Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de> Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
97 lines
3.3 KiB
97 lines
3.3 KiB
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 12;
use Data::Dumper;
# Start transaction
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
my $supplierlist=eval{GetSuppliersWithLateIssues()};
ok(length($@)==0,"No SQL problem in GetSuppliersWithLateIssues");
my $booksellerid = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller(
name => "my vendor",
address1 => "bookseller's address",
phone => "0123456",
active => 1
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
my $budgetid;
my $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod({
budget_period_startdate => '01-01-2015',
budget_period_enddate => '12-31-2015',
budget_description => "budget desc"
my $budget_id = AddBudget({
budget_code => "ABCD",
budget_amount => "123.132",
budget_name => "Périodiques",
budget_notes => "This is a note",
budget_description => "Serials",
budget_active => 1,
budget_period_id => $bpid
my $subscriptionid = NewSubscription(
undef, "", undef, undef, $budget_id, $biblionumber, '01-01-2013',undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1,
"notes", undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 0,
"intnotes", 0, undef, undef, 0, undef, '31-12-2013',
die unless $subscriptionid;
my ($basket, $basketno);
ok($basketno = NewBasket($booksellerid, 1), "NewBasket( $booksellerid , 1 ) returns $basketno");
my $cost = 42.00;
my $subscription = GetSubscription( $subscriptionid );
my $ordernumber;
( $basketno, $ordernumber ) = NewOrder({
biblionumber => $subscription->{biblionumber},
entrydate => '01-01-2013',
quantity => 1,
currency => 'USD',
listprice => $cost,
notes => "This is a note",
basketno => $basketno,
rrp => $cost,
ecost => $cost,
gstrate => 0.0500,
orderstatus => 0,
subscriptionid => $subscription->{subscriptionid},
budget_id => $budget_id,
my $is_currently_on_order = subscriptionCurrentlyOnOrder( $subscription->{subscriptionid} );
is ( $is_currently_on_order, 1, "The subscription is currently on order");
my $order = GetLastOrderNotReceivedFromSubscriptionid( $subscription->{subscriptionid} );
is ( $order->{subscriptionid}, $subscription->{subscriptionid}, "test subscriptionid for the last order not received");
ok( $order->{ecost} == $cost, "test cost for the last order not received");
my ( $datereceived, $new_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder(
$biblionumber, $ordernumber, 1, undef, $cost, $cost,
undef, $cost, $budget_id, '02-01-2013', undef);
$order = GetLastOrderReceivedFromSubscriptionid( $subscription->{subscriptionid} );
is ( $order->{subscriptionid}, $subscription->{subscriptionid}, "test subscriptionid for the last order received");
ok( $order->{ecost} == $cost, "test cost for the last order received");
$order = GetLastOrderNotReceivedFromSubscriptionid( $subscription->{subscriptionid} );
is ( $order, undef, "test no not received order for a received order");
# Cleanup