Owen Leonard f36747f5e8 Fix for Bug 4473 - Recent comments view for the OPAC
- modifies opac-showreviews.pl to display recent comments for all
  titles, sorted in descending order by date.
- includes RSS feed
- includes (thanks to Chris N.):

[Enhancement][3.4] Add RFC822 Format to C4::Dates

This patch adds RFC822 formatting to C4::Dates. It also updates Dates.t
appropriately. Consult the POD for this module for how to use
this format.

Please note that this module *does not* handle TZ conversion at this point.
This means that the TZ portion of a RFC822 time will be truncated and the converted
time will be in the same TZ as was passed in. When generating an RFC822 time,
the local TZ offset will be included since none of the other supported formats
provide a means for including their TZ. This is not a problem introduced by the
addition of RFC822 formatting. Rather it is due to this module not having TZ
support to begin with.

Also note that the dow, moy abbreviations are English as required by
RFC822 section 3.3 (thanks to self for pointing that out).

Signed-off-by: Colin Campbell <colin.campbell@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
2010-12-13 09:43:01 +13:00

113 lines
4.9 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 327;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use_ok( 'C4::Dates', qw(format_date format_date_in_iso) );
sub describe ($$) {
my $front = sprintf( "%-25s", shift );
my $tail = shift || 'FAILED';
return "$front : $tail";
# Keep the number of test elements per [array] equal or the predicted number of tests
# needs to be different for different (fake) sysprefs.
my %thash = (
iso => [ '2001-1-1', '1989-9-21', '1952-1-0', '1989-9-21 13:46:02', '2001-01-01', '1989-09-21', '1952-01-00', '1989-09-21 13:46:02' ],
metric => [ "1-1-2001", '21-9-1989', '00-1-1952', '21-9-1989 13:46:02', "01-01-2001", '21-09-1989', '00-01-1952', '21-09-1989 13:46:02' ],
us => [ "01-01-2001", '09-21-1989', '01-00-1952', '09-21-1989 13:46:02' ],
sql => [ '20010101 010101', '19890921 143907', '19520100 000000', '19890921 134602' ],
rfc822 => [ 'Wed, 02 Oct 2002 15:00:00 +0200', 'Fri, 10 Sep 2010 08:00:00 +0500' ],
my ( $date, $format, $today, $today0, $val, $re, $syspref );
my @formats = sort keys %thash;
my $fake_syspref_default = 'us';
my $fake_syspref = (@ARGV) ? shift : $ENV{KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT};
if ($fake_syspref) {
diag "You asked for date format '$fake_syspref'.";
unless ( scalar grep { /^$fake_syspref$/ } @formats ) {
diag "Warning: Unkown date format '$fake_syspref', reverting to default '$fake_syspref_default'.";
$fake_syspref = $fake_syspref_default;
$fake_syspref or $fake_syspref = $fake_syspref_default;
$C4::Dates::prefformat = $fake_syspref; # So Dates doesn't have to ask the DB anything.
diag <<EndOfDiag;
In order to run without DB access, this test will substitute '$fake_syspref'
as your default date format. Export environmental variable KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT
to override this default, or pass the value as an argument to this test script.
NOTE: we test for the system handling dd=00 and 00 for TIME values, therefore
you SHOULD see some warnings like:
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t ...
Testing Legacy Functions: format_date and format_date_in_iso
ok( $syspref = C4::Dates->new->format(), "Your system preference is: $syspref" );
print "\n";
foreach ( @{ $thash{'iso'} } ) {
ok( $val = format_date($_), "format_date('$_'): $val" );
foreach ( @{ $thash{$syspref} } ) {
ok( $val = format_date_in_iso($_), "format_date_in_iso('$_'): $val" );
ok( $today0 = C4::Dates->today(), "(default) CLASS ->today : $today0" );
diag "\nTesting " . scalar(@formats) . " formats.\nTesting no input (defaults):\n";
print "\n";
foreach (@formats) {
my $pre = sprintf '(%-6s)', $_;
ok( $date = C4::Dates->new(), "$pre Date Creation : new()" );
ok( $_ eq ( $format = $date->format($_) ), "$pre format($_) : " . ( $format || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $format = $date->visual(), "$pre visual() : " . ( $format || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $today = $date->output(), "$pre output() : " . ( $today || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $today = $date->today(), "$pre object->today : " . ( $today || 'FAILED' ) );
print "\n";
diag "\nTesting with valid inputs:\n";
foreach $format (@formats) {
my $pre = sprintf '(%-6s)', $format;
foreach my $testval ( @{ $thash{$format} } ) {
ok( $date = C4::Dates->new( $testval, $format ), "$pre Date Creation : new('$testval','$format')" );
ok( $re = $date->regexp, "$pre has regexp()" );
ok( $testval =~ /^$re$/, "$pre has regexp() match $testval" );
ok( $val = $date->output(), describe( "$pre output()", $val ) );
skip( "special case with explicit regexp('syspref') because $format isn't $syspref", 1 ) unless ( $format eq $syspref );
my $re_syspref = C4::Dates->regexp('syspref');
ok( $testval =~ /^$re_syspref$/, "$pre has regexp('syspref') match $testval" );
foreach ( grep { !/$format/ } @formats ) {
ok( $today = $date->output($_), describe( sprintf( "$pre output(%8s)", "'$_'" ), $today ) );
ok( $today = $date->today(), describe( "$pre object->today", $today ) );
# ok($today == ($today = C4::Dates->today()), "$pre CLASS ->today : $today" );
ok( $val = $date->output(), describe( "$pre output()", $val ) );
# ok($format eq ($format = $date->format()), "$pre format() : $format" );
print "\n";
diag "\nTesting object independence from class\n";
my $in1 = '12/25/1952'; # us
my $in2 = '13/01/2001'; # metric
my $d1 = C4::Dates->new( $in1, 'us' );
my $d2 = C4::Dates->new( $in2, 'metric' );
my $out1 = $d1->output('iso');
my $out2 = $d2->output('iso');
ok( $out1 ne $out2, "subsequent constructors get different dataspace ($out1 != $out2)" );
diag "done.\n";