2008-01-09 14:50:20 -06:00

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<h2>What is a home branch?
</h2><p> The home branch is the branch you want recorded as the origination of circulation functions for a computer session. For example, if your home branch is set to &ldquo;main&rdquo;, any items scanned to a patron on from that computer will be considered by Koha to be checked &lsquo;from&rsquo; the &ldquo;main&rdquo; branch. An item transferred on that computer will be recorded as transferred &lsquo;from&rsquo; the &ldquo;main&rdquo; branch. </p>
<h2>How do I select a home branch?
</h2><p> Select your home branch from the &ldquo;Choose your branch&rdquo; dropdown menu. </p> <p> IMPORTANT: You must set your home branch each time you login to Koha&rsquo;s intranet. For instance, you set home branch at the beginning of the work day, or each time the computer is restarted. </p>
<h2>Why would I want to set a home branch?
</h2><p> Setting your home branch is critical. It enables Koha to accurately record statistics, circulation (what branch an item has been checked out from or returned to), and transfers. </p>
<h2>IMPORTANT: Check your branch
</h2><p> If you forget to set your home branch at the beginning of a computer session, Koha will set the first branch in the dropdown list as the &lsquo;home branch&rsquo;. This means Koha&rsquo;s statistics will be inaccurate. </p>
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