#!/usr/bin/perl #script to provide intranet (librarian) advanced search facility #modified 9/11/1999 by chris@katipo.co.nz #adding an extra comment to play with CVS (Si, 19/11/99) use strict; #use DBI; use C4::Search; use CGI; use C4::Output; my $env; my $input = new CGI; print $input->header; #print $input->dump; my $blah; my %search; #build hash of users input my $keyword=$input->param('keyword'); #$keyword=~ s/'/\'/g; $search{'keyword'}=$keyword; my @results; my $offset=$input->param('offset'); if ($offset eq ''){ $offset=0; } my $num=$input->param('num'); if ($num eq ''){ $num=10; } print startpage(); print startmenu('opac'); print mkheadr(1,"Opac Search Results for $keyword"); print center(); my $count; my @results; ($count,@results)=&OpacSearch(\$blah,'loose',\%search,$num,$offset); #print "You searched on $keyword"; print " $count results found"; my $offset2=$num+$offset; my $disp=$offset+1; print ", Results $disp to $offset2 displayed"; print mktablehdr; print mktablerow(4,'#99cccc','TITLE','AUTHOR','COUNT',bold('BRANCH')); my $count2=@results; my $i=0; my $colour=1; while ($i < $count2){ my @stuff=split('\t',$results[$i]); $stuff[1]=~ s/\`/\'/g; my $title2=$stuff[1]; $title2=~ s/ /%20/g; $stuff[1]=mklink("/cgi-bin/koha/detail.pl?bib=$stuff[2]&title=$title2&type=opac",$stuff[1]); my $word=$stuff[0]; $word=~ s/ //g; $word=~ s/ /%20/g; $word=~ s/\,/\,%20/g; $word=~ s/\n//g; my $url="/cgi-bin/koha/search.pl?author=$word&type=opac"; $stuff[0]=mklink($url,$stuff[0]); my ($count,$lcount,$nacount,$fcount,$scount,$lostcount,$mending,$transit)=itemcount($env,$stuff[2]); $stuff[3]=$count; if ($nacount > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."On Loan"; if ($nacount >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($nacount)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($lcount > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."Levin"; if ($lcount >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($lcount)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($fcount > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."Foxton"; if ($fcount >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($fcount)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($scount > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."Shannon"; if ($scount >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($scount)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($mending > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."Mending"; if ($mending >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($mending)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($transit > 0){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]."In Transit"; if ($transit >1 ){ $stuff[4]=$stuff[4]." ($transit)"; } $stuff[4].=" "; } if ($colour == 1){ print mktablerow(4,'#efe5ef',$stuff[1],$stuff[0],$stuff[3],$stuff[4]); $colour=0; } else{ print mktablerow(4,'white',$stuff[1],$stuff[0],$stuff[3],$stuff[4]); $colour=1; } $i++; } $offset=$num+$offset; if ($offset < $count){ $keyword=~ s/ /%20/g; my $search="num=$num&offset=$offset&keyword=$keyword"; my $stuff=mklink("/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?$search",'Next Results'); # print $stuff; print "$stuff "; } else { print mktablerow(4,'#99cccc','   ','   ','  ','  '); } print mktableft(); print endcenter(); print endmenu('opac'); print endpage();