1999-12-22 00:39:58 +00:00

461 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

package C4::InterfaceCDK; #asummes C4/InterfaceCDK
#uses Newt
use C4::Format;
use C4::Interface::Funkeys;
use strict;
use Cdk;
use Date::Manip;
#use C4::Circulation;
require Exporter;
use DBI;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&dialog &startint &endint &output &clearscreen &pause &helptext
&textbox &menu &issuewindow &msg_yn &borrower_dialog &debug_msg &error_msg
&selborrower &returnwindow &logondialog &borrowerwindow &titlepanel
&borrbind &borrfill &preeborr &borrowerbox);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that se them.
# file-private lexicals go here
my $priv_var = '';
my %secret_hash = ();
#defining keystrokes used for screens
my $lastval = chr(18);
my $key_tab = chr(9);
my $key_ctla = chr(1);
my $key_ctlb = chr(2);
my $key_ctlc = chr(3);
my $key_ctld = chr(4);
my $key_ctle = chr(5);
my $key_ctlf = chr(6);
my $key_ctlg = chr(7);
my $key_ctlh = chr(8);
my $key_ctli = chr(9);
my $key_ctlj = chr(10);
my $key_ctlk = chr(11);
my $key_ctll = chr(12);
my $key_ctlm = chr(13);
my $key_ctln = chr(14);
my $key_ctlo = chr(15);
my $key_ctlp = chr(16);
my $key_ctlq = chr(17);
my $key_ctlr = chr(18);
my $key_ctls = chr(19);
my $key_ctlt = chr(20);
my $key_ctlu = chr(21);
my $key_ctlv = chr(22);
my $key_ctlw = chr(23);
my $key_ctlx = chr(24);
my $key_ctly = chr(25);
my $key_ctlz = chr(26);
my $lastval = $key_ctlr;
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub suspend_cb {
sub startint {
my ($env,$msg)=@_;
sub menu {
my ($env,$type,$title,@items)=@_;
my $titlebar=titlepanel($env,"Library System","Main Menu");
my $reason;
my $data;
my @mitems;
my $x = 0;
while ($items[$x] ne "") {
if ($type eq 'console'){
my $menucnt = @items;
my $menu = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title'=>" ",
'Height'=> $menucnt+4,
'Width'=> 26);
# Activate the object.
my ($menuItem) = $menu->activate();
# Check the results.
if (!defined $menuItem) {
$data = "Quit";
else {
$data = $items[$menuItem];
# end of menu
sub clearscreen {
sub pause {
sub output {
my @outm;
my $output = new Cdk::Label ('Message' =>\@outm,
'Ypos'=>$top, 'Xpos'=>$left, 'Box'=>0);
return $output;
sub helptext {
my ($text)=@_;
my $helptext = output(1,24,$text);
return $helptext;
sub titlepanel{
my ($env,$title,$title2)=@_;
my @header;
@header[0] = fmtstr($env,$title,"L36").fmtstr($env,$title2,"R36");
my $label = new Cdk::Label ('Message' =>\@header,
return $label;
sub msg_yn {
my ($env,$text1,$text2)=@_;
# Cdk::init();
# Create the dialog buttons.
my @buttons = ("Yes", "No");
my @mesg = ("<C>$text1", "<C>$text2");
# Create the dialog object.
my $dialog = new Cdk::Dialog ('Message' => \@mesg, 'Buttons' => \@buttons);
my $resp = $dialog->activate();
my $response = "Y";
if ($resp == 1) {
$response = "N";
return $response;
sub debug_msg {
my ($env,$text)=@_;
if ($env->{'telnet'} eq "Y") {
popupLabel (["Debug </R>$text"]);
} else {
print "****DEBUG $text****";
sub error_msg {
my ($env,$text)=@_;
popupLabel (["<C>Error </R>$text"]);
sub endint {
sub borrower_dialog {
my ($env)=@_;
my $result;
my $borrower;
my $book;
my @coltitles = ("Borrower","Book");
my @rowtitles = (" ");
my @coltypes = ("UMIXED","UMIXED");
my @colwidths = (12,12);
my $matrix = new Cdk::Matrix (
'ColTitles'=> \@coltitles,
'RowTitles'=> \@rowtitles,
'ColWidths'=> \@colwidths,
'ColTypes'=> \@coltypes,
'Vrows'=> 1,
'Vcols'=> 2);
my ($rows,$cols,$info) = $matrix->activate();
if ((!defined $rows) && ($info->[0][0] eq "")) {
$result = "Circ";
} else {
$borrower = $info->[0][0];
$book = $info->[0][1];
return ($borrower,$result,$book);
sub selborrower {
my ($env,$dbh,$borrows,$bornums)=@_;
my $result;
my $label = "Select a borrower";
my $scroll = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title'=>$label,
my $returnValue = $scroll->activate ();
if (!defined $returnValue) {
#$result = "Circ";
} else {
$result = substr(@$borrows[$returnValue],0,9);
return $result;
sub issuewindow {
my ($env,$title,$items1,$items2,$borrower,$amountowing,$odues)=@_;
my $titlepanel = titlepanel($env,"Issues","Issue a book");
my $scroll2 = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title'=>"Previous Issues",
'List'=>\@$items1,'Height'=> 8,'Width'=>78,'Ypos'=>18);
my $scroll1 = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title'=>"Current Issues",
'List'=>\@$items2,'Height'=> 8,'Width'=>78,'Ypos'=>9);
my $loanlength = new Cdk::Entry('Label'=>"Due Date: ",
my $x = 0;
while ($x < length($env->{'loanlength'})) {
my $borrbox = borrowerbox($env,$borrower,$amountowing);
my $entryBox = new Cdk::Entry('Label'=>"Book Barcode: ",
#$env->{'loanlength'} = "";
#debug_msg($env,"clear len");
my $x;
my $barcode;
$entryBox->preProcess ('Function' =>
$barcode = $entryBox->activate();
my $reason;
if (!defined $barcode) {
$reason="Finished user"
return $barcode,$reason;
sub actscroll1 {
my ($env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
$scroll1->preProcess ('Function' =>
return 1;
sub actscroll2 {
my ($env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
$scroll2->preProcess ('Function' =>
return 1;
sub actloanlength {
my ($env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
$loanlength->preProcess ('Function' =>
my $validdate = "N";
while ($validdate eq "N") {
my $loanlength = $loanlength->activate();
if (!defined $loanlength) {
$env->{'loanlength'} = "";
$validdate = "Y";
} elsif ($loanlength eq "") {
$env->{'loanlength'} = "";
$validdate = "Y";
} else {
my $date = ParseDate($loanlength);
if ( $date > ParseDate('today')){
my $fdate = substr($date,0,4).'-'.substr($date,4,2).'-'.substr($date,4,2);
#debug_msg($env,"$date $fdate");
$env->{'loanlength'} = $fdate;
} else {
error_msg($env,"Invalid date");
sub prebook {
my ($input,$env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
if ($input eq $key_tab) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub prescroll1 {
my ($input,$env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
if ($input eq $key_tab) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub prescroll2 {
my ($input,$env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
return 1;
sub preloanlen {
my ($input,$env,$entryBox,$loanlength,$scroll1,$scroll2) = @_;
if ($input eq $key_tab) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub borrowerbox {
my ($env,$borrower,$amountowing,$odues) = @_;
my @borrinfo;
my $line = "$borrower->{'cardnumber'} ";
$line = $line."$borrower->{'surname'}, ";
$line = $line."$borrower->{'title'} $borrower->{'firstname'}";
$line = "$borrower->{'streetaddress'}, $borrower->{'city'}";
$line = "";
if ($borrower->{'gonenoaddress'} == 1) {
$line = $line." </R>GNA<!R>";
if ($borrower->{'lost'} == 1) {
$line = $line." </R>LOST<!R>";
if ($odues > 0) {
$line = $line." </R>ODUE<!R>";
if ($borrower->{'borrowernotes'} ne "" ) {
$line = $line." </R>NOTES<!R>";
if ($amountowing > 0) {
$line = $line." </B>\$$amountowing";
if ($borrower->{'borrowernotes'} ne "" ) {
my $borrbox = new Cdk::Label ('Message' =>\@borrinfo,
'Ypos'=>3, 'Xpos'=>"RIGHT");
return $borrbox;
sub returnwindow {
my ($env,$title,$item,$items,$borrower,$amountowing)=@_;
my $titlepanel = titlepanel($env,"Returns","Scan book");
my $returnlist = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title'=>"Items Returned",
'List'=>\@$items,'Height'=> 12,'Width'=>74,'Ypos'=>10,'Xpos'=>1);
my $borrbox;
if ($borrower-{'cardnumber'} ne "") {
$borrbox = borrowerbox($env,$borrower,$amountowing);
my $bookentry = new Cdk::Entry('Label'=>"Book Barcode: ",
my $barcode = $bookentry->activate();
my $reason;
if (!defined $barcode) {
} else {
sub act {
my ($obj) = @_;
my $ans = $obj->activate();
return $ans;
sub borrbind {
my ($env,$entry) = @_;
my $lastborr = $env->{"bcard"};
$entry->preProcess ('Function' => sub {preborr (@_, $env,$entry);});
sub preborr {
my ($input,$env, $entry) = @_;
if ($input eq $lastval) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub borfill {
my ($env,$entry) = @_;
#debug_msg("","hi there");
my $lastborr = $env->{"bcard"};
my $i = 1;
while ($i < 9) {
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)