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use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 3;
use DateTime::Duration;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::Virtualshelves;
use Koha::Virtualshelfshares;
use Koha::Virtualshelfcontents;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM virtualshelfshares|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM virtualshelfcontents|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM virtualshelves|);
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'CRUD' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
my $patron = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
my $number_of_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves, 0, 'No shelves should exist' );
my $shelf = Koha::Virtualshelf->new({
shelfname => "my first shelf",
owner => $patron->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
is( ref( $shelf ), 'Koha::Virtualshelf', 'The constructor should return a valid object' );
$number_of_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves, 1, '1 shelf should have been inserted' );
is( $shelf->allow_add, 0, 'The default value for allow_add should be 1' );
is( $shelf->allow_delete_own, 1, 'The default value for allow_delete_own should be 0' );
is( $shelf->allow_delete_other, 0, 'The default value for allow_delete_other should be 0' );
is( output_pref($shelf->created_on), output_pref(dt_from_string), 'The creation time should have been set to today' );
my $retrieved_shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find( $shelf->shelfnumber );
is( $retrieved_shelf->shelfname, $shelf->shelfname, 'Find should correctly return the shelfname' );
# Insert with the same name
eval {
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelf->new({
shelfname => "my first shelf",
owner => $patron->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
is( ref($@), 'Koha::Exceptions::Virtualshelves::DuplicateObject' );
$number_of_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves, 1, 'To be sure the number of shelves is still 1' );
my $another_patron = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelf->new({
shelfname => "my first shelf",
owner => $another_patron->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
$number_of_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves, 2, 'Another patron should be able to create a shelf with an existing shelfname');
my $is_deleted = Koha::Virtualshelves->find( $shelf->shelfnumber )->delete;
is( $is_deleted, 1, 'The shelf has been deleted correctly' );
$number_of_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves, 1, 'To be sure the shelf has been deleted' );
subtest 'Sharing' => sub {
plan tests => 18;
my $patron_wants_to_share = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
my $share_with_me = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
my $just_another_patron = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
my $number_of_shelves_shared = Koha::Virtualshelfshares->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves_shared, 0, 'No shelves should exist' );
my $shelf_to_share = Koha::Virtualshelf->new({
shelfname => "my first shelf",
owner => $patron_wants_to_share->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
my $shelf_not_to_share = Koha::Virtualshelf->new({
shelfname => "my second shelf",
owner => $patron_wants_to_share->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
my $shared_shelf = eval { $shelf_to_share->share };
is ( ref( $@ ), 'Koha::Exceptions::Virtualshelves::InvalidKeyOnSharing', 'Do not share if no key given' );
$shared_shelf = eval { $shelf_to_share->share('this is a valid key') };
is( ref( $shared_shelf ), 'Koha::Virtualshelfshare', 'On sharing, the method should return a valid Koha::Virtualshelfshare object' );
my $another_shared_shelf = eval { $shelf_to_share->share('this is another valid key') }; # Just to have 2 shares in DB
$number_of_shelves_shared = Koha::Virtualshelfshares->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves_shared, 2, '2 shares should have been inserted' );
my $is_accepted = eval {
$shared_shelf->accept( 'this is an invalid key', $share_with_me->{borrowernumber} );
is( $is_accepted, undef, 'The share should have not been accepted if the key is invalid' );
is( ref( $@ ), 'Koha::Exceptions::Virtualshelves::InvalidInviteKey', 'accept with an invalid key should raise an exception' );
$is_accepted = $shared_shelf->accept( 'this is a valid key', $share_with_me->{borrowernumber} );
ok( defined($is_accepted), 'The share should have been accepted if the key valid' );
is( $shelf_to_share->is_shared, 1 );
is( $shelf_not_to_share->is_shared, 0 );
is( $shelf_to_share->is_shared_with( $patron_wants_to_share->{borrowernumber} ), 0 , "The shelf should not be shared with the owner" );
is( $shelf_to_share->is_shared_with( $share_with_me->{borrowernumber} ), 1 , "The shelf should be shared with share_with_me" );
is( $shelf_to_share->is_shared_with( $just_another_patron->{borrowernumber} ), 0, "The shelf should not be shared with just_another_patron" );
is( $shelf_to_share->remove_share( $just_another_patron->{borrowernumber} ), 0, 'No share should be removed if the share has not been done with this patron' );
$number_of_shelves_shared = Koha::Virtualshelfshares->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves_shared, 2, 'To be sure no shares have been removed' );
is( $shelf_not_to_share->remove_share( $share_with_me->{borrowernumber} ), 0, '0 share should have been removed if the shelf is not share' );
$number_of_shelves_shared = Koha::Virtualshelfshares->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves_shared, 2, 'To be sure no shares have been removed' );
is( $shelf_to_share->remove_share( $share_with_me->{borrowernumber} ), 1, '1 share should have been removed if the shelf was shared with this patron' );
$number_of_shelves_shared = Koha::Virtualshelfshares->search->count;
is( $number_of_shelves_shared, 1, 'To be sure the share has been removed' );
subtest 'Shelf content' => sub {
plan tests => 18;
my $patron1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', } );
my $patron2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', } );
my $biblio1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblio', } );
my $biblio2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblio', } );
my $biblio3 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblio', } );
my $biblio4 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblio', } );
my $number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 0, 'No content should exist' );
my $dt_yesterday = dt_from_string->subtract_duration( DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 ) );
my $shelf = Koha::Virtualshelf->new(
{ shelfname => "my first shelf",
owner => $patron1->{borrowernumber},
category => 1,
lastmodified => $dt_yesterday,
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find( $shelf->shelfnumber );
is( output_pref( dt_from_string $shelf->lastmodified ), output_pref($dt_yesterday), 'The lastmodified has been set to yesterday, will be useful for another test later' );
my $content1 = $shelf->add_biblio( $biblio1->{biblionumber}, $patron1->{borrowernumber} );
is( ref($content1), 'Koha::Virtualshelfcontent', 'add_biblio to a shelf should return a Koha::Virtualshelfcontent object if inserted' );
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find( $shelf->shelfnumber );
is( output_pref( dt_from_string( $shelf->lastmodified ) ), output_pref(dt_from_string), 'Adding a biblio to a shelf should update the lastmodified for the shelf' );
my $content2 = $shelf->add_biblio( $biblio2->{biblionumber}, $patron1->{borrowernumber} );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 2, '2 biblio should have been inserted' );
my $content1_bis = $shelf->add_biblio( $biblio1->{biblionumber}, $patron1->{borrowernumber} );
is( $content1_bis, undef, 'add_biblio should return undef on duplicate' ); # Or an exception ?
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 2, 'The biblio should not have been duplicated' );
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find( $shelf->shelfnumber );
my $contents = $shelf->get_contents;
is( $contents->count, 2, 'There are 2 biblios on this shelf' );
# Patron 2 will try to remove a content
# allow_add = 0, allow_delete_own = 1, allow_delete_other = 0 => Default values
my $number_of_deleted_biblios = $shelf->remove_biblios( { biblionumbers => [ $biblio1->{biblionumber} ], borrowernumber => $patron2->{borrowernumber} } );
is( $number_of_deleted_biblios, 0, );
$number_of_deleted_biblios = $shelf->remove_biblios( { biblionumbers => [ $biblio1->{biblionumber} ], borrowernumber => $patron1->{borrowernumber} } );
is( $number_of_deleted_biblios, 1, );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 1, 'To be sure the content has been deleted' );
# allow_delete_own = 0
$number_of_deleted_biblios = $shelf->remove_biblios( { biblionumbers => [ $biblio2->{biblionumber} ], borrowernumber => $patron1->{borrowernumber} } );
is( $number_of_deleted_biblios, 1, );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 0, 'The biblio should have been deleted to the shelf by the patron, it is his own content (allow_delete_own=0)' );
$shelf->add_biblio( $biblio2->{biblionumber}, $patron1->{borrowernumber} );
# allow_add = 1, allow_delete_own = 1
my $content3 = $shelf->add_biblio( $biblio3->{biblionumber}, $patron2->{borrowernumber} );
my $content4 = $shelf->add_biblio( $biblio4->{biblionumber}, $patron2->{borrowernumber} );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 3, 'The biblio should have been added to the shelf by the patron 2' );
$number_of_deleted_biblios = $shelf->remove_biblios( { biblionumbers => [ $biblio3->{biblionumber} ], borrowernumber => $patron2->{borrowernumber} } );
is( $number_of_deleted_biblios, 1, );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 2, 'The biblio should have been deleted to the shelf by the patron, it is his own content (allow_delete_own=1) ' );
# allow_add = 1, allow_delete_own = 1, allow_delete_other = 1
$number_of_deleted_biblios = $shelf->remove_biblios( { biblionumbers => [ $biblio2->{biblionumber} ], borrowernumber => $patron2->{borrowernumber} } );
is( $number_of_deleted_biblios, 1, );
$number_of_contents = Koha::Virtualshelfcontents->search->count;
is( $number_of_contents, 1, 'The biblio should have been deleted to the shelf by the patron 2, even if it is not his own content (allow_delete_other=1)' );