System preference 'CSVdelimiter' has a special case for tabulation. Preference value contains string 'tabulation' but string '\t' must be used in CSV file. This is OK in many places, for exemple Bug 17590. This patch adds C4::Context->csv_delimiter to add a uniq metod dealing with this behavior. Also create Koha::Template::Plugin::Koha->CSVDelimiter for calls from Toolkit Templates. Test plan : 1) Set system preference 'CSVdelimiter' = 'tabs'. 2) Create CSV export in impacted pages 3) Check columns are separated by tabulation character and not string 'tabulation' 4) Check with another delimiter Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
644 lines
24 KiB
Executable file
644 lines
24 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Reports qw( GetDelimiterChoices );
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types;
=head1 NAME
Plugin that shows circulation stats
my $input = CGI->new;
my $fullreportname = "reports/";
my $do_it = $input->param('do_it');
my $line = $input->param("Line");
my $column = $input->param("Column");
my @filters = $input->multi_param("Filter");
my $podsp = $input->param("DisplayBy");
my $type = $input->param("PeriodTypeSel");
my $daysel = $input->param("PeriodDaySel");
my $monthsel = $input->param("PeriodMonthSel");
my $calc = $input->param("Cellvalue");
my $output = $input->param("output");
my $basename = $input->param("basename");
my $attribute_filters;
my $vars = $input->Vars;
foreach(keys %$vars) {
if(/^Filter_borrower_attributes\.(.*)/) {
$attribute_filters->{$1} = $vars->{$_};
my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie) = get_template_and_user({
template_name => $fullreportname,
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => {reports => '*'},
our $sep = C4::Context->csv_delimiter(scalar $input->param("sep"));
$template->param(do_it => $do_it,
our $itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization->unblessed;
our @patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search_with_library_limits({}, {order_by => ['description']})->as_list;
our $locations = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.location' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
our $ccodes = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.ccode' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
our $Bsort1 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort1");
our $Bsort2 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort2");
my ($hassort1,$hassort2);
$hassort1=1 if $Bsort1;
$hassort2=1 if $Bsort2;
if ($do_it) {
# Displaying results
my $results = calculate( $line, $column, $podsp, $type, $daysel, $monthsel, $calc, \@filters, $attribute_filters);
if ( $output eq "screen" ) {
# Printing results to screen
$template->param( mainloop => $results );
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
} else {
# Printing to a csv file
print $input->header(
-type => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc',
-encoding => 'utf-8',
-attachment => "$basename.csv",
-filename => "$basename.csv"
my $cols = @$results[0]->{loopcol};
my $lines = @$results[0]->{looprow};
# header top-right
print @$results[0]->{line} . "/" . @$results[0]->{column} . $sep;
# Other header
foreach my $col (@$cols) {
print $col->{coltitle} . $sep;
print "Total\n";
# Table
foreach my $line (@$lines) {
my $x = $line->{loopcell};
print $line->{rowtitle} . $sep;
print map { $_->{value} . $sep } @$x;
print $line->{totalrow}, "\n";
# footer
print "TOTAL";
$cols = @$results[0]->{loopfooter};
print map {$sep.$_->{totalcol}} @$cols;
print $sep.@$results[0]->{total};
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# location list
my @locations;
foreach (sort keys %$locations) {
push @locations, { code => $_, description => "$_ - " . $locations->{$_} };
my @ccodes;
foreach (sort {$ccodes->{$a} cmp $ccodes->{$b}} keys %$ccodes) {
push @ccodes, { code => $_, description => $ccodes->{$_} };
my $CGIextChoice = ( 'CSV' ); # FIXME translation
my $CGIsepChoice=GetDelimiterChoices;
my $library_id = C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef;
my $attribute_types = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->search_with_library_limits({}, {}, $library_id);
my %attribute_types_by_class;
while ( my ( $attribute_type ) = $attribute_types->next ) {
$attribute_type = $attribute_type->unblessed;
if ($attribute_type->{authorised_value_category}) {
my $authorised_values = C4::Koha::GetAuthorisedValues(
foreach my $authorised_value (@$authorised_values) {
push @{ $attribute_type->{authorised_values} }, $authorised_value;
push @{ $attribute_types_by_class{$attribute_type->{class}} }, $attribute_type;
categoryloop => \@patron_categories,
itemtypes => $itemtypes,
locationloop => \@locations,
ccodeloop => \@ccodes,
hassort1 => $hassort1,
hassort2 => $hassort2,
Bsort1 => $Bsort1,
Bsort2 => $Bsort2,
CGIextChoice => $CGIextChoice,
CGIsepChoice => $CGIsepChoice,
attribute_types_by_class => \%attribute_types_by_class,
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub calculate {
my ( $line, $column, $dsp, $type, $daysel, $monthsel, $process, $filters, $attribute_filters ) = @_;
my @loopfooter;
my @loopcol;
my @loopline;
my @looprow;
my %globalline;
my $grantotal = 0;
# extract parameters
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($line_attribute_type, $column_attribute_type);
if($line =~ /^borrower_attributes\.(.*)/) {
$line_attribute_type = $1;
$line = "borrower_attributes.attribute";
if($column =~ /^borrower_attributes\.(.*)/) {
$column_attribute_type = $1;
$column = "borrower_attributes.attribute";
# Filters
# Checking filters
my @loopfilter;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= @$filters ; $i++ ) {
my %cell;
( @$filters[$i] ) or next;
if ( ( $i == 1 ) and ( @$filters[ $i - 1 ] ) ) {
$cell{err} = 1 if ( @$filters[$i] < @$filters[ $i - 1 ] );
# format the dates filters, otherwise just fill as is
$cell{filter} = @$filters[$i];
$cell{crit} = $i;
push @loopfilter, \%cell;
foreach (keys %$attribute_filters) {
next unless $attribute_filters->{$_};
push @loopfilter, { crit => "$_ =", filter => $attribute_filters->{$_} };
push @loopfilter, { crit => "Event", filter => $type };
push @loopfilter, { crit => "Display by", filter => $dsp } if ($dsp);
push @loopfilter, { crit => "Select Day", filter => $daysel } if ($daysel);
push @loopfilter, { crit => "Select Month", filter => $monthsel } if ($monthsel);
my @linefilter;
my ( $colsource, $linesource ) = ('', '');
$linefilter[1] = @$filters[1] if ( $line =~ /datetime/ );
$linefilter[0] =
( $line =~ /datetime/ ) ? @$filters[0]
: ( $line =~ /category/ ) ? @$filters[2]
: ( $line =~ /itemtype/ ) ? @$filters[3]
: ( $line =~ /^branch/ ) ? @$filters[4]
: ( $line =~ /ccode/ ) ? @$filters[5]
: ( $line =~ /location/ ) ? @$filters[6]
: ( $line =~ /sort1/ ) ? @$filters[9]
: ( $line =~ /sort2/ ) ? @$filters[10]
: ( $line =~ /homebranch/) ? @$filters[11]
: ( $line =~ /holdingbranch/) ? @$filters[12]
: ( $line =~ /borrowers.branchcode/ ) ? @$filters[13]
: ( $line_attribute_type ) ? $attribute_filters->{$line_attribute_type}
: undef;
if ( $line =~ /ccode/ or $line =~ /location/ or $line =~ /homebranch/ or $line =~ /holdingbranch/ ) {
$linesource = 'items';
my @colfilter;
$colfilter[1] = @$filters[1] if ($column =~ /datetime/);
$colfilter[0] =
( $column =~ /datetime/ ) ? @$filters[0]
: ( $column =~ /category/ ) ? @$filters[2]
: ( $column =~ /itemtype/ ) ? @$filters[3]
: ( $column =~ /^branch/ ) ? @$filters[4]
: ( $column =~ /ccode/ ) ? @$filters[5]
: ( $column =~ /location/ ) ? @$filters[6]
: ( $column =~ /sort1/ ) ? @$filters[9]
: ( $column =~ /sort1/ ) ? @$filters[10]
: ( $column =~ /homebranch/) ? @$filters[11]
: ( $column =~ /holdingbranch/) ? @$filters[12]
: ( $column =~ /borrowers.branchcode/ ) ? @$filters[13]
: ( $column_attribute_type ) ? $attribute_filters->{$column_attribute_type}
: undef;
if ( $column =~ /ccode/ or $column =~ /location/ or $column =~ /homebranch/ or $column =~ /holdingbranch/ ) {
$colsource = 'items';
# 1st, loop rows.
my $linefield;
if ( $line =~ /datetime/ ) {
# by Day, Month, Year or Hour (1,2,3,4 respectively)
$linefield =
( $dsp == 1 ) ? " dayname($line)"
: ( $dsp == 2 ) ? "monthname($line)"
: ( $dsp == 3 ) ? " Year($line)"
: ( $dsp == 4 ) ? "extract(hour from $line)"
: 'date_format(`datetime`,"%Y-%m-%d")'; # Probably should be left alone or passed through Koha::Dates
} else {
$linefield = $line;
my $lineorder =
( $linefield =~ /dayname/ ) ? "weekday($line)"
: ( $linefield =~ /^month/ ) ? " month($line)"
: $linefield;
my $strsth;
if($line_attribute_type) {
$strsth = "SELECT attribute FROM borrower_attributes WHERE code = '$line_attribute_type' ";
} else {
$strsth = "SELECT distinctrow $linefield FROM statistics ";
# get stats on items if ccode or location, otherwise borrowers.
$strsth .=
( $linesource eq 'items' )
? " LEFT JOIN items ON (statistics.itemnumber = items.itemnumber) "
: " LEFT JOIN borrowers ON (statistics.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber) ";
$strsth .= " WHERE $line IS NOT NULL ";
$strsth .= " AND $line != '' " if $line ne "datetime";
if ( $line =~ /datetime/ ) {
if ( $linefilter[1] and ( $linefilter[0] ) ) {
$strsth .= " AND $line between ? AND ? ";
} elsif ( $linefilter[1] ) {
$strsth .= " AND $line <= ? ";
} elsif ( $linefilter[0] ) {
$strsth .= " AND $line >= ? ";
$strsth .= " AND type ='" . $type . "' " if $type;
$strsth .= " AND dayname(datetime) ='" . $daysel . "' " if $daysel;
$strsth .= " AND monthname(datetime) ='" . $monthsel . "' " if $monthsel;
} elsif ( $linefilter[0] ) {
$linefilter[0] =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strsth .= " AND $line LIKE ? ";
$strsth .= " group by $linefield order by $lineorder ";
push @loopfilter, { crit => 'SQL =', sql => 1, filter => $strsth };
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
if ( (@linefilter) and ($linefilter[0]) and ($linefilter[1]) ) {
$sth->execute( $linefilter[0], $linefilter[1] . " 23:59:59" );
} elsif ( $linefilter[1] ) {
$sth->execute( $linefilter[1] . " 23:59:59" );
} elsif ( $linefilter[0] ) {
$sth->execute( $linefilter[0] );
} else {
my $itemtypes_map = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ $itemtypes } };
while ( my ($celvalue) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
my %cell = ( rowtitle => $celvalue, totalrow => 0 ); # we leave 'rowtitle' as hash key (used when filling the table), and add coltitle_display
$cell{rowtitle_display} =
( $line =~ /ccode/ ) ? $ccodes->{$celvalue}
: ( $line =~ /location/ ) ? $locations->{$celvalue}
: ( $line =~ /itemtype/ ) ? $itemtypes_map->{$celvalue}->{translated_description}
: $celvalue; # default fallback
if ( $line =~ /sort1/ ) {
foreach (@$Bsort1) {
( $celvalue eq $_->{authorised_value} ) or next;
$cell{rowtitle_display} = $_->{lib} and last;
} elsif ( $line =~ /sort2/ ) {
foreach (@$Bsort2) {
( $celvalue eq $_->{authorised_value} ) or next;
$cell{rowtitle_display} = $_->{lib} and last;
} elsif ($line =~ /category/) {
foreach my $patron_category ( @patron_categories ) {
($celvalue eq $patron_category->categorycode) or next;
$cell{rowtitle_display} = $patron_category->description and last;
push @loopline, \%cell;
# 2nd, loop cols.
my $colfield;
my $colorder;
if ( $column =~ /datetime/ ) {
#Display by Day, Month or Year (1,2,3 respectively)
$colfield =
( $dsp == 1 ) ? " dayname($column)"
: ( $dsp == 2 ) ? "monthname($column)"
: ( $dsp == 3 ) ? " Year($column)"
: ( $dsp == 4 ) ? "extract(hour from $column)"
: 'date_format(`datetime`,"%Y-%m-%d")'; # Probably should be left alone or passed through Koha::Dates
} else {
$colfield = $column;
$colorder =
( $colfield =~ /dayname/ ) ? "weekday($column)"
: ( $colfield =~ /^month/ ) ? " month($column)"
: $colfield;
my $strsth2;
if($column_attribute_type) {
$strsth2 = "SELECT attribute FROM borrower_attributes WHERE code = '$column_attribute_type' ";
} else {
$strsth2 = "SELECT distinctrow $colfield FROM statistics ";
# get stats on items if ccode or location, otherwise borrowers.
$strsth2 .=
( $colsource eq 'items' )
? "LEFT JOIN items ON (statistics.itemnumber = items.itemnumber) "
: "LEFT JOIN borrowers ON (statistics.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber) ";
$strsth2 .= " WHERE $column IS NOT NULL";
$strsth2 .= " AND $column != '' " if $column ne "datetime";
if ( $column =~ /datetime/ ) {
if ( ( $colfilter[1] ) and ( $colfilter[0] ) ) {
$strsth2 .= " AND $column BETWEEN ? AND ? ";
} elsif ( $colfilter[1] ) {
$strsth2 .= " AND $column <= ? ";
} elsif ( $colfilter[0] ) {
$strsth2 .= " AND $column >= ? ";
$strsth2 .= " AND type ='". $type ."' " if $type;
$strsth2 .= " AND dayname(datetime) ='". $daysel ."' " if $daysel;
$strsth2 .= " AND monthname(datetime) ='". $monthsel ."' " if $monthsel;
} elsif ($colfilter[0]) {
$colfilter[0] =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strsth2 .= " AND $column LIKE ? " ;
$strsth2 .= " group by $colfield order by $colorder ";
push @loopfilter, { crit => 'SQL =', sql => 1, filter => $strsth2 };
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($strsth2);
if ( (@colfilter) and ($colfilter[0]) and ($colfilter[1]) ) {
$sth2->execute( $colfilter[0], $colfilter[1] . " 23:59:59" );
} elsif ( $colfilter[1] ) {
$sth2->execute( $colfilter[1] . " 23:59:59" );
} elsif ( $colfilter[0] ) {
$sth2->execute( $colfilter[0] );
} else {
while ( my ($celvalue) = $sth2->fetchrow ) {
my %cell = ( coltitle => $celvalue ); # we leave 'coltitle' as hash key (used when filling the table), and add coltitle_display
$cell{coltitle_display} =
( $column =~ /ccode/ ) ? $ccodes->{$celvalue}
: ( $column =~ /location/ ) ? $locations->{$celvalue}
: ( $column =~ /itemtype/ ) ? $itemtypes_map->{$celvalue}->{translated_description}
: $celvalue; # default fallback
if ( $column =~ /sort1/ ) {
foreach (@$Bsort1) {
( $celvalue eq $_->{authorised_value} ) or next;
$cell{coltitle_display} = $_->{lib} and last;
} elsif ( $column =~ /sort2/ ) {
foreach (@$Bsort2) {
( $celvalue eq $_->{authorised_value} ) or next;
$cell{coltitle_display} = $_->{lib} and last;
} elsif ($column =~ /category/) {
foreach my $patron_category ( @patron_categories ) {
($celvalue eq $patron_category->categorycode) or next;
$cell{coltitle_display} = $patron_category->description and last;
push @loopcol, \%cell;
#Initialization of cell values.....
my %table;
foreach my $row (@loopline) {
foreach my $col (@loopcol) {
table_set(\%table, $row->{rowtitle}, $col->{coltitle}, 0);
table_set(\%table, $row->{rowtitle}, 'totalrow', 0);
# preparing calculation
my $strcalc = "SELECT ";
if($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= "TRIM(attribute_$line_attribute_type.attribute) AS line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= "TRIM($linefield), ";
if($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= "TRIM(attribute_$column_attribute_type.attribute) AS column_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= "TRIM($colfield), ";
$strcalc .=
( $process == 1 ) ? " COUNT(*) "
: ( $process == 2 ) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT borrowers.borrowernumber))"
: ( $process == 3 ) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT statistics.itemnumber))"
: ( $process == 5 ) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT items.biblionumber))"
: '';
if ( $process == 4 ) {
my $rqbookcount = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM items");
my ($bookcount) = $rqbookcount->fetchrow;
$strcalc .= "100*(COUNT(DISTINCT statistics.itemnumber))/ $bookcount ";
$strcalc .= "
FROM statistics
LEFT JOIN borrowers ON statistics.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber
foreach (keys %$attribute_filters) {
($line_attribute_type and $line_attribute_type eq $_)
or $column_attribute_type and $column_attribute_type eq $_
or $attribute_filters->{$_}
) {
$strcalc .= " LEFT JOIN borrower_attributes AS attribute_$_ ON (statistics.borrowernumber = attribute_$_.borrowernumber AND attribute_$_.code = '$_') ";
$strcalc .= "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM items UNION SELECT * FROM deleteditems) items ON statistics.itemnumber=items.itemnumber "
if ( $linefield =~ /^items\./
or $colfield =~ /^items\./
or $process == 5
or ( $colsource eq 'items' ) || @$filters[5] || @$filters[6] || @$filters[7] || @$filters[8] || @$filters[9] || @$filters[10] || @$filters[11] || @$filters[12] || @$filters[13] );
$strcalc .= "WHERE 1=1 ";
@$filters = map { my $f = $_; defined($f) and $f =~ s/\*/%/g; $f } @$filters;
$strcalc .= " AND statistics.datetime >= '" . @$filters[0] . "'" if ( @$filters[0] );
$strcalc .= " AND statistics.datetime <= '" . @$filters[1] . " 23:59:59'" if ( @$filters[1] );
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.categorycode LIKE '" . @$filters[2] . "'" if ( @$filters[2] );
$strcalc .= " AND statistics.itemtype LIKE '" . @$filters[3] . "'" if ( @$filters[3] );
$strcalc .= " AND statistics.branch LIKE '" . @$filters[4] . "'" if ( @$filters[4] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.ccode LIKE '" . @$filters[5] . "'" if ( @$filters[5] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.location LIKE '" . @$filters[6] . "'" if ( @$filters[6] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.itemcallnumber >='" . @$filters[7] . "'" if ( @$filters[7] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.itemcallnumber <'" . @$filters[8] . "'" if ( @$filters[8] );
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort1 LIKE '" . @$filters[9] . "'" if ( @$filters[9] );
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.sort2 LIKE '" . @$filters[10] . "'" if ( @$filters[10] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.homebranch LIKE '" . @$filters[11] . "'" if ( @$filters[11] );
$strcalc .= " AND items.holdingbranch LIKE '" . @$filters[12] . "'" if ( @$filters[12] );
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.branchcode LIKE '" . @$filters[13] . "'" if ( @$filters[13] );
$strcalc .= " AND dayname(datetime) LIKE '" . $daysel . "'" if ($daysel);
$strcalc .= " AND monthname(datetime) LIKE '" . $monthsel . "'" if ($monthsel);
$strcalc .= " AND statistics.type LIKE '" . $type . "'" if ($type);
foreach (keys %$attribute_filters) {
if($attribute_filters->{$_}) {
$strcalc .= " AND attribute_$_.attribute LIKE '" . $attribute_filters->{$_} . "'";
$strcalc .= " GROUP BY ";
if($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $linefield, ";
if($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " column_attribute ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colfield ";
$strcalc .= " ORDER BY ";
if($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $lineorder, ";
if($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " column_attribute ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colorder ";
my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
push @loopfilter, { crit => 'SQL =', sql => 1, filter => $strcalc };
my ( $emptycol, $emptyrow );
while ( my ( $row, $col, $value ) = $dbcalc->fetchrow ) {
unless ( defined $col ) {
$emptycol = 1;
unless ( defined $row ) {
$emptyrow = 1;
table_inc(\%table, $row, $col, $value);
table_inc(\%table, $row, 'totalrow', $value);
$grantotal += $value;
push @loopcol, { coltitle => "NULL", coltitle_display => 'NULL' } if ($emptycol);
push @loopline, { rowtitle => "NULL", rowtitle_display => 'NULL' } if ($emptyrow);
foreach my $row (@loopline) {
my @loopcell;
#@loopcol ensures the order for columns is common with column titles
# and the number matches the number of columns
foreach my $col (@loopcol) {
my $value = table_get(\%table, $row->{rowtitle}, $col->{coltitle});
push @loopcell, { value => $value };
push @looprow,
{ 'rowtitle_display' => $row->{rowtitle_display},
'rowtitle' => $row->{rowtitle},
'loopcell' => \@loopcell,
'totalrow' => table_get(\%table, $row->{rowtitle}, 'totalrow'),
for my $col (@loopcol) {
my $total = 0;
foreach my $row (@looprow) {
$total += table_get(\%table, $row->{rowtitle}, $col->{coltitle}) || 0;
push @loopfooter, { 'totalcol' => $total };
# the header of the table
$globalline{loopfilter} = \@loopfilter;
# the core of the table
$globalline{looprow} = \@looprow;
$globalline{loopcol} = \@loopcol;
# # the foot (totals by borrower type)
$globalline{loopfooter} = \@loopfooter;
$globalline{total} = $grantotal;
$globalline{line} = $line_attribute_type ? $line_attribute_type : $line;
$globalline{column} = $column_attribute_type ? $column_attribute_type : $column;
return [ ( \%globalline ) ];
sub null_to_zzempty {
my $string = shift;
if (!defined($string) or $string eq '' or uc($string) eq 'NULL') {
return 'zzEMPTY';
return $string;
sub table_set {
my ($table, $row, $col, $val) = @_;
$row = $row // '';
$col = $col // '';
$table->{ null_to_zzempty($row) }->{ null_to_zzempty($col) } = $val;
sub table_get {
my ($table, $row, $col) = @_;
$row = $row // '';
$col = $col // '';
return $table->{ null_to_zzempty($row) }->{ null_to_zzempty($col) };
sub table_inc {
my ($table, $row, $col, $inc) = @_;
$row = $row // '';
$col = $col // '';
$table->{ null_to_zzempty($row) }->{ null_to_zzempty($col) } += $inc;