Matthias Meusburger 6281ed6b91 MT 1801 : Opac shelves and basket are displayed the same way
This patch also fixes broken location display in both shelves and basket.
2010-01-28 15:11:47 +01:00

409 lines
14 KiB

package C4::VirtualShelves::Page;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# perldoc at the end of the file, per convention.
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use C4::VirtualShelves qw/:DEFAULT RefreshShelvesSummary/;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Auth qw/get_session/;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Dates qw/format_date/;
use Exporter;
use Data::Dumper;
use C4::Csv;
use vars qw($debug @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION = 1.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&shelfpage);
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
our %pages = (
intranet => {
opac => {
sub shelfpage ($$$$$) {
my ($type, $query, $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = @_;
($pages{$type}) or $type = 'opac';
$query or die "No query";
$template or die "No template";
$template->param( { loggedinuser => $loggedinuser } );
my @paramsloop;
my $totitems;
my $shelfoff = ($query->param('shelfoff') ? $query->param('shelfoff') : 1);
my $itemoff = ($query->param('itemoff') ? $query->param('itemoff') : 1);
my $displaymode = ($query->param('display') ? $query->param('display') : 'publicshelves');
my ($shelflimit, $shelfoffset, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset);
# FIXME: These limits should not be hardcoded...
$shelflimit = 20; # Limits number of items returned for a given query
$shelfoffset = ($itemoff - 1) * 20; # Sets the offset to begin retrieving items at
$shelveslimit = 20; # Limits number of shelves returned for a given query (row_count)
$shelvesoffset = ($shelfoff - 1) * 20; # Sets the offset to begin retrieving shelves at (offset)
# getting the Shelves list
my $category = (($displaymode eq 'privateshelves') ? 1 : 2);
my ($shelflist, $totshelves) = GetShelves( $category, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser );
#Get a list of private shelves for possible deletion. Only do this when we've defaulted to public shelves
my ($privshelflist, $privtotshelves);
if ($category == 2) {
($privshelflist, $privtotshelves) = GetShelves( 1, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser );
my $op = $query->param('op');
# my $imgdir = getitemtypeimagesrc();
# my $itemtypes = GetItemTypes();
# the format of this is unindented for ease of diff comparison to the old script
# Note: do not mistake the assignment statements below for comparisons!
if ( $query->param('modifyshelfcontents') ) {
my ($shelfnumber,$barcode,$item,$biblio);
if ($shelfnumber = $query->param('viewshelf')) {
if (ShelfPossibleAction($loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage')) {
if ($barcode = $query->param('addbarcode')) {
if ($item = GetItem( 0, $barcode )) {
$biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber($item->{'itemnumber'});
AddToShelf($biblio->{'biblionumber'}, $shelfnumber) or
push @paramsloop, {duplicatebiblio=>$barcode};
} else { push @paramsloop, {failgetitem=>$barcode}; }
} else {
(grep {/REM-(\d+)/} $query->param) or push @paramsloop, {nobarcode=>1};
foreach ($query->param) {
/REM-(\d+)/ or next;
$debug and warn
"SHELVES: user $loggedinuser removing item $1 from shelf $shelfnumber";
DelFromShelf($1, $shelfnumber); # $1 is biblionumber
} else { push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber}; }
} else { push @paramsloop, {noshelfnumber=>1}; }
my $showadd = 1;
# set the default tab, etc. (for OPAC)
my $shelf_type = ($query->param('display') ? $query->param('display') : 'publicshelves');
if (defined $shelf_type) {
if ($shelf_type eq 'privateshelves') {
$template->param(showprivateshelves => 1);
} elsif ($shelf_type eq 'publicshelves') {
$template->param(showpublicshelves => 1);
$showadd = 0;
} else {
$debug and warn "Invalid 'display' param ($shelf_type)";
} elsif ($loggedinuser == -1) {
$template->param(showpublicshelves => 1);
} else {
$template->param(showprivateshelves => 1);
my($okmanage, $okview);
my $shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber') || $query->param('viewshelf');
if ($shelfnumber) {
$okmanage = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage' );
$okview = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'view' );
my $delflag = 0;
if ( $op ) {
unless ($okmanage) {
push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber};
last SWITCH;
if ( $op eq 'modifsave' ) {
my $shelf = {
'shelfname' => $query->param('shelfname'),
'category' => $query->param('category'),
'sortfield' => $query->param('sortfield'),
ModShelf( $shelfnumber, $shelf );
} elsif ( $op eq 'modif' ) {
my ( $shelfnumber2, $shelfname, $owner, $category, $sortfield ) =GetShelf( $shelfnumber );
my $member = GetMember('borrowernumber'=>$owner);
my $ownername = defined($member) ? $member->{firstname} . " " . $member->{surname} : '';
edit => 1,
shelfnumber => $shelfnumber2,
shelfname => $shelfname,
owner => $owner,
ownername => $ownername,
"category$category" => 1,
category => $category,
"sort_$sortfield" => 1,
last SWITCH;
if ($shelfnumber = $query->param('viewshelf') ) {
#check that the user can view the shelf
if ( ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'view' ) ) {
my $items;
my $authorsort;
my $yearsort;
my $sortfield = ($query->param('sortfield') ? $query->param('sortfield') : 'title');
if ($sortfield eq 'author') {
$authorsort = 'author';
if ($sortfield eq 'year'){
$yearsort = 'year';
($items, $totitems) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber, $shelflimit, $shelfoffset);
for my $this_item (@$items) {
my $record = GetMarcBiblio($this_item->{'biblionumber'});
# the virtualshelfcontents table does not store these columns nor are they retrieved from the items
# and itemtypes tables, so I'm commenting them out for now to quiet the log -crn
#$this_item->{imageurl} = $imgdir."/".$itemtypes->{ $this_item->{itemtype} }->{'imageurl'};
#$this_item->{'description'} = $itemtypes->{ $this_item->{itemtype} }->{'description'};
$this_item->{'dateadded'} = format_date($this_item->{'dateadded'});
$this_item->{'imageurl'} = getitemtypeinfo($this_item->{'itemtype'})->{'imageurl'};
$this_item->{'coins'} = GetCOinSBiblio($this_item->{'biblionumber'});
$this_item->{'subtitle'} = C4::Biblio::get_koha_field_from_marc('bibliosubtitle', 'subtitle', $record, '');
# Getting items infos for location display
my @items_infos = &GetItemsInfo($this_item->{'biblionumber'}, $type);
$this_item->{'ITEM_RESULTS'} = \@items_infos;
push @paramsloop, {display => 'privateshelves'} if $category == 1;
$showadd = 1;
my $i = 0;
my $manageshelf = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, 'manage' );
shelfname => $shelflist->{$shelfnumber}->{'shelfname'} || $privshelflist->{$shelfnumber}->{'shelfname'},
shelfnumber => $shelfnumber,
viewshelf => $shelfnumber,
authorsort => $authorsort,
yearsort => $yearsort,
manageshelf => $manageshelf,
itemsloop => $items,
} else { push @paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber} };
last SWITCH;
if ( $query->param('shelves') ) {
my $stay = 1;
if (my $newshelf = $query->param('addshelf')) {
# note: a user can always add a new shelf
my $shelfnumber = AddShelf(
$stay = 1;
if ( $shelfnumber == -1 ) { #shelf already exists.
$showadd = 1;
push @paramsloop, { already => $newshelf };
$template->param(shelfnumber => $shelfnumber);
} else {
print $query->redirect($pages{$type}->{redirect} . "?viewshelf=$shelfnumber");
foreach ($query->param()) {
/DEL-(\d+)/ or next;
$delflag = 1;
my $number = $1;
unless (defined $shelflist->{$number} || defined $privshelflist->{$number}) {
push(@paramsloop, {unrecognized=>$number}); last;
unless (ShelfPossibleAction($loggedinuser, $number, 'manage')) {
push(@paramsloop, {nopermission=>$shelfnumber}); last;
my $contents;
($contents, $totshelves) = GetShelfContents($number, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset);
if (my $count = scalar @$contents){
unless (scalar grep {/^CONFIRM-$number$/} $query->param()) {
if (defined $shelflist->{$number}) {
push(@paramsloop, {need_confirm=>$shelflist->{$number}->{shelfname}, count=>$count});
$shelflist->{$number}->{confirm} = $number;
} else {
push(@paramsloop, {need_confirm=>$privshelflist->{$number}->{shelfname}, count=>$count});
$privshelflist->{$number}->{confirm} = $number;
$stay = 0;
my $name;
if (defined $shelflist->{$number}) {
$name = $shelflist->{$number}->{'shelfname'};
delete $shelflist->{$number};
} else {
$name = $privshelflist->{$number}->{'shelfname'};
delete $privshelflist->{$number};
unless (DelShelf($number)) {
push(@paramsloop, {delete_fail=>$name}); last;
push(@paramsloop, {delete_ok=>$name});
# print $query->redirect($pages{$type}->{redirect}); exit;
$stay = 0;
$showadd = 1;
$stay and $template->param(shelves => 1);
last SWITCH;
(@paramsloop) and $template->param(paramsloop => \@paramsloop);
$showadd and $template->param(showadd => 1);
my @shelvesloop;
my @shelveslooppriv;
my $numberCanManage = 0;
# rebuild shelflist in case a shelf has been added
($shelflist, $totshelves) = GetShelves( $category, $shelveslimit, $shelvesoffset, $loggedinuser ) unless $delflag;
foreach my $element (sort { lc($shelflist->{$a}->{'shelfname'}) cmp lc($shelflist->{$b}->{'shelfname'}) } keys %$shelflist) {
my %line;
$shelflist->{$element}->{shelf} = $element;
my $category = $shelflist->{$element}->{'category'};
my $owner = $shelflist->{$element}->{ 'owner' };
my $canmanage = ShelfPossibleAction( $loggedinuser, $element, 'manage' );
$shelflist->{$element}->{"viewcategory$category"} = 1;
$shelflist->{$element}->{manageshelf} = $canmanage;
if ($owner eq $loggedinuser or $canmanage) {
$shelflist->{$element}->{'mine'} = 1;
my $member = GetMember('borrowernumber' => $owner);
$shelflist->{$element}->{ownername} = defined($member) ? $member->{firstname} . " " . $member->{surname} : '';
$numberCanManage++ if $canmanage; # possibly outmoded
if ($shelflist->{$element}->{'category'} eq '1') {
push (@shelveslooppriv, $shelflist->{$element});
} else {
push (@shelvesloop, $shelflist->{$element});
my $url = $type eq 'opac' ? "/cgi-bin/koha/opac-shelves.pl" : "/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/shelves.pl";
my %qhash = ();
foreach (qw(display viewshelf sortfield)) {
$qhash{$_} = $query->param($_) if $query->param($_);
(scalar keys %qhash) and $url .= '?' . join '&', map {"$_=$qhash{$_}"} keys %qhash;
if ($query->param('viewshelf')) {
$template->param( {pagination_bar => pagination_bar($url, (int($totitems/$shelflimit)) + (($totitems % $shelflimit) > 0 ? 1 : 0), $itemoff, "itemoff")} );
} else {
$template->param( {pagination_bar => pagination_bar($url, (int($totshelves/$shelveslimit)) + (($totshelves % $shelveslimit) > 0 ? 1 : 0), $shelfoff, "shelfoff")} );
shelveslooppriv => \@shelveslooppriv,
shelvesloop => \@shelvesloop,
shelvesloopall => [(@shelvesloop, @shelveslooppriv)],
numberCanManage => $numberCanManage,
"BiblioDefaultView".C4::Context->preference("BiblioDefaultView") => 1,
csv_profiles => GetCsvProfilesLoop()
if ($template->param('viewshelf') or
$template->param( 'shelves' ) or
$template->param( 'edit' ) ) {
$template->param(vseflag => 1);
if ($template->param( 'shelves' ) or # note: this part looks duplicative, but is intentional
$template->param( 'edit' ) ) {
$template->param( seflag => 1);
#FIXME: This refresh really only needs to happen when there is a modification of some sort
# to the shelves, but the above code is so convoluted in its handling of the various
# options, it is easier to do this refresh every time C4::VirtualShelves::Page.pm is
# called
my ($total, $pubshelves, $barshelves) = RefreshShelvesSummary($query->cookie("CGISESSID"),$loggedinuser,($loggedinuser == -1 ? 20 : 10));
if (defined $barshelves) {
$template->param( barshelves => scalar (@{$barshelves->[0]}),
barshelvesloop => $barshelves->[0],
$template->param( bartotal => $total->{'bartotal'}, ) if ($total->{'bartotal'} > scalar (@{$barshelves->[0]}));
if (defined $pubshelves) {
$template->param( pubshelves => scalar (@{$pubshelves->[0]}),
pubshelvesloop => $pubshelves->[0],
$template->param( pubtotal => $total->{'pubtotal'}, ) if ($total->{'pubtotal'} > scalar (@{$pubshelves->[0]}));
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
=head1 NAME
Module used for both OPAC and intranet pages.
=over 4
=item C<modifyshelfcontents>
If this script has to modify the shelf content.
=item C<shelfnumber>
To know on which shelf to work.
=item C<addbarcode>
=item C<op>
Op can be:
* modif: show the template allowing modification of the shelves;
* modifsave: save changes from modif mode.
=item C<viewshelf>
Load template with 'viewshelves param' displaying the shelf's information.
=item C<shelves>
If the param shelves == 1, then add or delete a shelf.
=item C<addshelf>
If the param shelves == 1, then addshelf is the name of the shelf to add.