Paul POULAIN eaa85bd224 important fixes in ccl.properties
(just spelling, but very important, without them, authorities won't work)

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2007-10-24 17:08:24 -05:00

1045 lines
40 KiB

# CCL field mappings
# $Id: ccl.properties,v 1.6 2007/07/19 16:01:39 hdl Exp $
# There are four types of lines in a CCL profile:
# 1. qualifier specification
# qualifier-name [ attributeset ,] type = val [ attributeset ,] type = val ...
# 2. qualifier alias
# q q1 q2 q3
# comments begin with
# 4. directives
# @ directive value
# see http://indexdata.dk/yaz/doc/tools.tkl#CCL for more details
# The rule below is used when no fields are specified
term t=l,r s=al
# Simple rule for a field called "clean"
clean t=l,r
# SEE http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/bib1.html
# The notation '$' following a USMARC tag refers to a
# subfield of the named field. The notation 'i' following a
# USMARC tag refers to values of the second indicator in the named
# field; when the second indicator of the field has the value
# , the data in the field is associated with that Use
# attribute.
#Use Value Definition USMARC tag(s)
#-------------------- ----- ------------------------------ ------------------
#Abstract 62 An abbreviated, accurate 520
# representation of a work,
# usually without added
# interpretation or criticism.
Abstract 1=62
ab Abstract
#Any 1016 The record is selected if there
# exists a Use attribute that the
# target supports (and considers
# appropriate - see note 1) such
# that the record would be
# selected if the target were to
# substitute that attribute.
# Notes:
# (1) When the origin uses 'any' the intent is that the target
# locate records via commonly used access points. The target
# may define 'any' to refer to a selected set of Use
# attributes corresponding to its commonly used access points.
# (2) In set terminology: when Any is the Use attribute, the set
# of records selected is the union of the sets of records
# selected by each of the (appropriate) Use attributes that
# the target supports.
Any 4=6 1=1016
kw Any
#Anywhere 1035 The record is selected if the
# term value (as qualified by the
# other attributes) occurs anywhere
# in the record.
# Note: A target might choose to support 'Anywhere' only in
# combination with specific (non-Use) attributes. For example, a
# target might support 'Anywhere' only in combination with the
# Relation attribute 'AlwaysMatches' (see below), to locate all
# records in a database.
# Notes on relationship of Any and Anywhere:
# (1) A target may support Any but not Anywhere, or vice versa, or
# both. However, if a target supports both, then it should
# exclude 'Anywhere' from the list of Use attributes
# corresponding to 'Any' (if it does not do so, then the set
# of records located by 'Any' will be a superset of those
# located by 'Anywhere').
# (2) A distinction between the two attributes may be informally
# expressed as follows: 'anywhere' might result in more
# expensive searching than 'any'; if the target (and origin)
# support both 'any' and 'anywhere', if the origin uses 'Any'
# (rather than 'Anywhere') it is asking the target to locate
# the term only if it can do so relatively inexpensively.
#Anywhere 1=1035
#Author-name 1003 A personal or corporate author, 100, 110, 111, 400
# or a conference or meeting 410, 411, 700, 710,
# name. (No subject name 711, 800, 810, 811
# headings are included.)
Author 5=1 1=1003 s=pw
au Author
#Author-name-and- 1000 A personal or corporate author, 100/2XX, 110/2XX,
#title or a conference or meeting 111/2XX, subfields
# name, and the title of the $a & $t in
# item. (No subject name following: 400,410,
# headings are included.) The 411, 700, 710, 711,
# syntax of the name-title 800, 810, 811
# combination is up to the
# target, unless used with the
# Structure attribute Key (see
# below).
#Author-title 1=1000
#Author-name- 1005 An organization or a group 110, 410, 710, 810
#corporate of persons that is identified
# by a particular name. (Differs
# from attribute "name-corporate
# (2)" in that corporate name
# subject headings are not
# included.)
#Author-name-corporate 1=1005
#Author-name- 1006 A meeting of individuals or 111, 411, 711, 811
#conference representatives of various
# bodies for the purpose of
# discussing topics of common
# interest. (Differs from
# attribute "name-conference
# (3)" in that conference name
# subject headings are not
# included.)
#Author-name-conference 1=1006
#af Author-name-conference
#Author-name-personal 1004 A person's real name, 100, 400, 700, 800
# pseudonym, title of nobility
# nickname, or initials.
# (Differs from attribute
# "name-personal (1)" in that
# personal name subject headings
# are not included.)
#Author-name-personal 1=1004
#Author-Title-Subject 1036 An author or a title or a 1XX, 2XX, 4XX,
# subject. 6XX, 7XX, 8XX
# Note: When the Use attribute is Author-name-and-title (1000)
# the term contains both an author name and a title. When the
# Use attribute is Author-Title-Subject (1036), the term
# contains an author name or a title or a subject.
#Author-Title-Subject 1=1036
#Body of text 1010 Used in full-text searching to
# indicate that the term is to
# be searched only in that
# portion of the record that the
# target considers the body of
# the text, as opposed to some
# other discriminated part such
# as a headline, title, or
# abstract.
#Body-of-text 1=1010
#Classification-Bliss 15 A classification number from
# the Bliss Classification,
# developed by Henry Evelyn
# Bliss.
#Bliss-classification 1=15
#Classification-Dewey 13 A classification number from 082
# the Dewey Decimal
# Classification, developed by
# Melvyl Dewey.
#Dewey-classification 1=13
#Classification- 50 A classification number 086
#government-publication assigned to a government
# document by a government
# agency at any level (e.g.,
# state, national,
# international).
#Number-govt-pub 1=50
#Classification-LC 16 A classification number from 050
# the US Library of Congress
# Classification.
#LC-call-number 1=16
#Classification-local 20 A local classification
# number from a system not
# specified elsewhere in this
# list of attributes.
Local-classification 4=1 1=20
lcn Local-classification
callnum Local-classification
#Local-classification cc callnum dewey
#Classification-NAL 18 A classification number from 070
# the US National Agriculture
# Library Classification.
#NAL-call-number 1=18
#Classification-NLM 17 A classification number from 060
# the US National Library of
# Medicine Classification.
#NLM-call-number 1=17
#Classification-MOS 19 A classification number from
# Mathematics Subject
# Classification, compiled
# in the Editorial Offices of
# Mathematical Reviews and
# Zentralblatt fur Mathematik.
#MOS-call-number 1=19
#Classification-UDC 14 A classification number from 080
# Universal Decimal
# Classification, a system based
# on the Dewey Decimal
# Classification.
#UDC-classification 1=14
#Code-bib-level 1021 A one-character alphabetic Leader/07
# code indicating the
# bibliographic level such as
# monograph, serial or collection
# of the record.
#Bib-level 1=1021
#Code-geographic-area 55 A code that indicates the 043
# geographic area(s) that appear
# or are implied in the headings
# assigned to the item during
# cataloging.
#Code-geographic 1=55
#Code-geographic- 1022 A code that represents the 052
#class geographic area and if
# applicable the geographic
# subarea covered by an item.
# The codes are derived from
# the LC Classification-Class G
# and the expanded Cutter number
# list.
#Geographic-class 1=1022
#Code-institution 56 An authoritative-agency 040, 852$a
# symbol for an institution
# that is the source of the
# record or the holding
# location. The code space is
# defined by the target.
#Code-institution 1=56
#Code-language 54 A code that indicates the 008/35-37, 041
# language of the item.
# The codes are defined by the
# target.
language 1=54
ln language
#Code-map-scale 1024 Coded form of cartographic 034
# mathematical data, including
# scale, projection and/or
# coordinates related to the
# item.
#Map-scale 1=1024
#Code-microform- 61 The code specifying the 007/11
#generation generation of a microform.
#Microform-generation 1=61
#material-designation Microform-generation
#Code-record-type 1001 A code that specifies the Leader/06
# characteristics and defines
# the components of the record.
# The codes are target-specific.
Record-type 1=1001
rtype Record-type
mc-rtype Record-type
mus 1=1001
#Concept-reference 1015 Used within Z39.50-1988;
# included here for historical
# reasons but its use is
# deprecated.
#Concept-reference 1=1015
#Concept-text 1014 Used within Z39.50-1988;
# included here for historical
# reasons but its use is
# deprecated.
#Concept-text 1=1014
#Content-type 1034 The type of materials derived value
# contained in the item or from 008/24-27
# publication. For example:
# review, catalog, encyclopedia,
# directory.
Content-type 1=1034 t=b
ctype Content-type
#Control number-BNB 10 Character string that uniquely 015
# identifies a record in the
# British National Bibliography.
#BNB-card-number 1=10
#Control number-BNF 11 Character string that uniquely 015
# identifies a record in the
# Bibliotheque Nationale Francais.
#BGF-number 1=11
#Control number-DB 52 Character string that uniquely 015
# identifies a record in the
# Deutsche Bibliothek.
#Number-db 1=52
#Control number-LC 9 Character string that uniquely 010, 011
# identifies a record in the
# Library of Congress database.
#LC-card-number 1=9
#lc-card LC-card-number
#Control number-local 12 Character string that uniquely 001, 035
# identifies a record in a local
# system (i.e., any system that
# is not one of the four listed
# above).
Local-number 1=12
#Date 30 The point of time at which 005, 008/00-05,
# a transaction or event 008/07-10, 260$c,
# takes place. 008/11-14, 033,etc.
Date 1=30 4=109 r=r
#yr Date
#Date-publication 31 The date (usually year) in 008/07-10, 260$c
# which a document is published. 046, 533$d
Date-of-publication 1=31 4=109 r=r
#dp Date-of-publication
yr Date-of-publication
#Date-acquisition 32 The date when a document was 541$d
# acquired.
Date-of-acquisition 1=32
acqdate Date-of-acquisition
#da Date-of-acquisition
#Date/time added to 1011 The date and time that a 008/00-05
#database record was added to the
# database.
#Date-time-added-to-db 1=1011
#Date/time last 1012 The date and time a record 005
#modified was last updated.
#Date-time-last-modified 1=1012
#Identifier-- 1013 Used in full-text searching
#authority/format to indicate to the target
# system the format of the
# document that should be
# returned to the originating
# system. The attribute carries
# not only the format code, but
# also the authority (e.g.,
# system) that assigned that
# code.
#Authority/format-id 1=1013
#Identifier-CODEN 60 A six-character, unique, 030
# alphanumeric code assigned
# to serial and monographic
# publications by the CODEN
# section of the Chemical
# Abstracts Service.
#CODEN 1=60
#Identifier-document 1032 An identifier or Doc-ID,
# assigned by a server, that
# uniquely identifies a document
# on that server. May or may
# not be persistent. May be,
# for example, a URL.
# Note: this definition was modified October 1997.
#Doc-id 1=1032
#Identifier-ISBN 7 International Standard Book 020
# Number -- internationally
# agreed upon number that
# identifies a book uniquely.
# Cf. ANSI/NISO Z39.21 and
# ISO 2108.
ISBN 1=7
#Identifier-ISSN 8 International Standard Serial 022, 4XX$x,
# Number -- internationally 7XX$x
# agreed upon number that
# identifies a serial uniquely.
# Cf. ANSI/NISO z39.9 and
# ISO 3297.
ISSN 1=8
#Identifier-legal- 49 The copyright registration 017
#deposit number that is assigned to
# an item when the item is
# deposited for copyright.
#Number-legal-deposit 1=49
#Identifier-local-call 53 Call number (e.g., shelf location)
# assigned by a local system
# (not a classification number).
#Number-local-call 1=53
#Identifier-national- 48 Character string that uniquely 015
#bibliography identifies a record in a
# national bibliography.
#Number-natl-biblio 1=48
#Identifier-publisher- 51 A formatted number assigned 028
#for-music by a publisher to a sound
# recording or to printed music.
#Number-music-publisher 1=51
#Identifier-report 1027 A report number assigned to 027, 088
# the item. This number could be
# the STRN (Standard Technical
# Report Number) or another
# report number.
# Cf. ANSI/NISO Z39.23 and
# ISO 10444.
#Report-number 1=1027
#Identifier-standard 1007 Standard numbers such as ISBN, 010, 011, 015, 017,
# ISSN, music publishers 018, 020, 022, 023,
# numbers, CODEN, etc., that 024, 025, 027, 028,
# are indexed together in many 030, 035, 037
# online public-access catalogs.
#Identifier-standard 1=1007 4=6
Local-number 1=12
#sn Identifier-standard
sn Local-number
#Identifier-stock 1028 A stock number that could be 037
# used for ordering the item.
Stock-number 1=1028
bc Stock-number
#Identifier-thematic 1030 The numeric designation for a $n in the following:
# part/section of a work such as 130, 240, 243, 630,
# the serial, opus or thematic 700, 730
# index number.
#Thematic-number 1=1030
#Indexed-by 1023 For serials, a publication 510
# in which the serial has been
# indexed and/or abstracted.
#Indexed-by 1=1023
#Material-type 1031 A free-form string, more derived value from
# specific than the one-letter Leader/06-07, 007,
# code in Leader/06, that 008, and 502
# describes the material type
# of the item, e.g., cassette,
# kit, computer database,
# computer file.
Material-type 1=1031
#itemtype Material-type
#collection Material-type
collection-code Material-type
mt Material-type
mc-collection Material-type
#dt-lh Material-type
#Music-key 1025 A statement of the key in $r in the following:
# which the music is written. 130, 240, 243, 630,
# 700, 730
#Music-key 1=1025
#Name 1002 The name of a person, corporate 100, 110, 111, 400,
# body, conference, or meeting. 410, 411, 600, 610,
# (Subject name headings are 611, 700, 710, 711,
# included.) 800, 810, 811
#Name 1=1002
#Name-and-title 57 The name of a person, corporate 100/2XX, 110/2XX,
# body, conference, or meeting, 111/2XX, subfields
# and the title of an item. $a & $t in
# (Subject name headings are following: 400,410,
# included.) The syntax of the 411, 600, 610, 611,
# name-title combination is up 700, 710, 711, 800,
# to the target, unless used 810, 811
# with the Structure attribute
# Key (see below).
#Name-and-title 1=57
#Name-corporate 2 An organization or a group 110, 410, 610, 710,
# of persons that is identified 810
# by a particular name. (Subject
# name headings are included.)
#Corporate-name 1=2
#cpn Corporate-name
#Name-conference 3 A meeting of individuals or 111, 411, 611, 711
# representatives of various 811
# bodies for the purpose of
# discussing topics of common
# interest. (Subject name
# headings are included.)
#Conference-name 1=3
#cfn Conference-name
#Name-editor 1020 A person who prepared for 100 $a or 700 $a when
# publication an item that is the corresponding $e
# not his or her own. contains value 'ed.'
#Editor 1=1020
#Name-geographic 58 Name of a country, 651
# jurisdiction, region, or
# geographic feature.
#Name-geographic 1=58
#Name-geographic-place- 59 City or town where an item 008/15-17, 260$a
#publication was published.
#Name-personal 1 A person's real name, 100, 400, 600, 700,
# pseudonym, title of nobility 800
# nickname, or initials.
#Personal-name 1=1
#pn Personal-name
#Name-publisher 1018 The organization responsible 260$b
# for the publication of the
# item.
Publisher 1=1018
pb Publisher
#Note 63 A concise statement in which 5XX
# such information as extended
# physical description,
# relationship to other works,
# or contents may be recorded.
Note 1=63
nt Note
#Record-source 1019 The USMARC code or name of the 008/39, 040
# organization(s) that created
# the original record, assigned
# the USMARC content designation
# and transcribed the record into
# machine-readable form, or
# modified the existing USMARC
# record; the cataloging source.
#Record-source 1=1019
#Server-choice 1017 The target substitutes one or
# more access points. The origin
# leaves the choice to the target.
# Notes on relationship of Any and Server-choice:
# (1) When the origin uses 'Server-choice' it is asking the target
# to select one or more access points, and to use its best
# judgment in making that selection. When 'Any' is used,
# there is no selection process involved; the target is to
# apply all of the (appropriate) supported Use attributes.
# The origin is asking the target to make a choice of access
# points.
# (2) The target might support 'Any' and not 'Server-choice', or
# vice versa, or both. If the target supports both, when the
# origin uses 'Server-choice', the target might choose 'Any';
# however, it might choose any other Use attribute.
#Server-choice 1=1017
#Subject 21 The primary topic on which a 600, 610, 611, 630,
# work is focused. 650, 651, 653, 654,
# 655, 656, 657, 69X
Subject 1=21
su Subject
su-to Subject
su-geo Subject
su-ut Subject
#Subject-BDI 23 Subject headings from
# Bibliotek Dokumentasjon
# Informasjon -- a controlled
# subject vocabulary used and
# maintained by the five Nordic
# countries (Denmark, Finland,
# Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).
#BDI-index-subject 1=23
#Subject-INSPEC 24 Subject headings from 600i2, 610i2,
# Information Services for the 611i2, 630i2,
# Physics and Engineering 650i2, 651i2
# Communities -- the Information
# Services Division of the
# Institution of Electrical
# Engineers.
#INSPEC-subject 1=24
#Subject-LC 27 Subject headings from 600i0, 610i0,
# US Library of Congress 611i0, 630i0,
# Subject Headings. 650i0, 651i0
#LC-subject-heading 1=27
#Subject-LC- 1008 Subject headings, for use 600i1, 610i1,
#children's with children's literature, 611i1, 630i1,
# that conform to the 650i1, 651i1
# formulation guidelines in
# the "AC Subject Headings"
# section of the Library of
# Congress Subject Headings.
#Subject-LC-childrens 1=1008
#Subject-local 29 Subjects headings defined
# locally.
#Local-subject-index 1=29
#Subject-MESH 25 Subject headings from 600i2, 610i2,
# Medical Subject Headings -- 611i2, 630i2,
# maintained by the US National 650i2, 651i2
# Library of Medicine.
#MESH-subject 1=25
#Subject-name- 1009 A person's real name, 600
#personal pseudonym, title of nobility
# nickname, or initials that
# appears in a subject heading.
Subject-name-personal 1=1009
su-na 1=1009
#Subject-PA 26 Subject headings from 600i2, 610i2,
# Thesaurus of Psychological 611i2, 630i2,
# Index Terms -- maintained 650i2, 651i2
# by the Retrieval Services Unit
# of the American Psychological
# Association.
#PA-subject 1=26
#Subject-PRECIS 45 Subject headings from
# PREserved Context Index
# System -- a string of indexing
# terms set down in a prescribed
# order, each term being preceded
# by a manipulation code which
# governs the production of
# pre-coordinated subject index
# entries under selected terms --
# maintained by the British
# Library.
#Subject-precis 1=45
#Subject-RAMEAU 22 Subject headings from
# Repertoire d'authorite de
# matieres encyclopedique
# unifie -- maintained by the
# Bibliotheque Nationale
# (France).
#Subject-Rameau 1=22
#Subject-RSWK 46 Subject headings from
# Regeln fur den
# Schlagwortkatalog --
# maintained by the Deutsches
# Bibliotheksinstitut.
#Subject-rswk 1=46
#Subject-RVM 28 Subject headings from 600i6, 610i6,
# Repertoire des vedettes- 611i6, 630i6,
# matiere -- maintained by the 650i6, 651i6
# Bibliotheque de l'Universite
# de Laval.
#RVM-subject-heading 1=28
#Subject-subdivision 47 An extension to a subject 6XX$x, 6XX$y,
# heading indicating the form, 6XX$z
# place, period of time treated,
# or aspect of the subject
# treated.
#Subject-subdivision 1=47
#Title 4 A word, phrase, character, 130, 21X-24X, 440,
# or group of characters, 490, 730, 740, 830,
# normally appearing in an item, 840, subfield $t
# that names the item or the in the following:
# work contained in it. 400, 410, 410, 600,
# 610, 611, 700, 710,
# 711, 800, 810, 811
Title 1=4
#5=1 1=4 s=pw
ti Title
#Title-abbreviated 43 Shortened form of the title; 210, 211 (obs.),
# either assigned by national 246
# centers under the auspices of
# the International Serials Data
# System, or a title (such as an
# acronym) that is popularly
# associated with the item.
#Title-abbreviated 1=43
#Title-added-title-page 37 A title on a title page 246i5
# preceding or following the
# title page chosen as the basis
# for the description of the
# item. It may be more general
# (e.g., a series title page),
# or equally general (e.g., a
# title page in another
# language).
#Title-added-title-page 1=37
#Title-caption 38 A title given at the beginning 246i6
# of the first page of the text.
#Title-caption 1=38
#Title-collective 34 A title proper that is an 243
# inclusive title for an item
# containing several works.
#Title-collective 1=34
#Title-cover 36 The title printed on the 246i4
# cover of an item as issued.
Title-cover 1=36
#Title-expanded 44 An expanded (or augmented) 214 (obs.), 246
# title has been enlarged with
# descriptive words by the
# cataloger to provide
# additional indexing and
# searching capabilities.
#Title-expanded 1=44
#Title-former 42 A former title or title 247, 780
# variation when one
# bibliographic record
# represents all issues of
# a serial that has changed
# title.
#Title-former 1=42
#Title-host-item 1033 The title of the item 773$t
# containing the part
# described in the record, for
# example, a journal title
# when the record describes an
# article in the journal.
Host-item 1=1033
#Title-key 33 The unique name assigned to 222
# a serial by the International
# Serials Data System (ISDS).
#Title-key 1=33
#Title-other-variant 41 A variation from the title 212 (obs.), 246i3,
# page title appearing elsewhere 247, 740
# in the item (e.g., a variant
# cover title, caption title,
# running title, or title from
# another volume) or in another
# issue.
#Title-other-variant 1=41
#Title-parallel 35 The title proper in another 246i1
# language and/or script.
#Title-parallel 1=35
#Title-related- 1026 Serial titles related to this 247, 780, 785
#periodical item, either the immediate
# predecessor or the immediate
# successor.
#Related-periodical 1=1026
#Title-running 39 A title, or abbreviated title, 246i7
# that is repeated at the head
# or foot of each page or leaf.
#Title-running 1=39
#Title-series 5 Collective title applying to 440, 490, 830, 840,
# a group of separate, but subfield $t in the
# related, items. following: 400,410,
# 411, 800, 810, 811
Title-series 1=5
#series Title-series
se Title-series
#Title-spine 40 A title appearing on the 246i8
# spine of an item.
#Title-spine 1=40
#Title-uniform 6 The particular title by which 130, 240, 730,
# a work is to be identified subfield $t in the
# for cataloging purposes. following: 700,710,
# 711
Title-uniform 1=6
ut Title-uniform
#Authority-Number Koha-Auth-Number The Number
# for an authority to be searched subfield $9 in the
# for cataloging purposes. following: 700,701,702,710,
# 711,712 and some 6XX fields (Unimarc)
Authority-Number 1=8910
an Authority-Number
Koha-Auth-Number Authority-Number
#Authority/format-id authtypecode The Code
# associated to an authority type
# 152$b in authority records
Authority/format-id 1=Authority/format-id
at Authority/format-id
#Heading-Entity Information for Heading in an
# authority record
# usually 2.. fields
Heading-Entity 1=Heading-Entity
he Heading-Entity
lt 2=1
le 2=2
eq 2=3
ge 2=4
ne 2=5
phonetic 2=6
stem 2=100
relevance 2=102
rk 2=102
rank relevance
AlwaysMatches 2=103
Within 2=104
first-in-field 3=1
# we have to fake startswith until zebra supports it
# starts with if we want no truncation ... need to ad 'term #'
# finds 'starts with it' but not italian
# see http://lists.indexdata.dk/pipermail/yazlist/2006-July/001664.html
startswithnt 3=1 5=101 6=3
# starts with with truncation
first-in-subfield 3=2
any-position-in-field 3=3
st-phrase 4=1
phr st-phrase
st-word 4=2
st-key 4=3
st-year 4=4
st-date-normalized 4=5
st-word-list 4=6
wrdl 4=6
# there was a reason I didn't want to use this but it's
# escaped me -- JF
wrd 4=6
st-date-un-normalized 4=100
st-name-normalized 4=101
st-name-un-normalized 4=102
st-structure 4=103
st-urx 4=104
st-free-form-text 4=105
st-document-text 4=106
st-local number 4=107
st-string 4=108
st-numeric 4=109
#string 109
right-Truncation 5=1
rt right-Truncation
left-Truncation 5=2
left-and-right 5=3
do-not-truncate 5=100
process-in-search-term 5=101
regExpr-1 5=102
fuzzy 5=103
regExpr-2 5=103
Z39-58 5=104
incomplete-subfield 6=1
complete-subfield 6=2
complete-field 6=3
ext 4=1 6=3
#ln 1=8805
#language 1=8805
#Musical Composition
# Publisher Location
Place-publication 1=59
pl Place-publication
#pl 1=59
# Extent
Extent 1=8001
#Summary 1=8002
#att 8900
#Call-Number 1=8900
#date-entered-on-file 1=8800
#date1 1=8801
#date2 1=8802
#language 8805
ff8-22 1=8822
ff8-23 1=8823
ff8-34 1=8834
#att 8700 ff7-00
#att 8701 ff7-01
#att 8702 ff7-02
#att 9520 withdrawn
#att 9521 lost
lost 1=9521 4=109
#att 9522 onloan
############## SUBJECT-RELATED
# Topical Term
# Descriptor
# Genre/Form
# Geographic Coverage
## Additional Author distinctions needed for field weighting
# lastname,firstname entry in $100$a
Author-personal-bibliography 1=8900
aub Author-personal-bibliography
# Author-in-order - firstname lastname in 245$c statement of responsibility
Author-in-order 1=8901
auo Author-in-order
audience 1=8822
aud audience
# CONTENT and Literary form
fiction 1=8833
fic fiction
#mystery 1=
biography 1=8834
bio biography
format 1=8823
# format limit
l-format 1=8703
#fmt format
# BRANCH (of local library)
branch 1=1033
# Item Type
# Year limit
#yr 1=8801 4=109 r=r
onloan 1=9522
datedue 1=9522
popularity 1=9523
# Material Category
mc 1=8700
dt-bks 1=8700
dt-vis 1=8700
dt-sr 1=8700
dt-cf 1=8700
dt-map 1=8700
# Rank Weights
r1 9=32
r2 9=28
r3 9=26
r4 9=10
r5 9=22
r6 9=20
r7 9=18
r8 9=16
r9 9=14
# Sorting
title-sort-za 7=2 1=36
title-sort-az 7=1 1=36
# Truncation characters (it seems to take multiple arguments)
@truncation ? *
# field specifies how multiple fields are to be combined.
# There are two modes: or: multiple qualifier fields are
# ORed, merge: attributes for the qualifier fields are
# merged and assigned to one term.
@field merge
# case specificies if CCL operatores and qualifiers
# should be compared with case sensitivity or not.
# Specify 0 for case sensitive; 1 for case insensitive.
@case 0
# Tokens for CCL operators (it seems you can assign multiple tokens per operator which is nice)
@and and +
@or or |
# make sure - doesn't conflict with another usage of this token
@not not
@set set
# Not sure if you can specify tokens for prox operators, but here are the defaults
# proximity of a, b - distance n - any order:
# a %n b
# proximity of a, b - distance n - in order:
# a !n b
# Integer n may be omitted - in which case distance is 1.
# Rules for a few GILS fields
#north gils-attset,u=2040 r=o
#south gils-attset,u=2041 r=o
#east gils-attset,u=2038 r=o
#west gils-attest,u=2039 r=o
#distributor gils-attset,u=2000 s=pw
#distributorname gils-attset,u=2001 s=pw
# Explain fields
ExplainCategory exp1,1=1
HumanStringLanguage exp1,1=2
DatabaseName exp1,1=3
TargetName exp1,1=4
AttributeSetOID exp1,1=5
RecordSyntaxOID exp1,1=6
TagSetOID exp1,1=7
ExtededServiceOID exp1,1=8
DateAdded exp1,1=9
DateChanged exp1,1=10
DateExpires exp1,1=11
ElementSetName exp1,1=12