Jonathan Druart ca124b5c14 Bug 21817: Centralize the mock of userenv from tests
This patch adds a new method mock_userenv from t::lib::Mocks in order to
simplify the mock of the userenv.

Test plan:
prove all the test files modified by this patch

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
2019-01-02 20:18:29 +00:00

245 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Test::More tests => 56;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::Biblio;
use Koha::Notice::Messages;
use Koha::Patron;
use Koha::Library::Group;
use Koha::IssuingRules;
use Koha::Caches;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema();
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
our $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM issuingrules");
my $biblio = Koha::Biblio->new()->store();
ok( $biblio->id, 'Koha::Biblio created' );
my $biblioitem = $schema->resultset('Biblioitem')->new(
biblionumber => $biblio->id
ok( $biblioitem->id, 'biblioitem created' );
my $itype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype' });
my $item = Koha::Item->new(
biblionumber => $biblio->id,
biblioitemnumber => $biblioitem->id,
itype => $itype->{itemtype},
ok( $item->id, 'Koha::Item created' );
my $branch = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' });
my $category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category' });
my $patron = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
categorycode => $category->{categorycode},
branchcode => $branch->{branchcode},
flags => 1,# superlibrarian
ok( $patron->id, 'Koha::Patron created' );
my $patron_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { flags => 0 } });
# store
my $article_request_title = 'an article request title';
my $article_request = Koha::ArticleRequest->new(
borrowernumber => $patron->id,
biblionumber => $biblio->id,
itemnumber => $item->id,
title => $article_request_title,
my $notify_message = Koha::Notice::Messages->search->next;
is( $notify_message->letter_code, "AR_".Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Pending);
# Default AR_PROCESSING template content "Title: <<article_requests.title>>"
like( $notify_message->content, qr{Title: $article_request_title}, 'Values from article_requests table must be fetched for the notification' );
$article_request = Koha::ArticleRequests->find( $article_request->id );
ok( $article_request->id, 'Koha::ArticleRequest created' );
is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Pending, 'New article request has status of Open' );
is( $article_request->updated_on, undef, 'New article request has not an updated_on date set yet' );
# process
$notify_message = Koha::Notice::Messages->search->next;
is( $notify_message->letter_code, "AR_".Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Processing);
is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Processing, '$ar->process() changes status to Processing' );
isnt( $article_request->updated_on, undef, 'Updated article request has an updated_on date set' );
# complete
is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Completed, '$ar->complete() changes status to Completed' );
# cancel
is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Canceled, '$ar->complete() changes status to Canceled' );
is( $article_request->biblio->id, $biblio->id, '$ar->biblio() gets corresponding Koha::Biblio object' );
is( $article_request->item->id, $item->id, '$ar->item() gets corresponding Koha::Item object' );
is( $article_request->borrower->id, $patron->id, '$ar->borrower() gets corresponding Koha::Patron object' );
my $ar = $patron->article_requests();
is( ref($ar), 'Koha::ArticleRequests', '$patron->article_requests returns Koha::ArticleRequests object' );
is( $ar->next->id, $article_request->id, 'Returned article request matches' );
is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Open request returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Completed request not returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Open request returned for article_requests_finished' );
is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_finished' );
is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 1, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_finished' );
$ar = $biblio->article_requests();
is( ref($ar), 'Koha::ArticleRequests', '$biblio->article_requests returns Koha::ArticleRequests object' );
is( $ar->next->id, $article_request->id, 'Returned article request matches' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Open request returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Completed request not returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_current' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Open request returned for article_requests_finished' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_finished' );
is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 1, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_finished' );
my $rule;
$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'yes' } )->insert();
ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type yes' );
is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'yes', 'Biblio article request type is yes' );
ok( $item->can_article_request($patron), 'Item is requestable with rule type yes' );
is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'yes', 'Item article request type is yes' );
$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'bib_only' } )->insert();
ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type bib_only' );
is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'bib_only', 'Biblio article request type is bib_only' );
ok( !$item->can_article_request($patron), 'Item is not requestable with rule type bib_only' );
is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'bib_only', 'Item article request type is bib_only' );
$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'item_only' } )->insert();
ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type item_only' );
is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'item_only', 'Biblio article request type is item_only' );
ok( $item->can_article_request($patron), 'Item is not requestable with rule type item_only' );
is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'item_only', 'Item article request type is item_only' );
$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'no' } )->insert();
ok( !$biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type no' );
is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'no', 'Biblio article request type is no' );
ok( !$item->can_article_request($patron), 'Item is not requestable with rule type no' );
is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'no', 'Item article request type is no' );
subtest 'search_limited' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $nb_article_requests = Koha::ArticleRequests->count;
my $group_1 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => 'TEST Group 1' } )->store;
my $group_2 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => 'TEST Group 2' } )->store;
Koha::Library::Group->new({ parent_id => $group_1->id, branchcode => $patron->branchcode })->store();
Koha::Library::Group->new({ parent_id => $group_2->id, branchcode => $patron_2->branchcode })->store();
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { patron => $patron } ); # Is superlibrarian
is( Koha::ArticleRequests->search_limited->count, $nb_article_requests, 'Koha::ArticleRequests->search_limited should return all article requests for superlibrarian' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { patron => $patron_2 } ); # Is restricted
is( Koha::ArticleRequests->search_limited->count, 0, 'Koha::ArticleRequests->search_limited should not return all article requests for restricted patron' );
subtest 'may_article_request' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
# mocking
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ArticleRequests', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ArticleRequestsLinkControl', 'calc');
$cache->set_in_cache( Koha::IssuingRules::GUESSED_ITEMTYPES_KEY, {
'*' => { 'CR' => 1 },
'S' => { '*' => 1 },
'PT' => { 'BK' => 1 },
my $itemtype = Koha::ItemTypes->find('CR') // Koha::ItemType->new({ itemtype => 'CR' })->store;
is( $itemtype->may_article_request, 1, 'SER/* should be true' );
is( $itemtype->may_article_request({ categorycode => 'S' }), 1, 'SER/S should be true' );
is( $itemtype->may_article_request({ categorycode => 'PT' }), '', 'SER/PT should be false' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ArticleRequestsLinkControl', 'always');
is( $itemtype->may_article_request({ categorycode => 'PT' }), '1', 'Result should be true when LinkControl is set to always' );
# Cleanup
$cache->clear_from_cache( Koha::IssuingRules::GUESSED_ITEMTYPES_KEY );