Galen Charlton 9708138a86 Bug 9032: (follow-up) restore documented intepretation of virtualshelfshares.sharedate
The sharedate column is documented as having the following meaning:

"date of invitation or acceptance of invitation"

This patch adjust the new list-sharing code to stick with that
interpretation, as otherwise the column should have been renamed
to 'invite_expiration_date' or the like.

It also removes the "housekeeping" functionality from AddShare, as
otherwise the routine should have been named AddShareAndDoOtherStuff.

To prevent list shares from piling up, a new --list-invites flag
has been added to cleanup_database.pl.  The default crontabs have
been modified to use the --list-invites flag by default.

To test
[1] Make some list share invites and accept some, but now all of them.
[2] Wait 14 days (or more reasonably, manually edit the sharedate
    values for the unaccepted shares to put them at least 14 days in the
[3] Run cleanup_database.pl --list-invites
[4] Verify that accepted shares remain, as to share invites that have
    not yet reached more than 14 days of age.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2014-04-20 22:52:21 +00:00

264 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable file

# This file is a test script for C4::VirtualShelves.pm
# Author : Antoine Farnault, antoine@koha-fr.org
# Larger modifications by Jonathan Druart and Marcel de Rooy
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 96;
use MARC::Record;
use C4::Biblio qw( AddBiblio DelBiblio );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members qw( AddMember );
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
# Create some borrowers
my @borrowernumbers;
for my $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(
firstname => 'my firstname',
surname => 'my surname ' . $i,
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => 'CPL',
push @borrowernumbers, $borrowernumber;
# Creating some biblios
my @biblionumbers;
foreach(0..9) {
my ($biblionumber)= AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
#item number ignored
push @biblionumbers, $biblionumber;
#-----------------------TEST AddShelf function------------------------#
# usage : $shelfnumber = &AddShelf( $shelfname, $owner, $category);
# creating shelves (could be <10 when names are not unique)
my @shelves;
for my $i (0..9){
my $name= randomname();
my $catg= int(rand(2))+1;
my $ShelfNumber= AddShelf(
shelfname => $name,
category => $catg,
if($ShelfNumber>-1) {
ok($ShelfNumber > -1, "created shelf"); # Shelf creation successful;
else {
my $t= C4::VirtualShelves::_CheckShelfName(
$name, $catg, $borrowernumbers[$i], 0);
is($t, 0, "Name clash expected on shelf creation");
push @shelves, {
number => $ShelfNumber,
name => $name,
catg => $catg,
owner => $borrowernumbers[$i],
}; #also push the errors
# try to create shelves with duplicate names
for my $i (0..9){
if($shelves[$i]->{number}<0) {
ok(1, 'skip duplicate test for earlier name clash');
my @shlf=GetShelf($shelves[$i]->{number}); #number, name, owner, catg, ...
# A shelf name is not per se unique!
if( $shlf[3]==2 ) { #public list: try to create with same name
my $badNumShelf= AddShelf( {
shelfname=> $shelves[$i]->{name},
category => 2
}, $borrowernumbers[$i]);
is($badNumShelf, -1, 'do not create public lists with duplicate names');
#AddShelf returns -1 if name already exist.
DelShelf($badNumShelf) if $badNumShelf>-1; #delete if went wrong..
else { #private list, try to add another one for SAME user (owner)
my $badNumShelf= defined($shlf[2])? AddShelf(
shelfname=> $shelves[$i]->{name},
category => 1,
$shlf[2]): -1;
is($badNumShelf, -1, 'do not create private lists with duplicate name for same user');
DelShelf($badNumShelf) if $badNumShelf>-1; #delete if went wrong..
#-----------TEST AddToShelf & GetShelfContents & DelFromShelf functions--------------#
# usage : &AddToShelf($biblionumber, $shelfnumber);
# usage : $biblist = &GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
# usage : $biblist = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
my %used = ();
for my $i (0..9){
my $bib = $biblionumbers[int(rand(9))];
my $shelfnumber = $shelves[int(rand(9))]->{number};
if($shelfnumber<0) {
ok(1, 'skip add to list-test for shelf -1');
ok(1, 'skip counting list entries for shelf -1');
my $key = "$bib\t$shelfnumber";
my $should_fail = exists($used{$key}) ? 1 : 0;
#FIXME We assume here that we have permission to add..
#The different permissions could be tested too.
my ($biblistBefore,$countbefore) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
my $status = AddToShelf($bib,$shelfnumber,$borrowernumbers[$i]);
my ($biblistAfter,$countafter) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
if ($should_fail) {
ok(!defined($status), 'failed to add to list when we should');
} else {
ok(defined($status), 'added to list when we should');
if (defined $status) {
is($countbefore, $countafter - 1, 'added bib to list'); # the bib has been successfuly added.
} else {
is($countbefore, $countafter, 'did not add duplicate bib to list');
#-----------------------TEST ModShelf & GetShelf functions------------------------#
# usage : ModShelf($shelfnumber, $shelfname, $owner, $category )
# usage : (shelfnumber,shelfname,owner,category) = GetShelf($shelfnumber);
for my $i (0..9){
my $rand = int(rand(9));
my $numA = $shelves[$rand]->{number};
if($numA<0) {
ok(1, 'Skip ModShelf test for shelf -1');
ok(1, 'Skip ModShelf test for shelf -1');
ok(1, 'Skip ModShelf test for shelf -1');
my $newname= randomname();
my $shelf = {
shelfname => $newname,
category => 3-$shelves[$rand]->{catg}, # tric: 1->2 and 2->1
#check name change (with category change)
$shelves[$rand]->{owner}, $numA)) {
my ($numB,$nameB,$ownerB,$categoryB) = GetShelf($numA);
is($numA, $numB, 'modified shelf');
is($shelf->{shelfname}, $nameB, '... and name change took');
is($shelf->{category}, $categoryB, '... and category change took');
else {
ok(1, "No ModShelf for $newname") for 1..3;
#----------------------- TEST AddShare ----------------------------------------#
#first count the number of shares in the table
my $sql_sharecount="select count(*) from virtualshelfshares";
my $cnt1=$dbh->selectrow_array($sql_sharecount);
#try to add a share without shelfnumber: should fail
AddShare(0, 'abcdefghij');
my $cnt2=$dbh->selectrow_array($sql_sharecount);
is($cnt1,$cnt2, "Did not add an invalid share record");
#add another share: should be okay
#AddShare assumes that you tested if category==private (so we could actually
#be doing something illegal here :)
my $n=$shelves[0]->{number};
if($n<0) {
ok(1, 'Skip AddShare for shelf -1');
else {
AddShare($n, 'abcdefghij');
my $cnt3=$dbh->selectrow_array($sql_sharecount);
is(1+$cnt2, $cnt3, "Added one new share record with invitekey");
#----------------------- TEST AcceptShare -------------------------------------#
# test accepting a wrong key
my $testkey= 'keyisgone9';
my $acctest="delete from virtualshelfshares where invitekey=?";
$dbh->do($acctest,undef,($testkey)); #just be sure it does not exist
$acctest="select shelfnumber from virtualshelves";
my ($accshelf)= $dbh->selectrow_array($acctest);
is(AcceptShare($accshelf,$testkey,$borrowernumbers[0]),undef,'Did not accept invalid key');
# test accepting a good key
if( AddShare($accshelf,$testkey) && $borrowernumbers[0] ) {
is(AcceptShare($accshelf, $testkey, $borrowernumbers[0]),1,'Accepted share');
else { #cannot accept if addshared failed somehow
ok(1, 'Skipped second AcceptShare test');
#----------------------- TEST IsSharedList ------------------------------------#
for my $i (0..9) {
my $sql="select count(*) from virtualshelfshares where shelfnumber=? and borrowernumber is not null";
my $sh=$shelves[$i]->{number};
my ($n)=$dbh->selectrow_array($sql,undef,($sh));
is(IsSharedList($sh),$n? 1: '', "Checked IsSharedList for shelf $sh");
#----------------TEST DelShelf & DelFromShelf functions------------------------#
for my $i (0..9){
my $shelfnumber = $shelves[$i]->{number};
if($shelfnumber<0) {
ok(1, 'Skip DelShelf for shelf -1');
my $status = DelShelf($shelfnumber);
is($status, 1, "deleted shelf $shelfnumber and its contents");
#----------------------- TEST RemoveShare -------------------------------------#
my $remshr_test="select borrowernumber, shelfnumber from virtualshelfshares where borrowernumber is not null";
my @remshr_shelf= $dbh->selectrow_array($remshr_test);
if(@remshr_shelf) {
is(RemoveShare(@remshr_shelf),1,'Removed a shelf share');
else {
ok(1,'Skipped RemoveShare test');
#----------------------- SOME SUBS --------------------------------------------#
sub randomname {
my $rv='';
for(0..19) {
$rv.= ('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9) [int(rand()*62)];
return $rv;