Joe Atzberger d5dbaf2a6d orderreceive cleanup
Convert to GetBranchesLoop, remove unused variables.
Pull out params that are assigned the same value in each loop and just assign them once.
Pull out params that are assigned the same value in each half of the conditional, and just assign them unconditionally.
Remove useless call of $template->param($count).

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2009-04-08 12:30:36 -05:00

168 lines
9.6 KiB

<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-open.inc" -->
<title>Koha &rsaquo; Acquisitions &rsaquo; Receipt summary for : <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" --> <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="invoice" -->invoice, <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" --><!-- /TMPL_IF --></title>
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-close.inc" -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='themelang' -->/js/additem.js">
<style type="text/css">
a.cloneItemBlock { cursor: pointer; color: grey; font-size: 180%; padding:.5em;text-decoration:none;}
a.deleteItemBlock { display:none; cursor: pointer; color: grey; font-size: 180%;padding:.5em;text-decoration:none; }
fieldset.rows .itemblock fieldset.action { padding:.5em; }
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="header.inc" -->
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<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/acqui-home.pl">Acquisitions</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/supplier.pl?supplierid=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="supplierid" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" --></a> &rsaquo; Receive items from : <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" --> <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="invoice" -->[<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" -->]<!-- /TMPL_IF --> (order #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->)</div>
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
<div id="bd">
<div id="yui-main">
<div class="yui-b">
<h1>Receive items from : <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="name" --> <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="invoice" -->[<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" -->] <!-- /TMPL_IF --> (order #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->)</h1>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="count" -->
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/finishreceive.pl" method="post">
<div class="yui-g">
<div class="yui-u first">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Catalog Details</legend>
<ol><li><span class="label">Title: </span><span class="title"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" escape="html" --></span></li>
<li> <span class="label">Author: </span>
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" --></li>
<li><span class="label">Copyright: </span>
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="copyrightdate" --></li>
<li> <span class="label">ISBN: </span>
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" --></li>
<li> <span class="label">Series: </span>
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" --></li>
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Item details: (add to catalog)</legend>
<div id="outeritemblock">
<div class="itemblock">
<li> <label for="volinf1">Volume/Copy (for serials): </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="volinf" id="volinf1" /></li>
<li> <label for="barcode1">Item barcode: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="barcode" id="barcode1" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="barcode" -->" /></li>
<li> <label for="homebranch1">Home library: </label>
<select name="homebranch" id="homebranch1"> <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="branchloop" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="selected" --><option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->" selected="selected"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="branchname" --></option>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="branchname" --></option>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="locationloop" -->
<li> <label for="location1">Shelf location: </label>
<select name="location" id="location1"><!-- TMPL_LOOP name="locationloop" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="selected" --><option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->" selected="selected"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="itype" -->
<li> <label for="itemtype1">Item type: </label>
<select name="itemtype" id="itemtype1"><!-- TMPL_LOOP name="itemtypeloop" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="selected" --><option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->" selected="selected"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="ccodeloop" -->
<li> <label for="ccode1">Collection: </label>
<select name="ccode" id="ccode1"> <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="ccodeloop" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="selected" --><option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->" selected="selected"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="description" --></option>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<fieldset class="action"><a href="#" class="cloneItemBlock">[+]</a>
<a href="#" class="deleteItemBlock">[-]</a></fieldset>
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="ordnum" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="biblioitemnumber" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblioitemnumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="supplierid" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="supplierid" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="datereceived" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="datereceived_iso" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="freight" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="freight" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="gst" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="gst" -->" />
<div class="yui-u">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Accounting details</legend>
<li><label for="datereceived">Date received: </label><span class="label"> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="datereceived" --> </span></li>
<li><label for="quantity">Quantity ordered: </label><span class="label"> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantity" --> </span></li>
<li><label for="quantityrec">Quantity received: </label>
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="quantityreceived" -->
<input id="quantityrec" READONLY type="text" size="20" name="quantityrec" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantityreceivedplus1" -->" />
<input id="origquantityrec" READONLY type="hidden" name="origquantityrec" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantityreceived" -->" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input id="quantityrec" READONLY type="text" size="20" name="quantityrec" value="1" />
<input id="origquantityrec" READONLY type="hidden" name="origquantityrec" value="0" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- <input type="text" size="20" name="quantityrec" id="quantityrec" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantityreceived" -->" /> --></li>
<li><label for="rrp">Replacement cost: </label><input type="text" size="20" name="rrp" id="rrp" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rrp" -->" /></li>
<li><label for="ecost">Budgeted cost: </label><input type="text" size="20" name="ecost" id="ecost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ecost" -->" /></li>
<li><label for="cost">Actual cost:</label>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="unitprice"-->
<input type="text" size="20" name="cost" id="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="unitprice" -->" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input type="text" size="20" name="cost" id="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="ecost" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF --></li></ol>
<input type="hidden" name="invoice" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" -->" />
</div><div class="yui-g"><fieldset class="action"><!-- TMPL_IF name="catview" -->
<input type="button" value="Save" onclick="javascript:if(check_additem()) { this.form.submit(); } else { alert( _('Duplicate barcodes detected. Please correct the errors and resubmit.') ); return false };" /> <a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/parcel.pl?supplierid=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="supplierid" -->&amp;invoice=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" -->&amp;gst=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="gst" -->&amp;freight=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="freight" -->">Cancel</a>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/neworderempty.pl?ordnum=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->&amp;id=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="booksellerid" -->">Edit</a>
<!-- /TMPL_IF --></fieldset></div> </form>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<div id="acqui_acquire_orderlist">
<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="loop" -->
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" --></td>
<td><a href="orderreceive.pl?datereceived=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="datereceived" -->&amp;receive=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->&amp;biblio=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->&amp;invoice=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoice" -->&amp;freight=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="freight" -->&amp;gst=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="gst" -->&amp;id=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="id" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" escape="html" --></a></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantity" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantityreceived" --></td>
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<div class="yui-b">
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-menu.inc" -->
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