Kyle M Hall d46657f8af Bug 10628: make sure AutomaticItemReturn doesn't prevent holds queue from filling local holds with local items
For some reason, C4::HoldsQueue::MapItemsToHoldRequests used the system
preference AutomaticItemReturn to decide if an attempt to fill local
holds with local items. No explanation of this behavior is provided.

This patch removes this behavior, and also adjusts the calculation
of the lead-cost library to always return the pickup library if it
is on the list of libraries that could fill the hold -- on the
basis that if the item is already at the pickup library, its
transport cost is inherently zero.

Signed-off-by: Srdjan <srdjan@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Passes QA script and adds unit tests.
Tested with some examples and those worked correctly.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2013-08-20 15:31:38 +00:00

186 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable file

# Test C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue() for both transport cost matrix
# and StaticHoldsQueueWeight array (no RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight, no point)
# Wraps tests in transaction that's rolled back, so no data is destroyed
# MySQL WARNING: This makes sense only if your tables are InnoDB, otherwise
# transactions are not supported and mess is left behind
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Context;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More tests => 17;
use C4::Branch;
use C4::ItemType;
use C4::Members;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
# Start transaction
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
my $TITLE = "Test Holds Queue XXX";
my %data = (
cardnumber => 'CARDNUMBER42',
firstname => 'my firstname',
surname => 'my surname',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => 'CPL',
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(%data);
my $borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber );
# Set special (for this test) branches
my $borrower_branchcode = $borrower->{branchcode};
my $branches = C4::Branch::GetBranches;
my @other_branches = grep { $_ ne $borrower_branchcode } keys %$branches;
my $least_cost_branch_code = pop @other_branches
or BAIL_OUT("No point testing only one branch...");
my @item_types = C4::ItemType->all;
my $itemtype = grep { $_->{notforloan} == 1 } @item_types
or BAIL_OUT("No adequate itemtype");
#Set up the stage
# Sysprefs and cost matrix
$dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = ? WHERE variable = 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight'", undef,
join( ',', @other_branches, $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code));
$dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = '0' WHERE variable = 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight'");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost");
my $transport_cost_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into transport_cost (frombranch, tobranch, cost) values (?, ?, ?)");
# Favour $least_cost_branch_code
$transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, 0.2);
$transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($least_cost_branch_code, $borrower_branchcode, 0.2);
my @b = @other_branches;
while ( my $b1 = shift @b ) {
foreach my $b2 ($borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, @b) {
$transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($b1, $b2, 0.5);
$transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($b2, $b1, 0.5);
# Loanable items - all possible combinations of homebranch and holdingbranch
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated)
VALUES ('SER', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01')");
my $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'")
or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, marcxml, itemtype)
VALUES ($biblionumber, '', '$itemtype')");
my $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber")
or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record");
my $items_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, wthdrawn, onloan, itype)
VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype')"); # CURRENT_DATE - 3)");
my $first_barcode = int(rand(1000000000000)); # XXX
my $barcode = $first_barcode;
foreach ( $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, @other_branches ) {
$items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $borrower_branchcode, $_);
$items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $_, $_);
$items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $_, $borrower_branchcode);
# Remove existing reserves, makes debugging easier
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves");
my $constraint = undef;
my $bibitems = undef;
my $priority = 1;
# Make a reserve
AddReserve ( $borrower_branchcode, $borrowernumber, $biblionumber, $constraint, $bibitems, $priority );
# $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found
$dbh->do("UPDATE reserves SET reservedate = DATE_SUB( reservedate, INTERVAL 1 DAY )");
# Tests
my $use_cost_matrix_sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = ? WHERE variable = 'UseTransportCostMatrix'");
my $test_sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM hold_fill_targets
JOIN tmp_holdsqueue USING (borrowernumber, biblionumber, itemnumber)
JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
WHERE borrowernumber = $borrowernumber");
# We have a book available homed in borrower branch, no point fiddling with AutomaticItemReturn
C4::Context->set_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 0);
test_queue ('take from homebranch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode);
test_queue ('take from homebranch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode' AND holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode')");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode' AND holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode'");
# test_queue will flush
C4::Context->set_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 1);
# Not sure how to make this test more difficult - holding branch does not matter
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode')");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode'");
C4::Context->set_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 0);
# We have a book available held in borrower branch
test_queue ('take from holdingbranch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode);
test_queue ('take from holdingbranch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode')");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode'");
# No book available in borrower branch, pick according to the rules
# Frst branch from StaticHoldsQueueWeight
test_queue ('take from lowest cost branch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $other_branches[0]);
test_queue ('take from lowest cost branch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code);
my $queue = C4::HoldsQueue::GetHoldsQueueItems($least_cost_branch_code) || [];
my $queue_item = $queue->[0];
ok( $queue_item
&& $queue_item->{pickbranch} eq $borrower_branchcode
&& $queue_item->{holdingbranch} eq $least_cost_branch_code, "GetHoldsQueueItems" )
or diag( "Expected item for pick $borrower_branchcode, hold $least_cost_branch_code, got ".Dumper($queue_item) );
ok( exists($queue_item->{itype}), 'item type included in queued items list (bug 5825)' );
C4::HoldsQueue::least_cost_branch( 'B', [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] ) eq 'B',
'C4::HoldsQueue::least_cost_branch returns the local branch if it is in the list of branches to pull from'
# XXX All this tests are for borrower branch pick-up.
# Maybe needs expanding to homebranch or holdingbranch pick-up.
# Cleanup
sub test_queue {
my ($test_name, $use_cost_matrix, $pick_branch, $hold_branch) = @_;
$test_name = "$test_name (".($use_cost_matrix ? "" : "don't ")."use cost matrix)";
my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($test_sth, { Slice => {} }); # should be only one
my $r = $results->[0];
my $ok = is( $r->{pickbranch}, $pick_branch, "$test_name pick up branch");
$ok &&= is( $r->{holdingbranch}, $hold_branch, "$test_name holding branch")
if $hold_branch;
diag( "Wrong pick-up/hold for first target (pick_branch, hold_branch, reserves, hold_fill_targets, tmp_holdsqueue): "
. Dumper ($pick_branch, $hold_branch, map dump_records($_), qw(reserves hold_fill_targets tmp_holdsqueue)) )
unless $ok;
sub dump_records {
my ($tablename) = @_;
return $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * from $tablename where borrowernumber = ?", { Slice => {} }, $borrowernumber);