Marcel de Rooy cb58b11f67 Bug 18070: Extend sub merge to remove fields for deleted authorities
In order to accomplish this, we need to add some additional checks in
the merge routine. The actual change to remove the field, is quite

Furthermore, we need to add a merge call in DelAuthority and adjust
the merge cron job accordingly.

The change is well supported by additional tests, including a simulation
of postponed removal via cron, if dontmerge is enabled.

Note: Deleting an authority with linked biblios is tested on the next

Test plan:
[1] Run t/db_dependent/Authorities/Merge.t
[2] Delete an authority without linked biblios from the Authorities
    module. If the indexer is not fast enough, wait a bit and refresh to
    verify that the authority is gone on authorities-home.pl.

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>

Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <josef.moravec@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice@biblibre.com>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
2017-03-03 18:12:09 +00:00

373 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

# Tests for C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Getopt::Long;
use MARC::Record;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::MockObject;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Biblio;
use Koha::Database;
# Optionally change marc flavour
my $marcflavour;
GetOptions( 'flavour:s' => \$marcflavour );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'marcflavour', $marcflavour ) if $marcflavour;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
# Global variables, mocking and framework modifications
our ( @zebrarecords, $index );
my $mocks = set_mocks();
our ( $authtype1, $authtype2 ) = modify_framework();
subtest 'Test merge A1 to A2 (within same authtype)' => sub {
# Tests originate from bug 11700
plan tests => 9;
# Start in loose mode, although it actually does not matter here
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AuthorityMergeMode', 'loose');
# Add two authority records
my $auth1 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'George Orwell' ));
my $authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1, undef, $authtype1 );
my $auth2 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'G. Orwell' ));
my $authid2 = AddAuthority( $auth2, undef, $authtype1 );
# Add two biblio records
my $biblio1 = MARC::Record->new;
$biblio1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '609', '0', '0', '9' => $authid1, 'a' => 'George Orwell' ));
my ( $biblionumber1 ) = AddBiblio($biblio1, '');
my $biblio2 = MARC::Record->new;
$biblio2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '609', '0', '0', '9' => $authid2, 'a' => 'G. Orwell' ));
my ( $biblionumber2 ) = AddBiblio($biblio2, '');
# Time to merge
@zebrarecords = ( $biblio1, $biblio2 );
$index = 0;
my $rv = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid2, $auth2, $authid1, $auth1 );
is( $rv, 1, 'We expect one biblio record (out of two) to be updated' );
# Check the results
my $newbiblio1 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
compare_fields( $biblio1, $newbiblio1, {}, 'count' );
compare_fields( $biblio1, $newbiblio1, {}, 'order' );
is( $newbiblio1->subfield('609', '9'), $authid1, 'Check biblio1 609$9' );
is( $newbiblio1->subfield('609', 'a'), 'George Orwell',
'Check biblio1 609$a' );
my $newbiblio2 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber2);
compare_fields( $biblio2, $newbiblio2, {}, 'count' );
compare_fields( $biblio2, $newbiblio2, {}, 'order' );
is( $newbiblio2->subfield('609', '9'), $authid1, 'Check biblio2 609$9' );
is( $newbiblio2->subfield('609', 'a'), 'George Orwell',
'Check biblio2 609$a' );
subtest 'Test merge A1 to modified A1, test strict mode' => sub {
# Tests originate from bug 11700
plan tests => 12;
# Simulate modifying an authority from auth1old to auth1new
my $auth1old = MARC::Record->new;
$auth1old->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'Bruce Wayne' ));
my $auth1new = $auth1old->clone;
$auth1new->field('109')->update( a => 'Batman' );
my $authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1new, undef, $authtype1 );
# Add two biblio records
my $MARC1 = MARC::Record->new;
$MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'Bruce Wayne', 'b' => '2014', '9' => $authid1 ));
$MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', 'a' => 'From the depths' ));
$MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', 'a' => 'Bruce Lee', 'b' => 'Should be cleared too', '9' => $authid1 ));
$MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', 'a' => 'Bruce Lee', 'c' => 'This is a duplicate to be removed in strict mode', '9' => $authid1 ));
my $MARC2 = MARC::Record->new;
$MARC2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'Batman', '9' => $authid1 ));
$MARC2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', 'a' => 'All the way to heaven' ));
my ( $biblionumber1 ) = AddBiblio( $MARC1, '');
my ( $biblionumber2 ) = AddBiblio( $MARC2, '');
# Time to merge in loose mode first
@zebrarecords = ( $MARC1, $MARC2 );
$index = 0;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AuthorityMergeMode', 'loose');
my $rv = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid1, $auth1old, $authid1, $auth1new );
is( $rv, 2, 'Both records are updated now' );
#Check the results
my $biblio1 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
compare_fields( $MARC1, $biblio1, {}, 'count' );
compare_fields( $MARC1, $biblio1, {}, 'order' );
is( $auth1new->field(109)->subfield('a'), $biblio1->field(109)->subfield('a'), 'Record1 values updated correctly' );
my $biblio2 = GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber2 );
compare_fields( $MARC2, $biblio2, {}, 'count' );
compare_fields( $MARC2, $biblio2, {}, 'order' );
is( $auth1new->field(109)->subfield('a'), $biblio2->field(109)->subfield('a'), 'Record2 values updated correctly' );
# This is only true in loose mode:
is( $biblio1->field(109)->subfield('b'), $MARC1->field(109)->subfield('b'), 'Subfield not overwritten in loose mode');
# Merge again in strict mode
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AuthorityMergeMode', 'strict');
ModBiblio( $MARC1, $biblionumber1, '' );
@zebrarecords = ( $MARC1 );
$index = 0;
$rv = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid1, $auth1old, $authid1, $auth1new );
$biblio1 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
is( $biblio1->field(109)->subfield('b'), undef, 'Subfield overwritten in strict mode' );
compare_fields( $MARC1, $biblio1, { 609 => 1 }, 'count' );
my @old609 = $MARC1->field('609');
my @new609 = $biblio1->field('609');
is( scalar @new609, @old609 - 1, 'strict mode should remove a duplicate 609' );
is( $biblio1->field(609)->subfields,
scalar($auth1new->field('109')->subfields) + 1,
'Check number of subfields in strict mode for the remaining 609' );
# Note: the +1 comes from the added subfield $9 in the biblio
subtest 'Test merge A1 to B1 (changing authtype)' => sub {
# Tests were aimed for bug 9988, moved to 17909 in adjusted form
# Would not encourage this type of merge, but we should test what we offer
plan tests => 13;
# Get back to loose mode now
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AuthorityMergeMode', 'loose');
# create two auth recs of different type
my $auth1 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'George Orwell', b => 'bb' ));
my $authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1, undef, $authtype1 );
my $auth2 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '112', '0', '0', 'a' => 'Batman', c => 'cc' ));
my $authid2 = AddAuthority($auth1, undef, $authtype2 );
# create a biblio with one 109 and two 609s to be touched
# seems exceptional see bug 13760 comment10
my $marc = MARC::Record->new;
MARC::Field->new( '003', 'some_003' ),
MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', a => 'G. Orwell', b => 'bb', d => 'd', 9 => $authid1 ),
MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', a => 'My title' ),
MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'Orwell', 9 => "$authid1" ),
MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'Orwell', x => 'xx', 9 => "$authid1" ),
MARC::Field->new( '611', '', '', a => 'Added for testing order' ),
MARC::Field->new( '612', '', '', a => 'unrelated', 9 => 'other' ),
my ( $biblionumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $marc, '' );
my $oldbiblio = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
# Time to merge
@zebrarecords = ( $marc );
$index = 0;
my $retval = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid1, $auth1, $authid2, $auth2 );
is( $retval, 1, 'We touched only one biblio' );
# Get new marc record for compares
my $newbiblio = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
compare_fields( $oldbiblio, $newbiblio, {}, 'count' );
# Exclude 109/609 and 112/612 in comparing order
my $excl = { '109' => 1, '112' => 1, '609' => 1, '612' => 1 };
compare_fields( $oldbiblio, $newbiblio, $excl, 'order' );
# Check position of 612s in the new record
my $full_order = join q/,/, map { $_->tag } $newbiblio->fields;
is( $full_order =~ /611(,612){3}/, 1, 'Check position of all 612s' );
# Check some fields
is( $newbiblio->field('003')->data,
'Check contents of a control field not expected to be touched' );
is( $newbiblio->subfield( '245', 'a' ),
$oldbiblio->subfield( '245', 'a' ),
'Check contents of a data field not expected to be touched' );
is( $newbiblio->subfield( '112', 'a' ),
$auth2->subfield( '112', 'a' ), 'Check modified 112a' );
is( $newbiblio->subfield( '112', 'c' ),
$auth2->subfield( '112', 'c' ), 'Check new 112c' );
# Check 112b; this subfield was cleared when moving from 109 to 112
# Note that this fix only applies to the current loose mode only
is( $newbiblio->subfield( '112', 'b' ), undef,
'Merge respects a cleared subfield in loose mode' );
# Check the original 612
is( ( $newbiblio->field('612') )[0]->subfield( 'a' ),
$oldbiblio->subfield( '612', 'a' ), 'Check untouched 612a' );
# Check second 612
is( ( $newbiblio->field('612') )[1]->subfield( 'a' ),
$auth2->subfield( '112', 'a' ), 'Check second touched 612a' );
# Check second new 612ax (in LOOSE mode)
is( ( $newbiblio->field('612') )[2]->subfield( 'a' ),
$auth2->subfield( '112', 'a' ), 'Check touched 612a' );
is( ( $newbiblio->field('612') )[2]->subfield( 'x' ),
( $oldbiblio->field('609') )[1]->subfield('x'),
'Check 612x' );
subtest 'Merging authorities should handle deletes (BZ 18070)' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
# For this test we need dontmerge OFF
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('dontmerge', '0');
# Add authority and linked biblio, delete authority
my $auth1 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'DEL'));
my $authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1, undef, $authtype1 );
my $bib1 = MARC::Record->new;
MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', a => 'test DEL' ),
MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'DEL', 9 => "$authid1" ),
my ( $biblionumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $bib1, '' );
@zebrarecords = ( $bib1 );
$index = 0;
DelAuthority( $authid1 ); # this triggers a merge call
# See what happened in the biblio record
my $marc1 = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
is( $marc1->field('609'), undef, 'Field 609 should be gone too' );
# Now we simulate the delete as done from the cron job (with dontmerge)
# First, restore auth1 and add 609 back in bib1
$auth1 = MARC::Record->new;
$auth1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'DEL'));
$authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1, undef, $authtype1 );
MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'DEL', 9 => "$authid1" ),
ModBiblio( $marc1, $biblionumber, '' );
# Instead of going through DelAuthority, we manually delete the auth
# record and call merge afterwards.
# This mimics deleting an authority and calling merge later in the
# merge_authority.pl cron job (when dontmerge is enabled).
C4::Context->dbh->do( "DELETE FROM auth_header WHERE authid=?", undef, $authid1 );
@zebrarecords = ( $marc1 );
$index = 0;
merge( $authid1, undef );
# Final check
$marc1 = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
is( $marc1->field('609'), undef, 'Merge removed the 609 again even after deleting the authority record' );
sub set_mocks {
# Mock ZOOM objects: They do nothing actually
# Get new_record_from_zebra to return the records
my $mocks;
$mocks->{context_mod} = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Context' );
$mocks->{search_mod} = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Search' );
$mocks->{zoom_mod} = Test::MockModule->new( 'ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN', no_auto => 1 );
$mocks->{conn_obj} = Test::MockObject->new;
$mocks->{zoom_obj} = Test::MockObject->new;
$mocks->{zoom_record_obj} = Test::MockObject->new;
$mocks->{context_mod}->mock( 'Zconn', sub { $mocks->{conn_obj}; } );
$mocks->{search_mod}->mock( 'new_record_from_zebra', sub {
return if $index >= @zebrarecords;
return $zebrarecords[ $index++ ];
$mocks->{zoom_mod}->mock( 'new', sub {} );
$mocks->{conn_obj}->mock( 'search', sub { $mocks->{zoom_obj}; } );
$mocks->{zoom_obj}->mock( 'destroy', sub {} );
$mocks->{zoom_obj}->mock( 'record', sub { $mocks->{zoom_record_obj}; } );
$mocks->{zoom_obj}->mock( 'search', sub {} );
$mocks->{zoom_obj}->mock( 'size', sub { @zebrarecords } );
$mocks->{zoom_record_obj}->mock( 'raw', sub {} );
return $mocks;
sub modify_framework {
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
# create two auth types
my $authtype1 = $builder->build({
source => 'AuthType',
value => {
auth_tag_to_report => '109',
my $authtype2 = $builder->build({
source => 'AuthType',
value => {
auth_tag_to_report => '112',
# Link 109/609 to the first authtype
source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
value => {
tagfield => '109',
tagsubfield => 'a',
authtypecode => $authtype1->{authtypecode},
frameworkcode => '',
source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
value => {
tagfield => '609',
tagsubfield => 'a',
authtypecode => $authtype1->{authtypecode},
frameworkcode => '',
# Link 112/612 to the second authtype
source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
value => {
tagfield => '112',
tagsubfield => 'a',
authtypecode => $authtype2->{authtypecode},
frameworkcode => '',
source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
value => {
tagfield => '612',
tagsubfield => 'a',
authtypecode => $authtype2->{authtypecode},
frameworkcode => '',
return ( $authtype1->{authtypecode}, $authtype2->{authtypecode} );
sub compare_fields { # mode parameter: order or count
my ( $oldmarc, $newmarc, $exclude, $mode ) = @_;
$exclude //= {};
if( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) {
# By default exclude field 100 from comparison in UNIMARC.
# Will have been added by ModBiblio in merge.
$exclude->{100} = 1;
my @oldfields = map { $exclude->{$_->tag} ? () : $_->tag } $oldmarc->fields;
my @newfields = map { $exclude->{$_->tag} ? () : $_->tag } $newmarc->fields;
if( $mode eq 'count' ) {
my $t;
is( scalar @newfields, $t = @oldfields, "Number of fields still equal to $t" );
} elsif( $mode eq 'order' ) {
is( ( join q/,/, @newfields ), ( join q/,/, @oldfields ), 'Order of fields unchanged' );