System preference 'CSVdelimiter' has a special case for tabulation. Preference value contains string 'tabulation' but string '\t' must be used in CSV file. This is OK in many places, for exemple Bug 17590. This patch adds C4::Context->csv_delimiter to add a uniq metod dealing with this behavior. Also create Koha::Template::Plugin::Koha->CSVDelimiter for calls from Toolkit Templates. Test plan : 1) Set system preference 'CSVdelimiter' = 'tabs'. 2) Create CSV export in impacted pages 3) Check columns are separated by tabulation character and not string 'tabulation' 4) Check with another delimiter Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
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25 lines
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[%- USE Koha -%]
[%- SET delimiter = Koha.CSVDelimiter() -%]
[%- USE KohaDates -%]
[%- INCLUDE csv_headers/acqui/ -%]
[%- INCLUDE -%]
[%- FOREACH o IN orders -%]
"[% o.orderdate | $KohaDates %] ([% o.latesince | html %] days)"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.estimateddeliverydate | $KohaDates %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.supplier (o.supplierid) | html %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.title | html %] [% IF %]Author: [% | html %].[% END %][% IF o.publisher %]Published by: [% o.publisher | html %].[% END %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.unitpricesupplier | html %] x [% o.quantity_to_receive | html %] = [% o.subtotal | html %] ([% o.budget | html %])"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.basketname | html %] ([% o.basketno | html %])"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.claims_count | html %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.claimed_date | $KohaDates %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.internalnote | html %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.vendornote | html %]"[%- delimiter | html -%]
"[% o.isbn | html %]"
[%- INCLUDE -%]
[%- END -%]
[%- delimiter | html -%]
[%- delimiter | html -%]
"Total orders in late"[%- delimiter | html -%]
[% orders.size | html %]