This new system preference (in OPAC Features) allows libraries to turn off reviewer photos entirely if they want to. The default is for these photos to be shown. Note that this setting is linked to ShowReviewer in that both of them need to be turned ON for the avatars to be displayed. Signed-off-by: Francois Marier <francois@debian.org> Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
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- Use the
- pref: opacthemes
choices: opac-templates
- theme on the OPAC.
- "The OPAC is located at http://"
- pref: OPACBaseURL
class: url
- . (This must be filled in correctly for RSS, unAPI, and search plugins to work.)
- Show
- pref: LibraryName
class: long
- as the name of the library on the OPAC.
- pref: OpacPublic
yes: Enable
no: Disable
- "Koha OPAC as public. Private OPAC requires authentification before accessing the OPAC."
- pref: OpacMaintenance
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "a warning that the OPAC is under maintenance, instead of the OPAC itself. Note: this shows the same warning as when the database needs to be upgraded, but unconditionally."
- By default, show bib records
- pref: BiblioDefaultView
normal: in simple form.
marc: in their MARC form.
isbd: as specified in the ISBD template.
- When patrons click on a link to another website from your OPAC (like Amazon or OCLC),
- pref: OPACURLOpenInNewWindow
yes: do
no: "don't"
- open the website in a new window.
- pref: hidelostitems
yes: "Don't show"
no: Show
- lost items on search and detail pages.
- Show biblio records on OPAC result page
- pref: OPACXSLTResultsDisplay
yes: using XSLT stylesheets.
no: normally.
- Show item details pages on the OPAC
- pref: OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay
yes: using XSLT stylesheets.
no: normally.
- On pages displayed with XSLT stylesheets on the OPAC,
- pref: DisplayOPACiconsXSLT
yes: show
no: "don't show"
- icons for itemtype and authorized values.
- pref: COinSinOPACResults
yes: Include
no: "Don't include"
- "COinS / OpenURL / Z39.88 in OPAC search results. <br/>Warning: Enabling this feature will slow OPAC search response times."
- pref: OPACDisplayRequestPriority
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- patrons the priority level of their holds in the OPAC.
- pref: OPACShowCheckoutName
default: 0
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- the name of the patron that has an item checked out on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: OpacHighlightedWords
yes: Highlight
no: "Don't highlight"
- words the patron searched for in their search results.
- pref: AuthorisedValueImages
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- images for <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl">authorized values</a> (such as lost statuses and locations) in search results and item detail pages on the OPAC.
- Use the image at
- pref: opacsmallimage
class: url
- in the OPAC header, instead of the Koha logo. If this image is a different size than the Koha logo, you will need to customize the CSS. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>.)
- Use the image at
- pref: OpacFavicon
class: url
- for the OPAC's favicon. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>.)
- "Include the following JavaScript on all pages in the OPAC:"
- pref: opacuserjs
type: textarea
class: code
- Include the additional CSS stylesheet
- pref: opaccolorstylesheet
class: file
- to override specified settings from the default stylesheet. Enter the filename (if the file is in the server's css directory) or a complete URL beginning with <code>http://</code> (if the file lives on a remote server). Leave blank to disable.
- Use the CSS stylesheet <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="opacthemelang" -->/css/
- pref: opaclayoutstylesheet
class: file
- on all pages in the OPAC, instead of the default (leave blank to disable).
- Use the remote CSS stylesheet
- pref: opacstylesheet
class: file
- on all pages in the OPAC, instead of the default. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>.)
- "Include the following CSS on all pages in the OPAC:"
- pref: OPACUserCSS
type: textarea
class: code
- "Show the following HTML in its own column on the main page of the OPAC:"
- pref: OpacMainUserBlock
type: textarea
class: code
- "Show the following HTML on the left hand column of the main page and patron account on the OPAC (generally navigation links):"
- pref: OpacNav
type: textarea
class: code
- "Include the following HTML in the header of all pages in the OPAC:"
- pref: opacheader
type: textarea
class: code
- "Include the following HTML in the footer of all pages in the OPAC:"
- pref: opaccredits
type: textarea
class: code
- 'Include a "More Searches" box on the detail pages of items on the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable):'
- '<br />Note: The placeholders {BIBLIONUMBER}, {CONTROLNUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record.'
- pref: OPACSearchForTitleIn
type: textarea
class: code
- 'Include a "Links" column on the "my summary" tab when a user is logged in to the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable):'
- '<br />Note: The placeholders {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record.'
- pref: OPACMySummaryHTML
type: textarea
class: code
- pref: OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- a library select pulldown menu on the OPAC masthead.
- 'Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC:'
- pref: OPACNoResultsFound
type: textarea
class: code
- 'Display the URI in the 856u field as an image on: '
- pref: OPACDisplay856uAsImage
OFF: "Neither Details or Results pages"
Details: "Details page only"
Results: "Results page only"
Both: "Both Details and Results pages"
- 'Note: The corresponding OPACXSLT option must be turned on.'
- pref: opacuserlogin
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to log in to their accounts on the OPAC.
- pref: OpacPasswordChange
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to change their own password on the OPAC. Note that this must be off to use LDAP authentication.
- pref: OPACPatronDetails
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to notify the library of changes to their contact information from the OPAC.
- pref: OPACFinesTab
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to access the Fines tab on the My Account page on the OPAC.
- pref: OpacBrowser
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to browse subject authorities on OPAC (run misc/cronjobs/build_browser_and_cloud.pl to create the browser list)
- pref: OpacAuthorities
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to search your authority records.
- pref: opacbookbag
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to store items in a temporary "Cart" on the OPAC.
- pref: OpacTopissue
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to access a list of the most checked out items on the OPAC. Note that this is somewhat experimental, and should be avoided if your collection has a large number of items.
- pref: suggestion
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to make purchase suggestions on the OPAC.
- pref: reviewson
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to make comments on items on the OPAC.
- pref: ShowReviewer
yes: Show
no: Hide
- reviewer's name above comments in OPAC.
- pref: ShowReviewerPhoto
yes: Show
no: Hide
- reviewer's photo beside comments in OPAC.
- pref: RequestOnOpac
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to place holds on items from the OPAC.
- Display
- pref: numSearchRSSResults
class: long
- search results in the RSS feed.
- pref: singleBranchMode
default: 0
yes: "Don't allow"
no: Allow
- patrons to select their branch on the OPAC.
- pref: SearchMyLibraryFirst
yes: Limit
no: "Don't limit"
- "patrons' searches to the library they are registered at."
# -
# This system preference does not actually affect anything
# - pref: OpacBrowser
# choices:
# yes: Show
# no: "Don't show"
# - a subject browser on the OPAC (generated using <code>misc/cronjobs/build_browser_and_cloud.pl</code>).
# -
# opac-tags_subject.pl is the only script affected by this, and it is not linked to by any other page
# - pref: OpacCloud
# choices:
# - If ON, enables subject cloud on OPAC
- pref: OPACItemHolds
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to place holds on specific items in the OPAC. If this is disabled, users can only put a hold on the next available item.
- pref: OpacRenewalAllowed
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to renew their own books on the OPAC.
- Use
- pref: OpacRenewalBranch
itemhomebranch: "The Items' home branch"
patronhomebranch: "The Patrons' home branch"
checkoutbranch: "The branch the item was checked out from"
null: "NULL"
opacrenew: "OPACRenew"
- as branchcode to store in the statistics table
- Only allow patrons to renew their own books on the OPAC if they have less than
- pref: OPACFineNoRenewals
class: currency
- '[% local_currency %] in fines (leave blank to disable).'
- pref: OPACViewOthersSuggestions
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- purchase suggestions from other patrons on the OPAC.
- pref: AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice
default: 0
no: "Don't allow"
yes: Allow
- patrons to select branch when making a purchase suggestion
- pref: OpacHiddenItems
type: textarea
class: code
- Allows to define custom rules for hiding specific items at opac. See docs/opac/OpacHiddenItems.txt for more informations.
- pref: AnonSuggestions
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "patrons that aren't logged in to make purchase suggestions. Suggestions are connected to the AnonymousPatron syspref"
- pref: opacreadinghistory
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to see what books they have checked out in the past.
- pref: EnableOpacSearchHistory
default: 0
yes: Keep
no: "Don't keep"
- patron search history in the OPAC.
- pref: OPACPrivacy
default: 0
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to choose their own privacy settings for their reading history. This requires opacreadinghistory and AnonymousPatron
- Use borrowernumber
- pref: AnonymousPatron
class: integer
- as the Anonymous Patron (for anonymous suggestions and reading history)
Shelf Browser:
- pref: OPACShelfBrowser
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "a shelf browser on item details pages, allowing patrons to see what's near that item on the shelf. Note that this uses up a fairly large amount of resources on your server, and should be avoided if your collection has a large number of items."
- pref: ShelfBrowserUsesLocation
default: 1
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- "the item location when finding items for the shelf browser."
- pref: ShelfBrowserUsesHomeBranch
default: 1
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- "the item home branch when finding items for the shelf browser."
- pref: ShelfBrowserUsesCcode
default: 0
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- "the item collection code when finding items for the shelf browser."