Galen Charlton b6e62489d8 bug 3222: moved messaging preference editing
The display and editing of messaging preferences
for a patron have been moved as follows:

* the prefs for a patron are now displayed on the
  patron details tab, not the messaging tab.
* the prefs are now modified by editing the patron
  record, not on the messaging tab.

The messaging tab now contains only the list of
messages that have been or will be sent to the patron.

When creating a new patron record, changing the patron
category via the category dropdown now also changes
the default messaging preferences for that patron.  If
you start editing a new patron, change one of the messaging
preferences, then change the patron category, the form will
ask you if you want to keep the preferences or get
the defaults belonging to the new patron category.

Note that when you edit an existing patron record, changing
the patron category will *not* cause the messaging preferences
to be automatically changed.

Programmer's note: this commit introduces a new web service,
members/default_messagingprefs.pl, that uses Jesse Weaver's
C4::Service module.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Sweeney <daniel.sweeney@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2009-05-22 13:20:56 -05:00

167 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable file

package C4::Form::MessagingPreferences;
# Copyright 2008-2009 LibLime
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members::Messaging;
use C4::Debug;
=head1 NAME
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences - manage messaging prefernces form
In script:
use C4::Form::MessagingPreferences;
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::set_form_value({ borrowernumber => 51 }, $template);
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::handle_form_action($input, { categorycode => 'CPL' }, $template);
In HTML template:
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="messaging-preference-form.inc" -->
This module manages input and output for the messaging preferences form
that is used in the staff patron editor, the staff patron category editor,
and the OPAC patron messaging prefereneces form. It in its current form,
it essentially serves only to eliminate copy-and-paste code, but suggests
at least one approach for reconciling functionality that does mostly
the same thing in staff and OPAC.
=head2 handle_form_action
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::handle_form_action($input, { categorycode => 'CPL' }, $template);
Processes CGI parameters and updates the target patron or patron category's
C<$input> is the CGI query object.
C<$target_params> is a hashref containing either a C<categorycode> key or a C<borrowernumber> key
identifying the patron or patron category whose messaging preferences are to be updated.
C<$template> is the HTML::Template::Pro object for the response; this routine
adds a settings_updated template variable.
sub handle_form_action {
my ($query, $target_params, $template) = @_;
my $messaging_options = C4::Members::Messaging::GetMessagingOptions();
# TODO: If a "NONE" box and another are checked somehow (javascript failed), we should pay attention to the "NONE" box
OPTION: foreach my $option ( @$messaging_options ) {
my $updater = { %{ $target_params },
message_attribute_id => $option->{'message_attribute_id'} };
# find the desired transports
@{$updater->{'message_transport_types'}} = $query->param( $option->{'message_attribute_id'} );
next OPTION unless $updater->{'message_transport_types'};
if ( $option->{'has_digest'} ) {
if ( List::Util::first { $_ == $option->{'message_attribute_id'} } $query->param( 'digest' ) ) {
$updater->{'wants_digest'} = 1;
if ( $option->{'takes_days'} ) {
if ( defined $query->param( $option->{'message_attribute_id'} . '-DAYS' ) ) {
$updater->{'days_in_advance'} = $query->param( $option->{'message_attribute_id'} . '-DAYS' );
C4::Members::Messaging::SetMessagingPreference( $updater );
# show the success message
$template->param( settings_updated => 1 );
=head2 set_form_values
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::set_form_value({ borrowernumber => 51 }, $template);
Retrieves the messaging preferences for the specified patron or patron category
and fills the corresponding template variables.
C<$target_params> is a hashref containing either a C<categorycode> key or a C<borrowernumber> key
identifying the patron or patron category.
C<$template> is the HTML::Template::Pro object for the response.
sub set_form_values {
my ($target_params, $template) = @_;
# walk through the options and update them with these borrower_preferences
my $messaging_options = C4::Members::Messaging::GetMessagingOptions();
PREF: foreach my $option ( @$messaging_options ) {
my $pref = C4::Members::Messaging::GetMessagingPreferences( { %{ $target_params },
message_name => $option->{'message_name'} } );
# make a hashref of the days, selecting one.
if ( $option->{'takes_days'} ) {
my $days_in_advance = $pref->{'days_in_advance'} ? $pref->{'days_in_advance'} : 0;
$option->{days_in_advance} = $days_in_advance;
@{$option->{'select_days'}} = map {; {
day => $_,
selected => $_ == $days_in_advance ? 'selected="selected"' :'' }
} ( 0..30 ); # FIXME: 30 is a magic number.
foreach my $transport ( @{$pref->{'transports'}} ) {
$option->{'transport-'.$transport} = 'checked="checked"';
$option->{'digest'} = 'checked="checked"' if $pref->{'wants_digest'};
$template->param(messaging_preferences => $messaging_options);
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item Reduce coupling between processing CGI parameters and updating the messaging preferences
=item Handle when form input is invalid
=item Generalize into a system of form handler clases
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<C4::Members::Messaging>, F<admin/categorie.pl>, F<opac/opac-messaging.pl>, F<members/messaging.pl>
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>
Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com> refactoring code by Andrew Moore.