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# Apache configuration settings that are shared for every Koha instance.
# This file contains settings for the Plack configuration of the intranet.
# This file should be included from an instance's
# /etc/apache2/site-available file, from within the VirtualHost section
# for the intranet.
# Plack is only available out-of-the-box for Apache 2.4.8+ setups
<IfVersion >= 2.4.8>
<IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
# FIXME: These scripts should be fixed so they
# don't break under plack/starman
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/offline_circ/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/" "!"
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/cataloguing/metasearch" "!"
ProxyPreserveHost On
RequestHeader set X-FORWARDED-PROTO "https" env=HTTPS
# Point the intranet site to Plack
ProxyPass /index.html "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/intranet/"
ProxyPassReverse /index.html "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/intranet/"
ProxyPass /cgi-bin/koha "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/intranet"
ProxyPassReverse /cgi-bin/koha "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/intranet"
# Point the /api endpoint to Plack
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/api/v[0-1]+/
RewriteRule ^/api/(v[0-9]+)/(.*)$ /api/$1/$1/$2 [L,PT]
ProxyPass /api "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/api"
ProxyPassReverse /api "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/api"