Martin Renvoize c48421e6ff
Bug 32721: (QA follow-up) Drop fields from API response
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>

Bug 32721: (QA follow-up) Rename fields to opac*

This patch updates the field names to reflect that they're OPAC

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>

Bug 32721: (QA follow-up) Fix rebase errors

We let some superflous template params creep back in during a rebase

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
2023-10-19 16:00:56 -03:00

261 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::MockModule;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Biblio qw(AddBiblio);
use Koha::Database;
use Clone qw(clone);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'all() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 19;
my $library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
value => {
branchcode => 'MYLIBRARY',
branchname => 'My sweet library'
my $another_library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
value => {
branchcode => 'ANOTHERLIB',
my $plugin = Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches->new();
ok($plugin, "initialized Branches plugin");
my $name = $plugin->GetName($library->{branchcode});
is($name, $library->{branchname}, 'retrieved expected name for library');
$name = $plugin->GetName('__ANY__');
is($name, '', 'received empty string as name of the "__ANY__" placeholder library code');
$name = $plugin->GetName(undef);
is($name, '', 'received empty string as name of NULL/undefined library code');
$name = $plugin->GetName(q{});
is($name, '', 'received empty string as name of empty string library code');
is($plugin->GetLoggedInBranchcode(), '', 'no active library code if there is no active user session');
is($plugin->GetLoggedInBranchname(), '', 'no active library name if there is no active user session');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({ branchcode => 'MYLIBRARY', branchname => 'My sweet library' });
is($plugin->GetLoggedInBranchcode(), 'MYLIBRARY', 'GetLoggedInBranchcode() returns active library code');
is($plugin->GetLoggedInBranchname(), 'My sweet library', 'GetLoggedInBranchname() returns active library name');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'IndependentBranches', 0 );
my $libraries = $plugin->all();
ok( scalar(@$libraries) > 1, 'If IndependentBranches is not set, all libraries should be returned' );
is( grep ( { $_->{branchcode} eq 'MYLIBRARY' and $_->{selected} == 1 } @$libraries ), 1, 'Without selected parameter, my library should be preselected' );
is( grep ( { $_->{branchcode} eq 'ANOTHERLIB' and not exists $_->{selected} } @$libraries ), 1, 'Without selected parameter, other library should not be preselected' );
$libraries = $plugin->all( { selected => 'ANOTHERLIB' } );
is( grep ( { $_->{branchcode} eq 'MYLIBRARY' and not exists $_->{selected} } @$libraries ), 1, 'With selected parameter, my library should not be preselected' );
is( grep ( { $_->{branchcode} eq 'ANOTHERLIB' and $_->{selected} == 1 } @$libraries ), 1, 'With selected parameter, other library should be preselected' );
$libraries = $plugin->all( { selected => '' } );
is( grep ( { exists $_->{selected} } @$libraries ), 0, 'With selected parameter set to an empty string, no library should be preselected' );
my $total = @{$plugin->all};
my $pickupable = @{$plugin->all( { search_params => { pickup_location => 1 } }) };
my $yet_another_library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
value => {
branchcode => 'CANTPICKUP',
pickup_location => 0,
is(@{$plugin->all( { search_params => { pickup_location => 1 } }) }, $pickupable,
'Adding a new library with pickups'
.' disabled does not increase the amount returned by ->pickup_locations');
is(@{$plugin->all}, $total+1, 'However, adding a new library increases'
.' the total amount gotten with ->all');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'IndependentBranches', 1 );
$libraries = $plugin->all();
is( scalar(@$libraries), 1, 'If IndependentBranches is set, only 1 library should be returned' );
$libraries = $plugin->all( { unfiltered => 1 } );
ok( scalar(@$libraries) > 1, 'If IndependentBranches is set, all libraries should be returned if the unfiltered flag is set' );
subtest 'pickup_locations() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
Koha::Libraries->search->update({ pickup_location => 0 });
my $library_1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_3 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $plugin = Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches->new();
my $pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations();
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { item => undef }});
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'item parameter not a ref, fallback to general search' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { biblio => undef }});
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'biblio parameter not a ref, fallback to general search' );
my $item_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Item');
sub {
return Koha::Libraries->search(
{ branchcode => $library_1->branchcode } );
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons' });
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations(
{ search_params => { item => $item, patron => Koha::Patron->new } } );
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 1, 'Only the library returned by $item->pickup_locations is returned' );
is( $pickup_locations->[0]->{branchcode}, $library_1->branchcode, 'Not cheating' );
my $biblio_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Biblio');
sub {
return Koha::Libraries->search(
{ branchcode => $library_2->branchcode } );
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations(
{ search_params => { biblio => $biblio, patron => Koha::Patron->new } } );
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 1, 'Only the library returned by $biblio->pickup_locations is returned' );
is( $pickup_locations->[0]->{branchcode}, $library_2->branchcode, 'Not cheating' );
subtest 'Koha::Item->pickup_locations and Koha::Biblio->pickup_locations empty tests' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $biblio_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Biblio');
$biblio_class->mock( 'pickup_locations', sub { return Koha::Libraries->new->empty } );
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
my @pickup_locations = @{$plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { biblio => $biblio->id } })};
is( scalar @pickup_locations, 0, 'No pickup locations returned' );
my $item_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Item');
$item_class->mock( 'pickup_locations', sub { return Koha::Libraries->new->empty } );
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item;
@pickup_locations = @{$plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { item => $item->id } })};
is( scalar @pickup_locations, 0, 'No pickup locations returned' );
subtest 'selected tests' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({ branchcode => $library_2->branchcode });
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations();
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
foreach my $pickup_location (@{ $pickup_locations }) {
next unless exists $pickup_location->{selected} and $pickup_location->{selected} == 1;
is( $pickup_location->{branchcode}, $library_2->branchcode, 'The right library is marked as selected' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ selected => $library_3->branchcode });
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
foreach my $pickup_location (@{ $pickup_locations }) {
next unless exists $pickup_location->{selected} and $pickup_location->{selected} == 1;
is( $pickup_location->{branchcode}, $library_3->branchcode, 'The right library is marked as selected' );
subtest 'branch specific js and css' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
my $newbranch_with = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
value => {
opacuserjs => 'console.log(\'Hello World\');',
opacusercss => 'body { background-color: blue; }'
my $newbranch_none = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
value => {
opacuserjs => '',
opacusercss => ''
my $plugin = Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches->new();
my $opacuserjs = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificJS($newbranch_with->{branchcode});
is($opacuserjs, $newbranch_with->{opacuserjs},'received correct JS string from function');
my $opacusercss = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificCSS($newbranch_with->{branchcode});
is($opacusercss, $newbranch_with->{opacusercss},'received correct CSS string from function');
$opacuserjs = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificJS($newbranch_none->{branchcode});
$opacusercss = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificCSS($newbranch_none->{branchcode});
is($opacuserjs, q{},'received correct blank string from function when branch has none');
is($opacusercss, q{},'received correct blank string from function when branch has none');
$opacuserjs = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificJS();
$opacusercss = $plugin->GetBranchSpecificCSS();
is($opacuserjs, q{},'received correct blank string from function when no branch set');
is($opacusercss, q{},'received correct blank string from function when no branch set');