A collection of release tools used for Koha
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

911 lines
28 KiB

package Koha::Release;
use Moose;
use Modern::Perl;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Template;
use LWP::Simple;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use File::Basename;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use YAML qw(LoadFile DumpFile);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Koha::BZ;
use Text::MultiMarkdown;
use HTML::TableExtract;
use IO::Prompt::Tiny qw/prompt/;
use Encode qw/decode_utf8/;
# Set STDIN to unicode for git execution
use open IN => ":encoding(UTF-8)";
has version => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub {
my $version;
eval {
require 'kohaversion.pl';
$version = kohaversion();
say $version;
my @parts = split /\./, $version;
die "No usable version" unless @parts == 4;
if ( $parts[3] =~ /(.*)-(.*)$/ ) {
push @parts, $2;
$parts[3] = $1;
else {
push @parts, '';
$version = {
major => $parts[0],
minor => $parts[1],
release => $parts[2],
increment => $parts[3],
additional => $parts[4],
ismajor => $parts[2] + 0 == 0,
# Use .11 if .06 and .05 if .12
$version->{is_dev} = ( $version->{minor} == 6 || $version->{minor} == 12 ? 1 : 0 );
my ( $next_major_version, $next_minor_version );
if ( $version->{is_dev} ) {
$next_major_version = $version->{minor} == 12 ? $version->{major} + 1 : $version->{major};
$next_minor_version = ( $version->{minor} + 5 ) % 12;
} else {
$next_major_version = $version->{major};
$next_minor_version = $version->{minor};
# Warning:
# - "next_version" is the current version if we are not in a dev cycle
# - next_version_human does not content the "additional part" like 'human'
$version->{next_major} = $next_major_version;
$version->{next_minor} = $next_minor_version;
$version->{next_version_human} = sprintf("%d.%02d", $version->{next_major}, $version->{next_minor});
my $human = sprintf("%d.%02d.%02d", $version->{major}, $version->{minor}, $version->{release});
$human .= '_' . $version->{additional} if $version->{additional};
#$human = $version->{next_version_human}; $human .= '.00'; # When we are in RC!
$version->{human} = $human;
$human =~ s/\./_/g;
$version->{filesys} = $human;
return $version;
has rootdir => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
# default => sub {
# my $rootdir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../";
# return $rootdir;
# Config file: /etc/config.yaml
has c => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_c'
sub _build_c {
my $self = shift;
my $rootdir = $self->rootdir;
my $file = $rootdir . "etc/config.yaml";
unless ( -e $file ) {
say "$file doesn't exist";
my $defaults = LoadFile($file);
my $local = {};
my $user = $rootdir . "etc/user.yaml";
unless ( -e $user ) {
say "$user doesn't exist, are you sure you don't want to use it?";
print "\n\n\n\n";
} else {
$local = LoadFile($user);
my $config = { %{$defaults}, %{$local} };
return $config;
# Dev map file: /etc/dev_map.yaml
has dev_map => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_devs',
trigger => sub {
my ( $self, $authors ) = @_;
my $rootdir = $self->rootdir;
my $file = $rootdir . "/etc/dev_map.yaml";
DumpFile( $file, $authors );
my $names;
for my $email ( keys %{$authors} ) {
for my $name ( keys %{ $authors->{$email} } ) {
$names->{$name}->{ $authors->{$email}->{$name} } = 1;
has dev_names => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef'
sub _build_devs {
my $self = shift;
my $rootdir = $self->rootdir;
my $devs = $rootdir."etc/dev_map.yaml";
unless ( -e $devs ) {
say "$devs doesn't exist";
my $map = LoadFile($devs);
return $map;
# Sponsor map file: /etc/sponsor_map.yaml
has sponsor_map => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_sponsors',
trigger => sub {
my ( $self, $sponsors ) = @_;
my $rootdir = $self->rootdir;
my $file = $rootdir . "/etc/sponsor_map.yaml";
DumpFile( $file, $sponsors );
sub _build_sponsors {
my $self = shift;
my $rootdir = $self->rootdir;
my $sponsors = $rootdir."etc/sponsor_map.yaml";
unless ( -e $sponsors ) {
say "$sponsors doesn't exist";
my $map = LoadFile($sponsors);
return $map;
# The range of commits used to find patches included in the release
# For example: v3.22.01..3.22.x
has range => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
trigger => sub {
my ( $self, $range ) = @_;
my @commits;
my $bugs;
my $authors;
my $sponsors = {};
my $signers;
my $mentors;
my $committed;
my $author_name;
my $author_email;
my $author;
my $bug;
my @lines =
qx|git log --pretty=format:'~-%ct,%an,%ae%n%s%n%n%b%n~----~' $range 2>/dev/null|;
my $commit_title;
for my $line (@lines) {
# Start of commit
if ( $line =~ m/^~-(.*),(.*),(.*)$/g ) {
# Reset
( $committed, $author_name, $author_email, $bug ) =
( $1, $2, $3, undef );
$author = $self->_disambiguate_author($author_name, $author_email);
$commit_title = 1; # Next line will be the commit title
# End of commit
elsif ( $line =~ m/^~----~$/ ) {
if ($bug) {
# Summary line - Grab the bug number when available in commit message
elsif (
&& $line =~ m/^(?:[B|b]ug|BZ)?\s?(?<![a-z]|\.)(\d{3,5})[\s|:|,]/g )
$bug = $1;
push @commits, { committed => $committed, author => $author };
$commit_title = 0;
# Other commit content
else {
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ ); # Skip empty lines
next if ( !$bug ); # Skip if we're not within a 'bug' commit
# Trailers
if ( $line =~ m/^Signed-off-by:\s(.*)\s<(.*)>$/ ) {
my ( $name, $email ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $signer = $self->_disambiguate_author($name, $email);
$signers->{$signer}++ if $author_email ne $email;
elsif ( $line =~ m/^Sponsored-by:\s(.*)(?>\s[<\[](.*)[>\]])$/ ) {
my $sponsor = $self->_disambiguate_sponsor($1, $2);
$sponsors->{$sponsor->{name}} = $sponsor->{url};
$bugs->{$bug}->{'sponsors'}->{$sponsor->{name}} = $sponsor->{url};
elsif ( $line =~ m/^Sponsored-by:\s(.*)$/ ) {
my $sponsor = $self->_disambiguate_sponsor($1);
$sponsors->{$sponsor->{name}} = $sponsor->{url};
$bugs->{$bug}->{'sponsors'}->{$sponsor->{name}} = $sponsor->{url};
elsif ( $line =~ m/^Mentored-by:\s(.*)\s<(.*)>$/ ) {
my ( $name, $email ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $mentor = $self->_disambiguate_author($name, $email);
elsif ( $line =~ m/^Signed-off-by:(.*)$/ ) {
my ($SO) = ($1);
$SO =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my ($name, $email) = ('', '');
if ( $SO =~ m/[\w|\.|\-]*@[\w|\.|\-]*$/ ) {
$email = $SO;
} else {
$name = $SO;
my $signer = $self->_disambiguate_author($name, $email);
#warn "Badly formed sign off line on bug $bug: $SO\n";
if (@commits) {
say "Range $range: ", scalar(@commits), " commits";
$self->range_commits( \@commits );
# alphabetised by last 'name' list of authors
map { { name => $_, commits => $authors->{$_} } }
sort {
my ($alast) = $a =~ /(\S+)$/;
my ($blast) = $b =~ /(\S+)$/;
lc($alast) cmp lc($blast)
} keys %{$authors}
# alphabetised by last 'name' list of signers
map { { name => $_, signoffs => $signers->{$_} } }
sort {
my ($alast) = $a =~ /(\S+)$/;
my ($blast) = $b =~ /(\S+)$/;
lc($alast) cmp lc($blast)
} keys %{$signers}
# alphabetised by last 'name' list of mentors
map { { name => $_, mentees => $mentors->{$_} } }
sort {
my ($alast) = $a =~ /(\S+)$/;
my ($blast) = $b =~ /(\S+)$/;
lc($alast) cmp lc($blast)
} keys %{$mentors}
else {
say "Invalid range: $range";
exit 1;
return $range;
sub _disambiguate_author {
my ( $self, $name, $email ) = @_;
my $silent = $self->silent;
my $authors = $self->dev_map;
my $names = $self->dev_names;
if ( !defined( $authors->{$email}->{$name} ) && !$silent ) {
print "\n\nNew contributor found with email $email and name $name\n";
print "Previous matches for this name: "
. join( " ", ( keys %{ $names->{$name} } ) ) . "\n";
print "Previous matches for this email: "
. join( " ", ( keys %{ $authors->{$email} } ) ) . "\n";
my $author =
prompt( "Please enter their name for disambiguation:", "$name" ) );
$authors->{$email}->{$name} = $author;
# Update the authoritive map
return exists($authors->{$email}->{$name}) ? $authors->{$email}->{$name} : $name;
sub _disambiguate_sponsor {
my ( $self, $name, $url ) = @_;
my $sponsor = $self->_disambiguate_author($name, '');
my $silent = $self->silent;
my $sponsors = $self->sponsor_map;
if ( !defined( $sponsors->{$sponsor} ) ) {
print "\n\nNew sponsor found with name $sponsor\n";
print "Setting URL to '$url'\n" if defined($url);
print "Setting URL to undefined\n" if !defined($url);
$sponsors->{$sponsor}->{url} = $url;
# Update the authoritive map
} elsif ( defined($url) && $sponsors->{$sponsor}->{url} ne $url ) {
print "\n\nNew URL found for sponsor $sponsor\n";
my $update = prompt( "Update from $sponsors->{$sponsor}->{url} to $url? [Y/N]", "N" );
if ( uc($update) eq 'Y' ) {
$sponsors->{$sponsor}->{url} = $url;
return { name => $sponsor, url => $sponsors->{$sponsor}->{url} };
has range_commits => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef' );
has range_authors => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef' );
has range_sponsors => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef' );
has range_mentors => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef' );
has range_signers => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef' );
has range_bugs => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef' );
has bz => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Koha::BZ',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_bz'
sub trim {
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s;
return $s;
sub _build_bz {
my $c = shift->c->{bz};
my $login = $ENV{BZ_login} || $c->{login};
my $password = $ENV{BZ_password} || $c->{password};
url => $c->{url},
login => $login,
password => $password,
has silent => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $rootdir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../";
push @args, ( rootdir => $rootdir );
return $class->$orig(@args);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
# Add codename to version
my $version = $self->version;
if ( $version->{is_dev} ) {
$version->{codename} = 'development';
} else {
my $walk = $self->c->{master};
my $step = 0;
$version->{codename} = 'stable';
while ( $walk ne $version->{next_version_human} ) {
my $major = substr( $walk, 0, 2 );
my $minor = substr( $walk, 3, 2 );
if ( $minor eq '05' ) {
$major = $major - 1;
$minor = '11';
} else {
$minor = '05';
$version->{codename} = $step ? 'old' . $version->{codename} : $version->{codename};
$walk = $major . "." . $minor;
# Modify
sub updatebz {
my $self = shift;
my $codename = ( $self->version->{release} eq '00' ) ? 'master' : $self->version->{codename};
say "Change bug status from 'Pushed to ".$codename." to 'RESOLVED FIXED'";
my $vars = {};
$vars = $vars->{bugs};
my @bugs;
for ( values %$vars ) {
for ( values %$_ ) {
push @bugs, $_->{id} for @$_;
@bugs = sort { $a <=> $b } @bugs;
my $response = $self->bz->get("bug?include_fields=id,status,summary&id=" . join(',', @bugs));
@bugs = @{$response->{bugs}};
@bugs = grep { $_->{status} =~ /pushed to $codename/i } @bugs;
for my $bug (@bugs) {
say $bug->{id}, ': ', $bug->{summary}, ' -- ', $bug->{status};
{ ids => [ $bug->{id} ], status => 'RESOLVED', resolution => 'FIXED' }
This routine is used by the koha-push script to update bugzilla whea release manager/maintainer pushed their respective patches up to the public repository.
It will try to intelligently guess branch names to to get the difference between your local branch and what is already available upstream on the hosted repository.
sub updatebz_push {
my $self = shift;
my $range = shift;
my $remote_name = $self->c->{remote} || 'origin';
my $codename =
( $self->version->{release} eq '00' )
? 'master'
: $self->version->{codename};
my $status_after = "Pushed to $codename";
my $next_version =
( $codename eq 'master' )
? $self->version->{next_version_human} . ".00"
: $self->version->{next_version_human};
my $local_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`; chomp $local_branch;
my $remote_branch = ($codename eq 'master') ? 'master' : $self->version->{major} . "." . $self->version->{minor} . ".x";
die "Are you sure you're on the right branch? $local_branch : $remote_branch" unless ( $local_branch eq $remote_branch );
$range //= "$remote_name/$remote_branch..HEAD";
my $fetch = `git fetch $remote_name`;
my $vars = {};
$vars = $vars->{bugs};
my @bugs;
for ( values %$vars ) {
for ( values %$_ ) {
push @bugs, $_->{id} for @$_;
@bugs = sort { $a <=> $b } @bugs;
my $response = $self->bz->get(
. join( ',', @bugs ) );
@bugs = @{ $response->{bugs} };
# FIXME adjust this for stable branches
if ( $codename eq 'master' ) {
say "Going to mark the following bug as 'Pushed to master'";
for my $bn ( map { $_->{id} } @bugs ) {
unless ( $bn =~ m|^\d+$| ) {
say "WARNING - Bug '$bn' is not a valid bug number, skipping";
say "- $bn";
my $mark_as_pushed = prompt('OK?: ');
exit 0 unless $mark_as_pushed eq 'yes';
print "\n";
for my $bug (@bugs) {
say "\nWorking on bug ".$bug->{id};
# Check bug has correct status
if ( $codename eq 'master' and $bug->{status} ne 'Passed QA' ) {
warn sprintf( " * SKIP - Incorrect status found for bug %s -- %s\n", $bug->{id}, $bug->{status} );
elsif ( $codename ne 'master'
and $bug->{status} =~ m/^Pushed to (?:(?:old)*stable|master)$/ )
warn sprintf( " * SKIP - Incorrect status found for bug %s -- %s\n", $bug->{id}, $bug->{status} );
} elsif ( $codename eq 'master' and $bug->{product} ne 'Koha' ) {
warn sprintf( " * SKIP - Incorrect product found for bug %s -- %s\n", $bug->{id}, $bug->{product} );
my $release_version = $_->{cf_release_version} // '';
my @release_version = split(", ", $release_version);
push @release_version, $next_version;
$release_version = join(", ", @release_version);
my $id = $bug->{id} + 0;
say sprintf " * Changing status from '%s' to '%s' (pushed to %s)", $bug->{status}, $status_after, $release_version;
ids => [ $id ],
status => $status_after,
cf_release_version => $release_version
say " * Adding comment";
comment => $self->c->{bz}->{comment},
is_private => 0
sub update_authors {
my $self = shift;
my $contributorsfile = 'docs/contributors.yaml';
unless ( -e $contributorsfile ) {
"$contributorsfile doesn't exist. Are you sure you're running from /kohaclone?";
my $contributors = LoadFile($contributorsfile);
my $range = $self->range;
my $range_commits = $self->range_commits;
for my $commit ( @{$range_commits} ) {
if ( !exists( $contributors->{ $commit->{author} } )
|| !exists( $contributors->{ $commit->{author} }->{first_commit} ) )
$contributors->{ $commit->{author} }->{commits} = 1;
$contributors->{ $commit->{author} }->{first_commit} =
say "New commiter found, check doc/contributors.yaml";
DumpFile( $contributorsfile, $contributors );
sub download_pootle {
my $self = shift;
chdir 'misc/translator/po';
my $version = $self->version->{next_version} . '/';
# Login to Pootle
my $c = $self->c->{pootle};
my $login = $ENV{POOTLE_login} || $c->{login};
my $password = $ENV{POOTLE_password} || $c->{password};
my $url = $c->{url} . '/accounts/login/';
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
form_name => 'loginform',
fields => {
username => $login,
password => $password,
if ( $mech->base() =~ /login\/$/ ) {
say "Invalid login/password to Pootle";
$url = $c->{url} . "/projects/$version";
my $page = $mech->content;
my @trans;
while ($page =~ m#<td class="stats-name">\W*<a href="(.*)">\W*<span>(\w*)</span>\W*</a>\W*</td>\W*<td class="stats-graph">\W*<div class="sortkey">([0-9]*)</div>#g) {
push @trans, $1;
for my $url (@trans) {
say $url;
$url = $c->{url} . $url . "export/zip";
unless ($mech->success()) {
say "Error getting this ZIP";
open my $fh, '>', 'toto.zip';
print $fh $mech->content;
close $fh;
qx|unzip -o toto.zip; rm toto.zip|;
chdir '../../..';
# Get all info about translations from Koha Pootle web site
sub translations {
my $self = shift;
my $for_manual = shift || 0;
my $url = $self->c->{pootle}->{url}
. '/projects/'
. ( $for_manual ? 'man' : '' )
. $self->version->{next_version_human}
. '/';
my $page = get($url);
unless ($page) {
say "Unable to get translation at this url: $url";
my $translations = [ {language => 'English (USA)'} ];
my $translations_parser = HTML::TableExtract->new(
headers => [ "Name", "Progress", "Total", "Incomplete", "Last Activity" ]
my $table = $translations_parser->first_table_found();
return $translations unless $table;
foreach my $language ($translations_parser->rows) {
next if !defined $language;
my $name = trim( @$language[0] );
my $progress = trim( @$language[1] );
$progress /= 10;
push @$translations, { language => $name, pcent => $progress } if ($progress > 50);
$translations = [ sort { $a->{language} cmp $b->{language} } @$translations ];
return $translations;
# Return bugs list
sub bugs {
my ($self, $vars) = @_;
my $range = $self->range;
my $bugs = $self->range_bugs;
# Grab a list of bug numbers
my @bugs = ( keys %{$bugs} );
return unless @bugs;
say "Found bugs: ", ( @bugs + 0 );
my $response = $self->bz->get( 'bug?id=' . join( ',', @bugs ) );
my ( $bugs_by_category, $bugscount );
for ( @{ $response->{bugs} } ) {
my $severity = $_->{severity};
my $category =
$_->{product} =~ /security/ ? 'secu' :
$severity =~ /blocker|critical|major/ ? 'high' :
$severity =~ /normal|minor|trivial/ ? 'normal' :
$severity =~ /enhancement/ ? 'enh' : 'feature';
my $bug = { id => $_->{id}, desc => $_->{summary} };
if ( exists( $bugs->{ $_->{id} }->{sponsors} ) ) {
$bug->{sponsors} = $bugs->{ $_->{id} }->{sponsors};
if ( $_->{cf_release_notes} ) {
my $notes = $_->{cf_release_notes};
$notes =~ s/\r//g;
$bug->{notes} = [ split("\n", $notes) ];
push @{ $bugs_by_category->{$category}->{ $_->{component} } }, $bug;
$category = 'normal' if $category eq 'high';
$vars->{bugs} = $bugs_by_category;
$vars->{bugscount} = $bugscount;
# Returns a list of added sysprefs. Find syspref in sysprefs.sql not in
# templates
sub sysprefs {
my ($self, $vars) = @_;
my $range = $self->range;
my ($from, $to) =
$range =~ /(.*)\.\.(.*)/ ? ($1, $2) : ($range, 'HEAD');
my $sysprefs_path = 'installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql';
my $old_sysprefs_path = 'installer/data/mysql/sysprefs.sql'; # Before 23895
my %syspref = map {
my ($where, $pos) = @$_;
my @sysprefs = qx{git show $pos:$sysprefs_path 2> /dev/null};
@sysprefs = qx{git show $pos:$old_sysprefs_path} unless @sysprefs;
my %all =
map { $_ => 1 }
map { /\(\s*'([^']+)'/; $1 }
grep { /\(\s*'/ }
$where => \%all
} ( ['prev', $from], ['curr', $to]);
my @sysprefs;
foreach my $pref (sort keys %{$syspref{curr}} ) {
push @sysprefs, { name => $pref }
unless $syspref{prev}->{$pref};
$vars->{sysprefs} = \@sysprefs if @sysprefs;
sub info {
my $self = shift;
unless ( -e 'kohaversion.pl' ) {
say "You must run this script being is Koha home directory";
my $version = $self->version;
my $range = $self->range;
my $vars = { version => $version };
$vars->{translations} = $self->translations();
$vars->{manual_translations} = $self->translations(1);
$vars->{branch} = `git branch | grep '*' | sed -e 's/^* //' -e 's#/#-#'`;
chomp $vars->{branch};
$vars->{downloadlink} = "http://download.koha-community.org/koha-" .
$vars->{contributors} = $self->range_authors;
$vars->{signers} = $self->range_signers;
$vars->{sponsors} = $self->range_sponsors;
$vars->{mentors} = $self->range_mentors;
my $kohadocs_repo = $self->c->{repo}{kohadocs};
if ( $kohadocs_repo ) {
my ( $from_commit, $to_commit ) = split '\.\.', $range;
my $from_date = `git show -s --format=%ci $from_commit^{commit}`;
chomp $from_date;
$to_commit = 'origin/master' unless $to_commit;
my $closest_from_commit = `git -C $kohadocs_repo rev-list -n 1 --before="$from_date" origin/master`;
chomp $closest_from_commit;
my $to_date = `git show -s --format=%ci $to_commit^{commit}`;
chomp $to_date;
my $closest_to_commit = `git -C $kohadocs_repo rev-list -n 1 --before="$to_date" origin/master`;
chomp $closest_to_commit;
$vars->{manual_contributors} = [ map {
{ name => $2, commits => $1 }
} qx(git -C $kohadocs_repo shortlog -s --pretty=short $closest_from_commit..$closest_to_commit| sort -k3 -) ];
# contributing companies, with their number of commits, by alphabetical
# order companies are retrieved from the email address. generic emails
# like hotmail.com, gmail.com are cumulated in a "undentified"
# contributor
my $map = $self->c->{domainmap};
my $companies;
foreach (
qx(git shortlog -s -e --pretty=short $range | sort -k3 -) )
if ($_ =~ /(\d+).*@(.*)>/) {
my ($nbpatch, $company) = ($1,$2);
$company = 'Independant Individuals'
if $company =~ /o2\.pl|gmail\.com|hotmail\.com|\(none\)|yahoo|kanellov\.com|iki\.fi|kohadevbox|icloud\.com|outlook\.com|live\.nl|example\.com|stacmail\.net/;
$company = $map->{$company} if $map->{$company};
$companies->{$company} += $nbpatch;
else {
print "Failed to parse author for company for: '" . $_ . "'\n";
$vars->{companies} = [
map { { name => $_, commits => $companies->{$_} } }
sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %$companies
$vars->{date} = strftime "%d %b %Y", gmtime;
$vars->{timestamp} = strftime("%d %b %Y %T", gmtime);
# Team retrieved from config.yaml
my $team = $self->c->{team}->{$self->c->{master}};
$vars->{team} = $team;
return $vars;
sub _md_file {
my $self = shift;
my $version = $self->version;
return "misc/release_notes/release_notes_$version->{filesys}.md";
sub build_notes {
my ($self, $html) = @_;
my $file = $self->_md_file();
say "Generate Markdown release notes file: $file";
my $tt;
$tt = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => $self->rootdir . '/etc',
ENCODING => 'utf8',
}) || die $tt->error(), "\n";
my $vars = $self->info();
open( my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file )
or die "Unable to create $file: $!";
$tt->process("notes.tt", $vars, $fh) || die $tt->error(), "\n";
sub build_html {
my ($self, $html) = @_;
my $file = $self->_md_file();
say "Generate HTML release notes file '$html' from '$file'";
unless (-e $file) {
say "$file doesn't exist. You have to run 'koha-release range notes' first.";
open( my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $html )
or die "Unable to create $file: $!";
my $m = Text::MultiMarkdown->new();
my $text = qx|cat $file|;
print $fh $m->markdown($text);