Nick Clemens ca784d740d
Bug 33611: Ensure dt_from_string always returns a new object
This patch alters dt_from_string to pass a cloned object if called
on an existing date time object

This resolves an issue where a holds reserve date was being altered when
the default expiration date was set

To test:
1 - Set DefaultHoldExpiration to Set
2 - Set DefaultHoldExpirationPeriod to 365
3 - Set DefaultHoldExpirationunitOfTimeToDays
4 - Place a hold
5 - Note reserve date is 1 year in the future, same as expiration
6 - Apply patch
7 - Restart all
8 - Place another hold
9 - Note reserve date is set to today

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
Signed-off-by: Hinemoea Viault <hinemoea.viault@inlibro.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
2023-05-09 10:58:04 -03:00

402 lines
12 KiB

package Koha::DateUtils;
# Copyright (c) 2011 PTFS-Europe Ltd.
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use DateTime;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::Exceptions;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
=head1 DateUtils
Koha::DateUtils - Transitional wrappers to ease use of DateTime
Koha has historically only used dates not datetimes and been content to
handle these as strings. It also has confused formatting with actual dates
this is a temporary module for wrappers to hide the complexity of switch to DateTime
=head2 dt_ftom_string
$dt = dt_from_string($date_string, [$format, $timezone ]);
Passed a date string returns a DateTime object format and timezone default
to the system preferences. If the date string is empty DateTime->now is returned
sub dt_from_string {
my ( $date_string, $date_format, $tz ) = @_;
return if $date_string and $date_string =~ m|^0000-0|;
my $do_fallback = defined($date_format) ? 0 : 1;
my $server_tz = C4::Context->tz;
$tz = C4::Context->tz unless $tz;
return DateTime->now( time_zone => $tz ) unless $date_string;
$date_format = C4::Context->preference('dateformat') unless $date_format;
if ( ref($date_string) eq 'DateTime' ) { # already a dt return a clone
return $date_string->clone();
my $regex;
# The fallback format is sql/iso
my $fallback_re = qr|
if ( $date_format eq 'metric' ) {
# metric format is "dd/mm/yyyy[ hh:mm:ss]"
$regex = qr|
elsif ( $date_format eq 'dmydot' ) {
# dmydot format is "dd.mm.yyyy[ hh:mm:ss]"
$regex = qr|
elsif ( $date_format eq 'us' ) {
# us format is "mm/dd/yyyy[ hh:mm:ss]"
$regex = qr|
elsif ( $date_format eq 'rfc3339' ) {
$regex = qr/
# Default to UTC (when 'Z' is passed) for inbound timezone.
# The regex above succeeds for both 'z', 'Z' and '+/-' offset.
# We set tz as though Z was passed by default and then correct it later if an offset is detected
# by the presence fo the <offset> variable.
$tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'UTC' );
elsif ( $date_format eq 'iso' or $date_format eq 'sql' ) {
# iso or sql format are yyyy-dd-mm[ hh:mm:ss]"
$regex = $fallback_re;
else {
die "Invalid dateformat parameter ($date_format)";
# Add the facultative time part including time zone offset; ISO8601 allows +02 or +0200 too
my $time_re = qr{
$regex .= $time_re unless ( $date_format eq 'rfc3339' );
$fallback_re .= $time_re;
# Ensure we only accept date strings and not other characters.
$regex = '^' . $regex . '$';
$fallback_re = '^' . $fallback_re . '$';
my %dt_params;
my $ampm;
if ( $date_string =~ $regex ) {
%dt_params = (
year => $+{year},
month => $+{month},
day => $+{day},
hour => $+{hour},
minute => $+{minute},
second => $+{second},
$ampm = $+{ampm};
if ( $+{utc} ) {
$tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'UTC' );
if ( $+{offset} ) {
# If offset given, set inbound timezone using it.
$tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => $+{offset} . $+{hours} . ( $+{minutes} || '00' ) );
} elsif ( $do_fallback && $date_string =~ $fallback_re ) {
%dt_params = (
year => $+{year},
month => $+{month},
day => $+{day},
hour => $+{hour},
minute => $+{minute},
second => $+{second},
$ampm = $+{ampm};
else {
die "The given date ($date_string) does not match the date format ($date_format)";
# system allows the 0th of the month
$dt_params{day} = '01' if $dt_params{day} eq '00';
# Set default hh:mm:ss to 00:00:00
my $date_only = ( !defined( $dt_params{hour} )
&& !defined( $dt_params{minute} )
&& !defined( $dt_params{second} ) );
$dt_params{hour} = 00 unless defined $dt_params{hour};
$dt_params{minute} = 00 unless defined $dt_params{minute};
$dt_params{second} = 00 unless defined $dt_params{second};
if ( $ampm ) {
if ( $ampm eq 'AM' ) {
$dt_params{hour} = 00 if $dt_params{hour} == 12;
} elsif ( $dt_params{hour} != 12 ) { # PM
$dt_params{hour} += 12;
$dt_params{hour} = 00 if $dt_params{hour} == 24;
my $floating = 0;
my $dt = eval {
# No TZ for dates 'infinite' => see bug 13242
( $dt_params{year} < 9999 ? ( time_zone => $tz ) : () ),
if ($@) {
$tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'floating' );
$floating = 1;
$dt = DateTime->new(
# No TZ for dates 'infinite' => see bug 13242
( $dt_params{year} < 9999 ? ( time_zone => $tz ) : () ),
# Convert to configured timezone (unless we started with a dateonly string or had to drop to floating time)
$dt->set_time_zone($server_tz) unless ( $date_only || $floating );
return $dt;
=head2 output_pref
$date_string = output_pref({ dt => $dt [, dateformat => $date_format, timeformat => $time_format, dateonly => 0|1, as_due_date => 0|1 ] });
$date_string = output_pref( $dt );
Returns a string containing the time & date formatted as per the C4::Context setting,
or C<undef> if C<undef> was provided.
This routine can either be passed a DateTime object or or a hashref. If it is
passed a hashref, the expected keys are a mandatory 'dt' for the DateTime,
an optional 'dateformat' to override the dateformat system preference, an
optional 'timeformat' to override the TimeFormat system preference value,
and an optional 'dateonly' to specify that only the formatted date string
should be returned without the time.
sub output_pref {
my $params = shift;
my ( $dt, $str, $force_pref, $force_time, $dateonly, $as_due_date );
if ( ref $params eq 'HASH' ) {
$dt = $params->{dt};
$str = $params->{str};
$force_pref = $params->{dateformat}; # if testing we want to override Context
$force_time = $params->{timeformat};
$dateonly = $params->{dateonly} || 0; # if you don't want the hours and minutes
$as_due_date = $params->{as_due_date} || 0; # don't display the hours and minutes if eq to 23:59 or 11:59 (depending the TimeFormat value)
} else {
$dt = $params;
Koha::Exceptions::WrongParameter->throw( 'output_pref should not be called with both dt and str parameter' ) if $dt and $str;
if ( $str ) {
local $@;
$dt = eval { dt_from_string( $str ) };
Koha::Exceptions::WrongParameter->throw("Invalid date '$str' passed to output_pref" ) if $@;
return if !defined $dt; # NULL date
Koha::Exceptions::WrongParameter->throw( "output_pref is called with '$dt' (ref ". ( ref($dt) ? ref($dt):'SCALAR')."), not a DateTime object") if ref($dt) ne 'DateTime';
# FIXME: see bug 13242 => no TZ for dates 'infinite'
if ( $dt->ymd !~ /^9999/ ) {
my $tz = $dateonly ? DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'floating') : C4::Context->tz;
eval { $dt->set_time_zone( $tz ); }
my $pref =
defined $force_pref ? $force_pref : C4::Context->preference('dateformat');
my $time_format = $force_time || C4::Context->preference('TimeFormat') || q{};
my $time = ( $time_format eq '12hr' ) ? '%I:%M %p' : '%H:%M';
my $date;
if ( $pref =~ m/^iso/ ) {
$date = $dateonly
? $dt->strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
: $dt->strftime("%Y-%m-%d $time");
elsif ( $pref =~ m/^rfc3339/ ) {
if (!$dateonly) {
$date = $dt->strftime('%FT%T%z');
substr($date, -2, 0, ':'); # timezone "HHmm" => "HH:mm"
else {
$date = $dt->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
elsif ( $pref =~ m/^metric/ ) {
$date = $dateonly
? $dt->strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
: $dt->strftime("%d/%m/%Y $time");
elsif ( $pref =~ m/^dmydot/ ) {
$date = $dateonly
? $dt->strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
: $dt->strftime("%d.%m.%Y $time");
elsif ( $pref =~ m/^us/ ) {
$date = $dateonly
? $dt->strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
: $dt->strftime("%m/%d/%Y $time");
else {
$date = $dateonly
? $dt->strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
: $dt->strftime("%Y-%m-%d $time");
if ( $as_due_date ) {
$time_format eq '12hr'
? $date =~ s| 11:59 PM$||
: $date =~ s| 23:59$||;
return $date;
=head2 format_sqldatetime
$string = format_sqldatetime( $string_as_returned_from_db );
a convenience routine for calling dt_from_string and formatting the result
with output_pref as it is a frequent activity in scripts
sub format_sqldatetime {
my $str = shift;
my $force_pref = shift; # if testing we want to override Context
my $force_time = shift;
my $dateonly = shift;
if ( defined $str && $str =~ m/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ ) {
my $dt = dt_from_string( $str, 'sql' );
return q{} unless $dt;
$dt->truncate( to => 'minute' );
return output_pref({
dt => $dt,
dateformat => $force_pref,
timeformat => $force_time,
dateonly => $dateonly
return q{};
=head2 flatpickr_date_format
$date_format = flatpickr_date_format( $koha_date_format );
Converts Koha's date format to Flatpickr's. E.g. 'us' returns 'm/d/Y'.
If no argument is given, the dateformat preference is assumed.
Returns undef if format is unknown.
sub flatpickr_date_format {
my $arg = shift // C4::Context->preference('dateformat');
return {
us => 'm/d/Y',
metric => 'd/m/Y',
dmydot => 'd.m.Y',
iso => 'Y-m-d',