Lucas Gass 25e2da8dbb
Bug 36694: Remove remaining HC stick assets
To test:
1. Apply patch and regenrate CSS
2. You'll need to check that the 'sticky' header still sticks on each of
   these pages.
3. Do a patron search, the toolbar should stick as you scroll down.
4. In Acquisitions, Add a vendor. The toolbar should stick as you scroll
5. In Acquisitions, Add a basket. The toolbar should stick as you scroll
6. Search for a system pref, or go directly to the OPAC category (
   http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?tab=opac ).
   The toolbar should stick as you scroll down.
7. Do an authorties search. The toolbar should stick as you scroll down.
8. Go to advanced search. Without doing a search the toolbard should
   stick as you scroll down.
9. Go to item search. Without doing a search the toolbard should stick
   as you scroll down.
10. Do a catlog search. The toolbar should stick as you scroll down.
11. Add a bibliographic record, or edit one. The toolbar should stick
    as you scroll down.
12. Find a patron and go to the permissions page. The toolbar should
    stick as you scroll down.
13. Try each of the other members pages like memberentry.pl,
    moremember.pl, circulation.pl. On each of the pages the toolbar
    should stick.
14. Place multiple holds on a record. From reserve/request.pl the
    toolbar underneath 'Existing holds' should stick.
15. Edit a HTML customization, new item, and page. The toolbar should
16. Cataloging >  Automatic item modifications by age > Edit rules. The
    toolbar should stick.
17. Edit a notice, the toolbar should stick.
18. Tools > Log viewer > Submit. UNder Log entries, the toolbar should
19. Create some lists and make sure the toolbar sticks.

20. Add many items to an OPAC cart. Make sure the toolbar sticks.
21. Try the OPAC results, the toolbar should stick
22. Add many items to a list, on the OPAC list display the toolbar
    should stick.

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <victor@tuxayo.net>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2024-10-21 12:26:05 +02:00
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