Owen Leonard ff2c52e093 Bug 26707: Split cart and lists button on bibliographic detail pages
This patch modifies the toolbar shown on bibliographic detail pages so
that the "Add to cart" and "Add to lists" buttons are separate. The "Add
to cart" will now reflect whether the title is in the cart. The "Add to
lists" button will now be a menu of list choices like it is on the
search results page.

To test, apply the patch and rebuild the staff client CSS

Search for a title in the staff client and view the detail page for one
of the results.

Testing the cart button:

- In the toolbar you should see an "Add to cart" button and an "Add to
  lists" menu button.
- Clicking the "Add to cart" button should show the cart message
  associated with cart link in the header.
  - The label showing the number of items in the cart should be
  - The button  should change to a "Remove from cart" button.
- Clicking the "Remove from cart" button should correctly remove the
  item from the cart:
  - The label showing the number of items in the cart should be
  - The button should change to "Add to cart."
- Add a title to the cart and click the cart link in the header to open
  the cart pop-up window.
  - Click the "Empty and close" button in the cart window.
  - After you confirm the cart window should close. The "Remove from
    cart" button should now be an "Add to cart" button.
- Add a title to the cart and navigate between each of the other views
  of that title: Normal, MARC, Labeled MARC, and ISBD. On each page you
  should see a "Remove from cart" button.
- Test the add and remove functions from each of the other bibliographic
  detail views.

Testing the lists button:

- On the normal bibliographic detail page you should see an "Add to
  list" menu button. Clicking it should reveal the same kind of lists
  menu you see on the catalog search results page, with recent public
  and private lists and options for "More lists" and "New list."
  - Test that each of these options works correctly to trigger the
    expected pop-up window.
  - Confrim that the correct title is added to the correct list.
- Perform this test from each of the bibliographic detail pages: Normal,
  MARC, Labeled MARC, and ISBD.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-01-04 16:31:29 +01:00

525 lines
15 KiB

/* global __ */
var CGIBIN = "/cgi-bin/koha/";
var nameCookie = "intranet_bib_list";
var nameParam = "bib_list";
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/");
if(arrayRecords.length > 0){
var basketcount = arrayRecords.length-1;
} else {
var basketcount = "";
} else {
var basketcount = "";
function writeCookie(name, val, wd) {
if (wd) {
parent.opener.document.cookie = name + "=" + val + "; path=/";
else {
parent.document.cookie = name + "=" + val + "; path=/";
function readCookieValue (str, val_beg) {
var val_end = str.indexOf(";", val_end);
if (val_end == -1)
val_end = str.length;
return str.substring(val_beg, val_end);
function readCookie(name, wd) {
var str_name = name + "=";
var str_len = str_name.length;
var str_cookie = "";
if (wd) {
str_cookie = parent.opener.document.cookie;
else {
str_cookie = parent.document.cookie;
// fixed - getting the part of the basket that is bib_list
var cookie_parts = str_cookie.split(";");
for(var i=0;i < cookie_parts.length;i++) {
var c = cookie_parts[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if(c.indexOf(str_name) === 0) return c.substring(str_name.length,c.length);
return null;
function delCookie(name) {
var exp = new Date();
parent.opener.document.cookie = name + "=null; path=/; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
} else {
document.cookie = name + "=null; path=/; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
function openBasket() {
var strCookie = "";
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
if ( valCookie ) {
strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
if ( strCookie ) {
var iW = 820;
var iH = 450;
var optWin = "status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=yes,height="+iH+",width="+iW;
var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie;
var basket = open(loc, "basket", optWin);
if (window.focus) { basket.focus(); }
else {
showCartUpdate( __("Your cart is currently empty") );
function addRecord(val, selection,NoMsgAlert) {
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
var write = 0;
if ( ! valCookie ) { // empty basket
valCookie = val + '/';
write = 1;
else {
// is this record already in the basket ?
var found = false;
var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/");
for (var i = 0; i < valCookie.length - 1; i++) {
if (val == arrayRecords[i]) {
found = true;
if ( found ) {
if (selection) {
return 0;
if (! NoMsgAlert ) {
showCartUpdate( __("This item is already in your cart") );
else {
valCookie += val + '/';
write = 1;
if (write) {
writeCookie(nameCookie, valCookie);
if (selection) { // when adding a selection of records
return 1;
if (! NoMsgAlert ) {
showCartUpdate( __("This item has been added to your cart") );
function AllAreChecked(s){
if (! s.length) { return false;}
var l = s.length;
for (var i=0; i < l; i++) {
if(! s[i].checked) { return false; }
return true;
function SelectAll(){
if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) {
var checky = AllAreChecked(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber);
var l = document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length;
for (var i=0; i < l; i++) {
document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked = (checky) ? false : true;
function addMultiple(biblist){
var c_value = "";
if( biblist && biblist.length > 0 ) {
for (var i=0; i < biblist.length; i++) {
if (biblist[i].checked) {
c_value = c_value + biblist[i].value + "/";
} else {
var bibnums = getContextBiblioNumbers();
if ( bibnums.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < bibnums.length ; i++ ) {
c_value = c_value + bibnums[i] + "/";
} else {
if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i < document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length; i++) {
if (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked) {
c_value = c_value + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].value + "/";
} else {
c_value = c_value + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.value + "/";
function addSelRecords(valSel) { // function for adding a selection of biblios to the basket
// from the results list
var arrayRecords = valSel.split("/");
var i = 0;
var nbAdd = 0;
for (i=0;i<arrayRecords.length;i++) {
if (arrayRecords[i]) {
nbAdd += addRecord(arrayRecords[i], 1);
else {
var msg = "";
if (nbAdd) {
if (i > nbAdd) {
msg = __("%s item(s) added to your cart").format(nbAdd);
msg += "<br/>";
msg += __("%s already in your cart").format((i-nbAdd));
else {
msg = __("%s item(s) added to your cart").format(nbAdd);
else {
if (i < 1) {
msg = __("No item was selected");
else {
msg = __("No item was added to your cart (already in your cart)!");
function showCartUpdate(msg){
// set body of popup window
function showListsUpdate(msg){
// set body of popup window
function selRecord(num, status) {
var str = document.myform.records.value;
if (status){
str += num+"/";
else {
str = delRecord(num, str);
document.myform.records.value = str;
function delSingleRecord(biblionumber){
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/");
var pos = jQuery.inArray(biblionumber,arrayRecords);
valCookie = arrayRecords.join("/");
writeCookie( nameCookie, valCookie );
updateBasket( arrayRecords.length-1 );
showCartUpdate(__("The item has been removed from your cart"));
function delSelRecords() {
var recordsSel = 0;
var end = 0;
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie, 1);
if (valCookie) {
var str = document.myform.records.value;
if (str.length > 0){
recordsSel = 1;
var str2 = valCookie;
while (!end){
s = str.indexOf("/");
if (s>0){
num = str.substring(0, s);
str = delRecord(num,str);
str2 = delRecord(num,str2);
} else {
end = 1;
if (str2.length === 0) { // equivalent to emptying the basket
var rep = false;
rep = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to empty your cart?"));
if (rep) {
document.location = "about:blank";
} else {
} else {
writeCookie(nameCookie, str2, 1);
if (recordsSel) {
var strCookie = "";
valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie, 1);
strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/");
document.location = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie;
else {
alert(__("No item was selected"));
function delRecord (n, s) {
var re = /\d/;
var aux = s;
var found = 0;
var pos = -1;
while (!found) {
pos = aux.indexOf(n, pos+1);
var charAfter = aux.charAt(pos+n.length); // character right after the researched string
if (charAfter.match(re)) { // record number inside another one
else { // good record number
aux = s.substring(0, pos)+ s.substring(pos+n.length+1, s.length);
s = aux;
found = 1;
return s;
function delBasket(context,rep) {
if (rep === undefined){
rep = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to empty your cart?"));
if (rep) {
if(context == "popup"){
document.location = "about:blank";
} else {
function quit() {
if (document.myform.records.value) {
var rep = false;
rep = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?"));
if (rep) {
function sendBasket() {
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
var strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/sendbasket.pl?" + strCookie;
var optWin="scrollbars=no,resizable=no,height=400,width=650,top=50,left=100";
var win_form = open(loc,"win_form",optWin);
function downloadBasket() {
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
var strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/downloadcart.pl?" + strCookie;
function printBasket() {
function showMore() {
var strCookie = "";
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
if (valCookie) {
strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie + "&verbose=1";
document.location = loc;
function showLess() {
var strCookie = "";
var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie);
if (valCookie) {
strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie;
var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie + "&verbose=0";
document.location = loc;
function updateBasket(updated_value,target) {
target.$('#basketcount').html(" <span>("+updated_value+")</span>");
target.$('#cartDetails').html(__("Items in your cart: %s").format(updated_value));
} else {
$('#basketcount').html(" <span>("+updated_value+")</span>");
$('#cartDetails').html(__("Items in your cart: %s").format(updated_value));
var basketcount = updated_value;
function openBiblio(openerURL) {
opener.document.location = openerURL;
function addSelToShelf() {
var items = document.getElementById('records').value;
document.location = "/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?biblionumber="+items;
} else {
alert(__("No item was selected"));
/// vShelfAdd() builds url string for multiple-biblio adds.
function vShelfAdd(biblist) {
var bibs = new Array;
if( biblist && biblist.length > 0 ) {
for (var i=0; i < biblist.length; i++) {
if (biblist[i].checked) {
bibs.push("biblionumber=" + biblist[i].value);
if (bibs.length === 0) { showListsUpdate(__("No item was selected")); }
return bibs.join("&");
} else {
var bibnums = getContextBiblioNumbers();
if ( bibnums.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < bibnums.length ; i++ ) {
bibs.push("biblionumber=" + bibnums[i]);
return bibs.join("&");
} else {
showListsUpdate(__("No item was selected"));
function showCart(){
var position = $("#cartmenulink").offset();
var toolbarh = $(".floating").outerHeight();
var scrolld = $(window).scrollTop();
var top = position.top + $("#cartmenulink").outerHeight();
if( scrolld > top ){
top = scrolld + toolbarh + 15;
var left = position.left;
function hideCart(){
function updateLink(val, op, target){
var cart = target ? target.$("#cart" + val) : $("#cart" + val);
var cartR = target ? target.$("#cartR" + val) : $("#cartR" + val);
if(op == "add"){
if( cart.hasClass("btn") ){
/* Cart link is a button with an icon */
cart.html("<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i> " + __("Add to cart")).addClass("incart");
} else {
cart.html( __("In your cart") ).addClass("incart");
} else {
if (cart.hasClass("btn")) {
cart.html("<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i> " + __("Add to cart")).addClass("addtocart");
} else {
cart.html(__("Add to cart")).addClass("addtocart");
function updateAllLinks(target){
var cart = target ? target.$("a.incart") : $("a.incart");
var cartR = target ? target.$(".cartRemove") : $(".cartRemove");
if( cart.hasClass("btn") ){
/* Cart link is a button with an icon */
cart.html("<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i> " + __("Add to cart")).addClass("incart");
} else {
cart.html( __("In your cart") ).addClass("incart");
$("#cartmenulink").click(function( e ){
if(basketcount){ updateBasket(basketcount); }