Kumara - predecessor to Koha
Вы не можете выбрать более 25 тем Темы должны начинаться с буквы или цифры, могут содержать дефисы(-) и должны содержать не более 35 символов.
chris 052cfb3dff quick fix 24 лет назад
C4 whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
acqui quick fix 24 лет назад
misc tidying up 24 лет назад
sec fix 24 лет назад
telnet Script to insert data about junior/children into members table 24 лет назад
boraccount.pl got modifying accounts fixed up 24 лет назад
borrwraper.pl works in progress 24 лет назад
charges.pl fixing fine info 25 лет назад
delbiblio.pl getting biblio numbers 24 лет назад
delitem.pl deleting fulling deleting 24 лет назад
detail.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
fines.pl just commenting 24 лет назад
imemberentry.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
insertdata.pl iscript to add borrower 24 лет назад
insertidata.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
insertjdata.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
jmemberentry.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
member.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
memberentry.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
modbib.pl fixed problem with " in titles 24 лет назад
modbibitem.pl t places showing 24 лет назад
moditem.pl changing button 24 лет назад
modrequest.pl got modifying reserves working correctly 24 лет назад
moredetail.pl place going 24 лет назад
moremember.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
newimember.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
newjmember.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
newmember.pl fixed " error 24 лет назад
opac-search.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
orderbreakdown.pl bringing cvs tree into line 25 лет назад
pay.pl dunno 24 лет назад
placerequest.pl got book title showing against reserve charge 24 лет назад
readingrec.pl fix 24 лет назад
renewscript.pl script to do renewals from the web 25 лет назад
reports.pl reports for stock 25 лет назад
request.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
reservereport.pl change to report 24 лет назад
reservereport.xls report ready for excel 24 лет назад
search.pl fixed banner in subject 24 лет назад
showbudget.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
simpleredirect.pl Scripts to do with adding junior and institution members 24 лет назад
stats.pl Script to insert data about junior/children into members table 24 лет назад
stats2.pl new stats 24 лет назад
subjectsearch.pl whole raft of cosmetic changes 24 лет назад
updatebibitem.pl fixing glitch in assigning books to groups 24 лет назад
updatebiblio.pl getting more mod item functionaltity 24 лет назад
updatecharges.pl Updates categoryitem in database for charging for overdue items 25 лет назад
updateitem.pl make sure when books arent marked as ref they are marked as being loanable 24 лет назад