {
d.borrowernumber = borrowernumber;
$('#holds-table').on( 'draw.dt', function () {
$(".hold-suspend").on( "click", function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id").replace("suspend", "");
var hold = holds[id];
$("#suspend-modal-title").html( hold.title );
$("#suspend-modal-reserve_id").val( hold.reserve_id );
$(".hold-resume").on( "click", function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id").replace("resume", "");
var hold = holds[id];
$.post('/cgi-bin/koha/svc/hold/resume', { "reserve_id": hold.reserve_id }, function( data ){
if ( data.success ) {
} else {
if ( data.error == "HOLD_NOT_FOUND" ) {
alert( __("Unable to resume, hold not found") );
var cur_select = $(this);
var res_id = $(this).attr('reserve_id');
$(this).after('<div id="updating_reserveno'+res_id+'" class="waiting"><img src="/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/spinner-small.gif" alt="" /><span class="waiting_msg"></span></div>');
var api_url = '/api/v1/holds/'+res_id;
var update_info = JSON.stringify({ pickup_library_id: $(this).val(), priority: parseInt($(this).attr("priority"),10) });
method: "PUT",
url: api_url,
data: update_info ,
success: function( data ){ holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); },
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('There was an error:'+textStatus+" "+errorThrown);
cur_select.val( cur_select.children('option[selected="selected"]').val() );
if ( $("#holds-table").length ) {
of: $( "#holds-table" ),
collision: "none"
<div id='suspend-modal' class='modal fade' role='dialog' aria-hidden='true'>\
<div class='modal-dialog'>\
<div class='modal-content'>\
<form id='suspend-modal-form' class='form-inline'>\
<div class='modal-header'>\
<button type='button' class='closebtn' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>\
<h3 id='suspend-modal-label'>" + __("Suspend hold on") + " <i><span id='suspend-modal-title'></span></i></h3>\
<div class='modal-body'>\
<input type='hidden' id='suspend-modal-reserve_id' name='reserve_id' />\
<label for='suspend-modal-until'>" + __("Suspend until:") + "</label>\
<input name='suspend_until' id='suspend-modal-until' class='suspend-until' size='10' />\
<p><a class='btn btn-link' id='suspend-modal-clear-date' >" + __("Clear date to suspend indefinitely") + "</a></p>\
<div class='modal-footer'>\
<button id='suspend-modal-submit' class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit'>" + __("Suspend") + "</button>\
<a href='#' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true' class='cancel'>" + __("Cancel") + "</a>\
$("#suspend-modal-until").datepicker({ minDate: 1 }); // Require that "until date" be in the future
$("#suspend-modal-clear-date").on( "click", function() { $("#suspend-modal-until").val(""); } );
$("#suspend-modal-submit").on( "click", function( e ) {
$.post('/cgi-bin/koha/svc/hold/suspend', $('#suspend-modal-form').serialize(), function( data ){
if ( data.success ) {
} else {
if ( data.error == "INVALID_DATE" ) {
alert( __("Unable to suspend hold, invalid date") );
else if ( data.error == "HOLD_NOT_FOUND" ) {
alert( __("Unable to suspend hold, hold not found") );