Kumara - predecessor to Koha
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
chris 225a759d4c t 24 年前
C4 t 24 年前
acqui igetting all branches showing 24 年前
sec getting paying accounts working 24 年前
acqorders.pl bringing cvs tree into line 25 年前
addbiblio.pl Adding biblios is working 25 年前
addborrower.pl Working on web interface 25 年前
additem.pl script to add an item to the database 25 年前
booksellers.pl bringing cvs tree into line 25 年前
boraccount.pl got modifying accounts fixed up 24 年前
borrwraper.pl works in progress 24 年前
charges.pl fixing fine info 25 年前
circ.pl lots of work cirv 1.3 done 24 年前
countissues.pl working on issues reports 25 年前
countoverdues.pl working on overdues 25 年前
countowing.pl more reports 25 年前
countpaid.pl reports for stock 25 年前
countreturns.pl *** empty log message *** 25 年前
delbiblio.pl getting biblio numbers 24 年前
delitem.pl deleting fulling deleting 24 年前
delitems.sql *** empty log message *** 24 年前
detail.pl getting biblio numbers 24 年前
doreturns.pl lots of work cirv 1.3 done 24 年前
fines.pl bugfixes 25 年前
fixborrower.pl work 25 年前
fixcatalog.pl work in progress 24 年前
fixrefs.pl tidy up books marked as ref 24 年前
insertdata.pl fixed " error 24 年前
issuewrapper.pl works in progress 24 年前
makebaskets.pl misc scripts 24 年前
makeformats.pl misc scripts 24 年前
member.pl work 25 年前
memberentry.pl fixing alt info 24 年前
modbib.pl getting biblio numbers 24 年前
modbibitem.pl t places showing 24 年前
moditem.pl getting more mod item functionaltity 24 年前
modrequest.pl got modifying reserves working correctly 24 年前
moredetail.pl working on requests 24 年前
moremember.pl removed status column 24 年前
newmember.pl fixed " error 24 年前
opac-search.pl continuing bug fixes 25 年前
orderbreakdown.pl bringing cvs tree into line 25 年前
owtest.pl Changes to interface and circulation 25 年前
pay.pl t 24 年前
placerequest.pl got ntoes in requests 24 年前
readingrec.pl file to print out borrower reading record 25 年前
renewscript.pl script to do renewals from the web 25 年前
reports.pl reports for stock 25 年前
request.pl igetting all branches showing 24 年前
reservereport.pl change to report 24 年前
reservereport.xls report ready for excel 24 年前
returnswrapper.pl lots of work cirv 1.3 done 24 年前
search.pl working in keyword and frontpage 24 年前
showbudget.pl *** empty log message *** 24 年前
stats.pl fix 24 年前
subjectsearch.pl fixed broken links 25 年前
test.pl speeding up searches ... well trying to 25 年前
testissue.pl lots of work cirv 1.3 done 24 年前
tidyaccounts.pl script to tidy errors 24 年前
updatebibitem.pl make sure when books arent marked as ref they are marked as being loanable 24 年前
updatebiblio.pl getting more mod item functionaltity 24 年前
updatecharges.pl Updates categoryitem in database for charging for overdue items 25 年前
updateitem.pl make sure when books arent marked as ref they are marked as being loanable 24 年前