rangi dea0fd150d Added a line to Ouput.pm to enable circulation to use its own includes
Changed the look of circulation.pl to the green/yellow colours

Note: Steve, i added another variable $backgroundimage that sets the background image for the main tables, so it should be straightforward to change the look back to the colours you had if you want to
2001-01-31 21:38:43 +00:00

397 lines
10 KiB

package C4::Output; #asummes C4/Output
#package to deal with marking up output
#You will need to edit parts of this pm
#set the value of path to be where your html lives
use strict;
require Exporter;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&startpage &endpage &mktablehdr &mktableft &mktablerow &mklink
&startmenu &endmenu &mkheadr &center &endcenter &mkform &mkform2 &bold
&gotopage &mkformnotable &mkform3);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that use them.
# Change this value to reflect where you will store your includes
my %configfile;
open (KC, "/etc/koha.conf");
while (<KC>) {
(next) if (/^\s*#/);
if (/(.*)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
my $variable=$1;
my $value=$2;
# Clean up white space at beginning and end
my $path=$configfile{'includes'};
($path) || ($path="/usr/local/www/hdl/htdocs/includes");
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub startpage{
my $string="<html>\n";
sub gotopage{
my ($target) = @_;
print "<br>goto target = $target<br>";
my $string = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0;URL=http:$target\">";
return $string;
sub startmenu{
# edit the paths in here
my ($type)=@_;
if ($type eq 'issue') {
open (FILE,"$path/issues-top.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'opac') {
open (FILE,"$path/opac-top.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'member') {
open (FILE,"$path/members-top.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'acquisitions'){
open (FILE,"$path/aquisitions-top.inc")|| die;
} elsif ($type eq 'report'){
open (FILE,"$path/reports-top.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'circulation') {
open (FILE,"$path/circulation-top.inc") || die;
} else {
open (FILE,"$path/cat-top.inc") || die;
my @string=<FILE>;
close FILE;
my $count=@string;
# $string[$count]="<BLOCKQUOTE>";
return @string;
sub endmenu{
my ($type)=@_;
if ($type eq 'issue'){
open (FILE,"$path/issues-bottom.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'opac') {
open (FILE,"$path/opac-bottom.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'member') {
open (FILE,"$path/members-bottom.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'acquisitions') {
open (FILE,"$path/aquisitions-bottom.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'report') {
open (FILE,"$path/reports-bottom.inc") || die;
} elsif ($type eq 'circulation') {
open (FILE,"$path/circulation-bottom.inc") || die;
} else {
open (FILE,"$path/cat-bottom.inc") || die;
my @string=<FILE>;
close FILE;
return @string;
sub mktablehdr {
my $string="<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>\n";
sub mktablerow {
#the last item in data may be a backgroundimage
my ($cols,$colour,@data)=@_;
my $i=0;
my $string="<tr valign=top bgcolor=$colour>";
while ($i <$cols){
if ($data[$cols] ne ''){
#check for backgroundimage
$string.="<td background=\"$data[$cols]\">";
} else {
if ($data[$i] eq "") {
$string.=" &nbsp; </td>";
} else {
sub mktableft {
my $string="</table>\n";
sub mkform{
my ($action,%inputs)=@_;
my $string="<form action=$action method=post>\n";
my $key;
my @keys=sort keys %inputs;
my $count=@keys;
my $i2=0;
while ( $i2<$count) {
my $value=$inputs{$keys[$i2]};
my @data=split('\t',$value);
#my $posn = shift(@data);
if ($data[0] eq 'hidden'){
$string=$string."<input type=hidden name=$keys[$i2] value=\"$data[1]\">\n";
} else {
my $text;
if ($data[0] eq 'radio') {
$text="<input type=radio name=$keys[$i2] value=$data[1]>$data[1]
<input type=radio name=$keys[$i2] value=$data[2]>$data[2]";
if ($data[0] eq 'text') {
$text="<input type=$data[0] name=$keys[$i2] value=\"$data[1]\">";
if ($data[0] eq 'textarea') {
$text="<textarea name=$keys[$i2] wrap=physical cols=40 rows=4>$data[1]</textarea>";
if ($data[0] eq 'select') {
$text="<select name=$keys[$i2]>";
my $i=1;
while ($data[$i] ne "") {
my $val = $data[$i+1];
$text = $text."<option value=$data[$i]>$val";
$i = $i+2;
#@order[$posn] =mktablerow(2,'white',$keys[$i2],$text);
$string=$string.mktablerow(2,'white','<input type=submit>','<input type=reset>');
sub mkform3{
my ($action,%inputs)=@_;
my $string="<form action=$action method=post>\n";
my $key;
my @keys=sort keys %inputs;
my @order;
my $count=@keys;
my $i2=0;
while ( $i2<$count) {
my $value=$inputs{$keys[$i2]};
my @data=split('\t',$value);
my $posn = $data[2];
if ($data[0] eq 'hidden'){
$order[$posn]="<input type=hidden name=$keys[$i2] value=\"$data[1]\">\n";
} else {
my $text;
if ($data[0] eq 'radio') {
$text="<input type=radio name=$keys[$i2] value=$data[1]>$data[1]
<input type=radio name=$keys[$i2] value=$data[2]>$data[2]";
if ($data[0] eq 'text') {
$text="<input type=$data[0] name=$keys[$i2] value=\"$data[1]\" size=40>";
if ($data[0] eq 'textarea') {
$text="<textarea name=$keys[$i2] cols=40 rows=4>$data[1]</textarea>";
if ($data[0] eq 'select') {
$text="<select name=$keys[$i2]>";
my $i=1;
while ($data[$i] ne "") {
my $val = $data[$i+1];
$text = $text."<option value=$data[$i]>$val";
$i = $i+2;
# $string=$string.mktablerow(2,'white',$keys[$i2],$text);
my $temp=join("\n",@order);
$string=$string.mktablerow(1,'white','<input type=submit>');
sub mkformnotable{
my ($action,@inputs)=@_;
my $string="<form action=$action method=post>\n";
my $count=@inputs;
for (my $i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'hidden'){
$string=$string."<input type=hidden name=$inputs[$i][1] value=\"$inputs[$i][2]\">\n";
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'radio') {
$string.="<input type=radio name=$inputs[1] value=$inputs[$i][2]>$inputs[$i][2]";
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'text') {
$string.="<input type=$inputs[$i][0] name=$inputs[$i][1] value=\"$inputs[$i][2]\">";
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'textarea') {
$string.="<textarea name=$inputs[$i][1] wrap=physical cols=40 rows=4>$inputs[$i][2]</textarea>";
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'reset'){
$string.="<input type=reset name=$inputs[$i][1] value=\"$inputs[$i][2]\">";
if ($inputs[$i][0] eq 'submit'){
$string.="<input type=submit name=$inputs[$i][1] value=\"$inputs[$i][2]\">";
sub mkform2{
my ($action,%inputs)=@_;
my $string="<form action=$action method=post>\n";
my $key;
my @order;
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %inputs) {
my @data=split('\t',$value);
my $posn = shift(@data);
my $reqd = shift(@data);
my $ltext = shift(@data);
if ($data[0] eq 'hidden'){
$string=$string."<input type=hidden name=$key value=\"$data[1]\">\n";
} else {
my $text;
if ($data[0] eq 'radio') {
$text="<input type=radio name=$key value=$data[1]>$data[1]
<input type=radio name=$key value=$data[2]>$data[2]";
} elsif ($data[0] eq 'text') {
my $size = $data[1];
if ($size eq "") {
$text="<input type=$data[0] name=$key size=$size value=\"$data[2]\">";
} elsif ($data[0] eq 'textarea') {
my @size=split("x",$data[1]);
if ($data[1] eq "") {
$size[0] = 40;
$size[1] = 4;
$text="<textarea name=$key wrap=physical cols=$size[0] rows=$size[1]>$data[2]</textarea>";
} elsif ($data[0] eq 'select') {
$text="<select name=$key>";
my $sel=$data[1];
my $i=2;
while ($data[$i] ne "") {
my $val = $data[$i+1];
$text = $text."<option value=\"$data[$i]\"";
if ($data[$i] eq $sel) {
$text = $text." selected";
$text = $text.">$val";
$i = $i+2;
if ($reqd eq "R") {
$ltext = $ltext." (Req)";
@order[$posn] =mktablerow(2,'white',$ltext,$text);
$string=$string.mktablerow(2,'white','<input type=submit>','<input type=reset>');
sub endpage{
my $string="</body></html>\n";
sub mklink {
my ($url,$text)=@_;
my $string="<a href=\"$url\">$text</a>";
return ($string);
sub mkheadr {
my ($type,$text)=@_;
my $string;
if ($type eq '1'){
$string="<FONT SIZE=6><em>$text</em></FONT><br>";
if ($type eq '2'){
$string="<FONT SIZE=6><em>$text</em></FONT>";
if ($type eq '3'){
$string="<FONT SIZE=6><em>$text</em></FONT><p>";
return ($string);
sub center {
my ($text)=@_;
my $string="<CENTER>\n";
return ($string);
sub endcenter {
my ($text)=@_;
my $string="</CENTER>\n";
return ($string);
sub bold {
my ($text)=@_;
my $string="<b>$text</b>";
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)