A collection of release tools used for Koha
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# release-tool.pl - script to manage the Koha release process
# Copyright (C) 2012 C & P Bibliography Services
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
=head1 NAME
release-tool.pl --version 3.06.05
This script takes care of most of the Koha release process, as it is
done by Jared Camins-Esakov and C & P Bibliography Services. This may
not perfectly meet the needs of other Release Maintainers and/or
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw/make_path remove_tree/;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use POSIX qw/strftime ceil/;
use TAP::Harness;
use DBI;
use MIME::Lite;
use Template;
use Config::Simple;
use Net::OpenSSH;
$SIG{INT} = \&interrupt;
sub usage {
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
$| = 1;
$Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1;
my %defaults = (
alert => '',
autoversion => 0,
branch => '',
'build-result' => '',
clean => 0,
deploy => 0,
'email-file' => '',
errorlog => '',
kohaclone => '',
'maintainer-email' => '',
'maintainer-name' => '',
package => '',
'post-deploy-script' => [ '' ],
quiet => 0,
rnotes => '',
sign => 0,
since => '',
'skip-deb' => 0,
'skip-install' => 0,
'skip-marc21' => 0,
'skip-normarc' => 0,
'skip-pbuilder' => 0,
'skip-rnotes' => 0,
'skip-stats' => 0,
'skip-tests' => 0,
'skip-tgz' => 0,
'skip-unimarc' => 0,
'skip-webinstall' => 0,
stats => '',
tag => 0,
tarball => '',
'use-dist-rnotes' => 0,
verbose => 0,
version => '',
# database settings
database => $ENV{KOHA_DATABASE} || 'koha',
user => $ENV{KOHA_USER} || 'kohaadmin',
password => $ENV{KOHA_PASS} || 'katikoan',
# announcement settings
'email-template' => 'announcement.eml.tt',
'email-recipients' =>
'koha@lists.katipo.co.nz, koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org',
'email-subject' => "New Koha version",
'website-template' => 'announcement.html.tt',
my $deployed = 'no';
my $signed_tarball = 'no';
my $signed_packages = 'no';
my $tagged = 'no';
my $cleaned = 'no';
my $pushed = 'no';
my $skipped = '';
my $finished_tests = 'no';
my $built_tarball = 'no';
my $built_packages = 'no';
my $version_mismatch;
my $output;
my @tested_tarball_installs;
my @tested_package_installs;
my %cmdline;
my $config = new Config::Simple( syntax => 'http' );
my $log = '';
my $lxc_host = '';
=head2 General options
=over 8
=item B<--help>
Prints this help
=item B<--quiet, -q>
Don't display any status information while running. When specified
twice, also suppress the summary.
=item B<--verbose, -v>
Provide verbose diagnostic information
=item B<--config>
Read configuration settings from the specified file. Options set on the
command line will override options in the configuration file.
=head2 Action control options
=over 8
=item B<--clean, -c>
Delete all the files created in the course of the test
=item B<--deploy, -d>
Deploy the package to the apt repository
=item B<--release>
Equivalent to I<--sign --deploy --tag --tarball=koha-${VERSION}.tar.gz>
=item B<--sign, -s>
Sign the tarball and package and tag (if created)
=item B<--tag, -g>
Tag the git repository
=item B<--push, -p>
Push the branch to the specified remote(s).
=item B<--skip-THING>
Most actions are performed automatically, unless the user requests that they
be skipped. Skip THING. Currently the following can be skipped:
=over 4
=item B<tests>
Unit tests
=item B<deb>
Debian package-related tasks
=item B<tgz>
Tarball-related tasks
=item B<install>
Installation-related tasks
=item B<marc21>
MARC21 instance installation
=item B<unimarc>
UNIMARC instance installation
=item B<normarc>
NORMARC instance installation
=item B<webinstall>
Running the webinstaller
=item B<pbuilder>
Updating the pbuilder environment
=item B<rnotes>
Generating release notes
=item B<stats>
Generating git statistics
=head2 Source description options
=over 8
=item B<--kohaclone, -k>
Kohaclone directory. Defaults to the current working directory
=item B<--branch>
The name of the git branch in use. Defaults to current git branch
=item B<--distribution>
The name of the distribution. Defaults to the current git branch
=item B<--version>
The version of Koha that is being created. Defaults to the version listed in
=item B<--autoversion, -a>
Automatically include the git commit id and timestamp in the package version
=item B<--since>
Tag or commit from which to generate release notes and statistics. Defaults
to last tag on branch.
=head2 Execution options
=over 8
=item B<--database>
Name of the MySQL database to use for tarball installs. Defaults to koharel
=item B<--user>
Name of the MySQL user for tarball installs. Defaults to koharel
=item B<--password>
Name of the MySQL password for tarball installs. Defaults to koharel
=item B<--maintainer-name>
The name of the maintainer. Defaults to global git config user.name
=item B<--maintainer-email>
The e-mail address of the maintainer. Defaults to the value of git config
--global user.email
=item B<--use-dist-rnotes>
Use the release notes included in the distribution. I<--rnotes> moust be
specified if this option is used.
=item B<--post-deploy-script>
Run the specified script at the end of the deploy phase with the summary
config file as an argument.
=head2 Output options
=over 8
=item B<--build-result, -b>
Directory to put the output into. Defaults to ~/releases/[branch]/[version]
=item B<--errorlog>
File to store error information in. Defaults to [build-result]/errors.log
=item B<--rnotes, -r>
The name of the release notes file to generate or use (see I<--use-dist-rnotes>).
Defaults to [build-result]/release_notes.txt
=item B<--stats>
The base name of the files into which statistics should be placed.
Defaults to [build-result]/statistics (statistics will be generated
in .txt and .html format)
=item B<--tarball, -t>
The name of the tarball file to generate. Defaults to
=item B<--alert>
E-mail address to which an an alert summarizing the result should be sent.
=item B<--email-template>
Template file for the release announcement e-mail. Defaults to
"announcement.eml.tt" in the same directory as this script
=item B<--bzlogin>
Your login on bugzilla. If provided, it will be used to retrieve
the comment 0 for each enhancement. This information will be
added in the release notes
=item B<--bzpassword>
Your password on bugzilla. Must be provided if you provide bzlogin
=head2 Announcement options
=over 8
=item B<--email-recipients>
Who to generate the e-mail announcement for. Defaults to
"koha@lists.katipo.co.nz, koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org"
=item B<--email-subject>
Subject of the generated e-mail announcement. Defaults to "New Koha version"
=item B<--email-file>
File to store the generated e-mail announcement in. Defaults to
=item B<--email-template>
Template file for the release announcement e-mail. Defaults to
"announcement.eml.tt" in the same directory as this script
my $options = GetOptions(
# General options
'help|h', 'quiet|q+',
'verbose|v+', 'config=s',
# Action control options
'clean|c', 'deploy|d',
'push|p:s@', 'release',
'sign|s', 'tag|g',
'skip-deb', 'skip-tgz',
'skip-install', 'skip-marc21',
'skip-unimarc', 'skip-normarc',
'skip-webinstall', 'skip-pbuilder',
'skip-rnotes', 'skip-stats',
# Source description options
'version=s', 'autoversion|a',
'branch=s', 'since=s',
# Execution options
'user=s', 'password=s',
'maintainer-name=s', 'maintainer-email=s',
# Output options
'build-result|b=s', 'errorlog=s',
'tarball|t=s', 'rnotes|r=s',
'stats=s', 'alert=s',
# Announcement options
'email-recipients=s', 'email-subject=s',
# Bugzilla options
binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );
if ( $cmdline{help} ) {
if ( defined( $cmdline{config} ) && -f File::Spec->rel2abs( $cmdline{config} ) )
$config->read( $cmdline{config} );
foreach my $key ( keys %defaults ) {
$config->param( $key, $defaults{$key} ) unless $config->param($key);
foreach my $key ( keys %cmdline ) {
$config->param( $key, $cmdline{$key} );
my $starttime = time();
chdir $config->param('kohaclone')
if ( $config->param('kohaclone') && -d $config->param('kohaclone') );
my $reltools = File::Spec->rel2abs( dirname(__FILE__) );
$config->param( 'kohaclone', File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->curdir() ) )
unless ( $config->param('kohaclone') && -d $config->param('kohaclone') );
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = $config->param('kohaclone');
my @marcflavours;
push @marcflavours, 'MARC21' unless $config->param('skip-marc21');
push @marcflavours, 'UNIMARC' unless $config->param('skip-unimarc');
push @marcflavours, 'NORMARC' unless $config->param('skip-normarc');
set_default( 'branch', `git branch | grep '*' | sed -e 's/^* //'` );
my $dist = $config->param('branch');
$dist =~ s#[/_]#-#g;
set_default( 'distribution', $dist );
my $kohaversion = `grep 'VERSION = ' kohaversion.pl | sed -e "s/^[^']*'//" -e "s/';//"`;
set_default( 'version', $kohaversion );
set_default( 'maintainer-name', `git config --global --get user.name` );
set_default( 'maintainer-email', `git config --global --get user.email` );
set_default( 'build-result',
. $config->param('distribution') . '/'
. $config->param('version') );
make_path( $config->param('build-result') );
opendir( DIR, $config->param('build-result') );
while ( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) {
# We only want files
$file = $config->param('build-result') . "$file";
next unless ( -f $file );
unlink $file;
$ENV{TEST_QA} = 1;
if ( $config->param('tarball') =~ m#/# ) {
$config->param( 'tarball', '' )
unless ( -d dirname( $config->param('tarball') ) );
elsif ( $config->param('tarball') ) {
$config->param( 'tarball', build_result( $config->param('tarball') ) );
set_default( 'email-file', build_result('announcement.eml') );
. $config->param('distribution') . '-'
. $config->param('version')
. '.tar.gz'
set_default( 'rnotes', build_result('release_notes.txt') );
set_default( 'stats', build_result('statistics') );
my $lasttag = `git describe --abbrev=0`;
chomp $lasttag;
set_default( 'since', $lasttag );
set_default( 'errorlog', build_result('errors.log') );
unlink $config->param('tarball');
unlink $config->param('rnotes') unless $config->param('use-dist-rnotes');
unlink $config->param('errorlog');
"Starting release test at "
. strftime( '%D %T', localtime($starttime) ),
print_log( "\tBranch: "
. $config->param('branch')
. "\n\tDistribution: "
. $config->param('distribution')
. "\n\tVersion: "
. $config->param('version')
. "\n" );
unless ( index $config->param('version'), $kohaversion ) {
$version_mismatch = 1;
unless ( $config->param('skip-tests') ) {
"Running unit tests",
tap_dir( $config->param('kohaclone') . '/t' ),
tap_dir( $config->param('kohaclone') . '/t/db_dependent' ),
tap_dir( $config->param('kohaclone') . '/t/db_dependent/Labels' ),
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/author/icondirectories.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/author/podcorrectness.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/author/translatable-templates.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/author/valid-templates.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/permissions.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/single_quotes.t',
$config->param('kohaclone') . '/xt/tt_valid.t'
$finished_tests = 'yes';
unless ( $config->param('skip-deb') ) {
unless ( $config->param('skip-pbuilder') ) {
print_log("Updating pbuilder...");
run_cmd("sudo pbuilder update --keyring '$reltools/debian.koha-community.org.gpg' 2>&1");
warn colored( "Error updating pbuilder. Continuing anyway.",
'bold red' )
if ($?);
$ENV{DEBEMAIL} = $config->param('maintainer-email');
$ENV{DEBFULLNAME} = $config->param('maintainer-name');
my $extra_args = '';
$extra_args = ' --noautoversion' unless ( $config->param('autoversion') );
"Building packages",
"debian/build-git-snapshot --distribution="
. $config->param('distribution') . " -r "
. $config->param('build-result') . " -v "
. $config->param('version')
. "$extra_args 2>&1"
fail('Building package')
unless $output =~
m#^dpkg-deb: building package `koha-common' in `[^'`/]*/([^']*)'.$#m;
$config->param( 'package', build_result($1) );
fail('Building package') unless ( -f $config->param('package') );
$built_packages = 'yes';
unless ( $config->param('skip-tgz') ) {
print_log("Preparing release tarball...");
"Creating archive",
'git archive --format=tar --prefix=koha-'
. $config->param('version') . '/ '
. $config->param('branch')
. ' | gzip > '
. $config->param('tarball'),
$built_tarball = 'yes';
shell_task( "Signing archive", "gpg -sb " . $config->param('tarball'), 1 )
if ( $config->param('sign') );
"md5summing archive",
"md5sum "
. $config->param('tarball') . " > "
. $config->param('tarball') . ".MD5",
if ( $config->param('sign') ) {
shell_task( "Signing md5sum",
"gpg --clearsign " . $config->param('tarball') . ".MD5", 1 );
$signed_tarball = 'yes';
if ( $config->param('deploy') ) {
$config->param('staging', build_result('staging'));
mkdir $config->param('staging');
symlink $config->param('tarball'), $config->param('staging') . '/' . basename($config->param('tarball'));
symlink $config->param('tarball') . '.MD5', $config->param('staging') . '/' . basename($config->param('tarball') . '.MD5');
if ($signed_tarball) {
symlink $config->param('tarball') . '.MD5.asc', $config->param('staging') .'/' . basename($config->param('tarball') . '.MD5.asc');
symlink $config->param('tarball') . '.sig', $config->param('staging') .'/' . basename($config->param('tarball') . '.sig');
unless ( $config->param('skip-rnotes') || $config->param('use-dist-rnotes') ) {
print_log("Generating release notes...");
"$reltools/get_bugs.pl -r "
. $config->param('rnotes') . " -t "
. $config->param('since') . " -v "
. $config->param('version')
.($config->param('bzlogin')?" -u ".$config->param('bzlogin')." -p ".$config->param('bzpassword'):"")
. " --verbose 2>&1"
warn colored( "Error generating release notes. Continuing anyway.",
'bold red' ) if ($?);
system('which gitdm 2>&1 > /dev/null');
$config->param('skip-stats', 1) if $?;
unless ( $config->param('skip-stats') ) {
"Generating statistics",
"git log -p -M " . $config->param('since')
. "..HEAD | gitdm -b $reltools -c $reltools/gitdm.config -u -s -a -o "
. $config->param('stats') . ".txt -h "
. $config->param('stats') . ".html 2>&1"
unless ( $config->param('skip-deb') || $config->param('skip-install') ) {
for my $flavour (@marcflavours) {
my $lflavour = lc $flavour;
print_log("Installing from package for $flavour...");
my ($lxc_ip, $ssh) = create_lxc();
ssh_task( $ssh, "Downloading package...", "wget -nv" . $config->param('package') . ' 2>&1', '', 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Installing package...", "sudo dpkg --no-debsig -i " . basename($config->param('package')) . ' 2>&1; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y -f --force-yes install 2>&1', '', 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Running koha-create for $flavour",
"sudo koha-create --marcflavor=$lflavour --create-db pkgrel 2>&1", '',
1 );
print_log("Unable to run webinstaller for $flavour package due to Koha breakage") if (! $config->param('skip-webinstall'));
unless ( $config->param('skip-webinstall') || 1 ) {
my $pkg_user = $ssh->capture("sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/user' '/etc/koha/sites/pkgrel/koha-conf.xml'");
my $pkg_pass = $ssh->capture("sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/pass' '/etc/koha/sites/pkgrel/koha-conf.xml'");
chomp $pkg_user;
chomp $pkg_pass;
my $harness_args = {
test_args => [
"http://$lxc_ip:8080", "http://$lxc_ip",
"$flavour", "$pkg_user",
tap_task( "Running webinstaller for $flavour",
1, $harness_args, "$reltools/install-fresh.pl" );
push @tested_package_installs, $flavour;
$lxc_host = '';
if ( $config->param('sign') && !$config->param('skip-deb') ) {
shell_task( "Signing packages", "debsign " . build_result('*.changes') );
$signed_packages = 'yes';
if ( $config->param('deploy') && !$config->param('skip-deb') ) {
"Importing packages to apt repo",
"dput koha " . build_result('*.changes')
$deployed = 'yes';
unless ( $config->param('skip-tgz') || $config->param('skip-install') ) {
for my $flavour (@marcflavours) {
my $lflavour = lc $flavour;
print_log("Installing from tarball for $flavour...");
my ($lxc_ip, $ssh) = create_lxc();
my $subdir = 'koha-' . $config->param('version');
ssh_task( $ssh, "Downloading tarball...", "wget -nv" . $config->param('tarball') . ' 2>&1', '', 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Untarring tarball...", "tar zxvf " . basename($config->param('tarball')) . ' 2>&1', '', 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Installing dependencies...", "sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install `cat install_misc/ubuntu.12.04.packages | grep install | sed -e 's/install\$//' | tr -d ' \\t' | tr '\\n' ' '` 2>&1", $subdir, 1 );
my $env_vars = "DB_HOST=localhost DB_NAME=" . $config->param('database') . " DB_USER=" . $config->param('user') . " DB_PASS=" . $config->param('password') . " ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT=$lflavour PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1";
ssh_task( $ssh, "Running perl Makefile.PL for $flavour",
"$env_vars perl Makefile.PL 2>&1", $subdir, 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Running make for $flavour...", "make 2>&1", $subdir, 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Rewriting Apache config for $flavour",
"sed -i -e 's/<VirtualHost>/<VirtualHost *:80>/' -e 's/<VirtualHost>/<VirtualHost *:8080>/' blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-httpd.conf",
$subdir, 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Running make test for $flavour...", "make test 2>&1", $subdir, 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Running make install for $flavour...",
"sudo make install 2>&1", $subdir, 1 );
ssh_task( $ssh, "Linking and loading Apache site for $flavour...", "sudo ln -s /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha && sudo a2ensite koha && sudo apache2ctl restart", '', 1 );
print_log("Unable to run webinstaller for $flavour tarball due to Koha breakage") if (! $config->param('skip-webinstall'));
unless ( $config->param('skip-webinstall') || 1 ) {
my $harness_args = {
test_args => [
"http://$lxc_ip:8080", "http://$lxc_ip",
"$flavour", $config->param('user'),
tap_task( "Running webinstaller for $flavour",
1, $harness_args, "$reltools/install-fresh.pl" );
push @tested_tarball_installs, $flavour;
$lxc_host = '';
if ( $config->param('tag') ) {
my $tag_action = $config->param('sign') ? '-s' : '-a';
"Tagging current commit",
"git tag $tag_action -m 'Koha release "
. $config->param('version') . "' v"
. $config->param('version') . " 2>&1"
$tagged = 'yes';
generate_email() unless $config->param('skip-rnotes');
if ( defined $config->param('push') ) {
foreach my $target ($config->param('push')) {
if ( $target =~ m/^([^:]*):(.*)$/ ) {
shell_task( "Pushing to branch $2 on remote $1",
"git push $1 " . $config->param('branch') . ":$2" );
if ( $config->param('tag') ) {
shell_task( "Pushing tag to remote $1",
"git push $1 v" . $config->param('version') );
} else {
shell_task( "Pushing to default remote/branch",
"git push" );
if ( $config->param('tag') ) {
shell_task( "Pushing tag to default remote",
"git push v" . $config->param('version') );
$pushed = 'yes';
my $configfile = build_result('summary.cfg');
if ( $config->param('deploy') && $config->param('post-deploy-script') ) {
foreach my $script ($config->param('post-deploy-script')) {
shell_task( "Running post-deploy script",
$script . ' ' . $configfile );
if ( $config->param('clean') ) {
remove_tree( $config->param('build-result') );
$cleaned = 'yes';
sub build_result {
my @components = @_;
my $path = $config->param('build-result');
foreach my $component (@components) {
$path .= "/$component";
return $path;
sub set_default {
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
$config->param( $key, $value ) unless $config->param($key);
sub clean_lxc {
shell_task( "Shutting down lxc container...", "sudo lxc-stop -n $lxc_host", 1 ) if $lxc_host;
sub summary {
my ($capsule_summary) = @_;
my $endtime = time();
my $totaltime = ceil( ( $endtime - $starttime ) * 1000 );
$starttime = strftime( '%D %T', localtime($starttime) );
$endtime = strftime( '%D %T', localtime($endtime) );
my $skipped = '';
my $tested_tarball_install = 'no';
my $tested_package_install = 'no';
$tested_tarball_install = join( ', ', @tested_tarball_installs )
if ( scalar(@tested_tarball_installs) );
$tested_package_install = join( ', ', @tested_package_installs )
if ( scalar(@tested_package_installs) );
my %vars = $config->vars();
foreach my $key ( sort keys %vars ) {
if ( $key =~ m/^skip-([a-z]+)$/ ) {
$skipped .= ", $1" if ( $config->param($key) );
$skipped =~ s/^, //;
$skipped = 'none' unless $skipped;
$config->param( 'package', 'none' )
unless ( -s $config->param('package') && not $config->param('skip-deb') );
$config->param( 'tarball', 'none' )
unless ( -s $config->param('tarball') && not $config->param('skip-tgz') );
$config->param( 'rnotes', 'none' )
unless ( -s $config->param('rnotes')
&& not $config->param('skip-rnotes') );
return if $config->param('quiet') > 1;
my $branch = $config->param('branch');
my $distribution = $config->param('distribution');
my $version = $config->param('version');
my $maintainer =
$config->param('maintainer-name') . ' <'
. $config->param('maintainer-email') . '>';
my $tarball = $config->param('tarball');
my $package = $config->param('package');
my $rnotes = $config->param('rnotes');
my $stats = $config->param('stats');
my $emailfile = $config->param('email-file');
my $logfile = build_result('release-tool.log');
my $summary = <<_SUMMARY_;
Release test report
Branch: $branch
Distribution: $distribution
Version: $version
Maintainer: $maintainer
Run started at: $starttime
Run ended at: $endtime
Total run time: $totaltime ms
Skipped: $skipped
Finished tests: $finished_tests
Built packages: $built_packages
Tested package install: $tested_package_install
Deployed packages: $deployed
Signed packages: $signed_packages
Built tarball: $built_tarball
Tested tarball install: $tested_tarball_install
Signed tarball: $signed_tarball
Tagged git repository: $tagged
Pushed git branch: $pushed
Cleaned: $cleaned
Tarball file: $tarball
Package file: $package
Release notes: $rnotes
Statistics: $stats\[.txt/.html\]
E-mail file: $emailfile
Summary config file: $configfile
Log file: $logfile
$summary .= colored( "Version mismatch between requested version " .
$config->param('version') . " and Koha version $kohaversion!", 'red' ) . "\n"
if $version_mismatch;
$summary .= $capsule_summary;
print $summary unless $config->param('quiet') > 1;
$log .= "\n$summary";
open my $logfh, '>', $logfile;
print $logfh $log;
if ( $config->param('alert') ) {
$summary =~ s/\x1b\[[0-9]*m//g;
$summary .= "=======================================================\n\n";
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From => $config->param('maintainer-email'),
To => $config->param('alert'),
Subject => 'Release tool completed',
Data => $summary,
Type => 'multipart/mixed'
Type => 'text/plain',
Data => $summary
$log =~ s/\x1b\[[0-9]*m//g;
Type => 'text/plain',
Data => $log,
Filename => 'release-tool.log'
sub success {
summary(colored( "Successfully finished release test", 'green' ) . "\n");
exit 0;
sub fail {
my $component = shift;
my $callback = shift;
summary(colored( $component, 'bold red' ) . ' ' .
colored( " failed in release test", 'red' ) . "\n");
if ($output) {
open( my $errorlog, ">", $config->param('errorlog') )
or die "Unable to open error log for writing";
print $errorlog $output;
print colored( "Error report at " . $config->param('errorlog'), 'red' ),
unless $config->param('quiet') > 1;
$callback->() if ( ref $callback eq 'CODE' );
exit 1;
sub print_log {
$log .= join(' ', @_) . "\n";
print @_, "\n" unless $config->param('quiet');
sub tap_dir {
my $directory = shift;
my @tests;
opendir( DIR, $directory );
while ( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) {
# We only want files
next unless ( -f "$directory/$file" );
# Use a regular expression to find files ending in .t
next unless ( $file =~ m/\.t$/ );
push @tests, "$directory/$file";
return sort @tests;
sub create_lxc {
# Sorry, creating the lxc container sucks. Deal with it.
print_log(" Creating lxc container...");
my $command = "sudo lxc-start-ephemeral -d -o ubuntu";
$log .= "> $command\n";
print colored( "> $command\n", 'cyan' )
if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 1 );
my $pid = open( my $outputfh, "-|", "$command" )
or die "Unable to run $command\n";
while (<$outputfh>) {
print $_ if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 2 );
$output .= $_;
if ($_ =~ /^([^ ]*) is running/) {
$lxc_host = $1;
my $lxc_ip = `lxc-ip -n $lxc_host`;
print_log(" Connecting to lxc container...");
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("ubuntu\@$lxc_ip", master_opts => [-o => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"]);
return ($lxc_ip, $ssh);
sub run_cmd {
my $command = shift;
$log .= "> $command\n";
print colored( "> $command\n", 'cyan' )
if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 1 );
my $pid = open( my $outputfh, "-|", "$command" )
or die "Unable to run $command\n";
while (<$outputfh>) {
print $_ if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 2 );
$output .= $_;
$log .= $output . "\n";
sub shell_task {
my $message = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $callback;
$callback = pop @_ if ( $#_ && ref $_[$#_] eq 'CODE' );
my $subtask = shift || 0;
my $logmsg = ( ' ' x $subtask ) . $message;
$output = '';
fail( $message, $callback ) if ($?);
sub ssh_task {
my $ssh = shift;
my $message = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $callback;
$callback = pop @_ if ( $#_ && ref $_[$#_] eq 'CODE' );
my $subtask = shift || 0;
my $logmsg = ( ' ' x $subtask ) . $message;
$command = "cd $dir && $command" if $dir;
$log .= "> $command\n";
print colored( "> $command\n", 'cyan' )
if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 1 );
$output = '';
my ($outputfh, $pid) = $ssh->pipe_out($command);
die "Unable to run $command\n" unless $pid;
while (<$outputfh>) {
print $_ if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 2 );
$output .= $_;
$log .= $output . "\n";
fail( $message, $callback ) if ($ssh->error);
sub tap_task {
my $message = shift;
my $subtask = shift;
my $harness_args = shift;
my $callback;
$callback = pop @_ if ( ref $_[$#_] eq 'CODE' );
my @tests = @_;
my $logmsg = ( ' ' x $subtask ) . $message;
if ( $config->param('verbose') ) {
$harness_args->{'verbosity'} = 1;
elsif ( $config->param('quiet') ) {
$harness_args->{'verbosity'} = -1;
$harness_args->{'lib'} = [ $config->param('kohaclone') ];
$harness_args->{'merge'} = 1;
if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 1 ) {
my $command = 'prove ';
foreach my $test (@tests) {
$command .= "$test ";
print colored( "> $command\n", 'cyan' );
$log .= "> $command\n";
my $pid = open( my $testfh, '-|' ) // die "Can't fork to run tests: $!\n";
if ($pid) {
while (<$testfh>) {
print $_ if ( $config->param('verbose') >= 2 );
$output .= $_;
$log .= $output . "\n";
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
fail( $message, $callback ) if ($?);
else {
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new($harness_args);
my $aggregator = $harness->runtests(@tests);
exit 1 if $aggregator->failed;
exit 0;
sub process_tt_task {
my $message = shift;
my $subtask = shift;
my $template = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $logmsg = ( ' ' x $subtask ) . $message;
my $tt = Template->new(
INCLUDE_PATH => "$reltools",
my $output;
$tt->process( $template, $args, \$output ) || fail($message);
return $output;
sub generate_email {
my $content = process_tt_task(
'Generating e-mail',
VERSION => $config->param('version'),
RELNOTES => $config->param('rnotes')
$content =~ s/^####.*$//m;
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From => $config->param('maintainer-email'),
To => $config->param('email-recipients'),
Subject => $config->param('email-subject'),
Data => $content,
open( my $emailfh, ">", $config->param('email-file') );
sub interrupt {
undef $SIG{INT};
warn "**** YOU INTERRUPTED THE SCRIPT ****\n";
In order for the deploy step to work, you will need to have a signed apt repository
set up. Once you have set up your repo, put the following in your ~/.dput.cf:
method = local
incoming = /home/apt/koha/incoming
run_dinstall = 0
post_upload_command = reprepro -b /home/apt/koha processincoming default
Koha's C<build-git-snapshot> script uses uses L<pbuilder(8)> for building the
Debian packages, so you will need a working pbuilder environment. To create
one, you can use the following command:
sudo pbuilder create \
--othermirror 'deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha squeeze main' \
--mirror http://ftp.debian.org/debian \
--keyring '${release-tools-repo}/debian.koha-community.org.gpg'
Testing the Koha installation process requires an LXC container called "ubuntu"
configured with the following features:
=over 8
=item Ubuntu Precise chosen as the distro
=item The following line in the sudoers file:
ubuntu ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/make, /usr/bin/apt-get, /sbin/poweroff, \
/bin/ln, /usr/sbin/apache2ctl, /usr/sbin/a2ensite, /usr/bin/dpkg, \
/usr/sbin/koha-create, /usr/bin/xmlstarlet
=item The current user's SSH key must be in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys2
in the container.
=item mysql-server must be installed and a database and user created for the
tarball installation.
=item You must make your build result directory available via HTTP on the
lxcbr interface. A configuration similar to the one nginx configuration below
is recommended:
server {
root /var/www;
location /home/jcamins/releases {
alias /home/jcamins/releases;
=item An apt cache set up with apt-cacher-ng is recommended to speed up the
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<dch(1)>, L<dput(1)>, L<lxc(7)>, L<pbuilder(8)>, L<reprepro(1)>
=head1 AUTHOR
Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>