Test plan: 1) Go to reports and select "Patrons" 2) Select some filters (patron category, library,..) and run it 3) Normally you will see filters selected but with blank value like "branch code = " 4) Apply this patch 5) Refresh Sponsored by: BibLibre Signed-off-by: Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr> Signed-off-by: Emily Lamancusa <emily.lamancusa@montgomerycountymd.gov> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
514 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
514 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Reports qw( GetDelimiterChoices );
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Date::Calc qw( Add_Delta_YM Today );
=head1 NAME
plugin that shows a stats on borrowers
my $input = CGI->new;
my $do_it=$input->param('do_it');
my $fullreportname = "reports/borrowers_stats.tt";
my $line = $input->param("Line");
my $column = $input->param("Column");
my @filters = $input->multi_param("Filter");
my $digits = $input->param("digits");
our $period = $input->param("period");
my $borstat = $input->param("status");
my $borstat1 = $input->param("activity");
my $output = $input->param("output");
my $basename = $input->param("basename");
our $sep = C4::Context->csv_delimiter(scalar $input->param("sep"));
my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => $fullreportname,
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => {reports => '*'},
$template->param(do_it => $do_it);
if ($do_it) {
my $attributes;
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
$attributes = parse_extended_patron_attributes($input);
my $results = calculate($line, $column, $digits, $borstat,$borstat1 ,\@filters, $attributes);
if ($output eq "screen"){
$template->param(mainloop => $results);
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
} else {
print $input->header(-type => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc',
-encoding => 'utf-8',
-name => "$basename.csv",
-attachment => "$basename.csv");
my $cols = @$results[0]->{loopcol};
my $lines = @$results[0]->{looprow};
print @$results[0]->{line} ."/". @$results[0]->{column} .$sep;
foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
print $col->{coltitle}.$sep;
print "Total\n";
foreach my $line ( @$lines ) {
my $x = $line->{loopcell};
print $line->{rowtitle}.$sep;
foreach my $cell (@$x) {
print $cell->{value}.$sep;
print $line->{totalrow};
print "\n";
print "TOTAL";
$cols = @$results[0]->{loopfooter};
foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
print $sep.$col->{totalcol};
print $sep.@$results[0]->{total};
exit; # exit after do_it, regardless
} else {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $req;
my $patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search({}, {order_by => ['description']});
$template->param( patron_categories => $patron_categories );
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCTROW zipcode FROM borrowers WHERE zipcode IS NOT NULL AND zipcode <> '' ORDER BY zipcode");
$template->param( ZIP_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT authorised_value,lib FROM authorised_values WHERE category='Bsort1' ORDER BY lib");
$template->param( SORT1_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCTROW sort2 AS value FROM borrowers WHERE sort2 IS NOT NULL AND sort2 <> '' ORDER BY sort2 LIMIT 200");
# More than 200 items in a dropdown is not going to be useful anyway, and w/ 50,000 patrons we can destroy DB performance.
$template->param( SORT2_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
my $CGIextChoice = ( 'CSV' ); # FIXME translation
my $CGIsepChoice=GetDelimiterChoices;
CGIextChoice => $CGIextChoice,
CGIsepChoice => $CGIsepChoice,
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub calculate {
my ($line, $column, $digits, $status, $activity, $filters, $attr_filters) = @_;
my @mainloop;
my @loopfooter;
my @loopcol;
my @loopline;
my @looprow;
my %globalline;
my $grantotal =0;
# extract parameters
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# check parameters
my @valid_names = qw(categorycode zipcode branchcode sex sort1 sort2);
if ($line =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)/) {
my $attribute_type = $1;
return unless Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->find($attribute_type);
} else {
return unless (grep { $_ eq $line } @valid_names);
if ($column =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)/) {
my $attribute_type = $1;
return unless Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->find($attribute_type);
} else {
return unless (grep { $_ eq $column } @valid_names);
return if ($digits and $digits !~ /^\d+$/);
return if ($status and (grep { $_ eq $status } qw(debarred gonenoaddress lost)) == 0);
return if ($activity and (grep { $_ eq $activity } qw(active nonactive)) == 0);
# Filters
my $linefilter;
if ( $line =~ /categorycode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[0]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /zipcode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[1]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /branchcode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[2]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sex/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[5]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sort1/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[6]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sort2/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[7]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)$/ ) { $linefilter = $attr_filters->{$1}; }
else { $linefilter = ''; }
my $colfilter;
if ( $column =~ /categorycode/ ) { $colfilter = @$filters[0]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /zipcode/ ) { $colfilter = @$filters[1]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /branchcode/) { $colfilter = @$filters[2]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sex/) { $colfilter = @$filters[5]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sort1/) { $colfilter = @$filters[6]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sort2/) { $colfilter = @$filters[7]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)$/) { $colfilter = $attr_filters->{$1}; }
else { $colfilter = ''; }
my @loopfilter;
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @$filters) {
my %cell;
if ( @$filters[$i] ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) { $cell{crit} = "Cat code"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 1 ) { $cell{crit} = "ZIP/Postal code"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 2 ) { $cell{crit} = "Branch code"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 3 || $i == 4 ) { $cell{crit} = "Date of birth"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 5 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sex"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 6 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sort1"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
elsif ( $i == 7 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sort2"; $cell{filter} = @$filters[$i]; }
else { $cell{crit} = "Unknown"; }
push @loopfilter, \%cell;
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if($attr_filters->{$type}) {
push @loopfilter, {
crit => "Attribute $type",
filter => $attr_filters->{$type}
my @branchcodes = Koha::Libraries->search->get_column('branchcode');
($status ) and push @loopfilter,{crit=>"Status", filter=>$status };
($activity) and push @loopfilter,{crit=>"Activity",filter=>$activity};
# year of activity
my ( $period_year, $period_month, $period_day )=Add_Delta_YM( Today(),-$period, 0);
my $newperioddate=$period_year."-".$period_month."-".$period_day;
# 1st, loop rows.
my $linefield;
my $line_attribute_type;
if ($line =~/^patron_attr\.(.*)$/) {
$line_attribute_type = $1;
$line = 'borrower_attributes.attribute';
if (($line =~/zipcode/) and ($digits)) {
$linefield = "left($line,$digits)";
} else {
$linefield = $line;
my $patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search({}, {order_by => ['categorycode']});
my $strsth;
my @strparams; # bind parameters for the query
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strsth = "SELECT distinct attribute FROM borrower_attributes
WHERE attribute IS NOT NULL AND code=?";
push @strparams, $line_attribute_type;
} else {
$strsth = "SELECT distinctrow $linefield FROM borrowers
$linefilter =~ s/\*/%/g;
if ( $linefilter ) {
$strsth .= " AND $linefield LIKE ? " ;
push @strparams, $linefilter;
$strsth .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strsth .=" order by $linefield";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
while (my ($celvalue) = $sth->fetchrow) {
my %cell;
if ($celvalue) {
$cell{rowtitle} = $celvalue;
$cell{rowtitle_display} = ($patron_categories->find($celvalue)->description || "$celvalue\*") if ($line eq 'categorycode');
$cell{totalrow} = 0;
push @loopline, \%cell;
# 2nd, loop cols.
my $colfield;
my $column_attribute_type;
if ($column =~/^patron_attr.(.*)$/) {
$column_attribute_type = $1;
$column = 'borrower_attributes.attribute';
if (($column =~/zipcode/) and ($digits)) {
$colfield = "left($column,$digits)";
} else {
$colfield = $column;
my $strsth2;
my @strparams2; # bind parameters for the query
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strsth2 = "SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM borrower_attributes
WHERE attribute IS NOT NULL AND code=?";
push @strparams2, $column_attribute_type;
} else {
$strsth2 = "SELECT DISTINCTROW $colfield FROM borrowers
if ($colfilter) {
$colfilter =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strsth2 .= " AND $colfield LIKE ? ";
push @strparams2, $colfield;
$strsth2 .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strsth2 .= " order by $colfield";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($strsth2);
while (my ($celvalue) = $sth2->fetchrow) {
my %cell;
if (defined $celvalue) {
$cell{coltitle} = $celvalue;
# $cell{coltitle_display} = ($colfield eq 'branchcode') ? $branches->{$celvalue}->{branchname} : $celvalue;
$cell{coltitle_display} = $patron_categories->find($celvalue)->description if ($column eq 'categorycode');
push @loopcol, \%cell;
my $i=0;
#Initialization of cell values.....
my %table;
# warn "init table";
foreach my $row (@loopline) {
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $rowtitle = $row->{rowtitle} // '';
my $coltitle = $row->{coltitle} // '';
$table{$rowtitle}->{$coltitle} = 0;
$row->{rowtitle} ||= '';
$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{rowtitle_display} = $row->{rowtitle_display};
# preparing calculation
my $strcalc;
my @calcparams;
$strcalc = "SELECT ";
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " attribute_$line_attribute_type.attribute AS line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $linefield, ";
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " attribute_$column_attribute_type.attribute AS column_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colfield, ";
$strcalc .= " COUNT(*) FROM borrowers ";
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if (
($line_attribute_type and $line_attribute_type eq $type)
or ($column_attribute_type and $column_attribute_type eq $type)
or ($attr_filters->{$type})
) {
$strcalc .= " LEFT JOIN borrower_attributes AS attribute_$type
ON (borrowers.borrowernumber = attribute_$type.borrowernumber
AND attribute_$type.code = " . $dbh->quote($type) . ") ";
$strcalc .= " WHERE 1 ";
@$filters[0]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[0]);
$strcalc .= " AND categorycode like '" . @$filters[0] ."'" if ( @$filters[0] );
@$filters[1]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[1]);
$strcalc .= " AND zipcode like '" . @$filters[1] ."'" if ( @$filters[1] );
@$filters[2]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[2]);
$strcalc .= " AND branchcode like '" . @$filters[2] ."'" if ( @$filters[2] );
@$filters[3]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[3]);
$strcalc .= " AND dateofbirth > '" . @$filters[3] ."'" if ( @$filters[3] );
@$filters[4]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[4]);
$strcalc .= " AND dateofbirth < '" . @$filters[4] ."'" if ( @$filters[4] );
@$filters[5]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[5]);
$strcalc .= " AND sex like '" . @$filters[5] ."'" if ( @$filters[5] );
@$filters[6]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[6]);
$strcalc .= " AND sort1 like '" . @$filters[6] ."'" if ( @$filters[6] );
@$filters[7]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[7]);
$strcalc .= " AND sort2 like '" . @$filters[7] ."'" if ( @$filters[7] );
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if($attr_filters->{$type}) {
my $filter = $attr_filters->{$type};
$filter =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strcalc .= " AND attribute_$type.attribute LIKE '" . $filter . "' ";
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.borrowernumber in (select distinct(borrowernumber) from old_issues where issuedate > '" . $newperioddate . "')" if ($activity eq 'active');
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.borrowernumber not in (select distinct(borrowernumber) from old_issues where issuedate > '" . $newperioddate . "' AND borrowernumber IS NOT NULL)" if ($activity eq 'nonactive');
$strcalc .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strcalc .= " GROUP BY ";
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $linefield, ";
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " column_attribute ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colfield ";
my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
(scalar(@calcparams)) ? $dbcalc->execute(@calcparams) : $dbcalc->execute();
my $emptycol;
while (my ($row, $col, $value) = $dbcalc->fetchrow) {
# warn "filling table $row / $col / $value ";
$emptycol = 1 if (!defined($col));
$col = "zzEMPTY" if (!defined($col));
$row = "zzEMPTY" if (!defined($row));
$grantotal += $value;
push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
foreach my $row (sort keys %table) {
my @loopcell;
#@loopcol ensures the order for columns is common with column titles
# and the number matches the number of columns
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $coltitle = $col->{coltitle} // '';
$coltitle = $coltitle eq "NULL" ? "zzEMPTY" : $coltitle;
my $value =$table{$row}->{$coltitle};
push @loopcell, {value => $value};
push @looprow,{
'rowtitle' => ($row eq "zzEMPTY")?"NULL":$row,
'rowtitle_display' => $table{$row}->{rowtitle_display} || ($row eq "zzEMPTY" ? "NULL" : $row),
'loopcell' => \@loopcell,
'totalrow' => $table{$row}->{totalrow}
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $total=0;
foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
my $rowtitle = $row->{rowtitle} // '';
$rowtitle = ($rowtitle eq "NULL") ? "zzEMPTY" : $rowtitle;
my $coltitle = $col->{coltitle} // '';
$coltitle = ($coltitle eq "NULL") ? "zzEMPTY" : $coltitle;
$total += $table{$rowtitle}->{$coltitle} || 0;
# warn "value added ".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
# warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}." = ".$total;
push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
# the header of the table
# the core of the table
$globalline{looprow} = \@looprow;
$globalline{loopcol} = \@loopcol;
# # the foot (totals by borrower type)
$globalline{loopfooter} = \@loopfooter;
$globalline{total}= $grantotal;
$globalline{line} = ($line_attribute_type) ? $line_attribute_type : $line;
$globalline{column} = ($column_attribute_type) ? $column_attribute_type : $column;
push @mainloop,\%globalline;
return \@mainloop;
sub parse_extended_patron_attributes {
my ($input) = @_;
my @params_names = $input->param;
my %attr;
foreach my $name (@params_names) {
if ($name =~ /^Filter_patron_attr\.(.*)$/) {
my $code = $1;
my $value = $input->param($name);
$attr{$code} = $value;
return \%attr;
sub patron_attributes_form {
my $template = shift;
my $library_id = C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef;
my $attribute_types = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->search_with_library_limits({}, {}, $library_id);
my %items_by_class;
while ( my $attr_type = $attribute_types->next ) {
# TODO The following can be simplified easily
my $entry = {
class => $attr_type->class(),
code => $attr_type->code(),
description => $attr_type->description(),
repeatable => $attr_type->repeatable(),
category => $attr_type->authorised_value_category(),
category_code => $attr_type->category_code(),
my $newentry = { %$entry };
if ($attr_type->authorised_value_category()) {
$newentry->{use_dropdown} = 1;
$newentry->{auth_val_loop} = GetAuthorisedValues(
push @{ $items_by_class{ $attr_type->class() } }, $newentry;
my @attribute_loop;
foreach my $class ( sort keys %items_by_class ) {
my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'PA_CLASS', authorised_value => $class });
my $lib = $av->count ? $av->next->lib : $class;
push @attribute_loop, {
class => $class,
items => $items_by_class{$class},
lib => $lib,
$template->param(patron_attributes => \@attribute_loop);