Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

981 lines
37 KiB

use Tk;
require Tk::Dialog;
use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
require Exporter;
use DBI;
my %env;
my $issuebut, $returnbut, $mainholder;
my $borrnumber, $borrower, $borrowerlist;
my @items2, $currentissues;
my $returnedframe;
my (@flagbold, @flagnormal, @flagnoissues, @flagtag, @textnoissues);
@flagbold=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'blue', -underline=>1, -relief=>'sunken', -borderwidth=>1);
@flagnormal=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'blue', -underline=>1, -relief=>'flat');
@flagtag=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'blue', -underline=>1, -relief=>'flat');
@flagnoissues=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'red', -underline=>1, -relief=>'flat');
@textnoissues=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'red', -relief=>'flat');
@flagnoissuesbold=(-background=>undef, -foreground=>'red', -underline=>1, -relief=>'sunken', -borderwidth=>1);
my $MW=MainWindow->new(-height => 500, -width => 600);
$MW->fontCreate('C_normal',-family => 'courier', -size => -12);
my $titlebar=$MW->Frame(-height => 100, -width => 600, -relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => '4');
my $frametop=$MW->Frame(-height => 100, -width => 600, -relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => '2');
my $framebot=$MW->Frame(-height => 430, -width => 600, -relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => '2');
my $kohalabel=$titlebar->Label(-text => 'Koha');
my $menulabel=$titlebar->Label(-text => 'Main Menu');
my $branchlabel=$titlebar->Label(-text => 'Stewart Elementary-lp');
$kohalabel->pack(qw/-side left -padx 10/);
$branchlabel->pack(qw/-side left -padx 10 -fill x -expand 1/);
$menulabel->pack(qw/-side left -padx 10/);
my $issuesbut=$frametop->Button(-text => 'Issues', -underline => 0, -command => sub { $data='Issues'; getborrnumber(); });
$issuesbut->pack(qw/-side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand 1 -fill x/);
my $returnsbut=$frametop->Button(-text => 'Returns', -underline => 0, -command => sub { $data='Returns'; returns(); });
$returnsbut->pack(qw/-side right -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand 1 -fill x/);
Tk::grid($titlebar, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
Tk::grid($frametop, -col => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'nsew');
Tk::grid($framebot, -col => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'nsew');
sub getborrnumber {
($mainholder) && ($mainholder->destroy);
$mainholder=$framebot->Frame(-height => 500, -width => 600);
Tk::grid($mainholder, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
my $borrentryframe=$mainholder->Frame(-height => 40, -width => 200, -relief=>'ridge', -borderwidth=>4);
$borrentryframe->pack(-ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10);
$label=$borrentryframe->Label(-text => "Borrower CardNumber\nor Last Name:", -anchor => 'w');
Tk::grid($label, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
$borrentry=$borrentryframe->Entry(-width => 15);
$borrentry->bind('<Return>' => \&checkborrower);
Tk::grid($borrentry, -col => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
#Check for surname entry instead of borrower card number
sub checkborrower {
my ($borrowers, $flags) = findborrower($env, $key);
my @borrowers=@$borrowers;
if ($#borrowers==0) {
} elsif ($#borrowers>0) {
($mainholder) && ($mainholder->destroy);
$mainholder=$framebot->Frame(-height => 500, -width => 500);
Tk::grid($mainholder, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
my $frame=$mainholder->Frame(-height => 500, -width => 500, -relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => '5');
Tk::grid($frame, -col=>0, -row=>0, -sticky => 'nsew');
$frame->pack(-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);
my $label=$frame->Label(-text => 'Pick a Patron', -justify => 'center', -relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => 3);
Tk::grid($label, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
$borrowerlist=$frame->Scrolled(Listbox, -width => '50', -height => '10', -setgrid => '1', -scrollbars => 'se', -font => 'C_normal');
$borrowerlist->bind('<Double-1>' => \&pickborrower);
$borrowerlist->bind('<Return>' => \&pickborrower);
Tk::grid($borrowerlist, -col => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'n', -pady => 10);
my $buttonframe=$frame->Frame(-height=>40, -width =>500);
Tk::grid($buttonframe, -col => 0, -row => 2);
my $okbutton=$buttonframe->Button(-text => 'OK', -command => \&pickborrower);
$okbutton->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
my $cancelbutton=$buttonframe->Button(-text => 'Cancel', -command => \&getborrnumber);
$cancelbutton->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
my @borrowerlist;
my $borrower;
foreach $borrower (@borrowers) {
my $cardnumber=$borrower->{'cardnumber'};
my $categorycode=$borrower->{'categorycode'};
my $name=$borrower->{'surname'}.", ".$borrower->{'firstname'};
my $line = sprintf "%10s %4s %-25s", $cardnumber, $categorycode, $name;
push (@borrowerlist, $line);
sub pickborrower {
my $line=$borrowerlist->get('active');
my $borcardnumber=(split(/\s+/, $line))[0];
my ($borrower,$flags)=getpatroninformation($env, 0, $borcardnumber);
$borrnumber = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'};
sub issues {
my ($borrower, $flags) = getpatroninformation($env,$borrnumber,0);
my ($items) = currentissues($env, $borrower);
#my $previssues='';
#open O, ">>/root/tkcirc.out";
#foreach (sort {$items->{$a} cmp $items->{$b}} keys %$items) {
# $previssues.="$_->{'title'} $_->{'author'} $_->{'barcode'}\n";
# }
# print O "PREVISSUES\n$previssues\n";
# close O;
Tk::grid($mainholder, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$topline->pack(-side => top, -fill => 'x', -expand => '1');
$barcodeduedate=$topline->LabFrame(-label=>'Item Information', -height=>80, -width=>100, -labelside=>acrosstop);
Tk::grid($barcodeduedate, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
$barcodelabel=$barcodeduedate->Label(-text => 'Item Barcode:', -justify => right, -anchor => e);
Tk::grid($barcodelabel, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'e');
$barcodeentry=$barcodeduedate->Entry(-width => 15);
$barcodeentry->bind('<Return>' => \&issuebk);
$barcodeentry->bind('<Escape>' => \&getborrnumber);
$barcodeentry->grid(-col => 1, -row => 0);
$duedatelabel=$barcodeduedate->Label(-text => 'Due Date:', -justify => right, -anchor => e);
Tk::grid($duedatelabel, -col => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'e');
$duedateentry=$barcodeduedate->Entry(-width => 15);
$duedateentry->bind('<Return>' => \&issuebk);
$duedateentry->grid(-col => 1, -row => 1);
$middle=$topline->Frame(-width => 40);
Tk::grid($middle, -col => 1, -sticky => 'ew');
$biframe=$topline->LabFrame(-label=>'Patron Information', -labelside=>acrosstop);
Tk::grid($biframe, -col=>2, -row=>0, -sticky=>'nsew');
$borrowerinfo=$biframe->Text(-height => 4, -width => 40, -wrap => none, -relief=>flat);
my $line = "$borrower->{'cardnumber'} ";
$line .= "$borrower->{'surname'}, ";
$line .= "$borrower->{'title'} $borrower->{'firstname'}\n";
$line .= "$borrower->{'streetaddress'}, $borrower->{'city'}\n";
$line .= "$borrower->{'categorycode'} ";
open O, ">>/root/tkcirc.out";
my $flag='';
my $nossisues=0;
foreach $flag (sort keys %$flags) {
print O "Configuring flag $flag\n";
$borrowerinfo->insert('end', $flag, "$flag", " ");
if ($flags->{$flag}->{'noissues'}) {
$borrowerinfo->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagnoissues);
$borrowerinfo->tag('bind', "$flag", "<Any-Leave>" => sub {shift->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagnoissues)});
$borrowerinfo->tag('bind', "$flag", "<Any-Enter>" => sub {shift->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagnoissuesbold)});
} else {
$borrowerinfo->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagtag);
$borrowerinfo->tag('bind', "$flag", "<Any-Leave>" => sub {shift->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagtag)});
$borrowerinfo->tag('bind', "$flag", "<Any-Enter>" => sub {shift->tag('configure', "$flag", @flagbold)});
$borrowerinfo->tag('bind', "$flag", "<1>" => sub {&patronnote($borrower,$flags, $flag)});
close O;
if ($noissues) {
$borrowerinfo->insert('end', "\n", "");
$borrowerinfo->insert('end', "No issues allowed for this borrower!", "noissuestag");
$borrowerinfo->tag('configure', 'noissuestag', @textnoissues);
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'disabled');
my $ciframe=$mainholder->LabFrame(-label=>'Current Issues', -labelside=>acrosstop);
$currentissues=$ciframe->Table(-rows=>10, -columns=>5, -scrollbars=>'e', -fixedrows=>1, -takefocus=>1);
$currentissues->put(0,0,$currentissues->Label(-text=>"Due Date", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$currentissues->put(0,1,$currentissues->Label(-text=>"Bar Code", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$currentissues->put(0,2,$currentissues->Label(-text=>"Title", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>35));
$currentissues->put(0,3,$currentissues->Label(-text=>"Author", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>20));
$currentissues->put(0,4,$currentissues->Label(-text=>"Class", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
my $piframe=$mainholder->LabFrame(-label=>'Previous Issues', -labelside=>acrosstop);
$previousissues=$piframe->Table(-rows=>10, -columns=>5, -scrollbars=>'e', -fixedrows=>1, -takefocus=>1);
$previousissues->put(0,0,$previousissues->Label(-text=>"Due Date", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$previousissues->put(0,1,$previousissues->Label(-text=>"Bar Code", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$previousissues->put(0,2,$previousissues->Label(-text=>"Title", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>35));
$previousissues->put(0,3,$previousissues->Label(-text=>"Author", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>20));
$previousissues->put(0,4,$previousissues->Label(-text=>"Class", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
my ($borrowerissues) = currentissues($env, $borrower);
my $counter=1;
#foreach (sort {$items->{$a} cmp $items->{$b}} keys %$items) {
foreach (sort keys %$borrowerissues) {
my $bookissue=$borrowerissues->{$_};
$previousissues->put($counter,0,$previousissues->Label(-text=>$bookissue->{'duedate'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$previousissues->put($counter,1,$previousissues->Label(-text=>$bookissue->{'barcode'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$previousissues->put($counter,2,$previousissues->Label(-text=>$bookissue->{'title'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$previousissues->put($counter,3,$previousissues->Label(-text=>$bookissue->{'author'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$previousissues->put($counter,4,$previousissues->Label(-text=>$bookissue->{'dewey'}.$bookissue->{'subclass'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
sub patronnote {
my ($borrower, $flags, $flag) = @_;
my $flaginfo=$flags->{$flag};
info_msg($env, "$borrower->{'surname'} $flag\n$flags->{$flag}->{'message'}");
sub error_msg {
my ($env, $message) = @_;
my $button = $MW->messageBox(-type => 'OK', -title => 'Error Message', -message => "$message");
sub info_msg {
my ($env, $message) = @_;
my $window=$MW->Toplevel();
$window->title('Informational Message');
my $text=$window->Scrolled('Text', -height=>4, -width=>40, -wrap=>'word', -scrollbars=>'oe');
$text->pack(-expand=>1, -fill=>'both');
$text->insert('0.0', "$message");
#$text->configure(-state => 'disabled');
my $button=$window->Button(-text=>'OK', -command => sub { $window->destroy()});
$window->bind('<Return>' => sub {$window->destroy()});
sub info_msg_old {
my ($env, $message) = @_;
my $button = $MW->messageBox(-type => 'OK', -title => 'Informational Message', -message => "$message");
sub msg_yn {
my ($env, $message1, $message2, $message3) =@_;
my $message = $message1;
($message2) && ($message.="\n$message2");
($message3) && ($message.="\n$message3");
my $button = $MW->messageBox(-type => 'YesNo', -default => 'Yes', -title => 'Message', -message => "$message");
return ($button);
sub msg_ny {
my ($env, $message1, $message2, $message3) =@_;
my $message = $message1;
($message2) && ($message.="\n$message2");
($message3) && ($message.="\n$message3");
my $button = $MW ->messageBox(-type => 'YesNo', -default => 'No', -title => 'Message', -message => "$message");
return ($button);
sub updateissues {
# issue the book
my ($env,$itemno,$bitno,$dbh,$bornum)=@_;
my $loanlength=21;
my $query="Select * from biblioitems,itemtypes
where (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber='$bitno')
and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$loanlength = $data->{'loanlength'}
my $dateduef;
if ($env->{'loanlength'} eq "") {
my $ti = time;
my $datedue = time + ($loanlength * 86400);
my @datearr = localtime($datedue);
$dateduef = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
} else {
my $ti = time;
my $datedue = time + ($env->{'loanlength'} * 86400);
my @datearr = localtime($datedue);
$dateduef = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
$query = "Insert into issues (borrowernumber,itemnumber, date_due,branchcode)
values ($bornum,$itemno,'$dateduef','$env->{'branchcode'}')";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
$query = "Select * from items where itemnumber=$itemno";
my $item=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$query="Update items set issues=$item->{'issues'} where itemnumber=$itemno";
my @datearr = split('-',$dateduef);
my $dateret = join('-',$datearr[2],$datearr[1],$datearr[0]);
sub returnrecord {
# mark items as returned
my ($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemno)=@_;
#my $amt_owing = calc_odues($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemno);
my @datearr = localtime(time);
my $dateret = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".$datearr[4]."-".$datearr[3];
my $query = "update issues set returndate = now(), branchcode ='$env->{'branchcode'}' where (borrowernumber = '$bornum') and (itemnumber = '$itemno') and (returndate is null)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# check for overdue fine
my $oduecharge;
my $query = "select * from accountlines where (borrowernumber = '$bornum') and (itemnumber = '$itemno') and (accounttype = 'FU' or accounttype='O')";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# alter fine to show that the book has been returned.
my $uquery = "update accountlines set accounttype = 'F' where (borrowernumber = '$bornum') and (itemnumber = '$itemno') and (accountno = '$data->{'accountno'}') ";
my $usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
$oduecharge = $data->{'amountoutstanding'};
# check for charge made for lost book
my $query = "select * from accountlines
where (borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (itemnumber = '$itemno')
and (accounttype = 'L')";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# writeoff this amount
my $offset;
my $amount = $data->{'amount'};
my $acctno = $data->{'accountno'};
my $amountleft;
if ($data->{'amountoutstanding'} == $amount) {
$offset = $data->{'amount'};
$amountleft = 0;
} else {
$offset = $amount - $data->{'amountoutstanding'};
$amountleft = $data->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amount;
my $uquery = "update accountlines
set accounttype = 'LR',amountoutstanding='0'
where (borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (itemnumber = '$itemno')
and (accountno = '$acctno') ";
my $usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
my $nextaccntno = C4::Accounts::getnextacctno($env,$bornum,$dbh);
$uquery = "insert into accountlines
values ($bornum,$nextaccntno,now(),0-$amount,'Book Returned',
$usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
$uquery = "insert into accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
values ($bornum,$data->{'accountno'},$nextaccntno,$offset)";
$usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
sub calc_charges {
# calculate charges due
my ($env, $dbh, $itemno, $bornum)=@_;
my $charge=0;
my $item_type;
my $q1 = "select itemtypes.itemtype,rentalcharge from items,biblioitems,itemtypes
where (items.itemnumber ='$itemno')
and (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber)
and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)";
my $sth1= $dbh->prepare($q1);
if (my $data1=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
$item_type = $data1->{'itemtype'};
$charge = $data1->{'rentalcharge'};
my $q2 = "select rentaldiscount from borrowers,categoryitem
where (borrowers.borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (borrowers.categorycode = categoryitem.categorycode)
and (categoryitem.itemtype = '$item_type')";
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($q2);
if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $discount = $data2->{'rentaldiscount'};
$charge = ($charge *(100 - $discount)) / 100;
return ($charge);
sub previousissue {
my ($env,$itemnum,$dbh,$bornum)=@_;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select
from issues,borrowers where
issues.itemnumber='$itemnum' and
and issues.returndate is NULL");
my $borrower=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $canissue = "Y";
my $newdate;
if ($borrower->{'borrowernumber'} ne ''){
if ($bornum eq $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}){
# no need to issue
my ($renewstatus) = C4::Circulation::Renewals::renewstatus($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemnum);
my ($resbor,$resrec) = checkreserve($env,$dbh,$itemnum);
if ($renewstatus == "0") {
info_msg($env,"</S>Issued to this borrower - No renewals<!S>");
$canissue = "N";
} elsif ($resbor ne "") {
my $resp = msg_ny($env,"Book is issued to this borrower",
"and is reserved - Renew?");
if ($resp eq "Y") {
$newdate = C4::Circulation::Renewals::renewbook($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemnum);
$canissue = "R";
} else {
$canissue = "N";
} else {
my $resp = msg_yn($env,"Book is issued to this borrower", "Renew?");
if ($resp eq "Y") {
$newdate = C4::Circulation::Renewals::renewbook($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemnum);
$canissue = "R";
} else {
$canissue = "N";
} else {
my $text="Issued to $borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'} ($borrower->{'cardnumber'})";
my $resp = msg_yn($env,$text,"Mark as returned?");
if ( $resp eq "Y") {
} else {
$canissue = "N";
sub checkreserve{
# Check for reserves for biblio
my ($env,$dbh,$itemnum)=@_;
my $resbor = "";
my $query = "select * from reserves,items
where (items.itemnumber = '$itemnum')
and (reserves.cancellationdate is NULL)
and (items.biblionumber = reserves.biblionumber)
and ((reserves.found = 'W')
or (reserves.found is null))
order by priority";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $resrec;
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $const = $data->{'constrainttype'};
if ($const eq "a") {
$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};
} else {
my $found = 0;
my $cquery = "select * from reserveconstraints,items
where (borrowernumber='$data->{'borrowernumber'}')
and reservedate='$data->{'reservedate'}'
and reserveconstraints.biblionumber='$data->{'biblionumber'}'
and (items.itemnumber=$itemnum and
items.biblioitemnumber = reserveconstraints.biblioitemnumber)";
my $csth = $dbh->prepare($cquery);
if (my $cdata=$csth->fetchrow_hashref) {$found = 1;}
if ($const eq 'o') {
if ($found eq 1) {$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};}
} else {
if ($found eq 0) {$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};}
return ($resbor,$resrec);
sub scanbook {
my ($env,$interface)=@_;
#scan barcode
my ($number,$reason)=dialog("Book Barcode:");
$number=uc $number;
return ($number,$reason);
sub issuebk {
my %responses,@issueditems;
my ($patroninformation, $flags) = getpatroninformation($env,$borrnumber,0);
my $continue=1;
my ($iteminformation, $duedate, $rejected, $question, $questionnumber, $defaultanswer);
while ($continue) {
($iteminformation, $duedate, $rejected, $question, $questionnumber,
$defaultanswer) = issuebook($env, $patroninformation, $barcode,
if ($rejected) {
if ($rejected == -1) {
} else {
error_msg($env, $rejected);
if ($question) {
my $response = msg_yn($env, "$question");
} else {
unless ($rejected) {
push (@issueditems, $iteminformation);
my $counter=$#issueditems+1;
$currentissues->put($counter,0,$currentissues->Label(-text=>$iteminformation->{'duedate'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$currentissues->put($counter,1,$currentissues->Label(-text=>$iteminformation->{'barcode'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$currentissues->put($counter,2,$currentissues->Label(-text=>$iteminformation->{'title'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$currentissues->put($counter,3,$currentissues->Label(-text=>$iteminformation->{'author'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
$currentissues->put($counter,4,$currentissues->Label(-text=>$iteminformation->{'dewey'}.$iteminformation->{'subclass'}, -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>'2'));
sub issuebook2 {
my $bornum=$borrnumber;
$barcodeentry->delete('0.0', 'end');
my $itemnum=$barcode;
#my ($env,$dbh,$itemnum,$bornum,$items)=@_;
$itemnum=uc $itemnum;
my $canissue = 1;
## my ($itemnum,$reason)=&scanbook();
my $query="Select * from items,biblio,biblioitems where (barcode='$itemnum') and
(items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) and
(items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) ";
my $item;
my $charge;
my $datedue = $env->{'loanlength'};
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if ($item=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
#check if item is restricted
if ($item->{'notforloan'} == 1) {
error_msg($env,"Item Not for Loan");
$canissue = 0;
} elsif ($item->{'wthdrawn'} == 1) {
error_msg($env,"Item Withdrawn");
$canissue = 0;
} elsif ($item->{'restricted'} == 1 ){
error_msg($env,"Restricted Item");
$canissue = 0;
} elsif ($item->{'itemtype'} eq 'REF'){
error_msg($env,"Item Not for Loan");
#check if item is on issue already
if ($canissue == 1) {
my ($currbor,$issuestat,$newdate) =
if ($issuestat eq "N") {
$canissue = 0;
} elsif ($issuestat eq "R") {
$canissue = -1;
$datedue = $newdate;
$charge = calc_charges($env,$dbh,$item->{'itemnumber'},$bornum);
if ($charge > 0) {
if ($canissue == 1) {
#check reserve
my ($resbor,$resrec) = &checkreserve($env,$dbh,$item->{'itemnumber'});
if ($resbor eq $bornum) {
my $rquery = "update reserves set found = 'F' where reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and borrowernumber = '$resrec->{'borrowernumber'}' and biblionumber = '$resrec->{'biblionumber'}'";
my $rsth = $dbh->prepare($rquery);
} elsif ($resbor ne "") {
my $bquery = "select * from borrowers
where borrowernumber = '$resbor'";
my $btsh = $dbh->prepare($bquery);
my $resborrower = $btsh->fetchrow_hashref;
my $msgtxt = chr(7)."Res for $resborrower->{'cardnumber'},";
$msgtxt = $msgtxt." $resborrower->{'initials'} $resborrower->{'surname'}";
my $ans = msg_ny($env,$msgtxt,"Allow issue?");
if ($ans eq "N") {
# print a docket;
$canissue = 0;
} else {
my $ans = msg_ny($env,"Cancel reserve?");
if ($ans eq "Y") {
my $rquery = "update reserves set found = 'F' where reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and borrowernumber = '$resrec->{'borrowernumber'}' and biblionumber = '$resrec->{'biblionumber'}'";
my $rsth = $dbh->prepare($rquery);
#if charge deal with it
if ($canissue == 1) {
$charge = calc_charges($env,$dbh,$item->{'itemnumber'},$bornum);
if ($canissue == 1) {
#now mark as issued
#debug_msg("","date $datedue");
if ($charge > 0) {
} elsif ($canissue == 0) {
#info_msg($env,"Can't issue $item->{'cardnumber'}");
} else {
#my $valid = checkdigit($env,$itemnum);
my $valid=1;
if ($valid ==1) {
if (substr($itemnum,0,1) = "V") {
#this is a borrower
$env->{'newborrower'} = $itemnum;
} else {
error_msg($env,"$itemnum not found - rescan");
} else {
error_msg($env,"Invalid Number");
#debug_msg($env,"date $datedue");
if (($datedue ne "") && ($canissue)) {
my $line=formatitem($env, $item, $datedue, $charge);
unshift @items2, $line;
my $currentissuestext='';
foreach (@items2) {
$currentissues->configure(-state => 'normal');
$currentissues->configure(-state => 'disabled');
sub formatitem {
my ($env,$item,$datedue,$charge) = @_;
my $line = $datedue." ".$item->{'barcode'}." ".$item->{'title'}.": ".$item->{'author'};
my $iclass = $item->{'itemtype'};
if ($item->{'dewey'} > 0) {
my $dewey = $item->{'dewey'};
$dewey =~ s/0*$//;
$dewey =~ s/\.$//;
$iclass = $iclass.$dewey.$item->{'subclass'};
my $llen = 65 - length($iclass);
my $line = fmtstr($env,$line,"L".$llen);
my $line = $line." $iclass ";
my $line = $line.fmtdec($env,$charge,"22");
return $line;
sub returnbk {
my $item = $barcodeentry->get();
$barcodeentry->delete('0.0', 'end');
my ($iteminformation,$borrower,$messages,$overduecharge) = returnbook($env, $item);
if ($borrower) {
my $line = "$borrower->{'cardnumber'} ";
$line .= "$borrower->{'surname'}, ";
$line .= "$borrower->{'title'} $borrower->{'firstname'}\n";
$line .= "$borrower->{'streetaddress'}, $borrower->{'city'}\n";
$line .= "$borrower->{'categorycode'}";
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'normal');
$borrowerinfo->delete('0.0', 'end');
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'disabled');
} else {
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'normal');
$borrowerinfo->delete('0.0', 'end');
$borrowerinfo->insert('0.0','Not Loaned Out');
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'disabled');
#if ($bornum ne "") {
# ($issues,$odues,$amt_owing) = borrdata2($env,$bornum);
# } else {
# $issues = "";
# $odues = "";
# $amt_owing = "";
# }
if ($iteminformation->{'itemnumber'} ne "" ) {
unshift @items,$iteminformation;
if ($items[20] > "") {
#pop @items;
sub displayitemsreturned {
my $counter=0;
$itemsreturned->put($counter,0,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>"Bar Code", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,1,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>"Title", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>35));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,2,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>"Author", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3', -width=>20));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,3,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>"Class", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,4,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>"Borrower", -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'3'));
my $itemno;
foreach $itemno (@items) {
$itemsreturned->put($counter,0,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>$itemno->{'barcode'}, -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'2'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,1,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>$itemno->{'title'}, -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'2'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,2,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>$itemno->{'author'}, -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'2'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,3,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>$itemno->{'dewey'}.$itemno->{'subclass'}, -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'2'));
$itemsreturned->put($counter,4,$itemsreturned->Label(-text=>$itemno->{'borrower'}, -relief => 'groove', borderwidth=>'2'));
sub returns {
($mainholder) && ($mainholder->destroy);
$mainholder=$framebot->Frame(-height => 500, -width => 600);
Tk::grid($mainholder, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nsew');
$topline->pack(-side => top, -fill => 'x', -expand => '1');
my $barcodeframe=$topline->LabFrame(-label=>'Item Barcode', -height=>80, -width=>100, -labelside=>acrosstop);
Tk::grid($barcodeframe, -col => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$barcodeentry=$barcodeframe->Entry(-width => 15);
$barcodeentry->bind('<Return>' => \&returnbk);
$barcodeentry->grid(-col => 1, -row => 0, -sticky=>'e', -padx=>10, -pady=>10);
$biframe=$topline->LabFrame(-label=>'Patron Information', -labelside=>acrosstop);
Tk::grid($biframe, -col=>2, -row=>0, -sticky=>'nsew');
$borrowerinfo=$biframe->Text(-height => 4, -width => 40, -wrap => none, -relief=>flat);
$borrowerinfo->configure(-state => 'disabled');
$borrowerinfo->grid(-col=>1, -row=>0, -sticky=>'w');
$returnedframe=$mainholder->LabFrame(-label=>'Items Returned', -labelside=>acrosstop);
$itemsreturned=$returnedframe->Table(-rows=>10, -columns => 5, -scrollbars=>e, -fixedrows => 1, -takefocus => 1);
$itemsreturned->pack(-side => top);
#$itemsreturned=$returnedframe->Scrolled(Text, -height=>20, -width=>80, -relief => 'flat', -scrollbars => 'e');
#$itemsreturned->configure(-state => 'disabled');
#$itemsreturned->pack(-side => top);
sub updatelastseen {
my ($env,$dbh,$itemnumber)= @_;
my $br = $env->{'branchcode'};
my $query = "update items
set datelastseen = now(), holdingbranch = '$br'
where (itemnumber = '$itemnumber')";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub checkissue {
my ($env,$dbh, $item) = @_;
my $reason='Circ';
my $bornum;
my $borrower;
my $itemno;
my $itemrec;
my $amt_owing;
$item = uc $item;
my $query = "select * from items,biblio
where barcode = '$item'
and (biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber)";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if ($itemrec=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$itemno = $itemrec->{'itemnumber'};
$query = "select * from issues
where (itemnumber='$itemrec->{'itemnumber'}')
and (returndate is null)";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $issuerec=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$query = "select * from borrowers where
(borrowernumber = '$issuerec->{'borrowernumber'}')";
my $sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
$borrower = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$bornum = $issuerec->{'borrowernumber'};
$itemno = $issuerec->{'itemnumber'};
$amt_owing = returnrecord($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemno);
$reason = "Returned";
} else {
$reason = "Item not issued";
my ($resfound,$resrec) = find_reserves($env,$dbh,$itemrec->{'itemnumber'});
if ($resfound eq "y") {
my $bquery = "select * from borrowers
where borrowernumber = '$resrec->{'borrowernumber'}'";
my $btsh = $dbh->prepare($bquery);
my $resborrower = $btsh->fetchrow_hashref;
my $mess = "Reserved for collection at branch $resrec->{'branchcode'}";
} else {
$reason = "Item not found";
return ($reason,$bornum,$borrower,$itemno,$itemrec,$amt_owing);
sub find_reserves {
my ($env,$dbh,$itemno) = @_;
my $itemdata = itemnodata($env,$dbh,$itemno);
my $query = "select * from reserves where found is null
and biblionumber = $itemdata->{'biblionumber'} and cancellationdate is NULL
order by priority,reservedate ";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $resfound = "n";
my $resrec;
while (($resrec=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) && ($resfound eq "n")) {
if ($resrec->{'found'} eq "W") {
if ($resrec->{'itemnumber'} eq $itemno) {
$resfound = "y";
} elsif ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "a") {
$resfound = "y";
} else {
my $conquery = "select * from reserveconstraints where borrowernumber
= $resrec->{'borrowernumber'} and reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and biblionumber = $resrec->{'biblionumber'} and biblioitemnumber = $itemdata->{'biblioitemnumber'}";
my $consth = $dbh->prepare($conquery);
if (my $conrec=$consth->fetchrow_hashref) {
if ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "o") {
$resfound = "y";
} else {
if ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "e") {
$resfound = "y";
if ($resfound eq "y") {
my $updquery = "update reserves
set found = 'W',itemnumber='$itemno'
where borrowernumber = $resrec->{'borrowernumber'}
and reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}'
and biblionumber = $resrec->{'biblionumber'}";
my $updsth = $dbh->prepare($updquery);
my $itbr = $resrec->{'branchcode'};
if ($resrec->{'branchcode'} ne $env->{'branchcode'}) {
my $updquery = "update items
set holdingbranch = 'TR'
where itemnumber = $itemno";
my $updsth = $dbh->prepare($updquery);
return ($resfound,$resrec);