Marcel de Rooy a334fec190 7368 Followup for indentation in VirtualShelves.pm
Corrects some further indentation issues, removes last tab from file.
Related to report 7310.

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
2012-04-06 16:01:38 +02:00

702 lines
23 KiB

package C4::VirtualShelves;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Debug;
use constant SHELVES_MASTHEAD_MAX => 10; #number under Lists button in masthead
use constant SHELVES_COMBO_MAX => 10; #add to combo in search
use constant SHELVES_MGRPAGE_MAX => 20; #managing page
use constant SHELVES_POPUP_MAX => 40; #addbybiblio popup
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 3.02;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
&GetShelves &GetShelfContents &GetShelf
&AddToShelf &AddShelf
&DelFromShelf &DelShelf
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
&GetAllShelves &ShelvesMax
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
=head1 NAME
C4::VirtualShelves - Functions for manipulating Koha virtual shelves
use C4::VirtualShelves;
This module provides functions for manipulating virtual shelves,
including creating and deleting virtual shelves, and adding and removing
bibs to and from virtual shelves.
=head2 GetShelves
($shelflist, $totshelves) = &GetShelves($category, $row_count, $offset, $owner);
($shelfnumber, $shelfhash) = each %{$shelflist};
Returns the number of shelves specified by C<$row_count> and C<$offset> as well as the total
number of shelves that meet the C<$owner> and C<$category> criteria. C<$category>,
C<$row_count>, and C<$offset> are required. C<$owner> must be supplied when C<$category> == 1.
When C<$category> is 2, supply undef as argument for C<$owner>.
This function is used by shelfpage in VirtualShelves/Page.pm when listing all shelves for lists management in opac or staff client. Order is by shelfname.
C<$shelflist>is a reference-to-hash. The keys are the virtualshelves numbers (C<$shelfnumber>, above),
and the values (C<$shelfhash>, above) are themselves references-to-hash, with the following keys:
=item C<$shelfhash-E<gt>{shelfname}>
A string. The name of the shelf.
=item C<$shelfhash-E<gt>{count}>
The number of virtuals on that virtualshelves.
sub GetShelves {
my ($category, $row_count, $offset, $owner) = @_;
my @params;
my $total = _shelf_count($owner, $category);
my $query = qq{
SELECT vs.shelfnumber, vs.shelfname,vs.owner,
count(vc.biblionumber) as count
FROM virtualshelves vs
LEFT JOIN borrowers bo ON vs.owner=bo.borrowernumber
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfcontents vc USING (shelfnumber) };
if($category==1) {
$query.= qq{
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh ON sh.shelfnumber=vs.shelfnumber
AND sh.borrowernumber=?
WHERE category=1 AND (vs.owner=? OR sh.borrowernumber=?) };
@params= ($owner, $owner, $owner, $offset||0, $row_count);
else {
$query.= 'WHERE category=2 ';
@params= ($offset||0, $row_count);
$query.= qq{
GROUP BY vs.shelfnumber
ORDER BY vs.shelfname
LIMIT ?, ?};
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query);
my %shelflist;
while( my ($shelfnumber, $shelfname, $owner, $surname, $firstname, $category, $sortfield, $count)= $sth2->fetchrow) {
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'shelfname'} = $shelfname;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'count'} = $count;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'single'} = $count==1;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'sortfield'} = $sortfield;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'category'} = $category;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'owner'} = $owner;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'surname'} = $surname;
$shelflist{$shelfnumber}->{'firstname'} = $firstname;
return ( \%shelflist, $total );
=head2 GetAllShelves
$shelflist = GetAllShelves($category, $owner)
This function returns a reference to an array of hashrefs containing all shelves
sorted by the shelf name.
This function is intended to return a dataset reflecting all the shelves for
the submitted parameters.
sub GetAllShelves {
my ($category,$owner,$adding_allowed) = @_;
my @params;
my $query = 'SELECT vs.* FROM virtualshelves vs ';
if($category==1) {
$query.= qq{
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh ON sh.shelfnumber=vs.shelfnumber
AND sh.borrowernumber=?
WHERE category=1 AND (vs.owner=? OR sh.borrowernumber=?) };
@params = ($owner, $owner, $owner);
else {
$query.='WHERE category=2 ';
@params = ();
$query.='AND (allow_add=1 OR owner=?) ' if $adding_allowed;
push @params, $owner if $adding_allowed;
$query.= 'ORDER BY shelfname ASC';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
=head2 GetSomeShelfNames
Returns shelf names and numbers for Add to combo of search results and Lists button of OPAC header.
sub GetSomeShelfNames {
my ($owner, $purpose, $adding_allowed)= @_;
my ($bar, $pub, @params);
my $bquery = 'SELECT vs.shelfnumber, vs.shelfname FROM virtualshelves vs ';
my $limit= ShelvesMax($purpose);
my $qry1= $bquery."WHERE vs.category=2 ";
$qry1.= "AND (allow_add=1 OR owner=?) " if $adding_allowed;
push @params, $owner||0 if $adding_allowed;
$qry1.= "ORDER BY vs.lastmodified DESC LIMIT $limit";
unless($adding_allowed && (!defined($owner) || $owner<=0)) {
#if adding items, user should be known
$pub= $dbh->selectall_arrayref($qry1,{Slice=>{}},@params);
if($owner) {
my $qry2= $bquery. qq{
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh ON sh.shelfnumber=vs.shelfnumber AND sh.borrowernumber=?
WHERE vs.category=1 AND (vs.owner=? OR sh.borrowernumber=?) };
$qry2.= "AND (allow_add=1 OR owner=?) " if $adding_allowed;
push @params, $owner if $adding_allowed;
$qry2.= "ORDER BY vs.lastmodified DESC ";
$qry2.= "LIMIT $limit";
$bar= $dbh->selectall_arrayref($qry2,{Slice=>{}},@params);
return ( { bartotal => $bar? scalar @$bar: 0, pubtotal => $pub? scalar @$pub: 0}, $pub, $bar);
=head2 GetShelf
(shelfnumber,shelfname,owner,category,sortfield) = &GetShelf($shelfnumber);
Looks up information about the contents of virtual virtualshelves number
Returns the database's information on 'virtualshelves' table.
sub GetShelf ($) {
my ($shelfnumber) = @_;
my $query = qq(
SELECT shelfnumber, shelfname, owner, category, sortfield
FROM virtualshelves
WHERE shelfnumber=?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->fetchrow;
=head2 GetShelfContents
$biblist = &GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
Looks up information about the contents of virtual virtualshelves number
C<$shelfnumber>. Sorted by a field in the biblio table. copyrightdate
gives a desc sort.
Returns a reference-to-array, whose elements are references-to-hash,
as returned by C<C4::Biblio::GetBiblioFromItemNumber>.
Note: the notforloan status comes from the itemtype, and where it equals 0
it does not ensure that related items.notforloan status is likewise 0. The
caller has to check any items on their own, possibly with CanBookBeIssued
from C4::Circulation.
sub GetShelfContents ($;$$$) {
my ($shelfnumber, $row_count, $offset, $sortfield) = @_;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh();
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM virtualshelfcontents WHERE shelfnumber = ?");
my $total = $sth1->fetchrow;
if(!$sortfield) {
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('SELECT sortfield FROM virtualshelves WHERE shelfnumber=?');
($sortfield) = $sth2->fetchrow_array;
my $query =
" SELECT vc.biblionumber, vc.shelfnumber, vc.dateadded, itemtypes.*,
biblio.*, biblioitems.itemtype, biblioitems.publicationyear as year, biblioitems.publishercode, biblioitems.place, biblioitems.size, biblioitems.pages
FROM virtualshelfcontents vc
LEFT JOIN biblio ON vc.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN itemtypes ON biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype
WHERE vc.shelfnumber=? ";
my @params = ($shelfnumber);
if($sortfield) {
$query .= " ORDER BY " . $sortfield;
$query .= " DESC " if ($sortfield eq 'copyrightdate');
$query .= " LIMIT ?, ? ";
push (@params, ($offset ? $offset : 0));
push (@params, $row_count);
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($query);
return ($sth3->fetchall_arrayref({}), $total);
# Like the perldoc says,
# returns reference-to-array, where each element is reference-to-hash of the row:
# like [ $sth->fetchrow_hashref(), $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ... ]
# Suitable for use in TMPL_LOOP.
# See http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.601/DBI.pm#fetchall_arrayref
# or newer, for your version of DBI.
=head2 AddShelf
$shelfnumber = &AddShelf($hashref, $owner);
Creates a new virtual shelf. Params passed in a hash like ModShelf.
Returns a code to know what's happen.
* -1 : if this virtualshelves already exists.
* $shelfnumber : if success.
sub AddShelf {
my ($hashref, $owner)= @_;
#initialize missing hash values to silence warnings
foreach('shelfname','category', 'sortfield', 'allow_add', 'allow_delete_own', 'allow_delete_other' ) {
$hashref->{$_}= exists $hashref->{$_}? $hashref->{$_}||'': '';
return -1 unless _CheckShelfName($hashref->{shelfname}, $hashref->{category}, $owner, 0);
my $query = qq(INSERT INTO virtualshelves
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?));
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$hashref->{allow_delete_other}||0 );
my $shelfnumber = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return $shelfnumber;
=head2 AddToShelf
&AddToShelf($biblionumber, $shelfnumber, $borrower);
Adds bib number C<$biblionumber> to virtual virtualshelves number
C<$shelfnumber>, unless that bib is already on that shelf.
sub AddToShelf {
my ($biblionumber, $shelfnumber, $borrowernumber) = @_;
return unless $biblionumber;
my $query = qq(
FROM virtualshelfcontents
WHERE shelfnumber=? AND biblionumber=?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $shelfnumber, $biblionumber );
($sth->rows) and return undef; # already on shelf
$query = qq(
INSERT INTO virtualshelfcontents
(shelfnumber, biblionumber, flags, borrowernumber)
VALUES (?, ?, 0, ?));
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $shelfnumber, $biblionumber, $borrowernumber);
$query = qq(UPDATE virtualshelves
WHERE shelfnumber = ?);
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $shelfnumber );
=head2 ModShelf
my $result= ModShelf($shelfnumber, $hashref)
Where $hashref->{column} = param
Modify the value into virtualshelves table with values given
from hashref, which each key of the hashref should be
the name of a column of virtualshelves.
Fields like shelfnumber or owner cannot be changed.
Returns 1 if the action seemed to be successful.
sub ModShelf {
my ($shelfnumber,$hashref) = @_;
my $query= "SELECT * FROM virtualshelves WHERE shelfnumber=?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $oldrecord= $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
return 0 unless $oldrecord; #not found?
#initialize missing hash values to silence warnings
foreach('shelfname','category', 'sortfield', 'allow_add', 'allow_delete_own', 'allow_delete_other' ) {
$hashref->{$_}= exists $hashref->{$_}? $hashref->{$_}||'': '';
#if name or category changes, the name should be tested
if($hashref->{shelfname} || $hashref->{category}) {
$oldrecord->{owner}, $shelfnumber )) {
return 0; #name check failed
#only the following fields from the hash may be changed
$query= "UPDATE virtualshelves SET shelfname=?, category=?, sortfield=?, allow_add=?, allow_delete_own=?, allow_delete_other=? WHERE shelfnumber=?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$shelfnumber );
return $@? 0: 1;
=head2 ShelfPossibleAction
ShelfPossibleAction($loggedinuser, $shelfnumber, $action);
$action can be "view", "add", "delete", "manage", "new_public", "new_private".
Note that add/delete here refers to adding/deleting entries from the list. Deleting the list itself falls under manage.
new_public and new_private refers to creating a new public or private list.
The distinction between deleting your own entries from the list or entries from
others is made in DelFromShelf.
Returns 1 if the user can do the $action in the $shelfnumber shelf.
Returns 0 otherwise.
sub ShelfPossibleAction {
my ( $user, $shelfnumber, $action ) = @_;
$action= 'view' unless $action;
$user=0 unless $user;
if($action =~ /^new/) { #no shelfnumber needed
if($action eq 'new_private') {
return $user>0;
elsif($action eq 'new_public') {
return $user>0 && C4::Context->preference('OpacAllowPublicListCreation');
return 0;
return 0 unless defined($shelfnumber);
my $query = qq/
SELECT IFNULL(owner,0) AS owner, category, allow_add, allow_delete_own, allow_delete_other, IFNULL(sh.borrowernumber,0) AS borrowernumber
FROM virtualshelves vs
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh ON sh.shelfnumber=vs.shelfnumber
AND sh.borrowernumber=?
WHERE vs.shelfnumber=?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($user, $shelfnumber);
my $shelf= $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
return 0 unless $shelf && ($shelf->{category}==2 || $shelf->{owner}==$user || $shelf->{borrowernumber}==$user);
if($action eq 'view') {
#already handled in the above condition
return 1;
elsif($action eq 'add') {
return 0 if $user<=0; #should be logged in
return 1 if $shelf->{allow_add}==1 || $shelf->{owner}==$user;
#owner may always add
elsif($action eq 'delete') {
#this answer is just diplomatic: it says that you may be able to delete
#some items from that shelf
#it does not answer the question about a specific biblio
#DelFromShelf checks the situation per biblio
return 1 if $user>0 && ($shelf->{allow_delete_own}==1 || $shelf->{allow_delete_other}==1);
elsif($action eq 'manage') {
return 1 if $user && $shelf->{owner}==$user;
return 0;
=head2 DelFromShelf
$result= &DelFromShelf( $bibref, $shelfnumber, $user);
Removes biblionumbers in passed arrayref from shelf C<$shelfnumber>.
If the bib wasn't on that virtualshelves to begin with, nothing happens.
Returns 0 if no items have been deleted.
sub DelFromShelf {
my ($bibref, $shelfnumber, $user) = @_;
my $query = qq(SELECT allow_delete_own, allow_delete_other FROM virtualshelves WHERE shelfnumber=?);
my $sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
my ($del_own, $del_oth)= $sth->fetchrow;
my $r; my $t=0;
if($del_own) {
$query = qq(DELETE FROM virtualshelfcontents
WHERE shelfnumber=? AND biblionumber=? AND borrowernumber=?);
$sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
foreach my $biblionumber (@$bibref) {
$sth->execute($shelfnumber, $biblionumber, $user);
$r= $sth->rows; #Expect -1, 0 or 1 (-1 means Don't know; count as 1)
$t+= ($r==-1)? 1: $r;
if($del_oth) {
#includes a check if borrowernumber is null (deleted patron)
$query = qq/DELETE FROM virtualshelfcontents
WHERE shelfnumber=? AND biblionumber=? AND
(borrowernumber IS NULL OR borrowernumber<>?)/;
$sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
foreach my $biblionumber (@$bibref) {
$sth->execute($shelfnumber, $biblionumber, $user);
$r= $sth->rows;
$t+= ($r==-1)? 1: $r;
return $t;
=head2 DelShelf
$Number = DelShelf($shelfnumber);
This function deletes the shelf number, and all of it's content.
Authorization to do so MUST have been checked before calling, while using
ShelfPossibleAction with manage parameter.
sub DelShelf {
my ($shelfnumber)= @_;
return unless $shelfnumber && $shelfnumber =~ /^\d+$/;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM virtualshelves WHERE shelfnumber=?");
return $sth->execute($shelfnumber);
=head2 GetBibliosShelves
This finds all the public lists that this bib record is in.
sub GetBibliosShelves {
my ( $biblionumber ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('
SELECT vs.shelfname, vs.shelfnumber
FROM virtualshelves vs
JOIN virtualshelfcontents vc ON (vs.shelfnumber= vc.shelfnumber)
WHERE vs.category=2
AND vc.biblionumber= ?
$sth->execute( $biblionumber );
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
=head2 ShelvesMax
$howmany= ShelvesMax($context);
Tells how much shelves are shown in which context.
POPUP refers to addbybiblionumber popup, MGRPAGE is managing page (in opac or
staff), COMBO refers to the Add to-combo of search results. MASTHEAD is the
main Koha toolbar with Lists button.
sub ShelvesMax {
my $which= shift;
return SHELVES_POPUP_MAX if $which eq 'POPUP';
return SHELVES_MGRPAGE_MAX if $which eq 'MGRPAGE';
return SHELVES_COMBO_MAX if $which eq 'COMBO';
return SHELVES_MASTHEAD_MAX if $which eq 'MASTHEAD';
sub HandleDelBorrower {
#when a member is deleted (DelMember in Members.pm), you should call me first
#this routine deletes/moves lists and entries for the deleted member/borrower
#you could just delete everything (and lose more than you want)
#instead we now try to save all public/shared stuff and keep others happy
my ($borrower)= @_;
my $query;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
#Delete shares of this borrower (not lists !)
$query="DELETE FROM virtualshelfshares WHERE borrowernumber=?";
#Delete private lists without owner that now have no shares anymore
$query="DELETE vs.* FROM virtualshelves vs LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh USING (shelfnumber) WHERE category=1 AND vs.owner IS NULL AND sh.shelfnumber IS NULL";
#Change owner for private lists which have shares
$query="UPDATE virtualshelves LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh USING (shelfnumber) SET owner=NULL where owner=? AND category=1 AND sh.borrowernumber IS NOT NULL";
#Delete unshared private lists
$query="DELETE FROM virtualshelves WHERE owner=? AND category=1";
#Handle public lists owned by borrower
$query="UPDATE virtualshelves SET owner=NULL WHERE owner=? AND category=2";
#Handle entries added by borrower to lists of others
$query="UPDATE virtualshelfcontents SET borrowernumber=NULL WHERE borrowernumber=?";
# internal subs
sub _shelf_count {
my ($owner, $category) = @_;
my @params;
# Find out how many shelves total meet the submitted criteria...
my $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM virtualshelves vs ";
if($category==1) {
$query.= qq{
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh ON sh.shelfnumber=vs.shelfnumber
AND sh.borrowernumber=?
WHERE category=1 AND (vs.owner=? OR sh.borrowernumber=?) };
@params= ($owner, $owner, $owner);
else {
$query.='WHERE category=2';
@params= ();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my ($total)= $sth->fetchrow;
return $total;
sub _biblionumber_sth { #only used in obsolete sub below
my ($shelf) = @_;
my $query = 'select biblionumber from virtualshelfcontents where shelfnumber = ?';
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute( $shelf )
or die $sth->errstr;
sub each_biblionumbers (&$) { #OBSOLETE
my ($code,$shelf) = @_;
my $ref = _biblionumber_sth($shelf)->fetchall_arrayref;
map {
} @$ref;
sub _CheckShelfName {
my ($name, $cat, $owner, $number)= @_;
my $query = qq(
FROM virtualshelves
LEFT JOIN virtualshelfshares sh USING (shelfnumber)
WHERE shelfname=? AND shelfnumber<>?);
if($cat==1) {
$query.= ' AND (sh.borrowernumber=? OR owner=?) AND category=1';
else {
$query.= ' AND category=2';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($cat==1? ($name, $number, $owner, $owner): ($name, $number));
return $sth->rows>0? 0: 1;
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Development Team <http://koha-community.org/>
=head1 SEE ALSO