2002-07-04 10:42:31 +00:00

219 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file

#origninally script to provide intranet (librarian) advanced search facility
#now script to do searching for acquisitions
use strict;
use C4::Search;
use CGI;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Acquisitions;
my $env;
my $input = new CGI;
print $input->header;
#whether it is called from the opac of the intranet
my $type=$input->param('type');
if ($type eq ''){
$type = 'intra';
#setup colours
my $main;
my $secondary;
#print $input->dump;
my $blah;
my %search;
#build hash of users input
my $title=$input->param('search');
my $keyword=$input->param('d');
my $author=$input->param('author');
my @results;
my $offset=$input->param('offset');
if ($offset eq ''){
my $num=$input->param('num');
if ($num eq ''){
my $id=$input->param('id');
my $basket=$input->param('basket');
my $sub=$input->param('sub');
my $donation;
if ($id == 72){
#print $sub;
my ($count,@booksellers)=bookseller($id);
print startpage();
print startmenu('acquisitions');
print mkheadr(1,"Shopping Basket For: $booksellers[0]->{'name'}");
if ($donation ne 'yes'){
print "<a href=newbiblio.pl?id=$id&basket=$basket&sub=$sub>";
} else {
print "<a href=newdonation.pl?id=$id&basket=$basket&sub=$sub>";
print <<printend
<img src=/images/add-biblio.gif width=187 heigth=42 border=0 align=right alt="Add New Biblio"></a>
<a href=basket.pl?basket=$basket><img src=/images/view-basket.gif width=187 heigth=42 border=0 align=right alt="View Basket"></a>
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/newbasket2.pl">
<input type=hidden name=id value="$id">
<input type=hidden name=basket value="$basket">
<b>New Search: </b><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="25" NAME="search"></form>
<br clear=all>
print center();
if ($keyword ne ''){
# print "hey";
} elsif ($search{'front'} ne '') {
}else {
# print "hey";
print "You searched on ";
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %search) {
if ($value ne ''){
$value=~ s/\\//g;
print bold("$key $value,");
print " $count results found";
my $offset2=$num+$offset;
my $dispnum=$offset+1;
print "<br> Results $dispnum to $offset2 displayed";
print mktablehdr;
print mktablerow(6,$main,'<b>TITLE</b>','<b>AUTHOR</b>',bold('&copy;'),'<b>COUNT</b>',bold('LOCATION'),'','/images/background-mem.gif');
my $count2=@results;
if ($keyword ne '' && $offset > 0){
if ($count2 > 10){
#print $count2;
my $i=0;
my $colour=1;
while ($i < $count2){
# print $results[$i]."\n";
# my @stuff=split('\t',$results[$i]);
my $result=$results[$i];
$result->{'title'}=~ s/\`/\\\'/g;
my $title2=$result->{'title'};
my $author2=$result->{'author'};
my $copyright=$result->{'copyrightdate'};
$author2=~ s/ /%20/g;
$title2=~ s/ /%20/g;
$title2=~ s/\#/\&\#x23;/g;
$title2=~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
my $itemcount;
my $location='';
if ($donation eq 'yes'){
} else {
my $word=$result->{'author'};
$word=~ s/([a-z]) +([a-z])/$1%20$2/ig;
$word=~ s/ //g;
$word=~ s/ /%20/g;
$word=~ s/\,/\,%20/g;
$word=~ s/\n//g;
my $url="/cgi-bin/koha/search.pl?author=$word&type=$type";
my ($count,$lcount,$nacount,$fcount,$scount,$lostcount,$mending,$transit)=itemcount($env,$result->{'biblionumber'},$type);
if ($nacount > 0){
$location=$location."On Loan";
if ($nacount >1 ){
$location=$location." ($nacount)";
$location.=" ";
if ($lcount > 0){
if ($lcount >1 ){
$location=$location." ($lcount)";
$location.=" ";
if ($fcount > 0){
if ($fcount >1 ){
$location=$location." ($fcount)";
$location.=" ";
if ($scount > 0){
if ($scount >1 ){
$location=$location." ($scount)";
$location.=" ";
if ($lostcount > 0){
if ($lostcount >1 ){
$location=$location." ($lostcount)";
$location.=" ";
if ($mending > 0){
if ($mending >1 ){
$location=$location." ($mending)";
$location.=" ";
if ($transit > 0){
$location=$location."In Transiit";
if ($transit >1 ){
$location=$location." ($transit)";
$location.=" ";
if ($colour == 1){
print mktablerow(6,$secondary,$result->{'title'},$result->{'author'},$result->{'copyrightdate'},$itemcount,$location);
} else{
print mktablerow(6,'white',$result->{'title'},$result->{'author'},$result->{'copyrightdate'},$itemcount,$location);
print mktablerow(6,$main,' &nbsp; ',' &nbsp; ',' &nbsp;',' &nbsp;','','','/images/background-mem.gif');
print mktableft();
if ($offset < $count){
my $search="num=$num&offset=$offset&type=$type&id=$id&basket=$basket&search=$title&author=$author";
my $stuff=mklink("/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/newbasket2.pl?$search",'Next');
print $stuff;
print endcenter();
print endmenu('acquisitions');
print endpage();