Nahuel Angelinetti e080066db4 bug 2772: bad image location
This patch make Page.pm to use the getitemtypeinfo function to generate the imageurl, and check (in the template) if an
image is set.
Before this patch, always the "Alt" information was shown, because the url wasn't right.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2009-03-06 09:07:46 -06:00

393 lines
14 KiB

package C4::VirtualShelves::Page;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# perldoc at the end of the file, per convention.
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use C4::VirtualShelves qw/:DEFAULT RefreshShelvesSummary/;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Auth qw/get_session/;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Dates qw/format_date/;
use Exporter;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw($debug @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION = 1.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&shelfpage);
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
our %pages = (
intranet => {
opac => {
sub shelfpage ($$$$$) {
my ($type, $query, $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = @_;
($pages{$type}) or $type = 'opac';
$query or die "No query";
$template or die "No template";
$template->param( { loggedinuser => $loggedinuser } );
my @paramsloop;
my $totitems;
my $shelfoff = ($query->param('shelfoff') ? $query->param('shelfoff') : 1);
my $itemoff = ($query->param('itemoff') ? $query->param('itemoff') : 1);
my $displaymode = ($query->param('display') ? $query->param('display') : 'publicshelves');
my ($shelflimit, $shelfoffset, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset);
# FIXME: These limits should not be hardcoded...
$shelflimit = 20; # Limits number of items returned for a given query
$shelfoffset = ($itemoff - 1) * 20; # Sets the offset to begin retrieving items at
$shelveslimit = 20; # Limits number of shelves returned for a given query (row_count)
$shelvesoffset = ($shelfoff - 1) * 20; # Sets the offset to begin retrieving shelves at (offset)
# getting the Shelves list
my $category = (($displaymode eq 'privateshelves') ? 1 : 2);
my ($shelflist, $totshelves) = GetShelves( $category, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser );
#Get a list of private shelves for possible deletion. Only do this when we've defaulted to public shelves
my ($privshelflist, $privtotshelves);
if ($category == 2) {
($privshelflist, $privtotshelves) = GetShelves( 1, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser );
my $op = $query->param('op');
# my $imgdir = getitemtypeimagesrc();
# my $itemtypes = GetItemTypes();
# the format of this is unindented for ease of diff comparison to the old script
# Note: do not mistake the assignment statements below for comparisons!
if ( $query->param('modifyshelfcontents') ) {
my ($shelfnumber,$barcode,$item,$biblio);
if ($shelfnumber = $query->param('viewshelf')) {
if (ShelfPossibleAction($loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage')) {
if ($barcode = $query->param('addbarcode')) {
if ($item = GetItem( 0, $barcode )) {
$biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber($item->{'itemnumber'});
AddToShelf($biblio->{'biblionumber'}, $shelfnumber) or
push @paramsloop, {duplicatebiblio=>$barcode};
} else { push @paramsloop, {failgetitem=>$barcode}; }
} else {
(grep {/REM-(\d+)/} $query->param) or push @paramsloop, {nobarcode=>1};
foreach ($query->param) {
/REM-(\d+)/ or next;
$debug and warn
"SHELVES: user $loggedinuser removing item $1 from shelf $shelfnumber";
DelFromShelf($1, $shelfnumber); # $1 is biblionumber
} else { push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber}; }
} else { push @paramsloop, {noshelfnumber=>1}; }
my $showadd = 1;
# set the default tab, etc. (for OPAC)
my $shelf_type = ($query->param('display') ? $query->param('display') : 'publicshelves');
if (defined $shelf_type) {
if ($shelf_type eq 'privateshelves') {
$template->param(showprivateshelves => 1);
} elsif ($shelf_type eq 'publicshelves') {
$template->param(showpublicshelves => 1);
$showadd = 0;
} else {
$debug and warn "Invalid 'display' param ($shelf_type)";
} elsif ($loggedinuser == -1) {
$template->param(showpublicshelves => 1);
} else {
$template->param(showprivateshelves => 1);
my($okmanage, $okview);
my $shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber') || $query->param('viewshelf');
if ($shelfnumber) {
$okmanage = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage' );
$okview = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'view' );
my $delflag = 0;
if ( $op ) {
unless ($okmanage) {
push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber};
last SWITCH;
if ( $op eq 'modifsave' ) {
my $shelf = {
'shelfname' => $query->param('shelfname'),
'category' => $query->param('category'),
'sortfield' => $query->param('sortfield'),
ModShelf( $shelfnumber, $shelf );
} elsif ( $op eq 'modif' ) {
my ( $shelfnumber2, $shelfname, $owner, $category, $sortfield ) =GetShelf( $shelfnumber );
my $member = GetMember($owner,'borrowernumber');
my $ownername = defined($member) ? $member->{firstname} . " " . $member->{surname} : '';
edit => 1,
shelfnumber => $shelfnumber2,
shelfname => $shelfname,
owner => $owner,
ownername => $ownername,
"category$category" => 1,
category => $category,
"sort_$sortfield" => 1,
last SWITCH;
if ($shelfnumber = $query->param('viewshelf') ) {
#check that the user can view the shelf
if ( ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'view' ) ) {
my $items;
($items, $totitems) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber, $shelflimit, $shelfoffset);
for my $this_item (@$items) {
# the virtualshelfcontents table does not store these columns nor are they retrieved from the items
# and itemtypes tables, so I'm commenting them out for now to quiet the log -crn
#$this_item->{imageurl} = $imgdir."/".$itemtypes->{ $this_item->{itemtype} }->{'imageurl'};
#$this_item->{'description'} = $itemtypes->{ $this_item->{itemtype} }->{'description'};
$this_item->{'dateadded'} = format_date($this_item->{'dateadded'});
$this_item->{'imageurl'} = getitemtypeinfo($this_item->{'itemtype'})->{'imageurl'};
push @paramsloop, {display => 'privateshelves'} if $category == 1;
$showadd = 1;
my $i = 0;
foreach (grep {$i++ % 2} @$items) { # every other item
$_->{toggle} = 1;
my $manageshelf = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage' );
shelfname => $shelflist->{$shelfnumber}->{'shelfname'} || $privshelflist->{$shelfnumber}->{'shelfname'},
shelfnumber => $shelfnumber,
viewshelf => $shelfnumber,
manageshelf => $manageshelf,
itemsloop => $items,
} else { push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber} };
last SWITCH;
if ( $query->param('shelves') ) {
my $stay = 1;
if (my $newshelf = $query->param('addshelf')) {
# note: a user can always add a new shelf
my $shelfnumber = AddShelf(
$stay = 1;
if ( $shelfnumber == -1 ) { #shelf already exists.
$showadd = 1;
push @paramsloop, { already => $newshelf };
$template->param(shelfnumber => $shelfnumber);
} else {
print $query->redirect($pages{$type}->{redirect} . "?viewshelf=$shelfnumber");
foreach ($query->param()) {
/DEL-(\d+)/ or next;
$delflag = 1;
my $number = $1;
unless (defined $shelflist->{$number} || defined $privshelflist->{$number}) {
push(@paramsloop, {unrecognized=>$number}); last;
unless (ShelfPossibleAction($loggedinuser, $number, 'manage')) {
push(@paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber}); last;
my $contents;
($contents, $totshelves) = GetShelfContents($number, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset);
if (my $count = scalar @$contents){
unless (scalar grep {/^CONFIRM-$number$/} $query->param()) {
if (defined $shelflist->{$number}) {
push(@paramsloop, {need_confirm=>$shelflist->{$number}->{shelfname}, count=>$count});
$shelflist->{$number}->{confirm} = $number;
} else {
push(@paramsloop, {need_confirm=>$privshelflist->{$number}->{shelfname}, count=>$count});
$privshelflist->{$number}->{confirm} = $number;
$stay = 0;
my $name;
if (defined $shelflist->{$number}) {
$name = $shelflist->{$number}->{'shelfname'};
delete $shelflist->{$number};
} else {
$name = $privshelflist->{$number}->{'shelfname'};
delete $privshelflist->{$number};
unless (DelShelf($number)) {
push(@paramsloop, {delete_fail=>$name}); last;
push(@paramsloop, {delete_ok=>$name});
# print $query->redirect($pages{$type}->{redirect}); exit;
$stay = 0;
$showadd = 1;
$stay and $template->param(shelves => 1);
last SWITCH;
(@paramsloop) and $template->param(paramsloop => \@paramsloop);
$showadd and $template->param(showadd => 1);
my @shelvesloop;
my @shelveslooppriv;
my $numberCanManage = 0;
# rebuild shelflist in case a shelf has been added
($shelflist, $totshelves) = GetShelves( $category, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser ) unless $delflag;
foreach my $element (sort { lc($shelflist->{$a}->{'shelfname'}) cmp lc($shelflist->{$b}->{'shelfname'}) } keys %$shelflist) {
my %line;
$shelflist->{$element}->{shelf} = $element;
my $category = $shelflist->{$element}->{'category'};
my $owner = $shelflist->{$element}->{ 'owner' };
my $canmanage = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $element, 'manage' );
$shelflist->{$element}->{"viewcategory$category"} = 1;
$shelflist->{$element}->{manageshelf} = $canmanage;
if ($owner eq $loggedinuser or $canmanage) {
$shelflist->{$element}->{'mine'} = 1;
my $member = GetMember($owner,'borrowernumber');
$shelflist->{$element}->{ownername} = defined($member) ? $member->{firstname} . " " . $member->{surname} : '';
$numberCanManage++ if $canmanage; # possibly outmoded
if ($shelflist->{$element}->{'category'} eq '1') {
(scalar(@shelveslooppriv) % 2) and $shelflist->{$element}->{toggle} = 1;
push (@shelveslooppriv, $shelflist->{$element});
} else {
(scalar(@shelvesloop) % 2) and $shelflist->{$element}->{toggle} = 1;
push (@shelvesloop, $shelflist->{$element});
my $url = $type eq 'opac' ? "/cgi-bin/koha/opac-shelves.pl" : "/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/shelves.pl";
my %qhash = ();
foreach (qw(display viewshelf)) {
$qhash{$_} = $query->param($_) if $query->param($_);
(scalar keys %qhash) and $url .= '?' . join '&', map {"$_=$qhash{$_}"} keys %qhash;
if ($query->param('viewshelf')) {
$template->param( {pagination_bar => pagination_bar($url, (int($totitems/$shelflimit)) + (($totitems % $shelflimit) > 0 ? 1 : 0), $itemoff, "itemoff")} );
} else {
$template->param( {pagination_bar => pagination_bar($url, (int($totshelves/$shelveslimit)) + (($totshelves % $shelveslimit) > 0 ? 1 : 0), $shelfoff, "shelfoff")} );
shelveslooppriv => \@shelveslooppriv,
shelvesloop => \@shelvesloop,
shelvesloopall => [(@shelvesloop, @shelveslooppriv)],
numberCanManage => $numberCanManage,
"BiblioDefaultView".C4::Context->preference("BiblioDefaultView") => 1,
if ($template->param('viewshelf') or
$template->param( 'shelves' ) or
$template->param( 'edit' ) ) {
$template->param(vseflag => 1);
if ($template->param( 'shelves' ) or # note: this part looks duplicative, but is intentional
$template->param( 'edit' ) ) {
$template->param( seflag => 1);
#FIXME: This refresh really only needs to happen when there is a modification of some sort
# to the shelves, but the above code is so convoluted in its handling of the various
# options, it is easier to do this refresh every time C4::VirtualShelves::Page.pm is
# called
my ($total, $pubshelves, $barshelves) = RefreshShelvesSummary($query->cookie("CGISESSID"),$loggedinuser,($loggedinuser == -1 ? 20 : 10));
if (defined $barshelves) {
$template->param( barshelves => scalar (@{$barshelves->[0]}),
barshelvesloop => $barshelves->[0],
$template->param( bartotal => $total->{'bartotal'}, ) if ($total->{'bartotal'} > scalar (@{$barshelves->[0]}));
if (defined $pubshelves) {
$template->param( pubshelves => scalar (@{$pubshelves->[0]}),
pubshelvesloop => $pubshelves->[0],
$template->param( pubtotal => $total->{'pubtotal'}, ) if ($total->{'pubtotal'} > scalar (@{$pubshelves->[0]}));
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
=head1 NAME
Module used for both OPAC and intranet pages.
=over 4
=item C<modifyshelfcontents>
If this script has to modify the shelf content.
=item C<shelfnumber>
To know on which shelf to work.
=item C<addbarcode>
=item C<op>
Op can be:
* modif: show the template allowing modification of the shelves;
* modifsave: save changes from modif mode.
=item C<viewshelf>
Load template with 'viewshelves param' displaying the shelf's information.
=item C<shelves>
If the param shelves == 1, then add or delete a shelf.
=item C<addshelf>
If the param shelves == 1, then addshelf is the name of the shelf to add.