Tomas Cohen Arazi
The spec contains a non-standard definition for the body param. Removing it from the spec makes us need to handle the 'body' manually in the case of JSON data. This patch basically does that. It also changes the uses of $c->validation, which are discouraged by the Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI dev/maintainer. I do it to highlight what we must do in other places and the fact that there's no behavior change. To test: 1. Apply this patch 2. Run: $ ktd --shell k$ prove t/db_dependent/api/v1/biblios.t \ xt/api.t => SUCCESS: Tests pass! 3. Sign off :-D Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
1639 lines
52 KiB
Executable file
1639 lines
52 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Test::More tests => 11;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::Mojo;
use Test::Warn;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Circulation qw( AddIssue AddReturn );
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::Checkouts;
use Koha::Old::Checkouts;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RESTBasicAuth', 1 );
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Koha::REST::V1');
subtest 'get() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 21;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio({
title => 'The unbearable lightness of being',
author => 'Milan Kundera'
$t->get_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber)
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/weird+format' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/json' } )
->json_is( '/title', 'The unbearable lightness of being' )
->json_is( '/author', 'Milan Kundera' );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marcxml+xml' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc-in-json' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc' } )
->json_is( '/error', 'Object not found.' );
subtest 'marc-in-json encoding tests' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $title_with_diacritics = "L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être";
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(
title => $title_with_diacritics,
author => "Milan Kundera"
my $result = $t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc-in-json' } )
my $encoded_title = Encode::encode( "UTF-8", $title_with_diacritics );
like( $result, qr/\Q$encoded_title/, "The title is not double encoded" );
subtest 'get_items() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
$t->get_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/items")
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/items")
->json_is( '' => [], 'No items on the biblio' );
my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber });
my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber });
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/items")
->json_is( '' => [ $item_1->to_api, $item_2->to_api ], 'The items are returned' );
subtest 'delete() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 } # no permissions
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $biblio_id = $item->biblionumber;
->status_is(403, 'Not enough permissions makes it return the right code');
# Add permissions
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
module_bit => 9,
code => 'edit_catalogue'
# Bibs with items cannot be deleted
# Bibs with no items can be deleted
->status_is(204, 'SWAGGER3.2.4')
->content_is('', 'SWAGGER3.3.4');
subtest 'get_public() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 25;
my $category = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories' });
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
flags => undef, # opac user
categorycode => $category->categorycode
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio({
title => 'The unbearable lightness of being',
author => 'Milan Kundera'
# Make sure author in shown in the OPAC
my $subfields = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search({ tagfield => '100' });
while ( my $subfield = $subfields->next ) {
$subfield->set({ hidden => -1 })->store;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/weird+format' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
->content_like( qr{100\s+_aMilan Kundera} )
->content_like( qr{245\s+_aThe unbearable lightness of being} );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marcxml+xml' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc-in-json' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc' } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
subtest 'anonymous access' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marcxml+xml' } )
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc-in-json' } )
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc' } )
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
subtest 'marc-in-json encoding tests' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $title_with_diacritics = "L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être";
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(
title => $title_with_diacritics,
author => "Milan Kundera"
my $result = $t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc-in-json' } )
my $encoded_title = Encode::encode( "UTF-8", $title_with_diacritics );
like( $result, qr/\Q$encoded_title/, "The title is not double encoded" );
# Hide author in OPAC
$subfields = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search({ tagfield => '100' });
while ( my $subfield = $subfields->next ) {
$subfield->set({ hidden => 1 })->store;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
->content_unlike( qr{100\s+_aMilan Kundera} )
->content_like( qr{245\s+_aThe unbearable lightness of being} );
subtest 'hidden_in_opac tests' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
my $biblio_hidden_in_opac = 1;
my $biblio_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Biblio');
# force biblio hidden in OPAC
$biblio_class->mock( 'hidden_in_opac', sub { return $biblio_hidden_in_opac; } );
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
->status_is(404, 'hidden_in_opac + anonymous => hidden');
my $category_override_hidden_items = 0;
my $category_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Patron::Category');
$category_class->mock( 'override_hidden_items', sub { return $category_override_hidden_items; } );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
->status_is(404, "hidden_in_opac + patron whose category doesn't override => hidden");
# Make the category override
$category_override_hidden_items = 1;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'text/plain' } )
->status_is(200, "hidden_in_opac + patron whose category that overrides => displayed");
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber
=> { Accept => 'application/marc' } )
->json_is( '/error', 'Object not found.' );
subtest 'pickup_locations() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 16;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 0 );
# Small trick to ease testing
Koha::Libraries->search->update({ pickup_location => 0 });
my $library_1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'A', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'B', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_3 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'C', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_1_api = $library_1->to_api();
my $library_2_api = $library_2->to_api();
my $library_3_api = $library_3->to_api();
$library_1_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->false;
$library_2_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->false;
$library_3_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->true;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { userid => 'tomasito', flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
module_bit => 6,
code => 'place_holds',
my $biblio_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Biblio');
sub {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my $mock_patron = $params->{patron};
is( $mock_patron->borrowernumber,
$patron->borrowernumber, 'Patron passed correctly' );
return Koha::Libraries->search(
branchcode => {
'-in' => [
{ # we make sure no surprises in the order of the result
order_by => { '-asc' => 'marcorgcode' }
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. "/pickup_locations?patron_id=" . $patron->id )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api, $library_2_api ] );
# filtering works!
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. '/pickup_locations?'
. 'patron_id=' . $patron->id . '&q={"marc_org_code": { "-like": "A%" }}' )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api ] );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 1 );
my $library_4 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 0, marcorgcode => 'X' } });
my $library_5 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, marcorgcode => 'Y' } });
my $library_5_api = $library_5->to_api();
$library_5_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->true;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api, $library_2_api, $library_3_api, $library_5_api ] );
subtest 'Pagination and AllowHoldPolicyOverride tests' => sub {
plan tests => 27;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 1 );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->id . "/pickup_locations?" . "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" . "&_per_page=1" )
->json_is( [$library_1_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_unlike( 'Link', qr|rel="prev"| )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id="
. $patron->id
. "&_order_by=marc_org_code"
. "&_per_page=1&_page=3" ) # force the needs_override=1 check
->json_is( [$library_3_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="prev"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 0 );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->id . "/pickup_locations?" . "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" . "&_per_page=1" )
->json_is( [$library_1_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '2' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '2' )
->header_unlike( 'Link', qr|rel="prev"| )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
my $deleted_patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons' });
my $deleted_patron_id = $deleted_patron->id;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $deleted_patron_id )
->status_is( 400 )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Patron not found' );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/"
. $biblio->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $patron->id )
->status_is( 404 )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Biblio not found' );
subtest 'get_items_public() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 15;
my $override_hidden_items = 0;
my $mocked_category = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Patron::Category');
sub {
return $override_hidden_items;
my $rules = undef;
my $mocked_context = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context');
sub {
return $rules;
my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
"//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->id . "/items" )
->status_is(200)->json_is( '' => [], 'No items on the biblio' );
my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->id } );
my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item(
{ biblionumber => $biblio->id, withdrawn => 1 } );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/"
. $biblio->biblionumber
. "/items" )->status_is(200)->json_is(
'' => [
$item_1->to_api( { public => 1 } ),
$item_2->to_api( { public => 1 } )
'The items are returned'
$rules = { withdrawn => ['1'] };
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/"
. $biblio->biblionumber
. "/items" )->status_is(200)->json_is(
'' => [ $item_1->to_api( { public => 1 } ) ],
'The items are returned, hidden one is not returned'
$t->get_ok( "/api/v1/public/biblios/"
. $biblio->biblionumber
. "/items" )->status_is(200)->json_is(
'' => [ $item_1->to_api( { public => 1 } ) ],
'Anonymous user, items are returned, hidden one is not returned'
$override_hidden_items = 1;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/"
. $biblio->biblionumber
. "/items" )->status_is(200)->json_is(
'' => [
$item_1->to_api( { public => 1 } ),
$item_2->to_api( { public => 1 } )
'The items are returned, the patron category has an override'
subtest 'get_checkouts() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 14;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
$t->get_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/checkouts")
$patron->flags(1)->store; # circulate permissions
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/checkouts")
->json_is( '' => [], 'No checkouts on the biblio' );
my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber });
my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber });
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item_1->barcode );
AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item_2->barcode );
my $ret = $t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/checkouts")
my $checkout_1 = Koha::Checkouts->find({ itemnumber => $item_1->id });
my $checkout_2 = Koha::Checkouts->find({ itemnumber => $item_2->id });
is_deeply( $ret, [ $checkout_1->to_api, $checkout_2->to_api ] );
AddReturn( $item_1->barcode );
$ret = $t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/checkouts")
is_deeply( $ret, [ $checkout_2->to_api ] );
$ret = $t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/checkouts?checked_in=1")
my $old_checkout_1 = Koha::Old::Checkouts->find( $checkout_1->id );
is_deeply( $ret, [ $old_checkout_1->to_api ] );
subtest 'set_rating() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 12;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
$t->post_ok("/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/ratings" => json => { rating => 3 })
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/ratings" => json => { rating => 3 })
->json_is( '/rating', '3' )
->json_is( '/average', '3' )
->json_is( '/count', '1' );
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/public/biblios/" . $biblio->biblionumber . "/ratings" => json => { rating => undef })
->json_is( '/rating', undef )
->json_is( '/average', '0' )
->json_is( '/count', '0' );
subtest 'post() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 } # no permissions
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $frameworkcode = 'BKS';
my $marcxml = q|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<leader>01102pam a2200289 a 7500</leader>
<controlfield tag="001">2504398</controlfield>
<controlfield tag="005">20200421093816.0</controlfield>
<controlfield tag="008">920610s1993 caub s001 0 eng </controlfield>
<datafield tag="010" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a"> 92021731 </subfield>
<datafield tag="020" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">05200784381 (Test marcxml)</subfield>
<datafield tag="020" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">05200784461 (Test marcxml)</subfield>
<datafield tag="040" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">DLC</subfield>
<subfield code="c">DLC</subfield>
<subfield code="d">DLC</subfield>
<datafield tag="041" ind1="0" ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">enggrc</subfield>
<datafield tag="050" ind1="0" ind2="0">
<subfield code="a">PA522</subfield>
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<subfield code="9">389</subfield>
<datafield tag="245" ind1="1" ind2="0">
<subfield code="a">Introduction to Attic Greek (Using marcxml) /</subfield>
<subfield code="c">Donald J. Mastronarde.</subfield>
<datafield tag="260" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">Berkeley :</subfield>
<subfield code="b">University of California Press,</subfield>
<subfield code="c">c1993.</subfield>
<datafield tag="300" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">ix, 425 p. :</subfield>
<subfield code="b">maps ;</subfield>
<subfield code="c">26 cm.</subfield>
<datafield tag="500" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">Includes index.</subfield>
<datafield tag="650" ind1=" " ind2="0">
<subfield code="a">Attic Greek dialect</subfield>
<subfield code="9">7</subfield>
<datafield tag="856" ind1="4" ind2="2">
<subfield code="3">Contributor biographical information</subfield>
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<subfield code="3">Publisher description</subfield>
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my $mij = q|{
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"a": " 92021731 "
"ind2": " "
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"a": "05200784382 (Test mij)"
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"ind1": " "
"020": {
"subfields": [
"a": "05200784462 (Test mij)"
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " "
"040": {
"subfields": [
"a": "DLC"
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"050": {
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"100": {
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"subfields": [
"a": "Mastronarde, Donald J."
"9": "389"
"ind1": "1"
"245": {
"ind1": "1",
"subfields": [
"a": "Introduction to Attic Greek (Using mij) /"
"c": "Donald J. Mastronarde."
"ind2": "0"
"260": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Berkeley :"
"b": "University of California Press,"
"c": "c1993."
"ind2": " ",
"ind1": " "
"300": {
"ind1": " ",
"subfields": [
"a": "ix, 425 p. :"
"b": "maps ;"
"c": "26 cm."
"ind2": " "
"500": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Includes index."
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " "
"650": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Attic Greek dialect"
"9": "7"
"ind2": "0",
"ind1": " "
"856": {
"subfields": [
"3": "Contributor biographical information"
"u": ""
"ind2": "2",
"ind1": "4"
"856": {
"ind1": "4",
"subfields": [
"3": "Publisher description"
"u": ""
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"955": {
"subfields": [
"a": "pc05 to ea00 06-11-92; ea04 to SCD 06-11-92; fd11 06-11-92 (PA522.M...); fr21 06-12-92; fs62 06-15-92; CIP ver. pv07 11-12-93"
"ind2": " ",
"ind1": " "
"999": {
"subfields": [
"c": "3"
"d": "3"
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->status_is(403, 'Not enough permissions makes it return the right code');
# Add permissions
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
module_bit => 9,
code => 'edit_catalogue'
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marcxml+xml', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode, "x-marc-schema" => 'INVALID'})
->status_is(400, 'Invalid header x-marc-schema');
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marcxml+xml', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode} => $marcxml)
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marc-in-json', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode, 'x-confirm-not-duplicate' => 1} => $mij)
$t->post_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marc', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode} => $marc)
subtest 'put() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 14;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 } # no permissions
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $frameworkcode = 'BKS';
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio({frameworkcode => $frameworkcode});
my $biblionumber = $biblio->biblionumber;
my $marcxml = q|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<subfield code="9">389</subfield>
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<subfield code="a">Introduction to Attic Greek (Using marcxml) /</subfield>
<subfield code="c">Donald J. Mastronarde.</subfield>
<datafield tag="260" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">Berkeley :</subfield>
<subfield code="b">University of California Press,</subfield>
<subfield code="c">c1993.</subfield>
<datafield tag="300" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">ix, 425 p. :</subfield>
<subfield code="b">maps ;</subfield>
<subfield code="c">26 cm.</subfield>
<datafield tag="500" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="a">Includes index.</subfield>
<datafield tag="650" ind1=" " ind2="0">
<subfield code="a">Attic Greek dialect</subfield>
<subfield code="9">7</subfield>
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my $mij = q|{
"fields": [
"001": "2504398"
"005": "20200421093816.0"
"008": "920610s1993 caub s001 0 eng "
"010": {
"ind1": " ",
"subfields": [
"a": " 92021731 "
"ind2": " "
"020": {
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"a": "05200784382 (Test mij)"
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"a": "05200784462 (Test mij)"
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"041": {
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"a": "enggrc"
"ind1": "0"
"050": {
"subfields": [
"a": "PA522"
"b": ".M38 1993"
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"ind2": "0"
"082": {
"subfields": [
"a": "480"
"2": "20"
"ind2": "0",
"ind1": "0"
"100": {
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"a": "Mastronarde, Donald J."
"9": "389"
"ind1": "1"
"245": {
"ind1": "1",
"subfields": [
"a": "Introduction to Attic Greek (Using mij) /"
"c": "Donald J. Mastronarde."
"ind2": "0"
"260": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Berkeley :"
"b": "University of California Press,"
"c": "c1993."
"ind2": " ",
"ind1": " "
"300": {
"ind1": " ",
"subfields": [
"a": "ix, 425 p. :"
"b": "maps ;"
"c": "26 cm."
"ind2": " "
"500": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Includes index."
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " "
"650": {
"subfields": [
"a": "Attic Greek dialect"
"9": "7"
"ind2": "0",
"ind1": " "
"856": {
"subfields": [
"3": "Contributor biographical information"
"u": ""
"ind2": "2",
"ind1": "4"
"856": {
"ind1": "4",
"subfields": [
"3": "Publisher description"
"u": ""
"ind2": "2"
"906": {
"subfields": [
"a": "7"
"b": "cbc"
"c": "orignew"
"d": "1"
"e": "ocip"
"f": "19"
"g": "y-gencatlg"
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " "
"942": {
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"2": "ddc"
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"ind1": " "
"955": {
"subfields": [
"a": "pc05 to ea00 06-11-92; ea04 to SCD 06-11-92; fd11 06-11-92 (PA522.M...); fr21 06-12-92; fs62 06-15-92; CIP ver. pv07 11-12-93"
"ind2": " ",
"ind1": " "
"999": {
"subfields": [
"c": "3"
"d": "3"
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " "
"leader": "01102pam a2200289 a 8500"
my $marc = q|01116pam a2200289 a 4500001000800000005001700008008004100025010001700066020002800083020002800111040001800139041001100157050002100168082001200189100003200201245007500233260005600308300003300364500002000397650002700417856009500444856008700539906004500626942001200671955013000683999001300813250439820221223213433.0920610s1993 caub s001 0 eng a 92021731 a05200784384 (Test json) a05200784464 (Test json) aDLCcDLCdDLC0 aenggrc00aPA522b.M38 199300a4802201 aMastronarde, Donald J.938910aIntroduction to Attic Greek (Using usmarc) /cDonald J. Mastronarde. aBerkeley :bUniversity of California Press,cc1993. aix, 425 p. :bmaps ;c26 cm. aIncludes index. 0aAttic Greek dialect97423Contributor biographical informationu descriptionu a7bcbccorignewd1eocipf19gy-gencatlg 2ddccBK apc05 to ea00 06-11-92; ea04 to SCD 06-11-92; fd11 06-11-92 (PA522.M...); fr21 06-12-92; fs62 06-15-92; CIP ver. pv07 11-12-93 c715d715|;
->status_is(403, 'Not enough permissions makes it return the right code');
# Add permissions
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
module_bit => 9,
code => 'edit_catalogue'
$t->put_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/$biblionumber" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marcxml+xml', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode} => $marcxml)
$biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
is($biblio->title, 'Introduction to Attic Greek (Using marcxml) /');
$t->put_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/$biblionumber" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marc-in-json', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode} => $mij)
$biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
is($biblio->title, 'Introduction to Attic Greek (Using mij) /');
$t->put_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/$biblionumber" => {'Content-Type' => 'application/marc', 'x-framework-id' => $frameworkcode} => $marc)
$biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
is($biblio->title, 'Introduction to Attic Greek (Using usmarc) /');
subtest 'list() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 14;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
my $biblionumber1 = $builder->build_sample_biblio->biblionumber;
my $biblionumber2 = $builder->build_sample_biblio->biblionumber;
my $search =
"[{\"biblionumber\": \"$biblionumber1\"}, {\"biblionumber\": \"$biblionumber2\"}]";
"//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" => { 'x-koha-query' => $search }
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'application/weird+format', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'application/json', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'application/marcxml+xml', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'application/marc-in-json', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'application/marc', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/biblios/" =>
{ Accept => 'text/plain', 'x-koha-query' => $search } )