1999-12-14 00:57:17 +00:00

239 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable file

package C4::Interface::ReserveentCDK; #asummes C4/Interface/ReserveCDK
#uses Newt
use C4::Format;
use C4::InterfaceCDK;
use strict;
use Cdk;
require Exporter;
use DBI;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&FindBiblioScreen &SelectBiblio &MakeReserveScreen);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that use them.
# file-private lexicals go here
my $priv_var = '';
my %secret_hash = ();
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub FindBiblioScreen {
my ($env,$title,$numflds,$flds,$fldlns)=@_;
my $titlepanel = titlepanel($env,"Reserves","Find a title");
#my @coltitles=("a","b");
my @rowtitles;
my $nflds =@$flds;
my $ow = 0;
while ($ow < $nflds) {
my @coltitles = ("");
my @coltypes = ("UMIXED");
my @colwidths = (40);
my $entrymatrix = new Cdk::Matrix (
'ColTitles'=> \@coltitles,
'RowTitles'=> \@rowtitles,
'ColWidths'=> \@colwidths,
'ColTypes'=> \@coltypes,
'Vrows'=> 7,
'Vcols'=> 1,
'RowSpace'=> 0);
my $reason;
my ($rows,$cols,$info) = $entrymatrix->activate();
my @responses;
if (!defined $rows) {
$reason = "Circ";
} else {
my $i = 0;
while ($i < $numflds) {
$responses[$i] =$info->[$i][0];
sub SelectBiblio {
my ($env,$count,$entries) = @_;
my $titlepanel = titlepanel($env,"Reserves","Select title");
my $biblist = new Cdk::Alphalist('Title'=>"Select a Title",
'List'=>\@$entries,'Height' => 22,'Width' => 76,
my $selection = $biblist->activate();
my $reason;
my $result;
if (!defined $selection) {
} else {
sub MakeReserveScreen {
my ($env,$bibliorec,$bitems,$branches) = @_;
my $titlepanel = titlepanel($env,"Reserves","Create Reservation");
my $line = fmtstr($env,$bibliorec->{'title'},"L72");
my $authlen = length($bibliorec->{'author'});
my $testlen = length($bibliorec->{'title'}) + $authlen;
if ($testlen < 72) {
$line = substr($line,0,71-$authlen)." ".$bibliorec->{'author'};
$line = fmtstr($env,$line,"L72");
} else {
my $split = int(($testlen-72)*0.7);
$line = substr($line,0,72+$split-$authlen)." ".$bibliorec->{'author'};
$line = fmtstr($env,$line,"L72");
my @book = ($line);
my $bookpanel = new Cdk::Label ('Message' =>\@book,
my $branchlist = new Cdk::Radio('Title'=>"Collection Branch",
my $i = 0;
while ($i < 4) {
$branchlist->inject('Input'=>" ");
my @constraintlist = ("Any item","Only Selected","Except Selected");
my $constrainttype = new Cdk::Radio('Title'=>"Reserve Constraints",
my $numbit = @$bitems;
my @itemarr;
my $i;
while ($i < $numbit) {
my $bitline = @$bitems[$i];
my @blarr = split("\t",$bitline);
my $line = @blarr[1]." ".@blarr[2];
if (@blarr[3] > 0) {
my $line = $line.@blarr[3];
my $line = $line.@blarr[4]." ".@blarr[5];
$line = fmtstr($env,$line,"L40");
#$bitx{$line} = @blarr[0];
my @sel = ("Y ","N ");
my $itemlist = new Cdk::Selection('Title'=>"Items Held",
my $borrowerentry = new Cdk::Entry('Label'=>"Borrower: ",
# $borrowentry->bind('Key'=>"KEY_TAB",'Function'=>sub {$x = act($scroll1);});
my $complete = 0;
my $reason = "";
my @answers;
while ($complete == 0) {
my $borrowercode = $borrowerentry->activate();
if (!defined $borrowercode) {
$complete = 1;
@answers[0] = ""
} else {
@answers[0] = $borrowercode;
if ($borrowercode ne "") { $complete = 1; };
while ($complete == 1) {
my $x = $branchlist->activate();
if (!defined $x) {
$complete = 0;
@answers[1] = "";
} else {
my @brline = split(" ",@$branches[$x]);
@answers[1] = @brline[0];
$complete = 2;
$answers[2] = "a";
$answers[3] = "";
while ($complete == 2) {
if ($numbit > 1) {
my @constarr = ("a", "o", "e");
my $constans = $constrainttype->activate();
if (!defined $constans) {
$complete = 1; # go back a step
} else {
@answers[2] = $constarr[$constans];
$complete = 3;
if ($answers[2] ne "a") {
while ($complete == 3) {
my @itemans = $itemlist->activate();
if (!defined @itemans) {
$complete = 2; # go back a step
} else {
$complete = 4;
my $no_ans = @itemans;
#debug_msg ($env,"itemres 0- @itemans[0]");
#debug_msg ($env,"itemres 1- @itemans[1]");
my @items;
my $cnt = @itemans;
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
while ($i < $cnt) {
if ($itemans[$i] == 0) {
my $bitline = @$bitems[$i];
my @blarr = split("\t",$bitline);
@items[$j] = @blarr[0];
@answers[3] = \@items;
#debug_msg($env,"$answers[0] $answers[1] $answers[2] $answers[3]");
} else {
$complete = 3;
return ($reason,@answers);
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)