Kumara - predecessor to Koha
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
662 B

use C4::Database;
use strict;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from stopwords");
my %stop;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
while (my $da=<STDIN>){
chomp $da;
my @temp=split('\t',$da);
if ($temp[1] =~ /t/){
my $dat=$temp[0];
# print "hey";
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %stop) {
$dat=~ s/ $value / /gi;
$dat=~ s/ $value$//gi;
$dat=~ s/^$value //gi;
$dat=~ s/\'//g;
print "$temp[0]\t$temp[1]\t \t \t \t$dat\n";
} else {
print $da,"\n";
# print $temp[1],"\n";