Galen Charlton a0b042b8a2 Bug 10078: (follow-up) add regression test
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2013-10-30 05:02:45 +00:00

263 lines
9 KiB

# This is to test C4/Koha
# It requires a working Koha database with the sample data
use strict;
use warnings;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::DateUtils qw(dt_from_string);
use Test::More tests => 7;
use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
use_ok('C4::Koha', qw( :DEFAULT GetDailyQuote ));
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
subtest 'Authorized Values Tests' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $data = {
category => 'CATEGORY',
authorised_value => 'AUTHORISED_VALUE',
lib => 'LIB',
lib_opac => 'LIBOPAC',
imageurl => 'IMAGEURL'
# Insert an entry into authorised_value table
my $insert_success = AddAuthorisedValue($data->{category}, $data->{authorised_value}, $data->{lib}, $data->{lib_opac}, $data->{imageurl});
ok($insert_success, "Insert data in database");
# Tests
skip "INSERT failed", 5 unless $insert_success;
is ( GetAuthorisedValueByCode($data->{category}, $data->{authorised_value}), $data->{lib}, "GetAuthorisedValueByCode" );
is ( GetKohaImageurlFromAuthorisedValues($data->{category}, $data->{lib}), $data->{imageurl}, "GetKohaImageurlFromAuthorisedValues" );
my $sortdet=C4::Members::GetSortDetails("lost", "3");
is ($sortdet, "Lost and Paid For", "lost and paid works");
my $sortdet2=C4::Members::GetSortDetails("loc", "child");
is ($sortdet2, "Children's Area", "Child area works");
my $sortdet3=C4::Members::GetSortDetails("withdrawn", "1");
is ($sortdet3, "Withdrawn", "Withdrawn works");
# Clean up
my $query = "DELETE FROM authorised_values WHERE category=? AND authorised_value=? AND lib=? AND lib_opac=? AND imageurl=?;";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($data->{category}, $data->{authorised_value}, $data->{lib}, $data->{lib_opac}, $data->{imageurl});
eval { require Test::Deep; import Test::Deep; };
skip "Test::Deep required to run the GetAuthorisedValues() tests.", 2 if $@;
AddAuthorisedValue('BUG10656', 'ZZZ', 'Z_STAFF', 'A_PUBLIC', '');
AddAuthorisedValue('BUG10656', 'AAA', 'A_STAFF', 'Z_PUBLIC', '');
# the next one sets lib_opac to NULL; in that case, the staff
# display value is meant to be used.
AddAuthorisedValue('BUG10656', 'DDD', 'D_STAFF', undef, '');
my $authvals = GetAuthorisedValues('BUG10656');
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'AAA',
selected => 0,
lib => 'A_STAFF',
lib_opac => 'Z_PUBLIC',
imageurl => '',
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'DDD',
selected => 0,
lib => 'D_STAFF',
lib_opac => undef,
imageurl => '',
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'ZZZ',
selected => 0,
lib => 'Z_STAFF',
lib_opac => 'A_PUBLIC',
imageurl => '',
'list of authorised values in staff mode sorted by staff label (bug 10656)'
$authvals = GetAuthorisedValues('BUG10656', '', 1);
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'ZZZ',
selected => 0,
lib => 'A_PUBLIC',
lib_opac => 'A_PUBLIC',
imageurl => '',
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'DDD',
selected => 0,
lib => 'D_STAFF',
lib_opac => undef,
imageurl => '',
id => ignore(),
category => 'BUG10656',
authorised_value => 'AAA',
selected => 0,
lib => 'Z_PUBLIC',
lib_opac => 'Z_PUBLIC',
imageurl => '',
'list of authorised values in OPAC mode sorted by OPAC label (bug 10656)'
subtest 'Itemtype info Tests' => sub {
like ( getitemtypeinfo('BK')->{'imageurl'}, qr/intranet-tmpl/, 'getitemtypeinfo on unspecified interface returns intranet imageurl (legacy behavior)' );
like ( getitemtypeinfo('BK', 'intranet')->{'imageurl'}, qr/intranet-tmpl/, 'getitemtypeinfo on "intranet" interface returns intranet imageurl' );
like ( getitemtypeinfo('BK', 'opac')->{'imageurl'}, qr/opac-tmpl/, 'getitemtypeinfo on "opac" interface returns opac imageurl' );
### test for C4::Koha->GetDailyQuote()
eval { require Test::Deep; import Test::Deep; };
skip "Test::Deep required to run the GetDailyQuote tests.", 1 if $@;
subtest 'Daily Quotes Test' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
skip "C4::Koha can't \'GetDailyQuote\'!", 3 unless can_ok('C4::Koha','GetDailyQuote');
my $expected_quote = {
id => 3,
source => 'Abraham Lincoln',
text => 'Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.',
timestamp => re('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}'), #'0000-00-00 00:00:00',
# test quote retrieval based on id
my $quote = GetDailyQuote('id'=>3);
cmp_deeply ($quote, $expected_quote, "Got a quote based on id.") or
diag('Be sure to run this test on a clean install of sample data.');
# test quote retrieval based on today's date
my $query = 'UPDATE quotes SET timestamp = ? WHERE id = ?';
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute(DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime( dt_from_string() ), $expected_quote->{'id'});
DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime( dt_from_string() ) =~ m/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/;
$expected_quote->{'timestamp'} = re("^$1");
# $expected_quote->{'timestamp'} = DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime( dt_from_string() ); # update the timestamp of expected quote data
$quote = GetDailyQuote(); # this is the "default" mode of selection
cmp_deeply ($quote, $expected_quote, "Got a quote based on today's date.") or
diag('Be sure to run this test on a clean install of sample data.');
# test random quote retrieval
$quote = GetDailyQuote('random'=>1);
ok ($quote, "Got a random quote.");
# test that &slashifyDate returns correct (non-US) date
subtest 'Date and ISBN tests' => sub {
plan tests => 7;
my $date = "01/01/2002";
my $newdate = &slashifyDate("2002-01-01");
my $isbn13 = "9780330356473";
my $isbn13D = "978-0-330-35647-3";
my $isbn10 = "033035647X";
my $isbn10D = "0-330-35647-X";
ok( $date eq $newdate, 'slashifyDate' );
my $undef = undef;
is( xml_escape($undef), '',
'xml_escape() returns empty string on undef input' );
my $str = q{'"&<>'};
'xml_escape() works as expected'
is( $str, q{'"&<>'}, '... and does not change input in place' );
is( C4::Koha::_isbn_cleanup('0-590-35340-3'),
'0590353403', '_isbn_cleanup removes hyphens' );
is( C4::Koha::_isbn_cleanup('0590353403 (pbk.)'),
'0590353403', '_isbn_cleanup removes parenthetical' );
is( C4::Koha::_isbn_cleanup('978-0-321-49694-2'),
'0321496949', '_isbn_cleanup converts ISBN-13 to ISBN-10' );
subtest 'getFacets() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
C4::Context->set_preference('singleBranchMode', 0);
my $facets = C4::Koha::getFacets();
scalar( grep { defined $_->{idx} && $_->{idx} eq 'location' } @$facets ),
'location facet present with singleBranchMode off (bug 10078)'
C4::Context->set_preference('singleBranchMode', 1);
$facets = C4::Koha::getFacets();
scalar( grep { defined $_->{idx} && $_->{idx} eq 'location' } @$facets ),
'location facet present with singleBranchMode on (bug 10078)'