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# parse-config: Parse an XML-format
# ACS configuration file and build the configuration
# structure.
package C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration;
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
use C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Institution;
use C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Account;
use C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Service;
my $parser = new XML::Simple( KeyAttr => { login => '+id',
institution => '+id',
service => '+port' },
GroupTags => { listeners => 'service',
accounts => 'login',
institutions => 'institution', },
ForceArray=> [ 'service',
'institution' ],
ValueAttr => { 'error-detect' => 'enabled',
'min_servers' => 'value',
'max_servers' => 'value'} );
sub new {
my ($class, $config_file) = @_;
my $cfg = $parser->XMLin($config_file);
my %listeners;
foreach my $acct (values %{$cfg->{accounts}}) {
C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Account->new( $acct );
# The key to the listeners hash is the 'port' component of the
# configuration, which is of the form '[host]:[port]/proto', and
# the 'proto' component could be upper-, lower-, or mixed-cased.
# Regularize it here to lower-case, and then do the same below in
# find_server() when building the keys to search the hash.
foreach my $service (values %{$cfg->{listeners}}) {
C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Service->new( $service );
$listeners{lc $service->{port}} = $service;
$cfg->{listeners} = \%listeners;
foreach my $inst (values %{$cfg->{institutions}}) {
C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration::Institution->new( $inst );
return bless $cfg, $class;
sub error_detect {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'error-detect'};
sub accounts {
my $self = shift;
return values %{$self->{accounts}};
# sub policy {
# my $self = shift;
# return values %{$self->{policy}};
# }
sub find_service {
my ($self, $sockaddr, $port, $proto) = @_;
my $portstr;
foreach my $addr ('', '*:', "$sockaddr:", "[$sockaddr]:") {
$portstr = sprintf("%s%s/%s", $addr, $port, lc $proto);
Sys::Syslog::syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "Configuration::find_service: Trying $portstr");
last if (exists(($self->{listeners})->{$portstr}));
return $self->{listeners}->{$portstr};
my $config = new Sip::Configuration $ARGV[0];
foreach my $acct ($config->accounts) {
print "Found account '", $acct->name, "', part of '"
print $acct->institution, "'\n";