Galen Charlton 438ed23337 staging import - enhance record overlay behavior
Enhanced the ability of catalogers to specify how
bib and item records should be added, replaced, or
ignored during a staging import.

When an import batch of bib records is staged and commit,
the user can now explicitly specify what should occur
when an incoming bib record has, or does not have, a match
with a record already in the database.  The options are:

if match found (overlay_action):
  create_new (just add the incoming record)
  replace (replace the matched record with the incoming one)
  use_template (option not implemented)
  ignore (do nothing with the incoming bib; however, the
          items attached to it may still be processed
           based on the item action)

if no match is found (nomatch_action):
  create_new (just add the incoming record)
  ignore (do nothing with the incoming bib; in this
          case, any items attached to it will be
          ignored since there will be nothing to
          attach them to)

The following options for handling items embedded in the
bib record are now available:

  always_add (add the items to the new or replaced bib)
  add_only_if_match (add the items only if the incoming bib
                     matches an existing bib)
  add_only_if_add (add the items only if the incoming bib
                   does *not* match an existing bib)
  ignore (ignore the items entirely)

With these changes, it is now possible to support the following use cases:

[1] A library joining an existing Koha database wishes to add their
    items to existing bib records if they match, but does not want
    to overlay the bib records themselves.
[2] A library wants to load a file of records, but only handle
    the new ones, not ones that are already in the database.
[3] A library wants to load a file of records, but only
    handle the ones that match existing records (e.g., if
    the records are coming back from an authority control vendor).

Documentation changes:

* See description above; also, screenshots of the 'stage MARC records
for import' and 'manage staged MARC records' should be updated.

Test cases:

* Added test cases to exercise staging and committing import batches.

UI changes:

* The pages for staging and managing import batches now have
  controls for setting the overlay action, action if no match,
  and item action separately.
* in the manage import batch tool, user is notified when they
  change overlay action, no-match action, and item action
* HTML for manage import batch tool now uses fieldsets

Database changes (DB rev 076):

* added import_batches.item_action
* added import_batches.nomatch_action
* added 'ignore' as a valid value for import_batches.overlay_action
* added 'ignored' as a valid value for import_records.status
* added 'status' as a valid value for import_items.status

API changes:

* new accessor routines for C4::ImportBatch


* new internal functions for C4::ImportBatch to
  determine how a given bib and item are to be
  processed, based on overlay_action, nomatch_action,
  and item_action:


Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2008-04-30 21:58:46 -05:00

155 lines
5 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
# find Koha's Perl modules
# test carefully before changing this
use FindBin;
eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" };
use C4::Context;
use C4::ImportBatch;
use C4::Matcher;
use Getopt::Long;
$| = 1;
# command-line parameters
my $match_bibs = 0;
my $add_items = 0;
my $input_file = "";
my $batch_comment = "";
my $want_help = 0;
my $result = GetOptions(
'file:s' => \$input_file,
'match-bibs:s' => \$match_bibs,
'add-items' => \$add_items,
'comment:s' => \$batch_comment,
'h|help' => \$want_help
if (not $result or $input_file eq "" or $want_help) {
exit 0;
unless (-r $input_file) {
die "$0: cannot open input file $input_file: $!\n";
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
process_batch($input_file, $match_bibs, $add_items, $batch_comment);
exit 0;
sub process_batch {
my ($input_file, $match_bibs, $add_items, $batch_comment) = @_;
open IN, "<$input_file" or die "$0: cannot open input file $input_file: $!\n";
my $marc_records = "";
$/ = "\035";
my $num_input_records = 0;
while (<IN>) {
next unless $_; # skip if record has only whitespace, as might occur
# if file includes newlines between each MARC record
$marc_records .= $_; # FIXME - this sort of string concatenation
# is probably rather inefficient
close IN;
my $marc_flavor = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
print "... staging MARC records -- please wait\n";
my ($batch_id, $num_valid, $num_items, @import_errors) =
BatchStageMarcRecords($marc_flavor, $marc_records, $input_file, $batch_comment, '', $add_items, 0,
100, \&print_progress_and_commit);
print "... finished staging MARC records\n";
my $num_with_matches = 0;
if ($match_bibs) {
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($match_bibs) ;
if (! defined $matcher) {
$matcher = C4::Matcher->new('biblio');
$matcher->add_simple_matchpoint('isbn', 1000, '020', 'a', -1, 0, '');
$matcher->add_simple_required_check('245', 'a', -1, 0, '',
'245', 'a', -1, 0, '');
} else {
SetImportBatchMatcher($batch_id, $match_bibs);
# set default record overlay behavior
SetImportBatchOverlayAction($batch_id, 'replace');
SetImportBatchNoMatchAction($batch_id, 'create_new');
SetImportBatchItemAction($batch_id, 'always_add');
print "... looking for matches with records already in database\n";
$num_with_matches = BatchFindBibDuplicates($batch_id, $matcher, 10, 100, \&print_progress_and_commit);
print "... finished looking for matches\n";
my $num_invalid_bibs = scalar(@import_errors);
print <<_SUMMARY_;
MARC record staging report
Input file: $input_file
Number of input bibs: $num_input_records
Number of valid bibs: $num_valid
Number of invalid bibs: $num_invalid_bibs
if ($match_bibs) {
print "Number of bibs matched: $num_with_matches\n";
} else {
print "Incoming bibs not matched against existing bibs (--match-bibs option not supplied)\n";
if ($add_items) {
print "Number of items parsed: $num_items\n";
} else {
print "No items parsed (--add-items option not supplied)\n";
print "\n";
print "Batch number assigned: $batch_id\n";
print "\n";
sub print_progress_and_commit {
my $recs = shift;
print "... processed $recs records\n";
sub print_usage {
print <<_USAGE_;
$0: stage MARC bib file into reservoir.
Use this batch job to load a file of MARC bibliographic records
(with optional item information) into the Koha reservoir.
After running this program to stage your file, you can use
either the batch job commit_biblios_file.pl or the Koha
Tools option "Manage Staged MARC Records" to load the
records into the main Koha database.
--file <file_name> name of input MARC bib file
--match-bibs <match_id> use this option to match bibs
in the file with bibs already in
the database for future overlay.
If <match_id> isn't defined, a default
MARC21 ISBN & title match rule will be applied.
--add-items use this option to specify that
item data is embedded in the MARC
bibs and should be parsed.
--comment <comment> optional comment to describe
the record batch; if the comment
has spaces in it, surround the
comment with quotation marks.
--help or -h show this message.