Nicole C. Engard f03712d37b Bug 7986 Follow Up: Fix ExportRemoveFields
This preference was in the code as a choice but should be a list
of fields to exclude. This patch makes that change and updates
the description to fit more with the standard set by other

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
2012-10-19 17:54:25 +02:00

465 lines
18 KiB

# FIXME: printcirculationslips is also omitted. It _technically_ could work, but C4::Print is HLT specific and needs a little bit of refactoring.
- pref: CircAutocompl
yes: Try
no: "Don't try"
- to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search on the circulation screen.
- Only returns the first 10 results at a time.
- pref: itemBarcodeInputFilter
OFF: "Don't filter"
whitespace: Remove spaces from
cuecat: Convert from CueCat form
T-prefix: Remove the first number from T-prefix style
libsuite8: Convert from Libsuite8 form
EAN13: EAN-13 or zero-padded UPC-A from
- scanned item barcodes.
- Sort previous checkouts on the circulation page from
- pref: previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder
asc: earliest to latest
desc: latest to earliest
- due date.
- "Sort today's checkouts on the circulation page from"
- pref: todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder
type: choice
asc: earliest to latest
desc: latest to earliest
- due date.
- pref: UseTablesortForCirc
yes: "Enable"
no: "Don't enable"
- "the sorting of current patron checkouts on the circulation screen. <br/>NOTE: Enabling this function may slow down circulation time for patrons with many checkouts."
- pref: soundon
yes: "Enable"
no: "Don't enable"
- circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.
- pref: SpecifyDueDate
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to specify a due date for a checkout.
- pref: AllowAllMessageDeletion
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to delete messages added from other libraries.
- Show the
- pref: numReturnedItemsToShow
class: integer
- last returned items on the checkin screen.
- pref: FineNotifyAtCheckin
yes: Notify
no: "Don't notify"
- librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.
- pref: WaitingNotifyAtCheckin
yes: Notify
no: "Don't notify"
- librarians of waiting holds for the patron whose items they are checking in.
- pref: FilterBeforeOverdueReport
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- staff to choose which checkouts to show before running the overdues report.
- pref: DisplayClearScreenButton
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- a button to clear the current patron from the screen on the circulation screen.
- pref: RecordLocalUseOnReturn
yes: Record
no: "Don't record"
- local use when an unissued item is checked in.
- When an empty barcode field is submitted in circulation
- pref: CircAutoPrintQuickSlip
yes: "open a print quick slip window"
no: "clear the screen"
- .
- Include the stylesheet at
- pref: NoticeCSS
class: url
- on Notices. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>)
- pref: UpdateTotalIssuesOnCirc
yes: Do
no: "Do not"
- update a bibliographic record's total issues count whenever an item is issued (WARNING! This increases server load significantly; if performance is a concern, use the update_totalissues.pl cron job to update the total issues count).
- Use the
- pref: ExportWithCsvProfile
- CSV profile when exporting patron checkout history (enter CSV Profile name)
- The following fields should be excluded from the patron checkout history CSV or iso2709 export
- pref: ExportRemoveFields
- (separate fields with space, e.g. 100a 200b 300c)
Checkout Policy:
- pref: AllowNotForLoanOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to override and check out items that are marked as not for loan.
- pref: AllowRenewalLimitOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to manually override the renewal limit and renew a checkout when it would go over the renewal limit.
- pref: AllowItemsOnHoldCheckout
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- checkouts of items items reserved to someone else. If allowed do not generate RESERVE_WAITING and RESERVED warning. This allows self checkouts for those items.
- pref: AllFinesNeedOverride
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- staff to manually override all fines, even fines less than noissuescharge.
- pref: AllowFineOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to manually override and check out items to patrons who have more than noissuescharge in fines.
- pref: InProcessingToShelvingCart
yes: Move
no: "Don't move"
- items that have the location PROC to the location CART when they are checked in.
- pref: ReturnToShelvingCart
yes: Move
no: "Don't move"
- all items to the location CART when they are checked in.
- pref: AutomaticItemReturn
yes: Do
no: "Don't"
- automatically transfer items to their home library when they are returned.
- pref: UseBranchTransferLimits
yes: Enforce
no: "Don't enforce"
- library transfer limits based on
- pref: BranchTransferLimitsType
ccode: collection code
itemtype: item type
- .
- pref: UseTransportCostMatrix
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- Transport Cost Matrix for calculating optimal holds filling between branches.
- Use the checkout and fines rules of
- pref: CircControl
type: choice
PickupLibrary: the library you are logged in at.
PatronLibrary: the library the patron is from.
ItemHomeLibrary: the library the item is from.
- Use the checkout and fines rules of
- pref: HomeOrHoldingBranch
type: choice
homebranch: the library the item is from.
holdingbranch: the library the item was checked out from.
- Calculate the due date using
- pref: useDaysMode
Days: circulation rules only.
Calendar: the calendar to skip all days the library is closed.
Datedue: the calendar to push the due date to the next open day
- When renewing checkouts, base the new due date on
- pref: RenewalPeriodBase
date_due: the old due date of the checkout.
now: the current date.
- Prevent patrons from making holds on the OPAC if they owe more than
- pref: maxoutstanding
class: currency
- '[% local_currency %] in fines.'
- Show a warning on the "Transfers to Receive" screen if the transfer has not been received
- pref: TransfersMaxDaysWarning
class: integer
- days after it was sent.
- pref: IssuingInProcess
yes: "Don't prevent"
no: "Prevent"
- patrons from checking out an item whose rental charge would take them over the limit.
- pref: AgeRestrictionMarker
- "E.g. FSK|PEGI|Age| (No white space near |). Entry in MARC field (e.g. 521a) as defined for agerestriction in Koha to MARC mapping. Entry in MARC field like FSK 12 or PEGI 12 would mean: Borrower must be 12 years old. (Empty: Do not apply age restriction.)"
- pref: AgeRestrictionOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to check out an item with age restriction.
- Prevent patrons from checking out books if they have more than
- pref: noissuescharge
class: integer
- '[% local_currency %] in fines.'
- pref: ReturnBeforeExpiry
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- "patrons to return books before their accounts expire (by restricting due dates to before the patron's expiration date)."
- Send all notices as a BCC to this email address
- pref: OverdueNoticeBcc
- Include up to
- pref: PrintNoticesMaxLines
class: integer
- "item lines in a printed overdue notice. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items. Set to 0 to include all overdue items in the notice, no matter how many there are."
- pref: OverduesBlockCirc
block: Block
noblock: "Don't block"
confirmation: Ask for confirmation
- when checking out to a borrower that has overdues outstanding
- On checkin route the returned item to
- pref: HomeOrHoldingBranchReturn
type: choice
homebranch: the library the item is from.
holdingbranch: the library the item was checked out from.
- "When issuing an item that has been marked as lost, "
- pref: IssueLostItem
confirm: "require confirmation"
alert: "display a message"
nothing : "do nothing"
- .
Holds Policy:
- pref: AllowHoldPolicyOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to override hold policies when placing holds.
- pref: AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed on damaged items.
- pref: AllowOnShelfHolds
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed on items that are not checked out.
- pref: AllowHoldDateInFuture
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed that do not enter the waiting list until a certain future date.
- pref: OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "patrons to place holds that don't enter the waiting list until a certain future date. (AllowHoldDateInFuture must also be enabled)."
- Check the
- pref: ReservesControlBranch
ItemHomeLibrary: "item's home library"
PatronLibrary: "patron's home library"
- to see if the patron can place a hold on the item.
- Mark a hold as problematic if it has been waiting for more than
- pref: ReservesMaxPickUpDelay
class: integer
- days.
- pref: ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay"
- If using ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay, charge a borrower who allows his or her waiting hold to expire a fee of
- pref: ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge
class: currency
- Satisfy holds from the libraries
- pref: StaticHoldsQueueWeight
class: multi
- (as branchcodes, separated by commas; if empty, uses all libraries)
- pref: RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight
yes: in random order.
no: in that order.
- pref: canreservefromotherbranches
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow (with independent branches)"
- a user from one library to place a hold on an item from another library
- pref: OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- a user to choose the library to pick up a hold from.
- pref: ReservesNeedReturns
yes: "Don't automatically"
no: Automatically
- mark holds as found and waiting when a hold is placed specifically on them and they are already checked in.
- Patrons can only have
- pref: maxreserves
class: integer
- holds at once.
- pref: emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "sending an email to the Koha administrator email address whenever a hold request is placed."
- pref: DisplayMultiPlaceHold
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "the ability to place holds on multiple biblio from the search results"
- pref: TransferWhenCancelAllWaitingHolds
yes: Transfer
no: "Don't transfer"
- items when cancelling all waiting holds.
- pref: AutoResumeSuspendedHolds
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- suspended holds to be automatically resumed by a set date.
- pref: SuspendHoldsIntranet
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- holds to be suspended from the intranet.
- pref: SuspendHoldsOpac
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- holds to be suspended from the OPAC.
Fines Policy:
- Calculate fines based on days overdue
- pref: finesCalendar
type: choice
ignoreCalendar: directly.
noFinesWhenClosed: not including days the library is closed.
- pref: finesMode
type: choice
off: "Don't calculate"
test: Calculate (but only for mailing to the admin)
production: Calculate and charge
- fines (when <code>misc/cronjobs/fines.pl</code> is being run).
Self Checkout:
- pref: ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "the patron's picture (if one has been added) when they use the web-based self checkout."
- pref: WebBasedSelfCheck
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "the web-based self checkout system. (available at: /cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl)"
- Have patrons login into the web-based self checkout system with their
- pref: SelfCheckoutByLogin
yes: Username and Password
no: Barcode
- "Time out the current patron's web-based self checkout system login after"
- pref: SelfCheckTimeout
class: integer
- seconds.
- pref: AllowSelfCheckReturns
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to return items through web-based self checkout system.
- "Include the following HTML in the Help page of the web-based self checkout system:"
- pref: SelfCheckHelpMessage
type: textarea
class: code
- pref: AutoSelfCheckAllowed
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "the web-based self checkout system to automatically login with this staff login"
- pref: AutoSelfCheckID
- and this password
- pref: AutoSelfCheckPass
- .