Joshua Ferraro c7f22f84ad additional updates to language support
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2008-01-05 02:59:47 -06:00

463 lines
16 KiB

package C4::Languages;
# Copyright 2006 (C) LibLime
# Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict; use warnings; #FIXME: turn off warnings before release
require Exporter;
use C4::Context;
=head1 NAME
C4::Languages - Perl Module containing language list functions for Koha
use C4::Languages;
$VERSION = 3.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(getFrameworkLanguages getTranslatedLanguages getAllLanguages get_bidi regex_lang_subtags language_get_description accept_language);
my $DEBUG = 0;
=head2 getFrameworkLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $languages = getFrameworkLanguages();
for my $language(@$languages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n"; # language code in iso 639-2
print "$language->{language_name}\n"; # language name in native script
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n"; # language name in current locale
sub getFrameworkLanguages {
# get a hash with all language codes, names, and locale names
my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
my @languages;
# find the available directory names
my $dir=C4::Context->config('intranetdir')."/installer/data/";
opendir (MYDIR,$dir);
my @listdir= grep { !/^\.|CVS/ && -d "$dir/$_"} readdir(MYDIR);
closedir MYDIR;
# pull out all data for the dir names that exist
for my $dirname (@listdir) {
for my $language_set (@$all_languages) {
if ($dirname eq $language_set->{language_code}) {
push @languages, {
'native_descrition'=>$language_set->{language_native_description} }
return \@languages;
=head2 getTranslatedLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $languages = getTranslatedLanguages();
print "Available translated langauges:\n";
for my $language(@$trlanguages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n"; # language code in iso 639-2
print "$language->{language_name}\n"; # language name in native script
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n"; # language name in current locale
sub getTranslatedLanguages {
my ($interface, $theme) = @_;
my $htdocs;
my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
my @languages;
my $lang;
if ($interface && $interface eq 'opac' ) {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
if ( $theme and -d "$htdocs/$theme" ) {
(@languages) = _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
return _build_languages_arrayref($all_languages,@languages);
else {
for my $theme ( _get_themes('opac') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
return _build_languages_arrayref($all_languages,@languages);
elsif ($interface && $interface eq 'intranet' ) {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
if ( $theme and -d "$htdocs/$theme" ) {
@languages = _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
return _build_languages_arrayref($all_languages,@languages);
else {
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('opac') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
return _build_languages_arrayref($all_languages,@languages);
else {
my $htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('intranet') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('opac') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
return _build_languages_arrayref($all_languages,@languages);
=head2 getAllLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $alllanguages = getAllLanguages();
print "Available translated langauges:\n";
for my $language(@$alllanguages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n";
print "$language->{language_name}\n";
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n";
sub getAllLanguages {
my @languages_loop;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $current_language = 'en';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM language_subtag_registry WHERE type=\'language\'');
while (my $language_subtag_registry = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# pull out all the script descriptions for each language
my $sth2= $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM language_descriptions WHERE type=\'language\' AND subtag =?');
# add the correct description info
while (my $language_descriptions = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
# Insert the language description using the current language script
#if ( $language_subtag_registry->{subtag}
if ( $current_language eq $language_descriptions->{lang} ) {
$language_subtag_registry->{language_description} = $language_descriptions->{description};
#warn "CUR:".$language_subtag_registry->{description};
# Insert the language name using the script native to the language (FIXME: should really be based on script)
if ($language_subtag_registry->{subtag} eq $language_descriptions->{lang}) {
$language_subtag_registry->{language_native_description} = $language_descriptions->{description};
#warn "NAT: Desc:$language_descriptions->{description} SubtagDesc: $language_subtag_registry->{language_description}";
push @languages_loop, $language_subtag_registry;
return \@languages_loop;
=head2 _get_themes
Internal function, returns an array of all available themes.
(@themes) = &_get_themes('opac');
(@themes) = &_get_themes('intranet');
sub _get_themes {
my $interface = shift;
my $htdocs;
my @themes;
if ( $interface eq 'intranet' ) {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
else {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
opendir D, "$htdocs";
my @dirlist = readdir D;
foreach my $directory (@dirlist) {
# if there's an en dir, it's a valid theme
-d "$htdocs/$directory/en" and push @themes, $directory;
return @themes;
=head2 _get_language_dirs
Internal function, returns an array of directory names, excluding non-language directories
sub _get_language_dirs {
my ($htdocs,$theme) = @_;
my @languages;
opendir D, "$htdocs/$theme";
for my $language ( readdir D ) {
next if $language =~/^\./;
next if $language eq 'all';
next if $language =~/png$/;
next if $language =~/css$/;
next if $language =~/CVS$/;
next if $language =~/\.txt$/i; #Don't read the readme.txt !
next if $language =~/img/;
push @languages, $language;
return (@languages);
=head2 _build_languages_arrayref
Internal function for building the ref to array of hashes
FIXME: this could be rewritten and simplified using map
sub _build_languages_arrayref {
my ($all_languages,@languages) = @_;
my @final_languages;
my %seen_languages;
my %found_languages;
# Loop through the languages, pick the ones that are translated
for my $language (@languages) {
# separate the language string into its subtag types
my $language_subtags_hashref = regex_lang_subtags($language);
unless ($seen_languages{$language}) {
for my $language_code (@$all_languages) {
if ($language_subtags_hashref->{language} eq $language_code->{'subtag'}) {
$language_code->{'language_lang'} = $language;
$language_code->{'language_code'} = $language_subtags_hashref->{'language'};
$language_code->{'script_code'} = $language_subtags_hashref->{'script'};
$language_code->{'region_code'} = $language_subtags_hashref->{'region'};
$language_code->{'variant_code'} = $language_subtags_hashref->{'variant'};
push @final_languages, $language_code;
# Handle languages not in our database with their code
unless ($found_languages{$language}) {
my $language_code;
$language_code->{'language_lang'} = $language;
$language_code->{'language_code'} = $language;
push @final_languages, $language_code;
return \@final_languages;
sub language_get_description {
my ($script,$lang,$type) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $desc;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE subtag=? AND lang=? AND type=?');
while (my $descriptions = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$desc = $descriptions->{'description'};
return $desc;
=head2 regex_lang_subtags
This internal sub takes a string composed according to RFC 4646 as
an input and returns a reference to a hash containing keys and values
for ( language, script, region, variant, extension, privateuse )
sub regex_lang_subtags {
my $string = shift;
# Regex for recognizing RFC 4646 well-formed tags
# http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt
# regexes based on : http://unicode.org/cldr/data/tools/java/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/langtagRegex.txt
# The structure requires no forward references, so it reverses the order.
# The uppercase comments are fragments copied from RFC 4646
# Note: the tool requires that any real "=" or "#" or ";" in the regex be escaped.
my $alpha = qr/[a-zA-Z]/ ; # ALPHA
my $digit = qr/[0-9]/ ; # DIGIT
my $alphanum = qr/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ; # ALPHA / DIGIT
my $x = qr/[xX]/ ; # private use singleton
my $singleton = qr/[a-w y-z A-W Y-Z]/ ; # other singleton
my $s = qr/[-]/ ; # separator -- lenient parsers will use [-_]
# Now do the components. The structure is slightly different to allow for capturing the right components.
# The notation (?:....) is a non-capturing version of (...): so the "?:" can be deleted if someone doesn't care about capturing.
my $extlang = qr{(?: $s $alpha{3} )}x ; # *3("-" 3ALPHA)
my $language = qr{(?: $alpha{2,3} | $alpha{4,8} )}x ;
#my $language = qr{(?: $alpha{2,3}$extlang{0,3} | $alpha{4,8} )}x ; # (2*3ALPHA [ extlang ]) / 4ALPHA / 5*8ALPHA
my $script = qr{(?: $alpha{4} )}x ; # 4ALPHA
my $region = qr{(?: $alpha{2} | $digit{3} )}x ; # 2ALPHA / 3DIGIT
my $variantSub = qr{(?: $digit$alphanum{3} | $alphanum{5,8} )}x ; # *("-" variant), 5*8alphanum / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
my $variant = qr{(?: $variantSub (?: $s$variantSub )* )}x ; # *("-" variant), 5*8alphanum / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
my $extensionSub = qr{(?: $singleton (?: $s$alphanum{2,8} )+ )}x ; # singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
my $extension = qr{(?: $extensionSub (?: $s$extensionSub )* )}x ; # singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
my $privateuse = qr{(?: $x (?: $s$alphanum{1,8} )+ )}x ; # ("x"/"X") 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
# Define certain grandfathered codes, since otherwise the regex is pretty useless.
# Since these are limited, this is safe even later changes to the registry --
# the only oddity is that it might change the type of the tag, and thus
# the results from the capturing groups.
# http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry
# Note that these have to be compared case insensitively, requiring (?i) below.
my $grandfathered = qr{(?: (?i)
en $s GB $s oed
| i $s (?: ami | bnn | default | enochian | hak | klingon | lux | mingo | navajo | pwn | tao | tay | tsu )
| sgn $s (?: BE $s fr | BE $s nl | CH $s de)
# For well-formedness, we don't need the ones that would otherwise pass, so they are commented out here
# | art $s lojban
# | cel $s gaulish
# | en $s (?: boont | GB $s oed | scouse )
# | no $s (?: bok | nyn)
# | zh $s (?: cmn | cmn $s Hans | cmn $s Hant | gan | guoyu | hakka | min | min $s nan | wuu | xiang | yue)
# Here is the final breakdown, with capturing groups for each of these components
# The language, variants, extensions, grandfathered, and private-use may have interior '-'
#my $root = qr{(?: ($language) (?: $s ($script) )? 40% (?: $s ($region) )? 40% (?: $s ($variant) )? 10% (?: $s ($extension) )? 5% (?: $s ($privateuse) )? 5% ) 90% | ($grandfathered) 5% | ($privateuse) 5% };
$string =~ qr{^ (?:($language)) (?:$s($script))? (?:$s($region))? (?:$s($variant))? (?:$s($extension))? (?:$s($privateuse))? $}xi; # |($grandfathered) | ($privateuse) $}xi;
my %subtag = (
'language' => $1,
'script' => $2,
'region' => $3,
'variant' => $4,
'extension' => $5,
'privateuse' => $6,
return \%subtag;
# Script Direction Resources:
# http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-scripts
sub get_bidi {
my ($language_script)= @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $bidi;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT bidi FROM language_bidi WHERE rfc4646_subtag=?');
while (my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$bidi = $result->{'bidi'};
return $bidi;
sub accept_language {
# referenced http://search.cpan.org/src/CGILMORE/I18N-AcceptLanguage-1.04/lib/I18N/AcceptLanguage.pm
my ($clientPreferences,$supportedLanguages) = @_;
# There should be no whitespace anways, but a cleanliness/sanity check
$clientPreferences =~ s/\s//g;
# Prepare the list of client-acceptable languages
my @languages = ();
foreach my $tag (split(/,/, $clientPreferences)) {
my ($language, $quality) = split(/\;/, $tag);
$quality =~ s/^q=//i if $quality;
$quality = 1 unless $quality;
next if $quality <= 0;
# We want to force the wildcard to be last
$quality = 0 if ($language eq '*');
# Pushing lowercase language here saves processing later
push(@languages, { quality => $quality,
language => $language,
lclanguage => lc($language) });
# Prepare the list of server-supported languages
my %supportedLanguages = ();
my %secondaryLanguages = ();
foreach my $language (@$supportedLanguages) {
warn "SUP: ".$language->{language_code};
$supportedLanguages{lc($language->{language_code})} = $language->{language_code};
if ($language->{language_code} =~ /^([^-]+)-?/) {
$secondaryLanguages{lc($1)} = $language->{language_code};
# Reverse sort the list, making best quality at the front of the array
@languages = sort { $b->{quality} <=> $a->{quality} } @languages;
my $secondaryMatch = '';
foreach my $tag (@languages) {
if (exists($supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}})) {
# Client en-us eq server en-us
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{language}} if exists($supportedLanguages{$tag->{language}});
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}};
} elsif (exists($secondaryLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}})) {
# Client en eq server en-us
return $secondaryLanguages{$tag->{language}} if exists($secondaryLanguages{$tag->{language}});
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} =~ /^([^-]+)-/ && exists($secondaryLanguages{$1}) && $secondaryMatch eq '') {
# Client en-gb eq server en-us
$secondaryMatch = $secondaryLanguages{$1};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} =~ /^([^-]+)-/ && exists($secondaryLanguages{$1}) && $secondaryMatch eq '') {
# Client en-us eq server en
$secondaryMatch = $supportedLanguages{$1};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} eq '*') {
# * matches every language not already specified.
# It doesn't care which we pick, so let's pick the default,
# if available, then the first in the array.
#return $acceptor->defaultLanguage() if $acceptor->defaultLanguage();
return $supportedLanguages->[0];
# No primary matches. Secondary? (ie, en-us requested and en supported)
return $secondaryMatch if $secondaryMatch;
=head1 AUTHOR
Joshua Ferraro