Jonathan Druart
Due to the number of test cases handle by CanBookBeIssued, Circulation.t fails randomly. To prevent that it is better to set some values. For instance if the patron is a statistical patron (category_type=X), the subroutine will return a STATS flag. This patch also adds a subroutine to the test file to display the keys of $error, $question and $alert set by CanBookBeIssued. It will be easier to track other random failures. Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
1837 lines
78 KiB
Executable file
1837 lines
78 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 102;
use DateTime;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Log;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Reserves;
use C4::Overdues qw(UpdateFine CalcFine);
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::IssuingRules;
use Koha::Checkouts;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Subscriptions;
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Start transaction
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
# Start with a clean slate
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issues');
my $library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
my $library2 = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
my $itemtype = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Itemtype',
value => { notforloan => undef, rentalcharge => 0 }
my $patron_category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { categorycode => 'NOT_X', category_type => 'P', enrolmentfee => 0 } });
my $CircControl = C4::Context->preference('CircControl');
my $HomeOrHoldingBranch = C4::Context->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch');
my $item = {
homebranch => $library2->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library2->{branchcode}
my $borrower = {
branchcode => $library2->{branchcode}
# No userenv, PickupLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('IndependentBranches', '0');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'PickupLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PickupLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch (no userenv defined)'
# No userenv, PatronLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'PatronLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PatronLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned borrower branch'
# No userenv, ItemHomeLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'ItemHomeLibrary');
'CircControl changed to ItemHomeLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch'
# Now, set a userenv
C4::Context->set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', $library2->{branchcode}, 'Midway Public Library', '', '', '');
is(C4::Context->userenv->{branch}, $library2->{branchcode}, 'userenv set');
# Userenv set, PickupLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'PickupLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PickupLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned current branch'
# Userenv set, PatronLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'PatronLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PatronLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned borrower branch'
# Userenv set, ItemHomeLibrary
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', 'ItemHomeLibrary');
'CircControl changed to ItemHomeLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch'
# Reset initial configuration
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CircControl', $CircControl);
'CircControl reset to its initial value'
# Set a simple circ policy
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issuingrules');
q{INSERT INTO issuingrules (categorycode, branchcode, itemtype, reservesallowed,
maxissueqty, issuelength, lengthunit,
renewalsallowed, renewalperiod,
norenewalbefore, auto_renew,
fine, chargeperiod)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?,
?, ?,
?, ?,
?, ?
'*', '*', '*', 25,
20, 14, 'days',
1, 7,
undef, 0,
.10, 1
# Test C4::Circulation::ProcessOfflinePayment
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accountlines WHERE amount = '-123.45' AND accounttype = 'Pay'");
my ( $original_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
C4::Context->dbh->do("INSERT INTO borrowers ( cardnumber, surname, firstname, categorycode, branchcode ) VALUES ( '99999999999', 'Hall', 'Kyle', ?, ? )", undef, $patron_category->{categorycode}, $library2->{branchcode} );
C4::Circulation::ProcessOfflinePayment({ cardnumber => '99999999999', amount => '123.45' });
my ( $new_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
ok( $new_count == $original_count + 1, 'ProcessOfflinePayment makes payment correctly' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber IN ( SELECT borrowernumber FROM borrowers WHERE cardnumber = '99999999999' )");
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM borrowers WHERE cardnumber = '99999999999'");
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines");
# CanBookBeRenewed tests
# Generate test biblio
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Silence in the library';
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title),
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
my $barcode = 'R00000342';
my $branch = $library2->{branchcode};
my ( $item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode,
replacementprice => 12.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $barcode2 = 'R00000343';
my ( $item_bibnum2, $item_bibitemnum2, $itemnumber2 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode2,
replacementprice => 23.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $barcode3 = 'R00000346';
my ( $item_bibnum3, $item_bibitemnum3, $itemnumber3 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode3,
replacementprice => 23.00,
itype => $itemtype
# Create borrowers
my %renewing_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'John',
surname => 'Renewal',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my %reserving_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Katrin',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my %hold_waiting_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Kyle',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my %restricted_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Alice',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
debarred => '3228-01-01',
branchcode => $branch,
my $renewing_borrowernumber = AddMember(%renewing_borrower_data);
my $reserving_borrowernumber = AddMember(%reserving_borrower_data);
my $hold_waiting_borrowernumber = AddMember(%hold_waiting_borrower_data);
my $restricted_borrowernumber = AddMember(%restricted_borrower_data);
my $renewing_borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $renewing_borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $restricted_borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $restricted_borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $bibitems = '';
my $priority = '1';
my $resdate = undef;
my $expdate = undef;
my $notes = '';
my $checkitem = undef;
my $found = undef;
my $issue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode);
my $datedue = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due() );
is (defined $issue->date_due(), 1, "Item 1 checked out, due date: " . $issue->date_due() );
my $issue2 = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode2);
$datedue = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due() );
is (defined $issue2, 1, "Item 2 checked out, due date: " . $issue2->date_due());
my $borrowing_borrowernumber = Koha::Checkouts->find( { itemnumber => $itemnumber } )->borrowernumber;
is ($borrowing_borrowernumber, $renewing_borrowernumber, "Item checked out to $renewing_borrower->{firstname} $renewing_borrower->{surname}");
my ( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew, no holds for this title or item');
# Biblio-level hold, renewal test
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber, $biblionumber,
$bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found
# Testing of feature to allow the renewal of reserved items if other items on the record can fill all needed holds
C4::Context->dbh->do("UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 1");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 1 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
# Now let's add an item level hold, we should no longer be able to renew the item
my $hold = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Reserve')->create(
borrowernumber => $hold_waiting_borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
branchcode => $branch,
priority => 3,
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 13919 - Renewal possible with item level hold on item');
# Now let's add a waiting hold on the 3rd item, it's no longer available tp check out by just anyone, so we should no longer
# be able to renew these items
$hold = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Reserve')->create(
borrowernumber => $hold_waiting_borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
itemnumber => $itemnumber3,
branchcode => $branch,
priority => 0,
found => 'W'
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 0 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
my $reserveid = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, borrowernumber => $reserving_borrowernumber })->next->reserve_id;
my $reserving_borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $reserving_borrowernumber )->unblessed;
AddIssue($reserving_borrower, $barcode3);
my $reserve = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
'SELECT * FROM old_reserves WHERE reserve_id = ?',
{ Slice => {} },
is($reserve->{found}, 'F', 'hold marked completed when checking out item that fills it');
# Item-level hold, renewal test
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber, $biblionumber,
$bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $itemnumber, $found
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, item reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, item reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew item 2, item-level hold is on item 1');
# Items can't fill hold for reasons
ModItem({ notforloan => 1 }, $biblionumber, $itemnumber);
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew, item is marked not for loan, hold does not block');
ModItem({ notforloan => 0, itype => $itemtype }, $biblionumber, $itemnumber,1);
# FIXME: Add more for itemtype not for loan etc.
# Restricted users cannot renew when RestrictionBlockRenewing is enabled
my $barcode5 = 'R00000347';
my ( $item_bibnum5, $item_bibitemnum5, $itemnumber5 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode5,
replacementprice => 23.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $datedue5 = AddIssue($restricted_borrower, $barcode5);
is (defined $datedue5, 1, "Item with date due checked out, due date: $datedue5");
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 1, '(Bug 8236), Can renew, user is not restricted');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($restricted_borrowernumber, $itemnumber5);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 8236), Cannot renew, user is restricted');
# Users cannot renew an overdue item
my $barcode6 = 'R00000348';
my ( $item_bibnum6, $item_bibitemnum6, $itemnumber6 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode6,
replacementprice => 23.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $barcode7 = 'R00000349';
my ( $item_bibnum7, $item_bibitemnum7, $itemnumber7 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode7,
replacementprice => 23.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $datedue6 = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode6);
is (defined $datedue6, 1, "Item 2 checked out, due date: ".$datedue6->date_due);
my $now = dt_from_string();
my $five_weeks = DateTime::Duration->new(weeks => 5);
my $five_weeks_ago = $now - $five_weeks;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('finesMode', 'production');
my $passeddatedue1 = AddIssue($renewing_borrower, $barcode7, $five_weeks_ago);
is (defined $passeddatedue1, 1, "Item with passed date due checked out, due date: " . $passeddatedue1->date_due);
my ( $fine ) = CalcFine( GetItem(undef, $barcode7), $renewing_borrower->{categorycode}, $branch, $five_weeks_ago, $now );
issue_id => $passeddatedue1->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber7,
borrowernumber => $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber},
amount => $fine,
type => 'FU',
due => Koha::DateUtils::output_pref($five_weeks_ago)
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('RenewalLog', 0);
my $date = output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string(), datenonly => 1, dateformat => 'iso' } );
my $old_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
AddRenewal( $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}, $itemnumber7, $branch );
my $new_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
is ($new_log_size, $old_log_size, 'renew log not added because of the syspref RenewalLog');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('RenewalLog', 1);
$date = output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string(), datenonly => 1, dateformat => 'iso' } );
$old_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
AddRenewal( $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}, $itemnumber7, $branch );
$new_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
is ($new_log_size, $old_log_size + 1, 'renew log successfully added');
my $fines = Koha::Account::Lines->search( { borrowernumber => $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}, itemnumber => $itemnumber7 } );
is( $fines->count, 2 );
is( $fines->next->accounttype, 'F', 'Fine on renewed item is closed out properly' );
is( $fines->next->accounttype, 'F', 'Fine on renewed item is closed out properly' );
my $old_issue_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["ISSUE"]) } );
my $old_renew_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
AddIssue( $renewing_borrower,$barcode7,Koha::DateUtils::output_pref({str=>$datedue6->date_due, dateformat =>'iso'}),0,$date, 0, undef );
$new_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["RENEWAL"]) } );
is ($new_log_size, $old_renew_log_size + 1, 'renew log successfully added when renewed via issuing');
$new_log_size = scalar(@{GetLogs( $date, $date, undef,["CIRCULATION"], ["ISSUE"]) } );
is ($new_log_size, $old_issue_log_size, 'renew not logged as issue when renewed via issuing');
$fines = Koha::Account::Lines->search( { borrowernumber => $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}, itemnumber => $itemnumber7 } );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber6);
is( $renewokay, 1, '(Bug 8236), Can renew, this item is not overdue');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber7);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 8236), Cannot renew, this item is overdue');
$hold = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, borrowernumber => $reserving_borrowernumber })->next;
# Bug 14101
# Test automatic renewal before value for "norenewalbefore" in policy is set
# In this case automatic renewal is not permitted prior to due date
my $barcode4 = '11235813';
my ( $item_bibnum4, $item_bibitemnum4, $itemnumber4 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode4,
replacementprice => 16.00,
itype => $itemtype
$issue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode4, undef, undef, undef, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_soon',
'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature, "No renewal before" = undef (returned code is auto_too_soon)' );
# Bug 7413
# Test premature manual renewal
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 7413: Cannot renew, renewal is premature');
is( $error, 'too_soon', 'Bug 7413: Cannot renew, renewal is premature (returned code is too_soon)');
# Bug 14395
# Test 'exact time' setting for syspref NoRenewalBeforePrecision
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'NoRenewalBeforePrecision', 'exact_time' );
GetSoonestRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber ),
$datedue->clone->add( days => -7 ),
'Bug 14395: Renewals permitted 7 days before due date, as expected'
# Bug 14395
# Test 'date' setting for syspref NoRenewalBeforePrecision
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'NoRenewalBeforePrecision', 'date' );
GetSoonestRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber ),
$datedue->clone->add( days => -7 )->truncate( to => 'day' ),
'Bug 14395: Renewals permitted 7 days before due date, as expected'
# Bug 14101
# Test premature automatic renewal
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_soon',
'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature (returned code is auto_too_soon)'
# Change policy so that loans can only be renewed exactly on due date (0 days prior to due date)
# and test automatic renewal again
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 0');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_soon',
'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature, "No renewal before" = 0 (returned code is auto_too_soon)'
# Change policy so that loans can be renewed 99 days prior to the due date
# and test automatic renewal again
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 99');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew',
'Bug 14101: Cannot renew, renewal is automatic (returned code is auto_renew)'
subtest "too_late_renewal / no_auto_renewal_after" => sub {
plan tests => 14;
my $item_to_auto_renew = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
my $ten_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -10 );
my $ten_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 10 );
AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $item_to_auto_renew->{barcode}, $ten_days_ahead, undef, $ten_days_before, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = 9');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_late', 'Cannot renew, too late(returned code is auto_too_late)' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = 10');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_late', 'Cannot auto renew, too late - no_auto_renewal_after is inclusive(returned code is auto_too_late)' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = 11');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_soon', 'Cannot auto renew, too soon - no_auto_renewal_after is defined(returned code is auto_too_soon)' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 11');
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew', 'Cannot renew, renew is automatic' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = NULL, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => -1 ) );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_late', 'Cannot renew, too late(returned code is auto_too_late)' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = 15, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => -1 ) );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_late', 'Cannot renew, too late(returned code is auto_too_late)' );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = NULL, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => 1 ) );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew', 'Cannot renew, renew is automatic' );
subtest "auto_too_much_oweing | OPACFineNoRenewalsBlockAutoRenew" => sub {
plan tests => 6;
my $item_to_auto_renew = $builder->build({
source => 'Item',
value => {
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
my $ten_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -10 );
my $ten_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 10 );
AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $item_to_auto_renew->{barcode}, $ten_days_ahead, undef, $ten_days_before, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 11');
my $fines_amount = 5;
C4::Accounts::manualinvoice( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber}, "Some fines", 'F', $fines_amount );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew', 'Can auto renew, OPACFineNoRenewals=10, patron has 5' );
C4::Accounts::manualinvoice( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber}, "Some fines", 'F', $fines_amount );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew', 'Can auto renew, OPACFineNoRenewals=10, patron has 10' );
C4::Accounts::manualinvoice( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber}, "Some fines", 'F', $fines_amount );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Do not renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_much_oweing', 'Cannot auto renew, OPACFineNoRenewals=10, patron has 15' );
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=?', undef, $renewing_borrowernumber);
subtest "GetLatestAutoRenewDate" => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $item_to_auto_renew = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
my $ten_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -10 );
my $ten_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 10 );
AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $item_to_auto_renew->{barcode}, $ten_days_ahead, undef, $ten_days_before, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7, no_auto_renewal_after = "", no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL');
my $latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $latest_auto_renew_date, undef, 'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return undef if no_auto_renewal_after or no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit are not defined' );
my $five_days_before = dt_from_string->add( days => -5 );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 5, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL');
$latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'minute' ),
$five_days_before->truncate( to => 'minute' ),
'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return -5 days if no_auto_renewal_after = 5 and date_due is 10 days before'
my $five_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 5 );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 15, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = NULL');
$latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'minute' ),
$five_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'minute' ),
'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +5 days if no_auto_renewal_after = 15 and date_due is 10 days before'
my $two_days_ahead = dt_from_string->add( days => 2 );
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = "", no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => 2 ) );
$latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'day' ),
$two_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'day' ),
'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +2 days if no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit is defined and not no_auto_renewal_after'
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 10, no_auto_renewal_after = 15, no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = ?', undef, dt_from_string->add( days => 2 ) );
$latest_auto_renew_date = GetLatestAutoRenewDate( $renewing_borrowernumber, $item_to_auto_renew->{itemnumber} );
is( $latest_auto_renew_date->truncate( to => 'day' ),
$two_days_ahead->truncate( to => 'day' ),
'GetLatestAutoRenewDate should return +2 days if no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit is < no_auto_renewal_after'
# Too many renewals
# set policy to forbid renewals
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = NULL, renewalsallowed = 0');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Cannot renew, 0 renewals allowed');
is( $error, 'too_many', 'Cannot renew, 0 renewals allowed (returned code is too_many)');
# Test WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee
issue_id => $issue->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
borrowernumber => $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber},
amount => 15.00,
type => q{},
due => Koha::DateUtils::output_pref($datedue)
LostItem( $itemnumber, 1 );
my $item = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Item')->find($itemnumber);
ok( !$item->onloan(), "Lost item marked as returned has false onloan value" );
my $total_due = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT SUM( amountoutstanding ) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber = ?',
undef, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}
ok( $total_due == 12, 'Borrower only charged replacement fee with both WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee enabled' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines");
issue_id => $issue2->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber2,
borrowernumber => $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber},
amount => 15.00,
type => q{},
due => Koha::DateUtils::output_pref($datedue)
LostItem( $itemnumber2, 0 );
my $item2 = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Item')->find($itemnumber2);
ok( $item2->onloan(), "Lost item *not* marked as returned has true onloan value" );
$total_due = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT SUM( amountoutstanding ) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber = ?',
undef, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}
ok( $total_due == 15, 'Borrower only charged fine with both WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee disabled' );
my $future = dt_from_string();
$future->add( days => 7 );
my $units = C4::Overdues::get_chargeable_units('days', $future, $now, $library2->{branchcode});
ok( $units == 0, '_get_chargeable_units returns 0 for items not past due date (Bug 12596)' );
# Users cannot renew any item if there is an overdue item
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber6);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 8236), Cannot renew, one of the items is overdue');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber7);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 8236), Cannot renew, one of the items is overdue');
# GetUpcomingDueIssues tests
my $barcode = 'R00000342';
my $barcode2 = 'R00000343';
my $barcode3 = 'R00000344';
my $branch = $library2->{branchcode};
#Create another record
my $biblio2 = MARC::Record->new();
my $title2 = 'Something is worng here';
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Anonymous'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title2),
my ($biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2) = AddBiblio($biblio2, '');
#Create third item
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode3,
itype => $itemtype
# Create a borrower
my %a_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Fridolyn',
surname => 'SOMERS',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $a_borrower_borrowernumber = AddMember(%a_borrower_data);
my $a_borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $a_borrower_borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $yesterday = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz())->add( days => -1 );
my $two_days_ahead = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz())->add( days => 2 );
my $today = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz());
my $issue = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode, $yesterday );
my $datedue = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due() );
my $issue2 = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode2, $two_days_ahead );
my $datedue2 = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due() );
my $upcoming_dues;
# GetUpcomingDueIssues tests
for my $i(0..1) {
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => $i } );
is ( scalar( @$upcoming_dues ), 0, "No items due in less than one day ($i days in advance)" );
#days_in_advance needs to be inclusive, so 1 matches items due tomorrow, 0 items due today etc.
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 2 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "Only one item due in 2 days or less" );
for my $i(3..5) {
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => $i } );
is ( scalar( @$upcoming_dues ), 1,
"Bug 9362: Only one item due in more than 2 days ($i days in advance)" );
# Bug 11218 - Due notices not generated - GetUpcomingDueIssues needs to select due today items as well
my $issue3 = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode3, $today );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => -1 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 0, "Overdues can not be selected" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 0 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "1 item is due today" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 1 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "1 item is due today, none tomorrow" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 2 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "2 items are due withing 2 days" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 3 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "2 items are due withing 2 days" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues();
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "days_in_advance is 7 in GetUpcomingDueIssues if not provided" );
my $barcode = '1234567890';
my $branch = $library2->{branchcode};
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
#Create third item
my ( undef, undef, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode,
itype => $itemtype
# Create a borrower
my %a_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Kyle',
surname => 'Hall',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(%a_borrower_data);
my $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $issue = AddIssue( $borrower, $barcode );
issue_id => $issue->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
amount => 0,
type => q{}
my $hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(q{SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber = ? AND itemnumber = ?}, undef, $borrowernumber, $itemnumber );
my $count = $hr->{count};
is ( $count, 0, "Calling UpdateFine on non-existant fine with an amount of 0 does not result in an empty fine" );
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issues');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM items');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issuingrules');
INSERT INTO issuingrules ( categorycode, branchcode, itemtype, reservesallowed, maxissueqty, issuelength, lengthunit, renewalsallowed, renewalperiod,
norenewalbefore, auto_renew, fine, chargeperiod ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
'*', '*', '*', 25,
20, 14, 'days',
1, 7,
undef, 0,
.10, 1
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $biblio, '' );
my $barcode1 = '1234';
my ( undef, undef, $itemnumber1 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $library2->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library2->{branchcode},
barcode => $barcode1,
itype => $itemtype
my $barcode2 = '4321';
my ( undef, undef, $itemnumber2 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $library2->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library2->{branchcode},
barcode => $barcode2,
itype => $itemtype
my $borrowernumber1 = AddMember(
firstname => 'Kyle',
surname => 'Hall',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $library2->{branchcode},
my $borrowernumber2 = AddMember(
firstname => 'Chelsea',
surname => 'Hall',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $library2->{branchcode},
my $borrower1 = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber1 )->unblessed;
my $borrower2 = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber2 )->unblessed;
my $issue = AddIssue( $borrower1, $barcode1 );
my ( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower can renew with no hold on the record' );
$library2->{branchcode}, $borrowernumber2, $biblionumber,
'', 1, undef, undef, '',
undef, undef, undef
C4::Context->dbh->do("UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 0");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 0 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower cannot renew with a hold on the record if AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable and onshelfholds are disabled' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 0");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 1 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower cannot renew with a hold on the record if AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable is enabled and onshelfholds is disabled' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 1");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 0 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower cannot renew with a hold on the record if AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable is disabled and onshelfhold is enabled' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 1");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 1 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower can renew with a hold on the record if AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable and onshelfhold are enabled' );
# Setting item not checked out to be not for loan but holdable
ModItem({ notforloan => -1 }, $biblionumber, $itemnumber2);
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber1, $itemnumber1 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 14337 - Verify the borrower can not renew with a hold on the record if AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable is enabled but the only available item is notforloan' );
# Don't allow renewing onsite checkout
my $barcode = 'R00000XXX';
my $branch = $library->{branchcode};
#Create another record
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Anonymous'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => 'A title'),
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
my (undef, undef, $itemnumber) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode,
itype => $itemtype
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(
firstname => 'fn',
surname => 'dn',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $issue = AddIssue( $borrower, $barcode, undef, undef, undef, undef, { onsite_checkout => 1 } );
my ( $renewed, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber );
is( $renewed, 0, 'CanBookBeRenewed should not allow to renew on-site checkout' );
is( $error, 'onsite_checkout', 'A correct error code should be returned by CanBookBeRenewed for on-site checkout' );
my $library = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' });
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
my $barcode = 'just a barcode';
my ( undef, undef, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
barcode => $barcode,
itype => $itemtype
my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $library->{branchcode}, categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $issue = AddIssue( $patron, $barcode );
issue_id => $issue->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber},
amount => 1,
type => q{}
issue_id => $issue->id(),
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber},
amount => 2,
type => q{}
is( Koha::Account::Lines->search({ issue_id => $issue->id })->count, 1, 'UpdateFine should not create a new accountline when updating an existing fine');
subtest 'CanBookBeIssued & AllowReturnToBranch' => sub {
plan tests => 23;
my $homebranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $holdingbranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $otherbranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $patron_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblioitem = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $homebranch->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $holdingbranch->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
restricted => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem->{biblionumber}
my $issue = AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} );
is( ref($issue), 'Koha::Schema::Result::Issue' ); # FIXME Should be Koha::Checkout
my ( $error, $question, $alerts );
# AllowReturnToBranch == anywhere
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'anywhere' );
## Can be issued from homebranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $question->{ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER}, 1, 'ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER must be set' );
## Can be issued from holdingbranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $question->{ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER}, 1, 'ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER must be set' );
## Can be issued from another branch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $question->{ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER}, 1, 'ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER must be set' );
# AllowReturnToBranch == holdingbranch
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'holdingbranch' );
## Cannot be issued from homebranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $error->{RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE}, 1, 'RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE must be set' );
is( $error->{branch_to_return}, $holdingbranch->{branchcode} );
## Can be issued from holdinbranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $question->{ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER}, 1, 'ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER must be set' );
## Cannot be issued from another branch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $error->{RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE}, 1, 'RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE must be set' );
is( $error->{branch_to_return}, $holdingbranch->{branchcode} );
# AllowReturnToBranch == homebranch
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'homebranch' );
## Can be issued from holdinbranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $question->{ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER}, 1, 'ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER must be set' );
## Cannot be issued from holdinbranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $error->{RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE}, 1, 'RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE must be set' );
is( $error->{branch_to_return}, $homebranch->{branchcode} );
## Cannot be issued from holdinbranch
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'There should not be any errors or alerts (impossible)' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( exists $error->{RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE}, 1, 'RETURN_IMPOSSIBLE must be set' );
is( $error->{branch_to_return}, $homebranch->{branchcode} );
# TODO t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowReturnToBranch', 'homeorholdingbranch');
subtest 'AddIssue & AllowReturnToBranch' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
my $homebranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $holdingbranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $otherbranch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $patron_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblioitem = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $homebranch->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $holdingbranch->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem->{biblionumber}
my $ref_issue = 'Koha::Schema::Result::Issue'; # FIXME Should be Koha::Checkout
my $issue = AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} );
my ( $error, $question, $alerts );
# AllowReturnToBranch == homebranch
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'anywhere' );
## Can be issued from homebranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), $ref_issue );
set_userenv($holdingbranch); AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} ); # Reinsert the original issue
## Can be issued from holdinbranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), $ref_issue );
set_userenv($holdingbranch); AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} ); # Reinsert the original issue
## Can be issued from another branch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), $ref_issue );
set_userenv($holdingbranch); AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} ); # Reinsert the original issue
# AllowReturnToBranch == holdinbranch
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'holdingbranch' );
## Cannot be issued from homebranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), '' );
## Can be issued from holdingbranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), $ref_issue );
set_userenv($holdingbranch); AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} ); # Reinsert the original issue
## Cannot be issued from another branch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), '' );
# AllowReturnToBranch == homebranch
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowReturnToBranch', 'homebranch' );
## Can be issued from homebranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), $ref_issue );
set_userenv($holdingbranch); AddIssue( $patron_1, $item->{barcode} ); # Reinsert the original issue
## Cannot be issued from holdinbranch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), '' );
## Cannot be issued from another branch
is ( ref( AddIssue( $patron_2, $item->{barcode} ) ), '' );
# TODO t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowReturnToBranch', 'homeorholdingbranch');
subtest 'CanBookBeIssued + Koha::Patron->is_debarred|has_overdues' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $library = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblioitem_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item_1 = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
restricted => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem_1->{biblionumber}
my $biblioitem_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item_2 = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
restricted => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem_2->{biblionumber}
my ( $error, $question, $alerts );
# Patron cannot issue item_1, they have overdues
my $yesterday = DateTime->today( time_zone => C4::Context->tz() )->add( days => -1 );
my $issue = AddIssue( $patron, $item_1->{barcode}, $yesterday ); # Add an overdue
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OverduesBlockCirc', 'confirmation' );
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No key for error and alert' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( $question->{USERBLOCKEDOVERDUE}, 1, 'OverduesBlockCirc=confirmation, USERBLOCKEDOVERDUE should be set for question' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OverduesBlockCirc', 'block' );
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No key for question and alert ' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( $error->{USERBLOCKEDOVERDUE}, 1, 'OverduesBlockCirc=block, USERBLOCKEDOVERDUE should be set for error' );
# Patron cannot issue item_1, they are debarred
my $tomorrow = DateTime->today( time_zone => C4::Context->tz() )->add( days => 1 );
Koha::Patron::Debarments::AddDebarment( { borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, expiration => $tomorrow } );
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No key for question and alert ' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( $error->{USERBLOCKEDWITHENDDATE}, output_pref( { dt => $tomorrow, dateformat => 'sql', dateonly => 1 } ), 'USERBLOCKEDWITHENDDATE should be tomorrow' );
Koha::Patron::Debarments::AddDebarment( { borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} } );
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No key for question and alert ' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( $error->{USERBLOCKEDNOENDDATE}, '9999-12-31', 'USERBLOCKEDNOENDDATE should be 9999-12-31 for unlimited debarments' );
subtest 'CanBookBeIssued + Statistic patrons "X"' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
my $patron_category_x = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories',
value => { category_type => 'X' }
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
categorycode => $patron_category_x->categorycode,
gonenoaddress => undef,
lost => undef,
debarred => undef,
borrowernotes => ""
my $biblioitem_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item_1 = $builder->build(
source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->branchcode,
holdingbranch => $library->branchcode,
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
restricted => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem_1->{biblionumber}
my ( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron->unblessed, $item_1->{barcode} );
is( $error->{STATS}, 1, '"Error" flag "STATS" must be set if CanBookBeIssued is called with a statistic patron (category_type=X)' );
# TODO There are other tests to provide here
subtest 'MultipleReserves' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Silence in the library';
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title),
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
my $branch = $library2->{branchcode};
my $barcode1 = 'R00110001';
my ( $item_bibnum1, $item_bibitemnum1, $itemnumber1 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode1,
replacementprice => 12.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $barcode2 = 'R00110002';
my ( $item_bibnum2, $item_bibitemnum2, $itemnumber2 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode2,
replacementprice => 12.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $bibitems = '';
my $priority = '1';
my $resdate = undef;
my $expdate = undef;
my $notes = '';
my $checkitem = undef;
my $found = undef;
my %renewing_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'John',
surname => 'Renewal',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $renewing_borrowernumber = AddMember(%renewing_borrower_data);
my $renewing_borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $renewing_borrowernumber )->unblessed;
my $issue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode1);
my $datedue = dt_from_string( $issue->date_due() );
is (defined $issue->date_due(), 1, "item 1 checked out");
my $borrowing_borrowernumber = Koha::Checkouts->find({ itemnumber => $itemnumber1 })->borrowernumber;
my %reserving_borrower_data1 = (
firstname => 'Katrin',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $reserving_borrowernumber1 = AddMember(%reserving_borrower_data1);
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber1, $biblionumber,
$bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found
my %reserving_borrower_data2 = (
firstname => 'Kirk',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch,
my $reserving_borrowernumber2 = AddMember(%reserving_borrower_data2);
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber2, $biblionumber,
$bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found
my ( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber1, 1);
is($renewokay, 0, 'Bug 17641 - should cover the case where 2 books are both reserved, so failing');
my $barcode3 = 'R00110003';
my ( $item_bibnum3, $item_bibitemnum3, $itemnumber3 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode3,
replacementprice => 12.00,
itype => $itemtype
my ( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber1, 1);
is($renewokay, 1, 'Bug 17641 - should cover the case where 2 books are reserved, but a third one is available');
subtest 'CanBookBeIssued + AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $library = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblioitem = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $biblionumber = $biblioitem->{biblionumber};
my $item_1 = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
my $item_2 = $builder->build(
{ source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
my ( $error, $question, $alerts );
my $issue = AddIssue( $patron, $item_1->{barcode}, dt_from_string->add( days => 1 ) );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio', 0);
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No error or alert should be raised' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
is( $question->{BIBLIO_ALREADY_ISSUED}, 1, 'BIBLIO_ALREADY_ISSUED question flag should be set if AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio=0 and issue already exists' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio', 1);
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No BIBLIO_ALREADY_ISSUED flag should be set if AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio=1' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
# Add a subscription
Koha::Subscription->new({ biblionumber => $biblionumber })->store;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio', 0);
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No BIBLIO_ALREADY_ISSUED flag should be set if it is a subscription' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio', 1);
( $error, $question, $alerts ) = CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item_2->{barcode} );
is( keys(%$error) + keys(%$question) + keys(%$alerts), 0, 'No BIBLIO_ALREADY_ISSUED flag should be set if it is a subscription' . str($error, $question, $alerts) );
subtest 'AddReturn + CumulativeRestrictionPeriods' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $library = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
# Add 2 items
my $biblioitem_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item_1 = $builder->build(
source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem_1->{biblionumber}
my $biblioitem_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item_2 = $builder->build(
source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem_2->{biblionumber}
# And the issuing rule
my $rule = Koha::IssuingRule->new(
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
branchcode => '*',
maxissueqty => 99,
issuelength => 1,
firstremind => 1, # 1 day of grace
finedays => 2, # 2 days of fine per day of overdue
lengthunit => 'days',
# Patron cannot issue item_1, they have overdues
my $five_days_ago = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 5 );
my $ten_days_ago = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 10 );
AddIssue( $patron, $item_1->{barcode}, $five_days_ago ); # Add an overdue
AddIssue( $patron, $item_2->{barcode}, $ten_days_ago )
; # Add another overdue
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'CumulativeRestrictionPeriods', '0' );
AddReturn( $item_1->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode},
undef, undef, dt_from_string );
my $debarments = Koha::Patron::Debarments::GetDebarments(
{ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, type => 'SUSPENSION' } );
is( scalar(@$debarments), 1 );
# FIXME Is it right? I'd have expected 5 * 2 - 1 instead
# Same for the others
my $expected_expiration = output_pref(
dt => dt_from_string->add( days => ( 5 - 1 ) * 2 ),
dateformat => 'sql',
dateonly => 1
is( $debarments->[0]->{expiration}, $expected_expiration );
AddReturn( $item_2->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode},
undef, undef, dt_from_string );
$debarments = Koha::Patron::Debarments::GetDebarments(
{ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, type => 'SUSPENSION' } );
is( scalar(@$debarments), 1 );
$expected_expiration = output_pref(
dt => dt_from_string->add( days => ( 10 - 1 ) * 2 ),
dateformat => 'sql',
dateonly => 1
is( $debarments->[0]->{expiration}, $expected_expiration );
{ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, type => 'SUSPENSION' } );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'CumulativeRestrictionPeriods', '1' );
AddIssue( $patron, $item_1->{barcode}, $five_days_ago ); # Add an overdue
AddIssue( $patron, $item_2->{barcode}, $ten_days_ago )
; # Add another overdue
AddReturn( $item_1->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode},
undef, undef, dt_from_string );
$debarments = Koha::Patron::Debarments::GetDebarments(
{ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, type => 'SUSPENSION' } );
is( scalar(@$debarments), 1 );
$expected_expiration = output_pref(
dt => dt_from_string->add( days => ( 5 - 1 ) * 2 ),
dateformat => 'sql',
dateonly => 1
is( $debarments->[0]->{expiration}, $expected_expiration );
AddReturn( $item_2->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode},
undef, undef, dt_from_string );
$debarments = Koha::Patron::Debarments::GetDebarments(
{ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, type => 'SUSPENSION' } );
is( scalar(@$debarments), 1 );
$expected_expiration = output_pref(
dt => dt_from_string->add( days => ( 5 - 1 ) * 2 + ( 10 - 1 ) * 2 ),
dateformat => 'sql',
dateonly => 1
is( $debarments->[0]->{expiration}, $expected_expiration );
subtest 'AddReturn | is_overdue' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('CalculateFinesOnReturn', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('finesMode', 'production');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('MaxFine', '100');
my $library = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblioitem = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
my $item = $builder->build(
source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem->{biblionumber},
my $rule = Koha::IssuingRule->new(
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
branchcode => '*',
maxissueqty => 99,
issuelength => 6,
lengthunit => 'days',
fine => 1, # Charge 1 every day of overdue
chargeperiod => 1,
my $one_day_ago = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 1 );
my $five_days_ago = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 5 );
my $ten_days_ago = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 10 );
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $patron->{borrowernumber} );
# No date specify, today will be used
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->{barcode}, $ten_days_ago ); # date due was 10d ago
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode} );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 10, 'Patron should have a charge of 10 (10 days x 1)' );
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
# specify return date 5 days before => no overdue
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->{barcode}, $five_days_ago ); # date due was 5d ago
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode}, undef, undef, $ten_days_ago );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 0, 'AddReturn: pass return_date => no overdue' );
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
# specify return date 5 days later => overdue
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->{barcode}, $ten_days_ago ); # date due was 10d ago
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode}, undef, undef, $five_days_ago );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 5, 'AddReturn: pass return_date => overdue' );
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
# specify dropbox date 5 days before => no overdue
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->{barcode}, $five_days_ago ); # date due was 5d ago
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode}, undef, 1, undef, $ten_days_ago );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 0, 'AddReturn: pass return_date => no overdue' );
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
# specify dropbox date 5 days later => overdue, or... not
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->{barcode}, $ten_days_ago ); # date due was 10d ago
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode}, undef, 1, undef, $five_days_ago );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 0, 'AddReturn: pass return_date => no overdue in dropbox mode' ); # FIXME? This is weird, the FU fine is created ( _CalculateAndUpdateFine > C4::Overdues::UpdateFine ) then remove later (in _FixOverduesOnReturn). Looks like it is a feature
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
subtest 'Set waiting flag' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
my $library_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $library_1->{branchcode}, categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $library_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $patron_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $library_2->{branchcode}, categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode} } } );
my $biblio = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblio' } );
my $biblioitem = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem', value => { biblionumber => $biblio->{biblionumber} } } );
my $item = $builder->build(
source => 'Item',
value => {
homebranch => $library_1->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $library_1->{branchcode},
notforloan => 0,
itemlost => 0,
withdrawn => 0,
biblionumber => $biblioitem->{biblionumber},
set_userenv( $library_2 );
my $reserve_id = AddReserve(
$library_2->{branchcode}, $patron_2->{borrowernumber}, $biblioitem->{biblionumber},
'', 1, undef, undef, '', undef, $item->{itemnumber},
set_userenv( $library_1 );
my $do_transfer = 1;
my ( $res, $rr ) = AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library_1->{branchcode} );
ModReserveAffect( $item->{itemnumber}, undef, $do_transfer, $reserve_id );
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id );
is( $hold->found, 'T', 'Hold is in transit' );
my ( $status ) = CheckReserves($item->{itemnumber});
is( $status, 'Reserved', 'Hold is not waiting yet');
set_userenv( $library_2 );
$do_transfer = 0;
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library_2->{branchcode} );
ModReserveAffect( $item->{itemnumber}, undef, $do_transfer, $reserve_id );
$hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id );
is( $hold->found, 'W', 'Hold is waiting' );
( $status ) = CheckReserves($item->{itemnumber});
is( $status, 'Waiting', 'Now the hold is waiting');
sub set_userenv {
my ( $library ) = @_;
C4::Context->set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', $library->{branchcode}, $library->{branchname}, '', '', '');
sub str {
my ( $error, $question, $alert ) = @_;
my $s;
$s = %$error ? ' (error: ' . join( ' ', keys %$error ) . ')' : '';
$s .= %$question ? ' (question: ' . join( ' ', keys %$question ) . ')' : '';
$s .= %$alert ? ' (alert: ' . join( ' ', keys %$alert ) . ')' : '';
return $s;