Main Koha release repository
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81 lines
3.4 KiB

[%~ USE Koha ~%]
[%~ USE raw ~%]
[%~ BLOCK 'display-library-address' ~%]
[%~ SET line_break = "<br/>" ~%]
[%~ IF no_line_break %][% SET line_break = " " %][% END ~%]
[%~ IF Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) == "us" ~%]
[%~ PROCESS 'display-library-address-us' ~%]
[%~ ELSE ~%]
[%~ PROCESS 'display-library-address-de-fr' ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ BLOCK 'display-library-address-us' ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress1 or library.branchaddress2 ) ~%]
<span property="streetAddress">
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress1 ) ~%]
<div class="branchaddress1">
[% library.branchaddress1 | html %]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress2 ) ~%]
<div class="branchaddress2">
[%~ library.branchaddress2 |html ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress3 ) ~%]
<span class="branchaddress3">
[%~ library.branchaddress3 | html ~%]
[% line_break | $raw %]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchcity ) ~%]
<div class="branchcity">
<span property="addressLocality">[%~ library.branchcity |html ~%]</span>
[%~ IF ( library.branchstate ) %]<span property="addressRegion">, [% library.branchstate |html ~%]</span>[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchzip ) %]
<span property="postalCode">
[%~ library.branchzip |html ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchcountry ) %]
<div property="addressCountry">
[% library.branchcountry |html ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ BLOCK 'display-library-address-de-fr' ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress1 or library.branchaddress2 ) ~%]
<span property="streetAddress">
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress1 ) ~%]
<span class="branchaddress1">
[%~ library.branchaddress1 | html ~%]
[% line_break | $raw %]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress2 ) ~%]
<span class="branchaddress2">
[%~ library.branchaddress2 | html ~%]
[% line_break | $raw %]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchaddress3 ) ~%]
<span class="branchaddress3">
[%~ library.branchaddress3 | html ~%]
[% line_break | $raw %]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchcity ) ~%]
<span class="branchcity">
[%~ IF ( library.branchzip ) ~%]<span property="postalCode">[%~ library.branchzip | html %]</span> [% END ~%]<span property="addressLocality">[%~ library.branchcity | html ~%]</span>[%~ IF ( library.branchstate ) ~%][% line_break | $raw %]<span property="addressRegion">[%~ library.branchstate | html ~%]</span>[%~ END ~%]
[%~ IF ( library.branchcountry ) ~%][% line_break | $raw %]<span property="addressCountry">[%~ library.branchcountry | html ~%]</span>[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]
[%~ END ~%]